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  • Day 13

    Rain, cold. Took a bus part way!

    February 14 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 54 °F

    Last night, we did our laundry and then went out for supper. There was a place called the B&B Spaghetti House right across the courtyard. In Italy, as in Spain, restaurants don't serve supper until 8 pm. We went in and were told it was too early for supper.

    We decided to order a glass of wine, and the server asked us if we'd like some prosciutto ham, too. It was served with warm bread. The server sliced the ham for us, and it was good and salty. The chef arrived and asked where we were from. We introduced ourselves, and he commented it was early in the season for pilgrims.

    After talking to the server, he came over and said it would be OK to eat early ( I guess we looked really hungry). Phil ordered the fresh pasta with Tuscan ragu (a meat sauce with tomato), and I ordered the pirata, which is pasta with a sauce made of oil, olives, red pepper, and tomatoes. Both were delicious, and we were very hungry. Then Phil ordered some kind of dessert with chocolate sauce. Again, it's very tasty!

    It rained all night and was still raining when we left. It rained and even hailed on us little. We were walking through a park-like area and came upon some fallen trees and a stream that was flooding. My guess is that normally, you can just step across, but this was too wide, swift, and deep for that now.

    We had to bushwack across a field and wade through more water. I detoured to what looked like a farm road, and soon we were wading uphill through the running water.

    We finally reached a town and were sad to see with all the detours and flooding, we'd walked only 2 miles in 2 hours. We went into a bar and ordered coffee and pastries. A nice lady who was glad to see American Pilgrims paid our tab.

    Then back out in the rain with ponchos on. I was able to route us to a quieter side road, but there was no shoulder to walk on, so it was dangerous even with the rural traffic.

    We stopped in the next town for coffee again with 4 miles to go. It was either walk through natural areas that were flooded or walk on the busy main highway. Of course, it was still pouring down rain...

    I checked online, and there was supposed to be a bus at 2:18 pm to the town we needed. We waited, and as we were leaving, the bar maid told us to come back if the bus didn't work out, and she would help us find a ride. In the afternoon the bar was filled with older men playing cards. One walked out with us, and I think it was telling us it was too dangerous to walk on the road.

    We waited patiently in a downpour. It was getting colder, and when the bus arrived, I could not figure out how to pay at the side door. The bus lunched forward anyway, and I walked to the front seat. I tried to tell the driver where we needed to go, and since we were the only people on the bus, he dropped us as close as he could and reassured me that it was a small town. I tried to pay our fare, but he just waved me off and said good luck.

    We are now thawing and drying out in our little room for the night. We have a heater and even a heated towel rack in the bathroom. It is supposed to stop raining and be sunny tomorrow. Fingers crossed. There are no photos today except last night's dinner due to the driving rain and hail all day.
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  • Day 11

    In Lucca and officially pilgrims

    February 12 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 54 °F

    We spent the morning in Florence. We went to another marketplace looking for the cow's head butcher counter, but apparently, that is no longer a thing.

    We walked to the train station in the rain with our pilgrimage rain ponchos and rode 90 minutes to Lucca. Again, it was raining, so we crossed the city wall and walked to the cathedral to get our credential or official pilgrim passport for the next 9 days' journey. We are officially pilgrims on the Via Francigena. Then we walked another mile or two to our room for the night.

    We'll step across the road to the grocery store and get some supper as well as supplies for breakfast and lunch. It is supposed to rain again tomorrow.

