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Le 10 migliori mete di viaggio Francia
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Viaggiatori in questo posto
    • Giorno 19

      La ferme de Tuilières

      Ieri, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Für die heutige Übernachtung haben wir wieder einen kleinen Umweg in Kauf genommen. Wir stehen bei einem Olivenbauern 🫒 und seiner Familie in Nyons.
      Sein Öl und die dazugehörigen Erzeugnisse - eine Reihe von Tapenaden - sind mehrfach ausgezeichnet. Wir haben uns natürlich beim Chef direkt von der Qualität aller drei Olivenöle persönlich überzeugt und auch die Oliven selbst verkostet. Da alles vorzüglich war, haben wir einen „kleinen“ Einkauf getätigt.
      Nach einem Spaziergang durch die Olivengärten stehen wir hier super ruhig auf seiner Wiese … mit Ausblick.
      Der Übernachtungsplatz ist kostenlos, es gibt hier aber weder Ver- noch Entsorgung, aber das haben wir ja im Vorhinein gewusst. Über einen kleinen Einkauf freut sich der unabhängige Olivenbauer natürlich immer …😊
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    • Giorno 13–14

      Day 13 - Saint Jean Saint Maurice to Pom

      Ieri, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Today is Simon’s birthday and the Plodicus is very tired - he is plodded out.
      We had a leisurely start to the day as the cafe we were planning for breakfast didn’t open til 10! We headed up there at 10 to find they would only serve coffee and hot drinks 😳. All other restaurants were shut 😭 so we headed off on our longest walk yet on empty stomachs. 6 Km on we came to the village of Bully - this to our relief had a campsite with an open cafe 🙌. So we were able to feast on a cheese baguette 🥖 and hot drinks. This set us up for the remaining 14 kms.
      We were doing quite well up until the last 4km when Mary wanted a sit down and Simon decided to bolt for home! Result Mary’s tired feet made her a little ratty. 😂
      We have a lovely apartment overlooking the ancient priory.
      Simon keeps getting worrying flashbacks to his surprise party last year 😆 but feels safely far enough away for no repetition!!
      We are booked into a local restaurant for hopefully a nice birthday meal 🤞
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    • Giorno 3

      St. Malo mit Sonne, Wind und Regen

      3 maggio, Francia ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Heute stand St. Malo erstmal auf dem Plan. Gestern hatten wir ja „nur“ die Abendstimmung erleben dürfen. Das Frühstück im Hotel ist gut und das Personal bis auf eine Schnarke auch sehr nett.
      Optimistisch haben wir uns kurze Hosen und Hoodys angezogen.. und Birkenstocks. Soweit auch erstmal richtig.. Der Anblick des Strandes, des Nordatlantiks und der kleinen vorgelagerten Felsen war so schön. Es waren nicht viele Menschen unterwegs, aber auffällig viele davon die mehr anhatten als wir😄..
      In der Altstadt angekommen wurde es ja dann auch windstill, und unsere Kleidung war angepasst.
      St. Malo ist komplett von einer Stadtmauer umgeben, darin sind viele kleine Gassen mit Geschäften und Restaurants. Verlockend waren die Patisserien.. wir sind gefühlt alle Gassen abgelaufen und auch zur Rückseite von St. Malo gekommen. Dort befindet sich ein Naturfreibad.. auf einer der beiden Inseln dahinter ist der bekannte, in St. Malo geborene Schriftsteller/Politiker und Diplomat, François-René de Chateaubriand, beerdigt. Leider hat die Flut uns nicht zu ihm gelassen.
      Aber nicht nur die Flut kam.. auch der Regen.. ein ordentlicher Guss.. aber wir konnten uns mit Meerblick unterstellen und nach 10 Minuten war auch schon alles wieder vorbei.
      Aber es hatte sich auch etwas abgekühlt und wir wünschten uns lange Hosen und geschlossene Schuhe.

