Macau Island

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  • Day 11

    Mainland China

    February 22 in Macao ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    While cruising in our cab, we passed Mainland China—just across the waterway from Macau. It was surreal. Some real Mainland China action!

    I had this overwhelming urge to just pop over to Zhuhai or Shenzhen (next to HK) for a quick adventure, but that’ll have to wait for next time. Still, just seeing China this close felt kind of wild. 🇨🇳

    Zhuhai itself is massive, and if this city is already huge, I can’t even begin to imagine what Shanghai or Chongqing must feel like in person. Next time, China. Next time.
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  • Day 11


    February 22 in Macao ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    At Macau’s Giant Panda Pavilion, we spotted my first panda… and it looked fake. Justin has seen them in Toronto before…..Sitting perfectly cute and eating his leaves—the Panda just existed like a well-placed hungry mascot. Definitely real. And living the dream. There were 4 pandas in the Pavilion.

    After way too long watching pandas be effortlessly adorable, we wandered the quiet, green park—a peaceful break the Cotai strip.

    Final verdict? Must-see. Come for the luxury, stay for the pandas.
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  • Day 11

    Cotai Strip - Asia’s Vegas 🎰

    February 22 in Macao ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    Cotai is small but absolutely massive in grandeur. It’s the epitome of luxury—like someone took Las Vegas, dressed it in designer clothes, and gave it a billion-dollar makeover.

    The Cotai Strip is what they call Asia’s version of Las Vegas, a reclaimed stretch of land that connects Macau’s two islands, Coloane and Taipa. In the early 2000s, Cotai didn’t even exist—it was literally water. But today, it’s home to some of the largest casino resorts in the world, designed to make even the most extravagant parts of Vegas feel a little underdressed.

    It’s Saturday. The streets? Quiet. The casino lobbies? Spacious, easy to navigate. But step inside an actual casino and—BOOM—a wall of people locked into intense gambling mode. I have never seen that many people gambling at once. If you love Vegas and have sensory issues lol you need to experience Macau. It’s like Vegas on steroids, minus the street performers and Elvis impersonators.

    I was especially excited to see the Morpheus Building at City of Dreams. It’s the world’s first-ever free-form exoskeleton high-rise, meaning its outer structure supports the building instead of relying on internal beams and columns. Designed by the late Zaha Hadid, it looks like something straight out of a sci-fi movie. Seeing it in person? Unreal.

    As we walked through Cotai, we passed Studio City, The Londoner, The Parisian, The Venetian, The Wynn, City of Dreams, and honestly, I lost count of how many others. It was Vegas—but eerily peaceful. No blaring music, no crowds spilling into the streets, just a sleek, ultra-luxurious casino city with an oddly calming atmosphere. It felt surreal, like an alternate dimension where Vegas learned how to meditate.
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  • Day 123

    Macau 🇲🇴

    October 30, 2024 in Macao ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Hüt simmer ab uf Macau, das Land au no go erkunde.😇 Plan wär gsi am 7.20 z gah will am 8i d Fähre fahrt. Luut Ticket müsset mer eich scho 60minute vorher ihchecke, da mer aber erst am 3.30 go pfusse sind hemmer denkt 30minute wird wohl au lange. Am 7.20 simmer denn im ne riese Schock verwacht: „Fu*k mir hend verschlafä“. Im eiltempo hemmer eus denn parat gmacht und sind usegrennt. 🏃🏽‍♀️‍➡️Natürlich brucht genau denn es Uber 15 Minute🙄 Somit hemmer halt es tüürs Taxi gno. Dete ahcho hemmer denn ihcheckt sind dur d Sicherheitskontrolle und denn uf d 8.30 Fähre😅
    Die 55 Minute uf dä Fähre hemmer numal gschlafe😴 Doch au so simmer tod müed gsi und hend usgseh wie Zombies 🧟‍♀️🤣
    Egaaal, mit em Bus und z Fuess hemmer denn alles bis is chlinste Eggli erkundet. Alles bis uf d Casinos…dä Grund: Euses Küken d Michelle dörf nonig inä 🐣. Janu vo usse und uf dä Postkarte hemmers gseh😅 Wo mer denn am Abic zrugg sind mit dä Fähre simmer direkt no as Jockey Renne. Für alli wo wie mir nöd gwüsst hend was Jockey isch: das isch Jockey 👉🏼 🏇.
    Isch echt lässig gsi und im „Stadion“ hets sogar es Oktoberfest und en Mac gha, crazyy! 😍 Und für üs Sparfüchs ischs sogar gratis, also für alli Touris richtig geil! 🦊
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  • Day 28

    Macau, bling bling bang bang

    September 8, 2024 in Macao ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

    Parce qu'il faut savoir être dans la simplicité, dans l'ascese, je m octroie une journée dédiée à l'essence du rien.

    Vraiment, un énorme vomis de kitsch et de luxe.

    Du coup je dors dans le venetian, a priori le plus grand casino du monde. Je voulais juste prendre l'air, 20mn pour trouver la sortie, pareil pour retrouver ma chambre. Les casinos sont d'ailleurs reliés entre eux histoire de rester dans cette bulle de vomis. Bus gratuit du casino toutes les 5mn pour l aéroport, 1 autre pour la frontière terrestre, 1 autre pour le port...

    C'est impressionnant, mais vraiment 1 jour suffit.

