This evening I decided to see what the famed Austin nightlife is all about, and fair to say it was very good! The roads were closed off to allow the pedestrians to roam free and all of the differentRead more
This evening I decided to see what the famed Austin nightlife is all about, and fair to say it was very good! The roads were closed off to allow the pedestrians to roam free and all of the differentRead more
After continuing up 6th street I then cut up Congress Avenue which of course led up to the Texas State Capitol building. I was going to head further north to the University of Texas but it was soRead more
This morning I set off to explore what Austin had to offer! I took a wander down the river again but this time.on the other side and in the other direction. After that I wandered down the main stripRead more
This morning I was up and out of Vegas early to fly to Austin, Texas! Thankfully this flight was not delayed, although despite leaving Vegas at 8:30am we didn't arrive into Austin till 1:30pm thanksRead more
Es ist Donnerstag und wir wachen beide wieder fresh auf. Mein Kopf hat fast Ruhe gegeben und ich habe gut geschlafen. Der Tag kann also kommen. Gestern schien es in der Vorhersage so, dass heute einRead more
Ein paar Wochenenden im Jahr gibt es die Austin Studio Tours - alle Galerien, Kunsthandwerksbetriebe und Ähnliches haben Haus der offenen Tür und bieten ihre Kunst an. Ich gucke mir das an und seheRead more
Es geht weiter und zwar nach Texas. Dort werde ich Amanda besuchen, die ich wie Natalie, auf dem Jakobsweg vor 9 Jahren kennengelernt habe.
Manchmal sollte ich allerdings auch mal fragen, wo dieRead more
Our last day in Austin. The weather has cooled. We went out to the Central Market which is a big supermarket. So much variety. Not only were there about a dozen different kinds of mushrooms but thereRead more
Ich nehme schon zu beim Anblick!