Monasterio de San Vicente del Pino

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  • Day 22

    Nice day to Monforte de Lemos

    May 2, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    It seemed almost like a rest day. The walk was very pretty, and I took a little detour to go to a hill fort that dates to the first or second century, before the Roman arrival. At places like this, I stop and think about things — my life, their life, whether we were similar in any ways. There were many body-shaped rock-lined spaces right below the surface, and I wondered if they were graves.

    We did have one fairly short and not too steep ascent, and we also came across our very first loose dog. He barked, and he did come close, but that was about it. That was the first loose dog we’ve encountered during almost three weeks of walking.

    When we got into town, I went straight to the pharmacy to see if I could get something for my incessant cough. This is very similar to something that has happened to me on two other Caminos— it starts as an allergy and then deteriorates into a bad cough, and I cannot shake it. I showed the pharmacist the name of the medicines that I had been given the last time, and she just pulled them off the shelf and gave them to me. That’s a very different attitude towards prescription medication than what I found in the south of Spain.

    We were in town early, and by noon I had checked into the parador— a splurge I booked months ago. It’s in a 17 C convent right next to the 13 C castle tower. The receptionist was very nice and found me a room that was ready, even though I was hours before check-in. I guess that walking into a parador with a grungy backpack and hiking poles gets you some special treatment, or else it gives staff the incentive to get you out of sight quickly.

    One of the best things about staying in a Parador is that the towels are so huge and thick that you can squeeze all the water out of your hand washed clothes with them.

    Clare and I had a good lunch in a popular local place, while she played around with schedules and accommodations to figure out her next moves. My bet is that I will start out from Monforte alone tomorrow.

    It’s a cold grey dreary day, but at least we didn’t get rain while walking.
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  • Day 5

    Quiroga nach Monforte (33 km)

    April 18, 2024 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

    Heute war einer der schönsten Tage bisher zum Wandern. Zwar starteten wir bei 9°C und ordentlich Wind, jedoch wird einem bei einem flotten Schritt auch schnell warm. Und sobald es bergauf ging und die ersten Höhenmeter bezwungen wurden, brauchte es auch schon keine Jacke mehr. Die heutigen Routen liefen entlang des Bergmassivs und am Rio Sil. Leider mussten wir diesen am heutigen Tag verlassen, nachdem er uns seit Ponferrada begleitete. Innerhalb der Bergroute passierten wir viele tolle kleine Bergdörfer, welche sehr schön anzusehen waren. Hier konnte man seine Gedanken auch einfach schweifen lassen, und alles sah noch recht ursprünglich aus. Am Ende sind wir nun nach größerem auf und Abstieg in der Herberge angekommen. Jetzt wird kurz gekocht und dann ab ins Bett. Morgen steht wieder eine Etappe an mit ordentlich Kilometer.Read more

  • Day 18

    The perfect ending...

    May 25, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Today, Julie and I walked just over 11km to visit Penelope in Castrotañe, a tiny hamlet of just a few houses, and where Nigel had lived whilst he was in Spain.
    It was a very lovely walk, which included Sid meeting a large slug, seeing a stork and her chicks, and hearing a cuckoo 🥰🥰🥰 (Nigel often duped us on the last leg of our Camino Frances, letting us believe we'd heard a cuckoo when it was, in reality, him hiding somewhere playing with his bird ID app🙄😂) - so hearing one today was amazing!
    Penelope was wonderful, and it was great to share memories of Nigel with her.
    So today was the perfect ending to our Portuguese Glamino and we're leaving with our hearts full 🧡❤️🧡.
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  • Day 10

    Balcones de Madrid

    October 20, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Eine faszinierende Landschaft östlich der Stadt Ourense bietet die Garganta del Sil mit atemberaubenden Ausblicken wie hier von den sog. Balcones de Madrid. Der Rio Sil hat sich eine mehrere hundert Meter tiefe Schlucht gegraben. Schon der Weg dorthin war sehr reizvoll. Am Straßenrand waren überall Gruppen zu sehen, die Maronen in den Wäldern sammelten.Read more

