New Zealand
Mount Iron

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  • Day 20–22

    Franz Josef erster Tag

    March 10 in New Zealand ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    Früh in Wanaka gestartet, den Tank gefüllt und wieder ein traumhafte Strecke unter die Räder genommen. Gletscher, tropischer Wald, Flusslandschaften, Meeresstrand. Die Strasse auf und ab, kurvig - wäre das doch wunderbar da mit meiner GS durchzuwedeln.
    Mit 100 Neuseeländern im gleichen Raum dinniert. Ein Geschrei sondergleichen. Den Inhalt eines Cars voller Silberzwiebeln in denselben Raum ausgeschüttet. Musste meine Hörhilfen deaktivieren. Mit schwirren im Kopf nun wieder auf dem Zimmer.
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  • Day 59

    That Wanaka Tree

    March 6 in New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    It was a bit of a slow start today—we experienced the coldest night in the tent yet (it dropped to 7°C), so we needed a while to get going. A blanket, a sleeping bag liner, and a sleeping bag, plus gloves, a scarf, and a hat, weren’t enough to keep me warm. Getting into short clothes in the still-freezing morning—just because it’s going to get hot later—was a bit of a struggle.

    Only a few minutes from our campsite, we visited the popular “That Wanaka Tree,” a tree that is supposed to grow in the water near the shore. When we got there, however, it wasn’t near the water at all—much of the lake had dried up. That didn’t stop a busload of tourists from blocking everyone’s view as they attempted to take pictures of the tree with a scenic background. Each person in the group walked up to the tree, touched it, and had their picture taken. That was baffling. It was the worst possible angle, and the sunlight would have made it impossible to make out their faces in the picture. But I guess: monkey see, monkey do.

    Later in the day, we drove on to Queenstown to our DOC campsite, where we had a great view and sketchy reception. :D
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  • Day 119

    Puzzling World

    March 1 in New Zealand ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    In der Puzzling World wird mit allen möglichen optischen Illusionen gespielt. Vieles davon kannten wir schon aus anderen Ausstellungen. Aber das schief stehende Haus hat unseren Gleichgewichtssinn ganz schön gefordert. Ist doch easy, dachten wir....Am Ende war uns ganz schön schwindelig 😵‍💫.
    Im Labyrinth sind wir mit der Taktik "Immer rechts abbiegen" gut klar gekommen und hatten im Anschluss noch genug Energie für den Mount Iron Track übrig. Erstaunlich wie das Unterbewusstsein das Wörtchen "Mount" samt seiner Bedeutung ausblenden kann 🤪. Ging ganz schön hoch und runter. Aber auch hier hat sich bewahrheitet: Wer die Aussicht genießen will, muss erstmal hochklettern!
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  • Day 44–46

    Wonderful Wanaka!

    February 27 in New Zealand ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Driving from Queenstown to our next stop Wanaka may only be a 2 hour drive, but it goes through fantastic landscapes of the Crown Range and Cardrona. So clearly it takes us a lot longer as we stop at multiple look 👀 outs!

    We arrived at Wanaka and immediately felt at home; sun, warmth, the hotel by the lake, cafes and shops! We had booked a half day bike 🚲 ride so we get to see and familiarise ourselves. What a ride too, around Lakes Hawea and Wanaka, finishing up on the boardwalk for tea and cake…life cant get better than this !

    We had a massive apartment with a view over the lake, sun loungers which we actually used so we could watch and comment on the world going by.

    Day 2 saw us forgo the hike everyone does (Roy’s Peak) as it was very warm/exposed and so we travelled out to Diamond Lake and Rocky Mountain. It was much tougher than we thought, lots of scrambling but with the reward of lunch at the top before making our way down…quite pleased with ourselves. We have now worked out that NZ Dept of Conservation (DOC) grades their walks on the type of path v how difficult…😉! Love the DOC…imagine combining the National Trust & Dept of Environment with power and funding. 👍

    We loved Wanaka, made the most of our 2 days and met some lovely people along the way.😍

    Next up is the drive up the West Coast and Franz Josef ( I’m melting) Glacier.
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  • Day 4

    Rocky Mountain hike & Real Guns!

    February 24 in New Zealand ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    After a quick breakfast, we made our way to the base of Rocky Mountain for our morning hike. The trail definitely lived up to its name with several rocky sections. The view from the top was absolutely stunning. We were so glad we started early because as we descended, the parking lot was packed and we saw so many people heading up!

    Next, we drove along the road to see if we could make it to the top of Treble cone, but the mountain was closed off. Still, we got to enjoy watching paragliders coming in—it was the perfect day for it.

    We then decided to head toward a spot we’d seen from the top of Rocky Mountain. After a few kilometers of rocky, unsealed road, we reached a fork where the road turned towards where we wanted to head but it was private—dang! We didn’t let that stop us, so instead we continued straight on through the ruts (poor little Suzuki!) until we reached the river. Bart was quite convinced the Suzuki could handle the sand, but thankfully he didn’t risk it. Even though he thought I was being the fun police, though!

