Snowbird meetup day 3

Today we left Catalina State park campground. Had to say goodbye to some wonderful camp hosts Val and Marsh and volunteer Kris with her sidekick 🐾 Nala.
We stopped at Mescal movie set for a tour.Read more
Today we left Catalina State park campground. Had to say goodbye to some wonderful camp hosts Val and Marsh and volunteer Kris with her sidekick 🐾 Nala.
We stopped at Mescal movie set for a tour.Read more
Ce matin nous prendrons un véritable petit déjeuner américain un grand bol de céréales d’une certaine marque qui se trouvent être interdite en France et dans la plupart d’autre pays enRead more
We did a tour of the Big Room at Kartchner caverns. No pictures allowed so these photos here were pulled from the internet.
Coole große Höhle. Leider durften im Inneren keine Bilder gemacht werden. Ein Besuch lohnt sich aber definitiv
We finally made it through Texas! Arrived Benson AZ Thursday December 13 a beautiful travel day from Deming NM. Sunny warm days and cool nights ahead. Beautiful desert views all around. Our site isRead more
2.9 hour flight. Refueled.
Hottest temperatures of entire trip, 37C. But it was a dry heat.
Benson, Arizona is one of our favorite stops. We have been here several times and for a reason that is not very apparent, considering Benson is a small town of 5,000 noted today for farming andRead more
Went to Saguaro NP this afternoon. Beautiful desert cactus and mountains. Drove through park and hiked some trails. It was a beautiful day in the 70's.
Traveler Great pictures
Traveler Very cool!