    Our destination tomorrow is Altopascio. We have been told the walk is not that beautiful through high traffic and urban areas. We will see. It is about 10 miles, and we need to check in between 3 and 4 pm. Tomorrow, we are at a typical pilgrim establishment (bunk beds and shared bathrooms). It is donation based.
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  • Day 15


    January 17 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

    Went to Lucca!! It was such a nice fresh break from the busy busy beautiful Florence lifestyle. In Lucca they live the slow Italian lifestyle we all hear about. Siesta time in the afternoon is real here and it was fabulous. This cities roman walls are still in tact and that includes tunnels that go underneath them. We were able to walk through them and explore the cities many many manyyyyyyyy churches. This is a must see spot!Read more

  • Day 6

    Pisa Day Trip

    September 15, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 66 °F

    We started our day going to the Cathedral de San Martino to get our credentials for our walk that we will begin on Tuesday. Credentials are books that one can get stamps from hotels, cafes, and churches along the way to aide as a momento of one's trip and to prove that you walked the required distance to get a certificate of completion. We wanted to get them in advance so we can begin walking early on Tuesday.

    From there we took the train to Pisa. The train system in Europe makes getting around so easy. We walked from the train station and took in sights that Rick Steves pointed out in his walking tour. We stopped along the way and had our first gelato of the trip.

    Soon we reached the Field of Miracles. That is where the leaning tower of Pisa is as well as a duomo (church), baptistry, museum and cemetery. We toured the baptistry, the duomo, and the cemetery. We also climbed the 250+ steps to the top of the tower. As soon as we walked in the tower we could feel the lean of the building. The tower, and many buildings in the city, lean because they are built on a silt foundation which shifts easily. If you look closely, the baptistry also leans. When the tower was being built, someone said, "Is it me or is the building leaning?", but they kept building anyway. The tower is hollow and the stairs are thin and cylindrical. Once at the top, we had views of the city including a local soccer game. There are 7 bells in the tower. They don't ring anymore so as not to put more stress on the building as they are very heavy, but a recording of the bells is played for church services. We got to hear the recording for the evening service. On the ground, it was fun watching so many people taking the famous picture of someone pushing the tower back up. Given the number of people "pushing", the tower should be back to normal in no time.

    It was a short train ride back to Lucca and the walled part of the city. We walked part of the way around on the wall top which has been widened into a walking/bike path before descending into the narrow street town. For dinner we went to the grocery store for fresh bagette, cheese, grapes and wine and picnicked in the garden of our hotel.
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  • Day 9

    Day 2 - Florence (Uffizi Gallery)

    August 21, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    Today I will post in a few parts, starting with the Uffizi gallery to see some very famous work of art. You’ll recognise many of these in particular Botticelli’s Birth of Venus and Medusa by Caravaggio. You’ll also see some random Michaelangelo and de Vinci lol.Read more

  • Day 2

    Waschechte Touri-Falle

    August 14, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    Nach einer ordentlichen Pasta-Stärkung zum Mittag - das war noch nicht die Falle, die Pasta war ziemlich gut 😌 - sind wir, bei einem Höchstwert von 37 Grad, weiter durch die Stadt und von einer zur anderen Sehenswürdigkeit getingelt. Natürlich immer im Schatten, langsamen Schrittes und mit genügend Erfrischungspausen. 🍻

    Als Highlights kann man den Turm Guinigi und die Kathedrale von Lucca bezeichnen.
    Der Turm zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass es das höchste Gebäude in Lucca ist und auf dem Dach ein Garten mit großen Bäumen angelegt wurde. Von dieser Plattform hat man einen guten Überblick über die Stadt und kann die Aussicht im Schatten der Bäume genießen. Von weitem kann man meinen, dass ein schönes grünes Dach die Turmspitze ziert.
    Die Kathedrale ist die größte von einer Vielzahl an Kirchen in Lucca und beeindruckt durch die schiere Größe in dieser kleinen Stadt, sowie durch die architektonische Bauweise und das Lichterspiel der farbigen Fenster.

