Lowgap, NC

This was our first Harvest Host stay at a winery. It is a lovely spot called Round Peak Vineyards.
The view right out of our window is wonderful and a great way to say hello to the Blue RidgeRead more
This was our first Harvest Host stay at a winery. It is a lovely spot called Round Peak Vineyards.
The view right out of our window is wonderful and a great way to say hello to the Blue RidgeRead more
We toured the Andy Griffith Museum today before hitting the road north. Andy Griffith, was born in Mount Airy and this is the home of the single largest collection of artifacts. Just happened to beRead more
Nothing to report here. Travel day. Lots of rain. Good news is gas prices are going down. Bad news is, I’m getting cranky. I’m sure it’s the northern air. Ewww.
It is beautiful. Hope the wine is worthy of it. 😁 [Dad]