European Odyssey

lutego 2017 - października 2018
610-dniowa przygoda według Joel Czytaj więcej
  • 611ślady stóp
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  • 610dni
  • 2,3kzdjęcia
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  • Dzień 51

    Day 51: More of San Seb

    7 kwietnia 2017, Hiszpania ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Time for some more relaxing in this playground of the rich and famous (and us). Had breakfast in the ocean-facing sunroom of our apartment (the housekeeper lives here and breakfast was included), then decided we'd head down onto the beach for a walk. This time we headed westwards to the other headland along the beach.

    Schnitzel had a great time running around on the sand, and there were lots of other locals around walking their dogs too. Tide was quite a long way out so lots of sand to explore and sniff (it's a very gentle slope beach). Got to the end of the beach and the headland, where there's a furnicular heading up to the top, so we bought tickets and jumped on.

    Schnitzel had to pay full price as well so we put him on the seat because, well, why not? Up top you get a fantastic view across the entire bay to the city opposite, so we took some photos and enjoyed the view. There was also a slightly crappy-looking fun-fair scattered around the top, all of which was entirely closed. No great loss! There was also a hotel at the top which was built to look like a castle from the city side, but when you walked around to the ocean side it just looked like a mid-20th century concrete block. Probably very expensive for a Mercure.

    Had a drink and some snacks in the restaurant at the top, enjoying the lovely warm sunshine. After an hour or so we headed back down on the furnicular, amusingly accompanied by the exact same group of people we'd been with on the way up! We'd hoped to have another drink at a restaurant on the water near the bottom, but unfortunately it was closed. Checked out the sculptures at the entrance to the bay, including the man-made blow-holes in the boardwalk which, although cool, absolutely terrified Schnitzel who ran away only to turn back on discovering a boxer dog drooling at him. Very funny.

    Back to the apartment where Shandos had a siesta and I spent a couple of hours writing and catching up on various things in the lovely warm sunroom. Had a chat to the newest couple who'd arrived earlier in the day as well.

    Around 7pm we headed back into the old town for more food and beverages. Saw a beautiful sunset over the bay entrance, then headed into the restaurant area for more delicious pintxos. Went again to a few different places, though everything was a little more expensive tonight as it wasn't 2 euro happy hour night. We revisited out old favourite with the "chipirones en su tinto" (literally squid in his own ink), and at another venue I talked Shandos into trying the Hilda (olive, anchovy and chilli), which she liked as well.

    Also returned to the cheesecake place, though it was absolutely packed tonight! I think we arrived just after a large group had turned up, so things were pretty crazy. Managed to find a spot outside and enjoy our cheesecake before making the long walk home. Schnitzel looked as tired as we did - huge day for him!
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  • Dzień 52

    Day 52: South to Burgos

    8 kwietnia 2017, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    Playtime over, we needed to get back to World Heritage business and back on the road. Had another lovely breakfast in the sunroom before packing up and hitting the road. Although our destination for the day was the city of Burgos to the south-west, first stop was in the mountains at the combined monasteries of Suso and Yuso - World Heritage sites, of course!

    This is a pair of monasteries constructed in the mountains - Suso is dedicated to St Millian, a miracle-working hermit who lived in the caves in the 5th century. His tomb is still there, and the monastery (really just a small stone church) was built up against the hillside, with the caves opening into the church itself. Very unusual. We'd booked a guided tour as it was the only way to see the monastery, but of course the group tour was only conducted in Spanish! That was an interesting 20 minutes, though we managed to get the necessary footage.

    Back down the hill to the Yuso monastery, which is much newer and dates from the 12th century or so. It was constructed as many pilgrims were passing by on the Camino del Santiago, and the old monastery was getting overloaded with people. We decided against doing another tour of this monastery and just filmed from the outside.

    There were a couple of nice looking cafes here, so we stopped for a late lunch and enjoyed a drink in the sunshine as well. We weren't in a hurry as Burgos was 2 hours away and we couldn't pick up the keys to our apartment from a nearby bar until 6pm.

    Eventually we drove off and arrived in Burgos at the apartment around 5:30. To kill some time we wandered over to a nearby supermarket and bought some supplies for the next couple of days. Since our host was away for the weekend, she had left the keys at a nearby bar which opened at 6pm. Not ideal, but we could manage. 6pm came and went, and no sign of opening. By 6:30 we got in touch with the host who said the bar owner had been caught up with something but was on his way. Finally he arrived at 7pm and we could go upstairs - not a fun way to spend the afternoon!

    At least the apartment is nice, and with good district views too. Unfortunately the heating didn't work very well and it took some back and forth with the host again via Whatsapp before I could get things functioning. Thankfully not that cold!

