Station Utrecht Centraal

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  • Day 11

    Netherlands day 6,7,8

    April 10, 2024 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀ 13 °C

    Over the last couple of days we’ve had a bit of time to rest so not as busy as usual.

    On day 6 we spent pretty much the whole day getting from Alphen aan de rijn to Ermelo where Marga and Kaase live. We got in at about 1pm after taking a few trains in the morning. We then went for a bike ride around town and called it a day.

    Yesterday, we started the morning at De Haar Castle, the interiors were so beautiful. In the gardens they have a little deer farm where we got some pics of the deer 😛. Then Marga and Kaase drove us to Utrecht, were we found a restaurant serving steak, which was a nice change from bread and cheese. In the afternoon Millie and I stopped into the tattoo parlour were we got a little tattoo to commemorate our trip that was personalised for us. Then dinner was gnocchi along the canals. Utrecht so far has probably been our favourite city to visit in the Netherlands.

    Today was another slow day, slept in and then went to the coffee shop at the train station. Where they surprisingly made good coffee which is sometimes difficult to find. This afternoon was ‘family day’ where we met a few more of Oma’s siblings and got to talk with Greet and Henk again :)
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  • Day 5

    Castles and Mansions Bike Tour

    September 5, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

    After an all-you-can-eat breakfast at our Bunnik hotel, we rented bikes today. The hotel recommended The Castles and Mansions route. We thought it was a good one so I downloaded an app linked to the route, packed a lunch and away we went! It was supposed to be a 60 km circular route beginning and ending back at our hotel.

    We cycled the 80 km route with our heavy heavy cruiser bikes, boasting saddles wide enough for an elephants behind and a frame strong enough to support one, in about seven hours. We did not race the course, snapping photos along the way and making pit stops for beverages and to eat our lunch. With the extra 20 km of unplanned side trips it took us about 7 hrs. It was a very enjoyable ride!

    We got home in time to relax, shower and eat a packaged dinner we had picked up at the AH in Bunnik on our bike tour. We each had a beverage after dinner and played some cards at a table in the outdoor eating area of our hotel and then retired to our room feeling a bit sore after the days ride.
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  • Day 4

    Bruges to Bunnik

    September 4, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁ 24 °C

    When we arrived in Bruges, it was at the end of a very long journey. We were tired and really looking forward to reaching our hotel. But we still had to get there from the train station. It was “only” a kilometre along a flat route so we thought no big deal, we’ll walk. We didn’t realize, however, that the tiny wheels on our suitcases don’t work well on rough cobblestones. Well, Bruges is all cobblestones!

    So, last night we scouted out a better route from the hotel to the train station. It was a bit longer, but allowed us to avoid the really rough cobblestone sections where we had to carry our suitcases. We got to the station nice and early and found a little coffee bar where we had our morning coffee followed by bread and buns for breakfast.

    The train trip to Bunnik went quite smoothly and included the amazing, high speed Thalys train on the section from Antwerp to Rotterdam. Once in Utrecht we found a small grocer in the train station where we picked up a yoghurt granola fruit bowl, smoothie and a pack of cheese for lunch.

    It was a twenty minute bus ride and then a ten minute walk from the train station to the StayOK hotel where will be staying for the next four nights. After a few minutes to rest and relax, we went for a short walk in the woods near the hotel and then into the little town of Bunnik to buy dinner items at the AH grocer. We found an excellent packaged falafel salad big enough for the two of us. I made the mistake of buying a Karne Melk to go with it. Took one sip and into the garbage it went! I thought it was a low fat milk, but it tasted like a sour milk.

    We will be doing more shopping for meals because the cost of eating out is ridiculous! Basically, what we pay for a meal in dollars at home, we pay in Euros here. Which means that it is costing us 50% more. So, for example, at our hotel, they have fish and chips in the restaurant for 17 euros. That translates to over $25! We’ll not forgo meals in restaurants entirely, but we’re quite happy to make them ourselves as well when the opportunity presents itself.
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  • Day 5


    July 31, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁ 20 °C

    Wir machen das beste aus den Wetterkapriolen: zentral in Utrecht fĂŒr die kommenden Tage und dann AusflĂŒge nach Amsterdam, Gouda, Zwolle

    Der Platz: ein Bauernhof mit vielen Tieren und heimischen Produkten. In der direkten Umgebung: Äcker. Viele Äcker :)Read more

  • Day 5


    February 23 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁ 14 °C

    Loved this place, love netherlands in general, I feel so much more at home here, and there train system is so much more organized!

    Met two nice ladies in my hostel, that officially rerouted my plans, for a more fun a scenic journey.Read more

  • Day 5

    Utrecht Railway Museum

    February 19 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁ 3 °C

    Utrecht had a well-renowned railway museum, and we found the reputation was well-deserved. The main building was a former station that had been refurbished to show what a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Klasse waiting room was like, and even the royal waiting room. The tracks behind the station and the hanger beyond were then full of trains and carriages from the oldest in the Netherlands to the modern day. The English guidebook was especially useful as we wandered through carriages and around the trains. There was a particularly interesting display regarding the Holocaust and the role of the railways. It was, of course, full of small children! But nonetheless, we had a fabulous time.Read more

  • Day 5


    February 19 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁ 2 °C

    A short train-ride further east, Utrecht was a much larger city despite photos of canals and gothic architecture. The Domkerk and tower were very impressive from the outside, although the cathedral was surprisingly relatively small inside (albeit with incredibly high ceilings).

