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  • Day 12

    Laatste dag Grindelwald

    August 28, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    Vandaag de kabelbaan naar First (2168 mtr) gegaan een hele belevenis langs de steile wand. Weer terug beneden hebben we een wandelroute Wetterhorn/Oberer Gletcher waar we de eerste Kabelbaan ter wereld hebben bezocht, ofwel de overblijfselen.Read more

  • Day 5

    Wanderung um den Lungerersee

    April 6, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

    Beat geht mit Robin und einem Kollegen fischen. Gaby umrundet währenddessen den Lungerersee. Das Wetter ist fantastisch. Die Instruktion von Jan war super, der Fangerfolg - bis zur Ringelnatter auf der Treppe des Bootes - ungenügend = 0. Es war ein herrlicher Tag zusammen mit Robin und dem Lehrmeister Jan.Read more

  • Day 4

    First Cliff Walk by Tissot

    August 31, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    Encore une visite qu'on avait hâte de faire : le First Cliff Walk by Tissot

    C'est une balade à 2 200 mètres d'altitude accessible à tous avec sa passerelle métallique qui longe la paroi de la montagne, à laquelle on accède via le funiculaire de Grindelwald ou en randonnant

    On s'y sent tout petit !
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  • Day 6


    August 6, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

    Domenica è stata un'intensa giornata di viaggi. Partendo da Monaco, sono passata per l'Austria per giungere in Svizzera dove, dopo un rischiosissimo cambio di treno in solo 4 Min, sono riuscita ad arrivare a Chur dove, dopo un umilissimo pranzo al volo in stazione, ho preso il famoso Bernina Express, uno dei treni più belli del mondo, che attraversa parte della Svizzera per arrivare a Tirano, in Italia. Un viaggio lungo ma caratterizzato da un paesaggio mozzafiato, le foto allegate parlano da sé. Inoltre il mio viaggio è stato particolare anche per i miei compagni che avevano allestito un tagliere di salumi e formaggi degno di una qualsiasi pasquetta napoletana 🤣
    Durante il viaggio ci hanno dato anche la possibilità di scendere alla fermata delle Alpi Grüm per poter ammirare il paesaggio e scattare qualche foto fuori dal treno.
    Arrivata a Tirano, ho atteso un bus sostitutivo fino a Colico e poi ho preso l'ultimo treno della giornata fino a Lecco dove sono stata accolta da mia sorella e il fidanzato e soprattutto dove mi aspettava un'ottima pizza napoletana che desideravo da una settimana 😍
    Infine ho riposato comodamente sul divano insieme al mio amico Iban ❤️
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  • Day 2

    2. Station die Schweiz

    July 9, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    Heute sind wir um 9 Uhr im Elsass gestartet. Wir haben nicht mit einem Stau an der Grenze gerechnet.
    Wir waren nach einer Wendung auf einem Berg um 13 Uhr auf diesem wunderschönen Campingplatz.
    Wir hatten alles in 10 min aufgebaut. Björn Sally und Vera sind zu Fuß zum Geschäft. Alles sehr teuer. Beispiel Pringels für die Jungs 1,50€ gestern noch heute hier 3,50€ also SF. Nun denn, es gibt wieder Käse und lecker Bier, zu Fuß zurück am Platz, in den See schön kühl.
    Ich finde hier sieht es aus wie ein gemaltes Bild.
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  • Day 2

    Day2: Interlaken-Beckenried

    June 3, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    Die heutige Tour stand der gestern in nichts nach: bei strahlendem Sonnenschein starteten wir dem Brienzersee entlang 😎. Nach einem Kafi in Brienz erklommen wir den Brünig und falls ihr es auch vorhattet: tuts nicht, oder auf jeden Fall nicht mit dem Fahrrad, ein Velostreifen wäre hier dringend angebracht und die Autos überholen entweder eeeewig nicht oder zu knapp 🤯. Dafür war die Abfahrt ungloublich schön,da die Veloroute durch ein idyllisches Seitental führt. Da nahmen wir das bisschen Naturweg gerne in Kauf 🤗 Das Grien rächte sich allerdings nach dem Lungernsee mit einem Platten. Zwar rasch geflickt, liefs dann doch noch nicht ganz rund, worauf wir in Giswil zum Velomach gingen, der das Problem für ein Kafikässeli-Zustupf gerne löste ( bike-atelier.ch in Giswil, gute Jungs 👍). Mit sieben Bar im Pneu gings dem Sarnersee entlang, an den Pilatuswerken vorbei 🛩 (F35-Kampfjets haben wir keine gesehen, aber Tarnkappenjets wollen vermutlich auch nicht gesehen werden). Im fantastisch gelegenen Hotel Seerausch, von wo ich diese Zeilen tippe, gönnten wir uns zuerst Kafi und Chips auf der Terasse. Morgen führt uns die Reise via Fähre noch weiter durch die schöne Innerschweiz 🤘💪🚲🤗Read more

  • Day 94–97

    Switzerland: Interlaken Region

    September 16, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ 🌫 1 °C

    📌 We started the day with another pastry and baguette to go before leaving France, we shopped on the French side to avoid spending Swiss CHF . We drove into Switzerland with no border checks and headed for the Airbnb, it was a great apartment however we soon realised it had no wifi, I was at fault as I had booked it 🤫😄

    📌 The next morning we got up early and headed for Lauterbrunnen valley, a famous destination. We arrived semi early but the place was already super packed, something we usually avoid and had been avoiding in recent travels. It was lovely to walk through the valley though, and the crowd soon thinned out. We made our way past many waterfalls, up and under one and then into some waterfalls inside caves. The sound of the cows grazing with their bells swinging was a nice background noise amongst the lovely surrounds.