    Into the town tomorrow where we'll have a busy day checking out two World Heritage sites.
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  • Dzień 53

    Day 53: Exploring Burgos

    9 kwietnia 2017, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    Busy day today, with a double-header of World Heritage sites! First up after an early apartment breakfast and quick Skype with the Cleavers was Burgos Cathedral. Interestingly, despite the number of cathedrals we've been in in Spain, this is the only one WH listed as just a single building - the others were all as part of a series of buildings or an old town/cityscape.

    The Cathedral was built in the 12th century after a new king came to power, who wanted to show off the power and glory of the Catholic monarchs (remembering that this area had been reconquered from Muslims in living memory). He'd spent some time in France in his youth, so he wanted to build a cathedral to rival the famous ones in Notre Dame, Reims and Amiens. It's considered the best example in Spain of early, mid and late Gothic architecture, and honestly, it was incredible.

    We've seen a lot of churches and religious buildings so far on this journey and this was easily in the top few. Aside from the building itself, the painting, sculpture, tapestry, carvings, stained glass, woodwork and etchings were all amazing and super impressive. We spent a few hours in here, though we had to hurry slightly as today is Palm Sunday and the church was closing for tourist visits at midday.

    Back to the apartment where we picked up the car and drove 20 minutes out of town to Altapuerca, where probably the most ancient site we'll see anywhere awaited us. This is an archaological site where the oldest hominid fossils in western Europe have been found. They were discovered in the late 19th century by workers digging a railway cutting through a hill, but it actually wasn't until the 1960s when proper study revealed the bones to be 600,000 - 1,200,000 years old.

    And I say "hominid" deliberately, as these weren't actually homo sapiens that were discovered. The species were homo heidelbergensis, neanderthals, and an entirely new species known as homo antecessor (a precursor to humans). Great to walk through the cutting and see the dig sites as well as the very obvious layers in the strata where different era fossils have been recovered, and to learn about the process.

    Unfortunately, this was another guided tour of 90 minutes operated entirely in Spanish. My Spanish is improving, but there's no way I can keep up with an excited and passionate tour guide speaking about scientific concepts and history, though I can get the gist of a minute or so from a few words here and there. It was an enjoyable experience, though we were both a bit bored and ready for the end by the time it finally finished.

    Back into town where we were both starving - it was close to 3pm by now and high time for lunch. We picked up Schnitzel and wandered around a bit - all of the bars and restaurants were open and doing a roaring trade, likely due to the religious services earlier in the day. Looked for a while for somewhere to eat and eventually picked a place essentially at random. The food was great, though unfortunately the service was terrible - we waited nearly an hour for food, and I had to remind them to bring us the bread basket! At least they forgot to put our second round of drinks on the bill.

    Back to the apartment where we settled in for the evening. I edited a couple of videos and we booked a bit more accommodation for the next few weeks. Late dinner at 10pm since we'd eaten lunch so late, then eventually headed for bed just after midnight. Moving on again tomorrow!
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  • Dzień 54

    Day 54: South to Segovia

    10 kwietnia 2017, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    Fairly quiet one today, as we didn't actually have much planned. Packed up everything and left our apartment in Burgos, briefly visiting a viewpoint over the city before heading off. First up was a two hour drive to the south-west, where we were heading for the town of Segovia - UNESCO World Heritage listed, of course.

    But we were staying a little out of town, in a rural hotel in a small hamlet about 10 minutes away. So we arrived at our hotel after a 2 hour drive with a McDonalds lunch, just in time for the 2pm check-in. Our room was available so we decided to just relax for the afternoon - we had two days here so it made sense to relax rather than rushing off to do more sight-seeing.

    We ended up spending most of the afternoon in the hotel's bar area, working on various things and having a couple of drinks. Headed out for dinner around 9pm well and truly on Spanish time, though the hotel restaurant was fairly pricey, neither of us were that hungry, and only one of the three village restaurants were open. It was a Monday of course!

    Eventually we settled for the open place and ordered a couple of tapas dishes - patatas bravas and garlic prawns. Felt a little amusing since we were accompanied by everyone else from the hotel as well! Back to bed to do a little more work before turning in.
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  • Dzień 55

    Day 55: Exploring Segovia

    11 kwietnia 2017, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Time to explore Segovia, after our sort-of rest day yesterday! We had a hotel breakfast (first of the trip!!), got ready and headed into the main town about 15 minutes drive away. Segovia is of course a UNESCO World Heritage listed town for a few reasons - firstly because there's a giant Roman aqueduct, still there and in great condition.

    The aqueduct was the first part of the town we encountered and we parked just near it. It's absolutely huge, probably 30 metres high, and the remaining section is several hundred metres long. Originally it travelled for 15 kilometres, but of course only the last few hundred metres are left. Extremely impressive though, and leaves you thinking about how all of this construction was achieved with pre-industrial techniques.

    Next up we wandered into the old town proper, where some of the walls still remain and many of the houses date to the medieval era. The most impressive parts are the cathedral - at 90 metres the spire was once the tallest structure in Spain, and the Alcazar or royal palace. We didn't go inside either building as Schnitzel was with us and wasn't permitted, but contented ourselves with admiring from the outside. And besides - we've been in a lot of cathedrals now, and several alcazars as well!

