
For dinner, we picked up the Holmes and we drove them to the Olive Garden where we met the Leeders.
The Holmes served many many years in Ecuador doing Bible translation. They’re still working. IЧитать далее
A look at the old stomping grounds.
Todays drive was about 6 hours. We woke up and had breakfast with our hosts. Doug told me his blowup mattress they gave him didn’t work and lost air so he slept on the floor.
We made our way toЧитать далее
Posting this "footprint " separately so I could include video of the pup. With this app you either get one video (per footprint) or 6 pics.
Charlie had so much fun in the water feature! Since it wasЧитать далее
Arrived in Omaha about lunch time. The only thing we are"seeing" here is the Bob Kerry pedestrian Bridge. Just a nice, no charge, outdoor experience. This location is also home to a Lewis and ClarkЧитать далее
Since we were at a such a nice campground we spent a little more time in the morning to enjoy the scenery. We walked the lake side path over the bridge to the little marina. This is also a locationЧитать далее