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  • Dag 45

    Wandern mit Smalpipe

    10. september 2024, Skotland ⋅ 🌬 14 °C

    Zu Beginn des Tages hatten wir ein besonderes Ziel. Das "Bagpipe Galore" - eines der wenigen Geschäfte, die sich auf Dudelsäcke spezialisiert haben.
    Ich hatte vorher im Internet gesehen, dass es dort Dudelsäcke für unter 500 Pfund gibt. Nix wie hin. Es gab tatsächlich noch ein solches Instrument vor Ort. Nach einer Vorführung des Verkäufers (ein Meister) und einem Ausprobieren meinerseits kauften wir das feine Teil. Ein leiser Dudelsack für zu Hause, dazu noch eine Low Whistle und ich war glücklich.
    Weiter ging es Richtung Edinburgh Castle. Die Menschenmenge auf der Straße wurde immer größer, je näher wir dem Schloss kamen. Viele Dudelsackspieler pfiffen und aufgeregte deutsche Touristen schimpften laut über zu viele Amerikaner hier.
    Aber Castle war heute nicht, die Karten waren ausverkauft. Ich schaute gleich online, wie es morgen oder übermorgen aussieht und ergatterte ein Ticket für morgen Mittag. Puh!
    Weiter ging es Richtung Calton Hill zum National Monument of Scotland. Auf einem Berg über der Stadt stehen verschiedene Denkmäler und Monumente. Da oben waren eigentlich auch nicht so viele Touristen. Schön war vor allem die Aussicht auf die Stadt, das Meer und die Berge. Edinburgh ist eine der schönsten Städte, die ich jemals besucht habe.
    Auf dem Rückweg haben wir uns wieder durch die Touristenmassen geschlängelt und noch einen Sandwichladen besucht. Sehr wichtig!
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  • Dag 5

    H.M.S. Britannia

    13. august 2024, Skotland ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    For the first time in many many years we took a public transport bus ride. Who knew you could get Google Map directions for buses? Just never cared about it before. The Bus stop was just outside the hotel, how convenient, and we headed off to the port area.
    Went to see Her Majesty’s Royal Yacht Britannia. It was one of those audio self guided tours. It did not disappoint. Saw:

    ⚓ Queen's bedroom
    ⚓ Prince Phillip's bedroom
    ⚓ Formal rooms
    ⚓ Living areas of the different sailor classes, very noticeable.
    ⚓ Engine room, amazingly clean and polished.

    A fabulous few hours.
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  • Dag 4

    The Real Mary King’s Close

    12. august 2024, Skotland ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    Awarded as one of the UKs top tourist attractions.
    In 1753 the Town Council of Edinburgh decided to build a new Royal Exchange (now the City Chambers) and to do so they simply built over the top of existing streets and houses, because they were all made of stone. One of those streets was Mary King’s Close which in its day was a bustling hub of markets and activity.
    For hundreds of years these streets laid practically untouched, preserving them for today.
    A fascinating tour and explanation of the history.
    Unfortunately it does look like Lyn contracted the Plague.
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  • Dag 6

    Edinburgh & Meeresluft

    8. august 2024, Skotland ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

    Da im kevin sini erchältig leider schlächter worde esch, ben ich (Delia) höt morge eleige rechtig Edinburgh. So beni betz i de Kathedrale ond ofem Greyfriars Kirkyard omegschlenderet. Spontan hani metbecho, das d Sanja au gad i de Stadt esch ond mer händ ois sogar ofem Calton Hill no troffe! De kevin esch denne am nomitag doch no id Stadt cho & so hämmer no en "History & Underground" Stadt Tour zäme gmacht. De obig hämmer weder i oisem wonderschöne Hotel met Meersicht verbrocht ond d Möwe ofem Meer beobachtet 🌊 Am obig hämmer sogar no 2 Häsli gad näbem Meer gseh!Læs mere

  • Dag 8

    Holyrood Palace Edinburgh 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

    3. august 2024, Skotland ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Holyrood Palace oder Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh ist die offizielle Residenz des britischen Königs in Schottland. Der Palast befindet sich am östlichen Ende der Royal Mile, die von dort hinauf zum Edinburgh Castle führt. An das Schloss schließt sich der Holyrood Park an. Die Anlage steht seit dem 14. Dezember 1970 als Listed Building der Kategorie A unter Denkmalschutz.
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  • Dag 3

    Tag 3

    2. august 2024, Skotland ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    Nachdem wir unseren Campingplatz verlassen haben sind wir nach Arncliffe gefahren. Ein kleiner wunderschöner Ort, in dem man meinen könnte, die Zeit sei
    stehengeblieben. Von dort aus ging es über Land weiter zu unserem heutigen Ziel. Der Camping in der Nähe von Edingburgh.Læs mere