      Am Nachmittag fuhren wir nach Cancale. Ein Ort der für seine frischen Austern bekannt sein soll. Viele Austernfischer sind da ansässig und frischer geht gar nicht ..
      das haben wir getestet. Tatsache.. sie waren besser als am Vortag. Georg hatte noch andere Meeresfrüchte auf seinem Teller die sich sehr lecker waren.. besser als die Austern waren tatsächlich die Schnecken.
      Während wir aßen schüttete es leider wieder.. aber auch das dauerte nicht so lange und zack ist dann auch wieder die Sonne da.
      Nun hängen wir hier bei Cidre auf unserem Zimmer und suchen nach einer neuen Unterkunft in zwei Tagen. So einfach wie in Wales gestaltet sich das leider nicht. Tatsächlich sind wir jetzt auch etwas genervt und setzen unsere Suche morgen fort. Es ist nicht so das wir gar nichts finden. Aber wir wollen diesmal eine Woche vor Ort sein, und da wollen wir kein Risiko eingehen.
      Morgen geht’s weiter mit der Suche .. Santé
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    • Giorno 15

      Decazeville to Figeac: mostly sunny!

      3 maggio, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Today was one of the long days - somehwere between 28 and 31 km, depending on which source you believed. We took our bags downstairs, had breakfast (serve your own coffee , which was a good change after 2 days, but jam and bread) and left around 8:10. There was a lot of fog, but it wasn't raining, and a farmer we walked past early on assured us that there would not be any rain.

      A long hill out, then forests and a little too much mud until we went down to a small town on a swollen river. After that there was a good 10km of roads and dry paths through fields and woods. Talked a lot to a NZ couple, who walked at around our pace.

      After a little village called St Michel we headed on while others stopped...and hit a little more mire. It was mostly on long, flattish sections, often beside fields. There were grand panoramas as the fog lifted, and often blue skies.

      We stopped for lunch at a little church in a village called St Felix, whic was about 21km along the way. After the break we met the NZers again (who had taken the road) and walked with them pretty much to Figeac. There was a heavy shower about 30 mins out, but then we were dry when we arrived, and our hotel was right at the short bridge at the old entrance to the town.

      We might have been very lucky with the choice of hotel (the trip organiser's choice) and us deciding to spend two nights here. Figeac looks amazing! It has a very old, almost medieval village surrounded by the rest of the town, with two large churches and lots of alleys and narrow, cobbled streets. We arrived at the hotel around 3:15, feeling pretty good: there have been shorter days in worse weather that felt much harder - and the hotel is excellent. We beat the luggage, but started off washing muddy clothes, and then planning a trip to a laundromat once they came (around 4;15). The laundromat was a short walk into the old city, and while things were being washed we wandered through some of the old streets and one of the enormous churches. It really is a great town: Conques might be more spectacular, but Figeac has more, and far more character. That might be for tomorrow.

      We are having dinner with 5 American women tonight, plus a few add-ons. The five have been doing the walk as a group. The youngest is probably 70, the oldest close to 80, but they all belt along. They have been at the same hotels most nights for the last 10 days (same tour organiser). Some of them are fun, but some are also a bit depressed that they have come to France for some unspectacular weather and rough trails. Let's see if today cheered them up.

      42,408 steps, 34 km, 115 flights
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    • Giorno 10


      3 maggio, Francia ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Heute gab die Sonne alles und wir hatten perfektes Wetter für den ersten Teil der Besichtigung von Avignon. Zuerst war „die Brücke“ dran, eigentlich Pont Saint-Bénézet, aber bekannt durch das Kinderlied „sur le Pont d‘Avignon“. Danach ging es zum Papstpalast, wo wir mit dem Histopad durch die Geschichte des Palastes geführt wurden. Weiter ging es durch die Markthalle und nach einer Stärkung mit leckeren Galette ging es noch in die Gärten um den Papstpalast. Ein gelungener Besuch der Hauptsehenswürdigkeiten von Avignon.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 12–13

