Falkland Islands
Falkland Islands

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    • Day 38

      Falkland Islands - 3 of 3 PENGUINS

      February 21, 2023 in Falkland Islands ⋅ 🌬 55 °F

      Gentoo & King penguins form their colonies 1.5km inland and walk to the sea. They nest in the same area every year. The King in the photos is the one with the orange neck. Adults carry the eggs on their feet and raise 2 chicks every 3 years. They are very tame and intrigued by humans ... also, very cute!

      Don't miss the first video in this posting ..Karen's favorite.

      We also visited the town of Stanley, many pubs and tourist shops.
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    • Day 38

      Falkland Islands - 2 of 3 PENGUINS

      February 21, 2023 in Falkland Islands ⋅ 🌬 55 °F


      4,700 sq miles of beauty. A British Territory that is self-governed with wonderful people that albeit remote, are very educated and love living here (and a nice house is only $200k).

      With its strategic location (before there was a Panama Canal), Port Stanley in the Falklands specialized in ship repairs for ships traveling through the rough waters of the Straits of Magellan. The Falklands had significance to the UK thru history as it is the closest UK ownership to islands and sections around Antarctica. It also had a role in both WW as there were military bases here helping control the South Atlantic. Many of us know of the Falklands due to the 1982 Falklands War with Argentina, which ended 2 months later but tension between Argentina and the UK grew and remains. It took 10 years after the war to remove the 30,000 mines that were planted by the Argentines (in the road we drove on today).

      For more about this beautiful territory see https://www.falklandislands.com/
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    • Day 38

      Falkland Islands - 1 of 3 PENGUINS

      February 21, 2023 in Falkland Islands ⋅ 🌬 55 °F

      We made it to the Atlantic Ocean. We were very lucky to land here in 40 knot winds since there are such heavy winds up to 115 knots (averaging 60 knots) that at leave half the ships that come here must turn back. The wind is so strong that we had to park cars into the wind or risk losing your car door or worse.

      We arrived at Stanley (with tenders from the ship), the capital and although the temperatures have warmed up as we move north (40’s), I had to change to long pants to spend the day with the Penguins. The population of the Falklands is 3,600 pop (plus 2,000 military) with origins from 86 countries) although at least half the residents have been here for many generations)! There are 2 main islands and 700 small ones (none with trees). The diddle-dee plant is native here and is used to produce jam (yes, we had to buy diddle dee jam).

      As you would guess, their revenue is from fishing, tourism and some farming. Education is important and the government pays for students to further their college and graduate studies in the UK. The UK is an 18 hour (and approx. $2000) flight away… not easy to get to.

      Enjoy our visit with the Gentoo Penguins!
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    • Day 72

      Falklands: Volunteer Point

      February 21, 2023 in Falkland Islands ⋅ 🌬 57 °F

      YAY! We made it ashore.

      We had a 50/50 chance of being able to do so, but the weather gods favored us today. But you already know that we were able to tender into Stanley because I turned the day on its head and started from the end of the day. Now for the first part of our day.

      Our luck followed us ashore and we managed to get on the first tender to begin our exciting adventure.

      I am of the ilk that believes that there is no such thing as seeing too many penguins. In 2007, we visited Gypsy Cove where a colony of Magellanic penguins nest. So, today we went to Volunteer Point to see not one, but three species of penguins — the kings (next largest after the emperors), gentoos, and Magellanics.

      Volunteer Beach is an Important Bird Area. It was named for a ship by the same name that called on the Falklands in 1815. The nature reserve is located on the Johnson’s Harbour Farm. Established in 1870, this 52,000-acre sheep property is the largest surviving farm that is still privately owned. I understand that the owner charges an entry fee that is included in the tour cost.

      To get to the beach, Mui and I joined a public tour operated by Patrick Watts. There are other operators who do the same tour, but his name seems to be synonymous with Volunteer Point. The trip requires a 4WD to get out to the beach … with good reason.

      Normally, four people are squeezed into each vehicle. But we lucked out. Robert, a segment passenger on Insignia, was traveling solo, so the vehicle we were assigned to had just the three of us. Thank goodness … it would have been an incredibly uncomfortable ride otherwise.

      I’m not sure what the distance was to get out to the beach. It doesn’t matter really because the terrain is such that the last 10 km or so took us about 1.5 hours to accomplish. With our driver, John, at the wheel, we started out on the paved roads in Stanley. Then we connected to a dirt road for the remaining distance to the farm. Here we had a potty break. And also took advantage of the “Bake Safe” to get ourselves a couple of the most delicious cherry muffins we’ve eaten in a very long time.