    Nun zur Touri-Falle:
    Wir hatten bereits gestern ein wirklich schönes Restaurant erblickt, welches in den Katakomben eines Mauerbogens eingerichtet wurde. Die Bewertungen waren eigentlich gut, aber kürzliche Rezensionen hatten bereits verlauten lassen, dass die Qualität nachgelassen hatte.
    Die Preise waren an sich in Ordnung und auch an den Vorspeisen war nichts groß auszusetzen. Aber die Hauptspeisen waren wirklich teilweise frech. Das Thunfischfilet wurde kalt, zäh und trotzdem roh auf einem Bett aus Rucola serviert und einfach nur trocken. Die Tagliatelle Bolognese hat aufgewärmt und nur nach Fleisch geschmeckt. Die Nudeln waren leider auch nicht der Hit.
    Naja Einheimische waren dort auch nicht zugegen, was eigentlich immer ein erstes Anzeichen für schlechte Qualität ist. Aber jetzt wissen wir es besser und zum Glück war es preislich trotzdem noch im Rahmen.

    Also doch nur eine halbe Touri-Falle, aber die Headline hat gut gepasst und sollte zum Lesen verlocken. 😁

    Wir sitzen jetzt noch im Garten unserer Unterkunft, bevor es morgen weiter in die Chianti-Berge geht.

    Cheers! 🍻
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  • Day 1

    Florence to Lucca

    June 27, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    We arrived in Lucca early this afternoon (27th) after stopping over in Pisa for a few hours to check out the Leaning Tower. Tomorrow we take the train to San Miniato and commence our 95km walk on 29th. Lucca is a stunningly beautiful city surrounded by a 4.9km wall we walked around this morning (28th). It is another hot day forecast to be around 32°. I must admit to feeling somewhat apprehensive about the effect of the heat on our walk, which commences with a 25.46km 'stroll' tomorrow. I'm sure that last .46 will feel like the longest half kilometre by the end of the day. Catching the train back to Pisa shortly and then on to San Miniato. Ciao for now xxRead more

  • Day 35

    Day 31: Lucca to Altopascio

    May 23, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    It was a much shorter walk today (20 km). Other than an extremely short stretch along a dirt path, the entire Way was sealed - I think I'm getting used to it. It was 19 degrees when I set out from Lucca around a quarter past seven, and surprisingly, as I expected it to be a hot day, I don't think the temperature got much more than that. If it did, I didn't really feel much heat. The standouts today were the smell of the jasmin that adorned quite a lot of the fences I walked past and the huge semi trailers that seemed to contuinually pass me along a particular section of the road! I just missed market morning as I arrived into town; all of the vendors were packing up.Read more

  • Day 34

    Day 30: Lucca - rest day

    May 22, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    I've done the math, and my guidebook tells me that I have walked 589 km from my starting point (Echevennoz), and I now have 405 km to go until Rome. Therefore, I'm officially over 1/2 way! The Puccini concert last night was great. I sat in the front row and made friends with a man from Israel. He's recently been cycling in Portugal. The world is full of the most interesting people. Today, I was a lot more laid back, I barely walked at all. I climbed the Guinigi tower, which has seven oak trees planted at the top, and provides some lovely views of Lucca and the surrounding mountains. I'm sharing a photo of the Labyrinth that is carved into one of the pillars at the Cathedral here. It is a welcome to pilgrims and a symbol of the spiritual path that leads the believer to salvation. I also visited the Via Francigena museum. There was not much there, some good videos, but not much else.Read more

  • Day 33

    Day 29: Lucca - rest day

    May 21, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    Lucca has really captured my heart. There is something very special about this place. The fact that the "old city" is still entirely encased by walls totally blows my mind. You see many fortified cities in Europe, but I have never seen fortifications so complete (and so maintained). The existing wall dates from the 1500s (the original bulit in the 1200s) and are so thick - everyone who lived here must have felt so protected and safe. Honestly, the word impregnable comes to mind. I did the tourist thing today and walked the 4km of walls. I was told it would take an hour, but it took me most of the day as I would dip back into the town to see some sight of interest - mostly churches. I climbed three church towers and found that my fear of heights has not completely gone! My pilgrim credential got me free entry into the Basilica (San Frediano) and the Duomo (house of God - I love that description): Saint Martin's Cathedral. I'm off to a Puccini concert tonight (Puccini's women); Lucca is his birth place. I feel reinvigorated today and so glad I chose this place for some rest days.Read more

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