  • Day 13

    Bootstour auf dem Rio de Sil

    April 23, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

    Mit dem Boot durch den Canyon und die Ribeira Sacra , vorbei an der Schlucht des Flusses Sil entdecken. Während der Sil-Reise, die die Grenzen der Provinzen Lugo und Ourense überquert, gibt es eine spektakuläre Landschaft mit ihren steilen Hängen ,auf denen die Weinberge der Herkunftsbezeichnung Ribeira Sacra wachsen.Read more

  • Day 13

    Ribeira Sacra am Canyon do Sil

    April 23, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

    Der Sil Canyon ist eine Schlucht in Galizien, Spanien entlang des Sil. Er umfasst die letzten 50 km, bevor der Sil in den Minho mündet. Die Landschaft gilt als die spektakulärste Galiciens. Die Wände erheben sich fast senkrecht bis zu 500 m über dem Wasserspiegel.
    Der Sil Canyon ist zweifellos eine der wichtigsten Attraktionen der Ribeira Sacra. Diese tiefe Schlucht, die aus Felsen, Wasser und gewundenen Kurven besteht, wird jeden, der sie sieht, beeindrucken. Seine vertikalen Hänge wurden im Laufe der Geschichte bearbeitet und sind auch heute noch der Lebensunterhalt vieler Einheimischer, die sie zur Herstellung erstklassiger Weine bearbeiten. Dieser Ort ist auch ein Zufluchtsort für eine Vielzahl von Tier- und Pflanzenarten, da seine Mauern und Gewässer ihnen die Lebensbedingungen bieten, die sie benötigen.
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  • Day 10

    Canyon de Sil

    June 1, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Today we drove to lookouts or Miradoiros along the Sil River and Canyon do Sil (gorge). It covers the last 50 km before the Sil enters the Minho. The scenery is considered to be the most spectacular in Galicia and we weren't disappointed.
    We just picked a little village ( Ferreira de Panton) at random for lunch and enjoyed a delicious meal. The language barrier caused a few concerns at first but the meal that was delivered was amazing. It was a 3-course meal (we had no choice because of the language issue) but after having pasta salad and boar stew with potatoes there was no way we could eat a third course....and that was having two dinners shared between four people! Great value too!
    We also visited The Monastery of Santa Cristina - both its buildings - church and cloister - are fully Romanesque and Renaissance, respectively.
    It was a Benedictine monastery that was already documented in the 9th century. Its Romanesque church was built in the 12th century.
    We then called into the Regina Viarum Winery (Bodegas) and caught the end of a tour and tasting - I actually tried red wine and it was nice, but I won't be changing my preference just yet. Vino Blanco is still top of the list!
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  • Day 9

    Monforte de Lemos

    May 31, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    Monforte de Lemos is located in a valley between the rivers Minho and Sil. The river of Cabe, a tributary of Sil, runs through the city. It is the core of the region known as Terra de Lemos and capital of the area known as Ribeira Sacra. Our accommodation here is Parador Monforte de Lemos, located in two historic buildings of the Monastery of San Vicente del Pino, whose origins date back in the 9th Century (reconstructed in 18th Century).
    We enjoyed some drinks in the beautiful neoclassical central cloister of the monastery before eating a delicious meal in the restaurant.
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  • Monforte de Lemos

    June 14, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

    Today was a wow in Monforte de Lemos! Enjoyed the beautiful parador, which was formerly a Benedictine monastery, and the Tower de Homenaje next door. There was breathtaking artwork at the Colegio de Nuestra Señora de la Antigua, including two gorgeous paintings by El Greco. I was captivated by Dolorosa and her reflection at el Convento de las Clarisas, as well as the many striking reliquaries. So much to appreciate and enjoy!Read more

  • Day 34

    Off the path to Grandfathers town.

    May 14, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 55 °F

    We took two days to explore the town where Marias Grandfather came from. It was a blessing to be there. Do much history and the monastery museum was mind blowing with the unique artifacts.

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