      And then the adventure to get out to the beach began in earnest.

      We went bumpity-bump-bump over boggy terrain covered with grass, clumps of tussock, and diddle-dee berry bushes (the latter is an acquired taste). We went up steep hills. Down even steeper hills. Crossed heavily rutted, wet ground where boards were placed over heavier run off water to ensure we didn’t get stuck in the mud. There were five gates that we had to open and close. That job fell to the first and last vehicle. We were in the middle of a convoy of 6 4WDs … traveling together for safety reasons.

      It was interesting to watch the vehicles doing a dance of sorts as we moved further onto the farmlands, jiggling this way and that … but always courteously maintaining their position in the convoy. Along the way, we passed herds of sheep staring at us … perhaps wondering why on earth we were putting ourselves through the gyrations of going out to the beach.

      (I’m uploading a video of the 4WD portion of the drive, but it does not reflect how bumpy it was because the camera has built-in stabilization that eliminated the worst of the shake.)

      Finally, about 2.5 hours after leaving Stanley, we arrived at Volunteer Beach. It was now getting on towards 11:00a. After a quick stop to swish our shoes in a special solution to kill any invasive species, we parked in the area set aside for the vehicles … very neatly organized, with each tour operator having its own designated space.

      John gave us the basic rules — don’t cross into roped off areas; don’t step inside areas encircled by rocks painted white. That’s it. We were then free to roam amongst the penguins, maintaining a 20 foot distance from all wildlife. But the penguins could approach us. Which they did with equanimity … going about business as usual as though we did not exist.

      The kings and gentoos are apparently at the reserve year round, and we saw plenty of them. They are 4,000-strong, including 600-700 chicks reared annually. The other two species are in the thousands. The Magellanics migrate, and we saw just a few of them … mostly those waiting to complete their annual molt so they could swim away to points north. We were OK with that since we’d been to a Magellanic colony in Punta Arenas. There were also Falkland skuas, upland geese, dolphin gulls, South American terns, and ruddy-headed geese, Except for the upland geese, they were all at a distance, so we did not see much of them.

      We had 1.5 hours at Volunteer Point and spent most of that with the king penguins in their nest area. Yes, it stunk to high heaven, but the wind was blowing strong — and getting stronger by the minute. By positioning ourselves downwind, we minimized the assault on our olfactory senses. It was wonderful to see chicks at different stages of growth amongst the adults. No eggs, however, as the incubation period, for the most part, is between December and January.

      Eventually, we left the kings to go down to the beach where we saw the gentoos. By this time, the wind was blowing so strong that the white sand looked like the beginnings of a blizzard. The gentoos were hunkered down and gave us some nice photo ops. Soon, some of the kings made their way to the beach. They were fairly clean, so I imagine they were some of the “bachelors and bachelorettes” we saw in a small cluster. They waddled their way to the shoreline, looking like they were trying to decide if they wanted to go hunting for food. They were still there when we finally had to leave to return to the vehicle.

      John had picked up lunch bags for each of us. We ate our egg salad sandwiches, chips, and sweet treats as we went bumpity-bump-bump back to the farm. A dirt road never looked as good as it did today!

      The adventure of getting to Volunteer Point was definitely worth it for the up-close penguins we saw today. Hands down the best tour yet!
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    • Day 16

      Nachschlag Rockhoppers und so😉

      March 30 in Falkland Islands ⋅ 🌬 6 °C

      Man kann nie genug Rockhopper Pinguine und Albatrosse angucken😉🤗

      Die Albatross Jungen sind zum Großteil im Dezember geschlüpft und werde frühestens Ende April flügge,gefüttert werden sie 1-2x pro Woche,ansonsten sitzen die da so rum trainieren die Flügel und warten auf Futter ihrer Eltern.

      Die Caracaras, ein Raubvogel , so eine Mischung aus Rabe /Krähe und Jungsdler wie sage 😉,sind immer auf Beute aus.