      Day 11/12 - St Haon le Chatel to Saint J

      3 maggio, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Before we get started just a little matter about socks - too many socks garrotte your ankles - our good friend Nick in Japan has caught onto this from personal experience! And he’s now launching himself into this very important project, sitting at his designing desk as we speak mulling the problem 🙌🧦🤞.
      We enjoyed a relaxing day yesterday around St Haon le Chatel and its neighbouring town Renaisance. Having gone through the now familiar experience of being watched and scrutinised through a 3 course dinner, attempting pigeon French on the first evening, we took ourselves out to eat and had a boozy lunch. We went shopping in Carrefour for anyone of Walmley background. Thought better of going to the Caberet due to the expense!!
      Simon managed to get key stuck in lock once back and Valerie the host suddenly loomed out of nowhere and also spent 10 mins huffing and puffing over said key, whilst flooring Simon with her rapid French 😂 fortunately I had escaped to the loo!!
      Today has been a beautiful sunny day - until I tried hanging laundry out 🙄
      And a long but pleasant walk through hills, meadows, quaint towns, acres of vineyards and plenty of the usual wildlife. As ever most things shut - apart from the hair dressers- these must be key to French life!! Ended up getting a coffee in the post office- and used their loo!
      Arrived at our destination after a 6 hour walk in blistering Sun 🌞
      Now waiting for the 7.00 opening time of local restaurant for a rejuvenating meal and a glass of local plonk 🍷
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    • Giorno 7

      Ende Pfälzer Weinsteig / Start Hexatrek

      3 maggio, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Wir hatten echt Glück mit dem Wetter. Es hat nur heute Nacht geregnet und ein wenig gestürmt aber sonst top!
      Frank hat sich gleich heut morgen einen Döner reingezogen 😂🤙 achja gestern war ja Dönerstag 😁

      Der Blick von der Burgruine Guttenberg war echt top.
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    • Giorno 9


      2 maggio, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Heute ging es im strömenden Regen bei Temperaturen zwischen 9 und 11 Grad nach Avignon. Wir sind auf dem CP Bagatelle, direkt gegenüber von der Altstadt, die fußläufig zu erreichen ist. Wir machten noch einen kleinen Spaziergang und warfen einen Blick auf den Papstpalast. Morgen bei hoffentlich etwas Sonne dann mehr von der Stadt.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 14

      Conques to Decazeville: cold mud

      2 maggio, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      We left Conques at the same time as everyone we knew - around 8;15am - but stopped at the Englishman's stall, and he reassured us the climb up was not too bad. Just 15m down the street (made of schist, not cobblestones or tar) one could look up and see the cross of the Chapelle-St- Foy, which was a tiny church almost at the top. It had a bell that people rang to show they had made it.

      It was a tough climb in the light rain,. Thankfully the path was mostly chiselled in rock, so the water was running down rather than creating bogs. We reached the chapel in about 25-30 mins, and the end of the long till after 50 mins. The rest of the day was mainly across gentle slopes and farmlands, but the light rain did not ease up until midday, and it was accompanied by a cold gale. Sometimes we looked forward to a climb because it meant being protected, and getting feeling back in all 10 fingers again.

      It was green all around, with the occasional herd of cows watching us walk by. There were good views sometimes when the clouds broke, but the challenge was underfoot: the path was either roads (which were hard but fine) or squelchy mud. It was usually possible to walk around the edges of the boggy sections, but it was slow. In the afternoon we met a few people who walked the last half of the 20 or so km down the road, saying there was no joy in sloshing through mud with numb hands and wet clothes.

      There will be a textile one day that solves the issue, but most people have ponchos covering themselves and backpack, waterproof jackets and separate waterproof backpack covers. They all keep the rain out, but going up long hills, even in sleet, makes you hot and sweaty, and under all the waterproofing, nothing evaporates. Having said that, I was glad we were not doing some of the hills in 30 degrees and laden down by extra litres of water.

