Starting the day in Michigan City..

in our new accommodation with protein pancakes and low fat greek yogurt from our favorite german supermarket ✨ALDI✨ 🥰
in our new accommodation with protein pancakes and low fat greek yogurt from our favorite german supermarket ✨ALDI✨ 🥰
Nachmittags erreiche ich bei Beverly Shores den Michigansee, einen der Großen Seen. Ein Meer von Süßwasser, bis zum Horizont und weiter. Es gibt einen schönen Strand, Dünen und ArchitektenhäuserLeer más
Today was the driving day winner. From St.Cloud, MN to Chesterton, IN and drove through 3 states today. Awesome driving skills from uncle Ken to get us through some crazy rush hour moments in Chicago.Leer más
… they had some strange birds 🦅
…in Indiana Dunes National Park. You should have seen the slope!🥾😁
I started my day by visiting Indiana Dunes National Park. The park sits on Lake Michigan and you can see the Chicago city skyline. It was a beautiful but windy morning.
I listened to my favoriteLeer más
Sieht sehr gut aus 💓
Viajero 🥰
🥰I'm glad that you are eating healthy again!!👍❤️🥦🍎🥕🌶️🥝🍆🫑🥑🍓🥑🍉🍇🍋🍐 [Mama]