      Wir starten am frühen Nachmittag wieder,es geht weiter mit einem Seetag nach Puerto Madryn / Argentinien .
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    • Day 44

      Port Stanley Falkland Islands

      December 23, 2023 in Falkland Islands ⋅ 🌬 9 °C

      Heute haben wir in Port Stanley auf den Falkland Inseln (britisches Überseegebiet) Halt gemacht. Da die Hafeneinfahrt zu klein/eng für unser Schiff ist, wurden wir mit den Rettungsbooten „getendert“, also vom Schiff in die Stadt gebracht, von wo aus wir auf die Wanderung zu Gipsy Cove gegangen sind. Wir waren ca. 5,5h unterwegs. Vorbei am Schiffswrack „Lady Elisabeth“ haben wir am Strand viele Pinguine beobachtet. Es war super stürmisch 🌬️.Read more

    • Day 11

      Baia Yorke

      February 14 in Falkland Islands ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      A Baía de Yorke é um excelente local para se avistar os pinguins em seu habitat sem perturba-los. No local também pode-se observar leões marinhos e tres diferentes tipos de pinguins, incluindo o pinguim rei.Read more

    • Day 13

      A few more from Faukland

      January 29 in Falkland Islands ⋅ ☀️ 59 °F

      I was so psyched to show the penguin pics that I forgot to share the others I took.
      Our day started with an hour long wait in the dining room to get access to go ashore. Luckily we had a great couple next to us, who ironically lived in Naperville the same time we lived in Downers Grove, and now live an hour away from me in Florida. Us three ladies used that hour to plan a more Systematic way they could get us to shore. It was finally our turn and we crammed 100 people into a glorified lifeboat for a 30 minute ride into Stanley. But wow... Once we got out it was totally worth it! Sea breeze, bright cobalt water, and delicious pastries by the shore.
      We were looking out at a dock when we noticed what we thought was a dog hanging out. It wasn't... It was a seal! Apparently he's a teenager and spends his day lying around on the dock, waiting for his mom to bring him fish.
      We had an interesting tour guide on the way to the penguin colony. Did you know the are exactly 4.5 doctors in the Falklands and they ship patients to England to have knee and hip replacements (fully paid for by the government). The county's medical director is freshly graduated. They offered her the position and she said she didn't have any experience yet. But they were certain she was the right for so she took the position. Then covid happened. Can you imagine what that was like for her?
      Kids get traveling teachers for their education. The teacher rotates between farms and spends 2 weeks with a family before moving to the next one. In between visits, they have classes by radio or phone. Then, from 11-15, all kids are required to come to town for boarding school.
      If they want to go to college and if they qualify, the government pays for their tuition and gives spending money. 75% of students return back to the islands after graduation.
      Oh... And apparently you can eat penguin. Here are some recipes. I don't recommend you so that, though. They are too cute, and are wicked oily!!
      Currently sitting on the balcony watching Whales spout and dive and heading to Argentina.
      Tomorrow... Sea lions!
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    • Day 72

      Welcome to Stanley, Falkland Islands

      February 21, 2023 in Falkland Islands ⋅ 🌬 54 °F

      With this post, I am going to turn our day on its head and start from what we did last — a stroll around Stanley. Why? Simple … the images from around the city are a more appropriate means of welcoming readers to the capital city of the Falklands Islands.

      On our way back to the tender pier after our tour, our driver, John, gave us a quick drive-by of some of the sites on the outskirts of downtown Stanley … showing us the skeletal remains of whales, memorials, and a few other things. We found the city to be much expanded since we were here in 2007. Even the small museum we had visited then had been relocated to a larger facility.

      The one thing that had seemingly grown smaller was the wreck of the Jhelum, a ship that was launched in Liverpool in 1849. It was damaged going around Cape Horn while carrying guano from Peru to France. The Jhelum “limped” into Stanley Harbor for repairs and was eventually deserted by the crew. From what John said, the reason there is so little of the wreck left since we saw it in 2007 is the worms that are eating the wooden hull.

      After we were dropped off at the tender pier, we went for a “reminiscence stroll” near the waterfront. We visited Christ Church Cathedral with its beautiful stained glass windows and an iconic arch on the grounds … made from the jawbones of two blue whales; went into a supermarket to see if we could find some McVities chocolate (no luck); and wandered along some of the back streets, looking for the shop from which we bought woolen goods last time (closed, alas).

      Our stroll completed, we returned to the tender pier by way of The Globe, one of the pubs in Stanley. No time to sit down for pub fare, but at least we got a snapshot of it with one of the iconic British phone booths.
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    • Day 39

      Falkland Islands

      February 21, 2023 in Falkland Islands ⋅ 🌬 52 °F

      Yesterday we passed Drake passage. It can be the roughest water to pass, but we got very lucky and the ocean was calm.
      Today we got a tour to Newan’s Station. It is is a colony of approximately 200 breeding pairs of Gentoo penguins.

