Day 36 Sarria to Portomarin

Perfect weather today for a 14 mile hike
On the last 100 km to Santiago
Foggy morning then cleared up to blue sky
Our group has increased to 11, Marty’s wife, daughter, sister and brother in lawRead more
Perfect weather today for a 14 mile hike
On the last 100 km to Santiago
Foggy morning then cleared up to blue sky
Our group has increased to 11, Marty’s wife, daughter, sister and brother in lawRead more
And now we are four, Sophie has arrived and brought the spirit with her. We will all walk into Santiago together. Beautiful day, walking once again in the mystical early morning fog, which cleared toRead more
From left to right:
- New inserts (I called my podiatrist who suggested removing my orthotics and trying something new). These are the squishiest the store had.
- Red label and pack: I’m sending myRead more
“It’s okay to stop,” is what Laura said and is all I needed to lay my head down on my poles and cry.
I hope all I need is a light day and that tomorrow will be better. I am waiting for theRead more
Yesterday we past the 100km threshold so not far to go now. It was Monday yesterday & we were joined by many school groups of young people Ed’s age walking out of Sarria. Soo different. Many peopleRead more
We have arrived at our Pension in Airexe. A relatively shorter day than yesterday-11 miles vs 13. 5 yesterday. We are physically tired but happy and rejuvenated in spirit. We had the choice thisRead more
The hardest part of the Camino has been when I have been not feeling well. I had a fever in Astorga. My body knows what to do. I slept for 2 days and felt much better but then all the plans I made hadRead more
Today was our official first day on the Camino- starting in Sarria and ending in Portomarin. The walk was incredibly beautiful- rolling green hills, beautiful healthy looking cows, babbling brooks,Read more
We have somehow got our day numbering mucked up. Today is the 25th so that should be the title day number. Does it matter, not really.
Another day amberling along country lanes and footpaths. As PaulRead more
PW: We had a nice night in Sarria, catching up with the Dutch team: Jean-Pierre, Agnes and later Jolander. I enquired at length about Jean-Pierre’s various Caminos, and will write a summary inRead more
So cute. See you two are still alive😵💫
That’s so cool!
I loved the spider webs
Traveler You didn’t have any of the rain we see in the news about the floods in Spain?