Day 56 - Aigle to Saint Maurice

A really mixed bag of walking today; vineyards, forests, riverside (La Gryonne and the Rhone), railway line side, and, of course, minor country road ways. I got some good climbing in and saw the mostRead more
A really mixed bag of walking today; vineyards, forests, riverside (La Gryonne and the Rhone), railway line side, and, of course, minor country road ways. I got some good climbing in and saw the mostRead more
I've left the lake behind me now, but not the sealed surfaces! A good walk today, lakeside, lake adjacent, through a lot of beautiful countryside and ending in vineyards. I met up with Alison from theRead more
Following an epic day on the slopes we had this delightful drive home.. the sun shining on the snow capped mountains looked like gold topped mountains, we were in absolute awww & feeling veryRead more
Ein traumhafter Tag zum Ski fahren!! Sonne, Sonne und noch mehr Sonne ☀ 😃
Es war fast ein bisschen warm, als die anderen mittags auf ner Hütte eingekehrt sind, bin ich durchgefahren... Es war soRead more
So - angekommen 😀
Bis auf kleinere Verzögerungen vor allem im Berufsverkehr von Basel lief alles wie geplant 😀
Der Genfer See sieht im dunkeln sehr sehr schön aus - hier möchte ich mal imRead more
Nous voici donc sur la route. Nous passons par la Suisse et notamment nous longeons le fameux lac Leman. Les montagnes enneigées commencent à pointer le bout de leur nez 🏔️. Il fait assez grisRead more
A great day snow shoeing ( lovely
to have control back!) on a trail
around the ski slopes of Champery. Beautiful blue sky , walking up and down our own track. Coffee and lunch breaks . Weather changesRead more
Planned route to find some
green slopes to practise over the mountain and down towards Avoriaz. A busy day , the sun was out as it’s nearly the weekend! Long gondala ride up
to the top of theRead more
Traveler 👍😍
Awesome 👏 and I 👏
Carmel Carlsen 😁