  • Dag 3

    Ab nach Edinburgh

    14. juli 2024, Skotland ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Den Tag sinnvoll genutzt und mit dem Bus nach Edinburgh gefahren. In dem Zuge dann auch gleich ein neues Zelt gekauft.
    Morgen früh dann die örtliche Motorrad Werkstatt kontaktieren und dann wird sich zeigen wann meine Reise weitergeht ☺️Læs mere

  • Dag 3

    Radlager hat keine Lust auf Schottland

    14. juli 2024, Skotland ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    So, heute dann mal das Hinterrad ausgebaut, da ich ein verklemmtes Steinchen oä in der Bremse vermutet hatte. Leider kam mir dann das hintere Kugellager entgegen🥲

    Immerhin scheint die Sonne und meine Laune ist für die Umstände erstaunlich gut😎Læs mere

  • Dag 4–7

    Edinburgh - Day 2

    13. juni 2024, Skotland ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    Another big walk about today. Close to 25K steps! What better way to see a city with so much of interest to see though, eh? Our plan for today had been to walk up the castle and tour inside. Unfortunately, we weren’t the only ones with that in mind. So, admission tickets were sold out for the day and we couldn’t get in! Everyone had bought them online beforehand. Now you not only have to book accommodations and transportation beforehand, you need to do that for popular tourist attractions as well, it seems.
    Sometimes things happen for a reason that isn’t always immediately apparent. After finding out that we couldn’t tour the castle, we walked back down the hill and came across the National Art Gallery. It is free of charge so we decided to check it out. Turns out that the museum contains a very large collection of paintings and art including from the likes of Rembrandt and Matisse. It was more than you could possibly appreciate in one visit, but it was enjoyable to take in a sampling for a few hours.
    From the museum we walked back to our place of stay for lunch and a rest before continuing the walk about. Our next destination was Dean’s Village, a picturesque area of town with a small river where there were once several mills for grinding grain to supply the city’s bakeries. We followed a path along the river all the way to our next destination, The Royal Botanical Gardens. That was also very enjoyable. There are several areas, organized into themes such as Chinese Medicinal garden, Rock Garden, Woodlands Garden … each with a huge collection of plant species, many we had never before seen.
    We had by now covered a lot of area and it was time to pick up some food and head back to our room to make dinner. I had a tasty East Indian curried chicken with rice meal. Laura and Emma had pasta.
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  • Dag 3

    Edinburgh, Scotland

    12. juni 2024, Skotland ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

    And so, another overseas adventure has begun for Laura and I! Day 1 was a long, travel day beginning at 2:30 pm when I left Duncan to pick Laura up from work and drive down to Victoria to meet up with Marc and drive out to the Victoria airport. We had a bit of stress on the Malahat when we came to a sudden standstill just south of the Shawnigan Lake exit and saw traffic backed up for as far as the eye could see! There had been a vehicle accident, but luckily, it was just being cleared as we arrived, and soon traffic was flowing, albeit very slowly for quite a distance.
    The flight to Vancouver and then the connecting flight to London both left on time and we had seats together despite not having paid for seat selections when booking. We were also able to check in our carry-ons for free, which was nice. On arrival at Heathrow in London we made our way on foot and train to terminal 5 where we found a Cafe Costa and stopped for lattes. Emma arrived at Heathrow from Newquay, on the English coast, soon after, and we headed to section A9, where we arranged to meet, just inside the security zone for departures.
    It was great seeing her again! Emma had been traveling through Europe with her friend, Emma for 6 weeks. The “M&M’s” visited England, The Netherlands, France, Poland, Italy, Austria, Spain and Portugal together and now, Emma, would travel to Scotland and Ireland with us for the next three weeks before heading off on her own for an additional month of travel.
    We had to wait a few hours at Heathrow, but soon we were on our way to the final destination for the day, Edinburgh. Once there we made our way to the bus stop and caught the bus to town where we got off just a few hundred meters from our AirBNB accommodation. We were a little concerned on arrival when we couldn’t find the lock box with the key to get inside, but soon realized that the room was on Atholl Lane not Atholl Crescent!
    Shortly after dropping off our luggage in the room we walked a short distance to a local pub where we had dinner. Laura had a vegan chili, I had the meat version, and Emma had Mac ‘n Cheese. I also quenched my thirst with both an Ossian beer (a local beer with citrus added) and a Scottish lager. The pub was packed as it was open mic night. We left shortly after that started at 9 pm.
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