    After visiting the Railway Museum, we dropped into the Taphaus for a drink. Pre-loaded a card with some cash, we then got a glass and could pour as much of any of the beers that we wanted from the dozens on tap! All good, except a terrible blue concoction that tasted like dish water.
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  • Day 2


    August 16, 2024 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁ 18 °C


    der Tag heute hat leider mit Regen gestartet, nichts desto trotz sind wir los zum Bus und damit weiter in die Stadt rein.
    Um 12:30 hatten wir eine FĂŒhrung durch den Dom von Utrecht, davor sind wir noch in ein CafĂ© gegangen und haben uns mit etwas kleinem SĂŒĂŸem gestĂ€rkt.

    Dann ging es fĂŒr uns auch schon los, 112m und 465 Stufen nach oben.
    Der Dom ist, damit der höchste Kirchturm der Niederlande.
    Wir hielten auf vier Etagen wÀhrend des erklimmens an.
    1. Halt in einem Raum, der heute fĂŒr Veranstaltungen gebucht werden kann. Dort findet derzeit jeden Samstag ein Kinoabend statt.
    2. Halt im Glockenraum, der Dom hat 14 Glocken und alle sind mit Namen beschriftet.
    Zu besonderen Anlassen werden sogar alle Glocken gleichzeitig gelautet, wie zum Beispiel an Silvester. Um alle Glocken zu leuten benötigt es 26 Personen und gutes Teamwork.
    3. Halt an einer weiteren Glocke, an dem Ort wird aber auch regelmĂ€ĂŸig Musik gespielt, entweder manuell oder per Hand und diese hört man dann in der Umgebung.
    4. Halt ganz oben auf dem Dom, die Aussicht ist der Wahnsinn, man konnte gut weit schauen.

    Nachdem Dom sind wir dann noch in die Kirche dazu gegangen, tatsÀchlich waren die Kirche und der Dom nie miteinander verbunden.
    FrĂŒher war ein schmaler Abstand dazwischen, heute ein ganzer Platz.
    1674 tobte ein Tornado durch die Stadt und brachte einen Teilen der Kirche zum Einsturz, die TrĂŒmmer der eingefallenen Kirche wurden erst 150 Jahre spĂ€ter beseitigt.

    Danach haben wir noch kurz eine weitere Kirche besucht und sind dann weiter durch die Innenstadt gelaufen.
    Um 15 Uhr haben wir uns, dann fĂŒr eine Bootstour entschieden, die teilweise leider im Regen war. Zum GlĂŒck war das Boot komplett ĂŒberdacht.

    Unser nĂ€chster Weg fĂŒhrte uns dann, zum Stadtrand, in ein kleines Waldgebiet. Dort gab es auch ein altes Fort, zu sehen war nicht viel. DafĂŒr haben wir eine sehr sĂŒĂŸe Katze gesehen, die gerne gestreichelt wurde.
    Viele Enten und sehr sĂŒĂŸe Schafe.

    Danach ging es fĂŒr uns zum Abendessen in einem Eierkuchenrestaurant.
    (Ich hab einen Wrap gegessen, upsi, es sah aber alles sehr gut aus)

    Um den Abend ausklingen zu lassen, entschieden wir uns fĂŒr einen Spaziergang und ein Eis.
    Dadurch dann auch der schöne Sonnenuntergang.
    Am Ende des Tages habe ich fast 20.000 Schritte gesammelt.

    Morgen also auf zu neuen Abenteuern.

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  • Day 17

    Kasteel de Haar

    July 29, 2024 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀ 24 °C

    Kasteel de Haar ist eine umfangreiche Burganlage. In den Jahren 1892 bis 1912 wurde die Ruine der mittelalterlichen Anlage von dem damaligen EigentĂŒmer Baron Ă‰tienne van Zuylen van Nyevelt van de Haar (1860–1934) und seiner Ehefrau HĂ©lĂšne de Rothschild (1863–1947) unter Leitung der Architekten Pierre und Joseph Cuypers wiederaufgebaut.
    Der ursprpngliche Bau ist aber schon sehr viel Àlter. Er wurde im 12. Jahrhundert vermutet und fand im Jahr 1331 erstmalig urkundlich ErwÀhnung.
    Das mĂ€rchenhafte Wetter passte hervorragend zum MĂ€rchenschloss. Wir stromerten durch den Schlossgarten und genossen die immer wieder andere Aussicht auf das Schloß. Ein TrĂ€umchen. Die ParkgebĂŒhren von 7,50 Euro kann man leicht umgehen, wenn man bereit ist ein StĂŒck (ca. 2 km) zu laufen oder mit dem Fahrrad zu fahren. Wir bevorzugten es, das Schloß und den Schlosspark anzusehen und bezahlten so 7,- € Eintritt pro Person. Wer die InnenrĂ€ume des GebĂ€udes auch sehen möchte, ist mit 19,- € pro Person dabei.
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  • Day 8

    Sven kann es nicht lassen

    July 21, 2024 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁ 18 °C

    Damit wir ruhiger schlafen können, fÀhrt der KÀpten noch zum anderen Standplatz im riskanten Manövrieren. Der Einsatz der Manschaft ist ihm sicher.
    Nun noch eine lustige und aufregende Spielerrunde und dann gehts ab in die Koje! Gute Nacht!Read more

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