    📌 Day 2 we decided to head for Grindelwald, another famous area. We decided to hike and summit the Faulhorn at 2681m. Uncommon to us, most hikes start with a scenic cable car to a base where the hikes or activities start. We headed up to the Faulhorn which was about 5km and we were rewarded with awesome 360 views of the Alps, the weather really turned it on. The summit was the location of a hotel now mountain hut from the 1800s, hence we enjoyed our chips with a beer looking out over the Alps. This hike was phenomenal, one of the best views we have seen. We had a brief look around Grindelwald and Interlaken but nothing too special to note about these towns compared to the surrounding views from above.
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  • Day 2

    Zondag aerschuld trimmelbach

    August 4, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Voorzijde hotel. Gaan vandaag naar één van de mooiste kloven van de Alpen daarna bezoeken we de watervallen van Trimmelbach en gaan met de grootste tandradbaan ter wereld omhoog naar de kleine scheiden.Read more

  • Day 8

    Ballenberg Muesum & Rothorn Hike

    July 15, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

    We started the day catching a series of trains and busses to go to the Ballenberg Outdoor Museum. A particular high point was making our own butter out of cream, perhaps tied with seeing some piggies, cows, and goats. We spent a good amount of time walking about and walking through old farm houses, granaries, and workshops. After a while, Laura started giving me the "I'm hungry" cues, so we found one of the restaurants and had a simple meal of soups/salad/sandwiches, though Caty got the local comfort food of Mac n cheese n applesauce.

    Caty was struggling with the heat and not feeling up for any further activity, and so we decided to split our party once we arrived in Brienz. Laura took her back to the hotel to recuperate and I followed our itinerary by taking the Rothorn bahn, a steam cog railway train, up to the peak of the mountain. As has been the theme this trip, the views along the way were ridiculous, whether looking down at the lake or up at the mountain.

    Lacking my chaperones, the real brains of the group, I made a snap decision when I got to the top of the mountain. I immediately turned around and started to hike the trail back down to halfway point of the mountain, Planalp. The trail was one of the more difficult ones, partly due to the nature of the descent, partly due to the nerves that come with sheer dropoffs on each side of the path, partly because I was racing to catch the last train of the day, and partly due to... aggressive cows.

    I arrived at the station in good spirits, primarily because I hadn't been maimed by a momma cow. Or been zapped by the electric fences and questionably marked bypass gates.

    I beat the last train by a healthy margin, so I sat on a bench and settled in to the panic-inducing thought that they maybe wouldn't let me actually get on the train at the halfway point, or it would just go on by me (fear unfounded). The conductor did give me some trouble, not because of my ticket, but because I needed to show both my ticket and the swiss pass. Tickets validated, I relaxed and enjoyed the view on the steam train back down, and narrowly caught the other trains that took me back to Grindelwald. I rejoined Laura and Caty for dinner at the hotel restaurant.
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  • Day 80

    Wetterhorn & Mittelhorn

    May 24, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

    The sun was wavering in it's intentions, but I was set on mine. As soon I set out from Aeschi, I felt the first drops of rain on my neck.

    I rode down narrow and winding paths, like in a green roller coaster, to Interlaken. And suddenly, it was a world of tour buses! Japanese and Indian tourists walking backwards, distracted by the photos they want to capture.

    I rode straight out as I had another mountain ascent on my mind. Staying with the swiss locals has meant that I get, and follow, these tips to take the regional routes through the mountains. The path up to Grindelwald was a respectable climb, but I pedaled on in good time. Maybe the constant drizzle of rain helps to focus the mind. Or I'm getting better at this.

    Grindelwald was another shocking tourist bubble. I had no idea so many Indians came to Switzerland. There were even Indian restaurants up here. After a coffee to watch the rain and the famous Eiger, I rode on further upwards. The crowds thinned out within minutes out of town, and I was again alone in the high mountains.

    The clouds were thick and wooly, settled heavily like a scarf around the neck of these pointy black mountains. The rain was not falling as much as just hanging wet and prickly in the cold air.

    Just before the 2000 m high pass of Grosse Scheidegg, the clouds moved quickly and revealed the giants Wetterhorn and Mittelhorn right next to me! How were these huge rocks hidden this whole time? I stopped to stay and stare at them. There was a little hut, so I rolled out my sleeping mat for the night. The thick white clouds rolled in and smothered the plateau as it got darker. A beautiful mountain moment when the sun flashed on the pointy peaks before setting for the night.
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