United States
Kawashiwi River Wayside Park

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  • Day 40

    Ins Landesinnere von Minnesota

    October 6, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

    Heute verlassen wir den Superior Lake. Wir genießen die Fahrt ins Landesinnere von Minnesota. Immer wieder machen wir eine Rast an einem der unzähligen Seen, die uns ständig begleiten.

    Unser wichtigstes Ziel heute ist das "North American Bear Center", eine Auffangstation für verwaiste Bären. Es gibt eine interessante Ausstellung und sehr gute Informationen über diese interessanten Tiere. Und es macht Spaß, die Bären zu beobachten. Allein in Minnesota soll es 15.000 dieser Tiere in freier Natur geben. 🤔🥴👍

    Der "Soudan Underground Mine State Park" wird vom Minnesota Department of Natural Resources geführt und ist ein National Historic Landmark, das heißt, er ist im National Register of Historic Places eingetragen. Die Gebäude an der Oberfläche stehen zur Besichtigung frei und während der Sommermonate gibt es täglich Bergwerksführungen.

    Es ist ziemlich kalt geworden. Die Temperaturen bewegen sich zwischen 6 - 10 Grad. Und immer wieder regnete es bei oft starkem Wind. So will uns wohl jemand vom Wandern abhalten, um Peter's Rücken zu schonen. Das Cruisen durch dieses spannende, von Wildnis und unzähligen tollen Seen übersäte Land macht Spaß.

    Ende des Monats ist Halloween. Manche können es kaum erwarten. Schnappschüsse von unterwegs🤣
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  • Day 3

    Winton Wetlands & Glenrowan

    February 19 in the United States ⋅ 🌫 -16 °C

    Today's trip was to Winton Wetlands and on to Glenrowan - Ned Kelly Country.
    We stopped at the wetlands and saw how dry the area is. Lots of dead trees, a few patches of water close by with a backdrop of Lake Mokoan and in the far distance, some of the mountains around Bright.
    We went on the the cafe where the first art piece is on display. This pays tribute to the Yorta Yorta people and their use of possum fur for their cloaks.
    There are sculpture pieces around the park however, with the warmer weather and our unsuitable footware, we decided not to chance meeting any local snakes and will return for a better look next time.
    We enjoyed the view whilst having morning tea in the cafe then decided to try the Black Dog Brewery for lunch. After travelling up a long dirt road we found it but they don't serve food and it wasn't open for tasting being a Wednesday so we left and headed up to Glenrowan.
    Glenrowan is Ned Kelly country and they have lots of things celebrating this famous outlaw.
    Well, the pub wasn't open, the cafe wasn't open, one shop only sold pies, another only icecream, scones, jam & cream so we went to the bakery for some variety.
    Our trip home, courtesy of the navigation system tried to take us to Yarrawonga so we went back to Glenrowan and along the way we had come.
    Travelling these roads are very quiet and at one shady part we noticed a lace monitor crossing the road in front of us and it went straight up the tree.
    Then it was home for a rest before dinner out at the Bowling Club again.
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  • Day 13

    Warming up with a Mocha

    September 28, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

    Filiz and I made it through the night in -2C (28F) ~ thanks to some sleeping bags built for -17 C (0F) , lots of layers, sleeping pads, and a sturdy tent! Filiz comments “I didn’t even feel the cold throughout the night!” We did lose a good hour of sleep thinking there were animal footsteps around our tent, only to find out they were just routine leaves falling from the trees 🍂🍃🤦🏻‍♀️
    Today we will canoe through the lakes 🛶 and sleep for one more night at the site. Luckily it’ll be much warmer! Greetings from myself, my mocha, and Filiz from Ely ☕️
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