    Since we finished our walk faster than expected, we had more time, so decided to head to Arrowtown. When Bart visited last week, they made it there in just over half an hour. But, of course, we ended up stuck behind slow drivers and for roadworks, so it took us a full hour! By the time we got there, it was so packed it just wasn't worth stopping! We drove around, and Bart pointed out where they had been the week before, then headed back up the winding road toward Wanaka and the Real Guns rifle range.

    Real Guns was a blast! Bart had only two others in his group, both police officers. As usual, he was a natural. When they got to shotguns, he hit every clay target except the second last one, so 9 from 10 was pretty impressive. He made it look easy, so when the others had their turn, I think they expected it to be just as effortless. The lady only hit 2 out of 10, and her partner got 4, so I was pretty impressed by Bart. After the 22 and shotgun, we had the option to pay extra to try other guns, including up to a 50-caliber.

    Bart chose to shoot a Remington 700 in .308 caliber, and nailed it! They start relatively close at 200m then got further out! Out of six shots, he hit his first five managing a 335m hit — I think he surprised himself! He had an absolute blast.

    Overall, it turned out to be a fantastic day, even though we didn’t get to do the glacier walk.
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  • Day 3


    February 23 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    This morning, we left Tekapo and headed to Wanaka. The drive past Lake Pukaki was stunning, though the clouds were so low they obscured Mount Cook.

    We passed the Clay Cliffs, but since we were in a tiny Suzuki Swift, we decided it wasn’t the best idea to take the 9km dirt road to reach them. You can still see them quite clearly from the main road though. The drive through Lindis Pass was as beautiful as always.

    Wanaka was buzzing — we were surprised at how busy it was. After checking into our accommodation for the next two nights, we went for a walk and grabbed some lunch.

    A quick stop at the information center changed my plans for tomorrow 🙄. I’d been really excited about doing the Rob Roy Glacier walk, but found out that you need to ensure your rental vehicle is allowed to access the road, and it needs to be a high-clearance vehicle 🤦🏽‍♀️. So, I switched gears and found some nearby hikes closer to Wanaka. Tomorrow, we'll be doing the Rocky Mountain and Diamond Lake walk in the morning. Then in the afternoon, we booked Bart a shooting experience at a local rifle range, which he’s super excited about, seeing that he will get to shoot semi and fully automatic rifles that you normally couldn't 😄.

    We took a walk to see the famous Wanaka Tree and then just had a relaxing afternoon.

    To top off the day, we had a video call with Banksia (and Jamin & Talecia). At first, she had no idea what was going on, but seeing her made my night ❤️.
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  • Day 38


    March 10 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    Durch richtig schöne Landschaft sind wir heute gefahren und jetzt in Wanaka angekommen ☺️ morgen geht‘s wandern, ansonsten gibt es hier den famous #ThatWanakaTree der tief im Wasser stehend DAS Foto für Insta zu sein scheint 😉Read more

  • Day 18

    Wanaka zweiter Tag

    March 8 in New Zealand ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Den Irrgarten und die illusionierten Räume besucht. Sehr schön präsentiert. Nach über 1 Std den Irrgarten per Emergency-Exit verlassen. Wir haben zwar alle Aufgaben erfüllt, aber den Ausgang nicht mehr gefunden. Die schrägen Räume sind fantastisch aufgestellt. Beim Betreten der Räume wird einem im ersten Moment schturm. Den Text in einem Bild konnte nur mit Hilfe der Smartphone-Camera gelesen werden.Read more

  • Day 33

    Roys Peak Track

    March 4 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    Heute sind wir zu einem der berühmtesten und wahrscheinlich auch meist fotografierten Spots in Neuseeland gewandert - dem Roys Peak in der Nähe von Wanaka mit grandioser Aussicht auf den Lake Wanaka. Die Wanderung ist mit 16 km und rund 1.300 hm relativ knackig. Nichtsdestotrotz belohnt die Aussicht von oben alle Anstrengungen und Mühen⛰️🌄 🥾

    Danach sind wir noch bis Lumsden gefahren und sind damit sehr weit südlich. Hier ist es bereits deutlich kühler als in Wanaka🥶
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  • Day 13


    March 3 in New Zealand ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    Fahrt über den Manapouri Lake und dann weiter mit dem Bus („Busses can free-wheel“) zum Doubtful Sound und dort eine Rundtour durch den Fjord inkl. ordentlichem Seegang in der Tasmanischen See. Das frühe aufstehen hat sich 100% gelohnt 🤩
    Nach der Tour sind wir in einem ziemlichen Ritt bis nach Wanaka durchgefahren und sind hier heute zu unseren zweiten Wanderung aufgebrochen. Einer hatte Spaß, einer war dabei gewesen….
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