      We arrived in Decazeville around 1:30. It is a large and definitely not thriving industrial town spread out along the river. The hotel was almost on the trail, so we found it very quickly. The manager (part of the family running it, and he once did 4 months in NZ), let us in after several minutes of consternation about us not having a booking, which was resolved when everyone realised they were looking at reservations on the wrong day. Much laughter. Our bags had not arrived, so we went up, took off the rain gear and set forth to find lunch. Somewhere along the trail we clearly offended a French spirit, because every boulangerie within a km of the hotel was shut, either permanently or because it was Thursday, or just because. There were numerous beauty shops, vaping shops, real estate agents and the odd tattoo parlour, but no food stores… go figure. But in the end there was a table-less Carrefours... Baguettes and cheese in hand, plus something for the 31km walk tomorrow, we went back to the hotel. Our bags had arrived, so warm showers, dry clothes and lunch with the benefit of Nico's Swiss knife.

      The Hotel Malpel is okay. 1. Bright room and good wifi. 2. View is a bit run-down industrial. 3. Lugging bags up two flights of stairs (but two bags to lug, so no complaining). 4. Good dinner 5. Friendly staff. 6 Controllable heater, but no coffee/tea.

      32,173 steps, 25.9km, 124 flights
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    • Giorno 8


      2 maggio, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Camino de Santiago:
      Day 1 Orisson Spain
      Distance from SJPdP
      to Orisson 8.4kms

      The day had finally arrived and we stepped onto the “way” with an urgency to begin and much excitement.
      The distance was only 8.4km but from the first step it was a steep climb to 800m climbing up and over the Pyrenees. Sheep grazed with bells around their necks donkeys ignored us and onwards and upwards we walked. The sun was shining upon us it was a magnificent day and we soaked up the views the beautiful landscape the pilgrims that we passed or passed us and were thankful to arrive early afternoon at our albergue for the night. A fabulous start it couldn’t have been better and we toasted our arrival with a basque cider.
      I think we will sleep well tonight.
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    Republic of France, Frankreich, France, Frankryk, Frɛnkyeman, ፈረንሳይ, Franzia, Francland, فرنسا, ܦܪܢܣܐ, ফ্ৰান্স, Francia, Fransa, Францыя, Франция, Faransi, ফ্রান্স, ཕ་རཱན་སི།, Frañs, Francuska, França, Huák-guók, Pransiya, Francie, Francëjô, Франци, Ffrainc, Frankrig, ފަރަންސޭސިވިލާތް, ཕརཱནསི, Frans nutome, Γαλλία, Francujo, Prantsusmaa, Frantzia, فرانسه, Farayse, Ranska, Frakland, An Fhrainc, An Fhraing, ફ્રાંસ, Yn Rank, Faransa, צרפת, फ़्रांस, Francoska, Frans, Franciaország, Ֆրանսիա, Prancis, ꃔꇩ, Frakkland, フランス共和国, fasygu'e, საფრანგეთი, Ubaranja, Frankrigi, បារាំង, ಫ್ರಾನ್ಸ್, 프랑스, फ्रांस, Frankrish, فەڕەنسا, Pow Frenk, Francogallia, Fransia, Frankräich, Bufalansa, Frankriek, Francja, Falánsɛ, ຝລັ່ງ, Prancūzija, Nfalanse, Francija, Frantsa, Франција, ഫ്രാന്‍സ്, Франц, फ्रान्स, Perancis, Franza, ပြင်သစ်, Frankrike, Furansi, Frankrijk, ଫ୍ରାନ୍ସ, Fransya, Frantscha, Franchiya, Ubufaransa, Franța, Frantza, Fraunce, Frankriika, Farânzi, ප්‍රංශය, Francúzsko, Faransiis, Franca, Француска, Ufaransa, பிரான்ஸ், ఫ్రాన్స్‌, Фаронса, ประเทศฝรั่งเศส, Pransya, Falanisē, Pranis, Farāni, فرانسىيە, Франція, فرانس, Franzsa, Pháp, Vrankriek, Fransän, Orílẹ́ède Faranse, 法国, i-France

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