    A part ça j'aime bien leurs tables, ça rembourse une bonne partie du voyage.
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  • Day 356


    December 3, 2023 in Macao ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Just a short ferry ride away from Hong Kong is Macau. Macau is a former Portuguese colony and you really get a sense of that as you wander around the historical centre, with the architecture and patterned paving, not to mention all of the pastel de natas. Also like Portugal was the life size nativity scenes across the city.

    There are some quite interesting sites to see including the mount fortress built in 1626 with a nice view of the city, and the ruins of St.Pauls, a catholic church built in 1640. The church burned down in 1835 leaving the facade still standing at the top of a hill.

    To see a bit more out of the centre I took a tour bus taking in some of the unusual architecture and the 338 meters high Macau Tower. Instead of going up the tower I decided to visit the food fair that was taking place at the bottom where I had some good green tea ice cream and some griddle cakes filled with fresh strawberries!

    Macau is the only Chinese city where casinos are legal, and there are plenty of them along with huge malls. Seemingly styling itself after Las Vegas some of the casino/hotel complexes are like mini cities including London, Paris, and Venice. I didn't stop at any of these though, opting to stay on the tour bus to the last stop of the ferry terminal where I headed back to Hong Kong.
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  • Day 1


    November 5, 2024 in Macao ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

    Arriving at Macau around 2 AM was a doozy. I was hoping I could get some sleep but they made the airport pretty sleep-proof with these horribly designed chairs. The sun was far from rising and I tried to get what sleep I could but looks like it wasn't happening anytime soon. At around 4 AM or so I bit the bullet and decided to just go out and explore the city.

    I found a taxi that took me near Fisherman's Wharf. The night was calm and quiet with a light drizzle every now and then. It was strange to see this side of Macau, a city so full of the hustle and bustle. I made my way to the only restaurant open at this ungodly hour and found myself inside a casino. I guess it made sense why it was open. I was surprised to see that a lot of staff here were Filipino, we got along splendidly. The meal I ordered was some fish congee but it was surprisingly a huge serving, one I could not even finish.

    When I went out, the sky was still dark but it was about time I got a move on. I went back to the Fisherman's Wharf to grab some pics of the Amphitheatre and other Roman-esque buildings. The next stop was Lou Lim Ioc Garden. At this time, the city was starting to just slightly wake with some people already out and about doing their morning exercises, especially in the garden which surprisingly had a certain amount of people.

    I wanted to visit other sites as well but they were still closed so I made my way up towards Na Tcha Temple, a small unassuming Taoist temple right beside the Walls of St. Paul Church, one of Macau's most visited sites.

    I went down the stairs towards Largo de Senado, the historic district of Macau, and stopped by St. Dominic's Church. It had a yellow facade and a green door that provided a pretty good contrast. I took a pic at Lou Kau Mansion and was told by a half-naked dude who was just beginning his morning routine that it was still closed. The main plaza was a rainbow of colors, mostly pastel on Portuguese buildings so it was pretty impressive to see them in contrast with Macanese or Chinese elements.

    The sun was pretty much up at this time but the day was cloudy, I proceeded further to visit St. Joseph's Seminary but it was closed to the public. I did get a picture of a devotee praying to Mother Mary. With most of my list ticked off and not being bothered to back track to visit the other closed sites, I went to a taxi stand and went back to the airport with plenty of time to spare to just relax while waiting for my flight back to Tokyo.
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  • Day 4

    Eiffelturm, Big Ben und Venetian Macao

    October 11, 2024 in Macao ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    Wir hatten eine reichliche Stunde Zeit, um das Londoner Macao mit dem Big Ben und das Parisian Macao mit dem Eiffelturm zu bestaunen, beide in Originalgröße.
    Das "Venetian Macao" ist ein Luxushotel mit zahlreichen Markengeschäften und einem riesigen Casino, in dem allerdings nicht fotografiert werden darf. Mein Foto habe ich von der Rolltreppe aus gemacht.
    Beeindruckend ist die Deckengestaltung in den Einkaufspassagen, in denen man sich schnell verlaufen kann, was uns zum Glück nicht passiert ist. Und es gibt sogar Kanäle, auf denen man in Gondeln dieses besondere Flair genießen kann.
    Vom riesigen Bus-Terminal aus ging es nach diesem erlebnisreichen Tag in einem Doppeldecker-Linienbus über die mit 55 km längste Meeresbrücke der Welt, die Hongkong-Zhuhai-Macao-Bridge, die 2018 in Betrieb genommen wurde. Da es schon dunkel war, haben wir leider nichts gesehen, so dass ich das Foto aus dem Internet geborgt habe.
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  • Day 4

    Schöne Grünanlagen und der A-Ma-Tempel

    October 11, 2024 in Macao ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    Nach dem Mittagessen brachte uns der Bus zum A-Ma-Tempel, der im 13. Jahrhundert in der Ming-Dynastie erbaut wurde und der Meeresgöttin Mazu gewidmet ist, die Macao zu seinem Namen verholfen hat. Es ist der berühmteste und schönste Tempel Macaos.Read more

  • Day 4


    October 11, 2024 in Macao ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    Die gesamte Altstadt ist UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe. Beeindruckend sind die hervorragend sanierten Gebäude und die zahlreichen gepflegten Grünanlagen.
    Die 80 % Luftfeuchte machten uns etwas zu schaffen.
    Zu Mittag gab es einen bunten Mix aus kolonial geprägter Küche, kombiniert mit fernöstlichen Aromen.
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