Atalaya to Estepona

Today was just as interesting for what was NOT showing on our maps as it was for what WAS showing. We expected to see the three gorgeous torres de vigía that were shown along our Wikiloc routeRead more
Today was just as interesting for what was NOT showing on our maps as it was for what WAS showing. We expected to see the three gorgeous torres de vigía that were shown along our Wikiloc routeRead more
What a marvelous morning we had. We felt like real walkers! It was just the kind of day one would wish for, especially someone who had an injured wrist and hadn’t been able to walk for a week. TheRead more
Von Casares nach Genalguacil liegen 40 Kilometer mit dem Wohnmobil vor uns. Das Navi zeigt uns eine Stunde Fahrzeit an. Wir brauchen bei den engen Straßen natürlich länger. So ist es mal wiederRead more
Wir haben unsere Nacht am Straßenrand in Los Barrios überraschend gut überstanden. Ein Vorteil: der Supermarkt liegt gleich gegenüber und ich kann vor dem Frühstück schon einkaufen. Jetzt gehtRead more
Halfway through today’s walk, we had a discussion about whether this was the strongest wind we had ever walked in (gusts of 45 mph/ 72kph). Our conclusion was yes; it could only be rivaled by a dayRead more
Nachdem uns "the rock" (nicht zu verwechseln mit "la jupe"😂) nicht zu weiteren Wanderungen gereizt hat, sind wir nach Casares gefahren, in der Hoffnung die dort ansässigen Geier zu sehen. UnsereRead more
Kurzer Trip ans Ziel durch wunderschöne Wälder und Landschaften. Wie immer am Ende einer Rally ist mam nicht unglücklich, wenn das Ende naht! Die letzten Tage alleine im Cockpit warenRead more
Wow wow wow 🤩
Wir hatten heute ein super leckeres Frühstück, welches uns den Tag in den Tag sehr versüßt hat. Unsere Gastgeberin Marcel verwöhnte uns sehr und so fiel der Abschied nach nurRead more
Yesterday’s meal was good- the sea bass was freshly caught (we are only 10 km from the ocean after all) and grilled. And they served a really delicious and unusual entrada, which was a salad ofRead more
Traveler Hope the accommodations in Atalaya and Estepona have been/will be good.
I love the waves hitting the shore. I could sit here all day watching the video. Ned looks warm. Have a great day!! [M Cat]
Wow. Windy … but I can still hear most of what you’re saying Elaine. The algae that the shifting tides bring in also look and can smell bad too but will eventually clear or be cleared. I recall years ago walking a section of Australian coastline with friends and we called it ‘elephant poo’ 🤣😁