      We got up at 7:30am, had breakfast and by 8:30am we ready to go ashore. Our tour was at 12:30pm, so we had plenty of time before our tour to get on the tender boat and then walk in the town.
      I asked Boris to go to a lounge where he can get a tender boat tickets and then meet me one deck lower before going to the tender boat. Meanwhile I took a wheelchair and a motor to the lower deck to ask where we can leave a wheelchair while we are on the tour.
      After 15 min of wait for Boris to come to meet me, I went to the Insignia lounge to see if he is there. He was not. I went on the tender boat deck, nobody seen him there too.
      I went back to one deck up and continued waiting for him. Another 45 minutes passed. No Boris. I repeated all over again…Insignia lounge, tender boat level, back to level 4.
      Then I mentioned to guest services that my husband is missing. They check and told me “he took a tender boat and he is on the shore”.
      I had to drag a wheelchair to Insignia lounge, wait for tender ticket, go two deck lower, take tender boat. All this time Boris was waiting for me on the shore.
      The crew member told him to board the tender boat and they would find me, but nobody looked for me and as soon as he got on the boat, it took off.

      Finally we were on the shore together. We went for a walk, but it was very windy and cold, so we found a coffee shop and spent some time there before our tour.

      The tour started by getting into a mini bus with a drive/guide and drive for 15 min to Newans Station.
      There we transferred to a 4x4 for another 15 min off road drive to Gentoo penguins.
      There were also two King penguins among them. After one hour on the beach with the penguins and hot chocolate with penguins shaped cookies, we made our way back to the tender boat.
      In the evening we went to a buffet for a dinner and the to see a wonderful singer.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), Falklandinseln, Falkland Islands, Falklandeilande, Fɔlkman Aeland, የፎልክላንድ ደሴቶች, جزر فوكلاند, Folkland Adaları, Фолклэндскія астравы, Фолклендски острови, Maluwini Gun, ফকল্যান্ড দ্বীপপুঞ্জ, ཕལྐ་ལནྜ་གླིང་ཕྲན།, Inizi Falkland, Folklandska Ostrva, Illes Malvines, Falklandské ostrovy, Ynysoedd y Falkland, Falklandsøerne, Falkland ƒudomekpowo nutome, Νήσοι Φώκλαντ, Islas Malvinas, Falklandi saared, Malvinak, جزایر فالکلند, Duuɗe Falkland, Falklandinsaaret, Falklandsoyggjarnar, Îles Malouines, Oileáin Fháclainne, Illas Malvinas, ફૉકલૅંડ આઇલૅંડ્સ, Tsibiran Falkilan, איי פוקלנד, फ़ॉकलैंड द्वीप, Falklandi, Falkland-szigetek, Kepulauan Malvinas, Falklandseyjar, Isole Falkland, フォークランド諸島, ფალკლენდის კუნძულები, Visiwa vya Falkland, Falklandi qeqertaq, ಫ್ಹಾಕ್‌ಲ್ಯಾಂಡ್ ದ್ವೀಪಗಳು, 포클랜드 제도, Bizinga by'eFalikalandi, Bisanga bya Maluni, Falklando salos, Lutanda lua Maluni, Folklenda salas, Nosy Falkand, Фолкландски Острови, ഫാക്ക്‌ലാന്റ് ഐലന്റ്, फॉकलंड बेटे, ဖောက်ကလန် ကျွန်းစု, Falklandsøyene, फकल्याण्ड टापु, Falklandeilanden, Falklandsøyane, ଫଲ୍କଲ୍ୟାଣ୍ଡ ଦ୍ବୀପପୁଞ୍ଜ, Falklandy, Ilhas Malvinas, Inslas dal Falkland, Izinga rya Filikilandi, Insulele Falkland, Фолклендские о-ва, Falklandsullot, Âzûâ tî Mälüîni, ෆෝක්ලන්ත දූපත්, Falklandski otoki, Zvitsuwa zveFalklands, Jaziiradaha Fooklaan, Фокландска острва, Falklandsöarna, ஃபாக்லாந்து தீவுகள், ఫాక్ లేండ్ దీవులు, หมู่เกาะฟอล์กแลนด์, ʻOtumotu Fokuleni, Falkland Adaları, Фолклендські острови, فاکلینڈ آئلینڈز, Quần Đảo Falkland, Orílẹ́ède Etikun Fakalandi, 福克兰群岛, i-Falkland Islands

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