    Had a long lunch and a couple of drinks in a restaurant on the main square, enjoying the warm sunshine and watching the world go by. Schnitzel was behaving himself as well; the only bad habit he's picked up is that he barks at us while we eat, usually for attention. It takes a lot of ignoring him before he settles down again, but at least you don't get the sidelong glances and raised eyebrows that you get in Australia.

    Back to the car where we drove a lap around the exterior of the town, hunting for a good vantage point. Eventually we found one, where you could see the front of the alcazar arched like a ship's bow off the front of a cliff, in a way that wasn't visible from inside the town. Very impressive.

    Into the car again and back to the hotel where we settled down for a bit - Shandos had a nap and I did some editing and writing. Headed out for dinner around 9pm where we visited the hotel restaurant for a small splurge on suckling pig. Very tasty!
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  • Dzień 56

    Day 56: Avila

    12 kwietnia 2017, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    Another day, another World Heritage site! After our hotel breakfast we checked out around 10:30 and got back on the road. Short drive today, only about an hour to the south-west as we headed for the old town of Avila. This place is mainly notable for the enormous medieval walls still surrounding the town, so we decided to check it out.

    Had a bit of difficulty parking at first as there were lots of people around, but managed to find somewhere eventually. Wandered into town and started exploring, though neither of us felt particularly taken by the place. The walls are very impressive and in great condition, though the cleanliness of the stone and perfect condition made it feel a bit fake, weirdly. And that plus the hordes of tourists, people selling fairy floss and balloons etc made it feel almost like a theme park rather than a historic place. Alas.

    We had a good look around and filmed some stuff before stopping for some tapas on the main square. Checked out the various parts of the city before returning to the car and driving to our accommodation. We'd actually booked into a small hostel for the night and it was quite nice; only six rooms so not the usual hordes of drunken backpackers. There was a group of 8 Chinese priests which was a little odd! It also made me realise we've seen almost no Chinese tourists at all in Spain.

    Headed back into the old town for dinner and things had quietened down a fair bit, which was quite nice. Walked over to a market square rather than the main plaza, and as expected the venues here were aimed more at locals than tourists. Shandos had a fish dish while I had a chicken club sandwich.

    Back to the hostel and off to bed!
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  • Dzień 57

    Day 57: Alcala de Henares

    13 kwietnia 2017, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Back on the road again to check out another World Heritage site! This was actually a last-minute change of plans; we'd originally intended to visit a different site on the western edge of Madrid, but it was very expensive to visit, no dogs allowed, and closing early due to the impending Easter holidays. So we opted for this one instead, a planned university city on the north-eastern outskirts of Madrid.

    It's important as the first ever planned university city, and its outline was transported to many cities across the New World. It was also the birthplace of a couple of important Spaniards: San Justa and San Pastor who were martyred as children here in the 4th century, Miguel de Cervantes who wrote Don Quixote (considered the world's first modern novel and most famous Spanish story), and Catherine of Aragon, first wife to Henry VIII and whose inability to provide a male heir led directly to the start of Anglicanism. So a cool little place!

    We wandered around enjoying the town and the warm sunshine, as today was pushing past the mid 20s - close to the warmest day yet I think. The town itself is quite nice, with a closely-set old town, everything packed in on each other, and then the university area which is much larger, wider open, and obviously planned out. Interesting dichotomy. Not many students around though, as today is Easter Thursday and a public holiday in Spain. I forget why, but it's a Roman Catholic thing, obviously. Lots of barricades and stuff set up around churches for processions happening later in the evening.

    Had lunch in a busy restaurant along the main pedestrian street, lots of people out eating and enjoying the sunshine. Probably mostly day-trippers from Madrid but it didn't feel super crowded and touristy like other places we've been. Nice spot, and we were both glad we switched from the other site, even though it meant a longer drive on both ends.

    Late afternoon we left Alcala de Henares and drove into Madrid proper, heading for our apartment. We've got a few days here and surprisingly, no World Heritage sites since there actually aren't any in Madrid. We'll take a day off to do some work and then another day to do some sightseeing before heading off again into the north-east.

    Our Airbnb apartment here is very nice, freshly renovated and on the top floor of a 5-story building with a decent sized terrace. Only problem is that because of the religious holidays, all the supermarkets and shops are closed! Thankfully we'd bought a large bun thing back in Alcala de Henares, so we had that for dinner. Fingers crossed something is open in the morning or it's going to be a hungry day!
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  • Dzień 58

    Day 58: Working in Madrid

    14 kwietnia 2017, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    Very quiet day today. Back in Madrid but everything is closed due to Good Friday. We bunkered down in our apartment and got to working - I caught up on some writing and churned through about 5 videos. Means I've got a nice buffer pre-loaded into YouTube and can afford a few days off editing and uploading. Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 59

    Day 59: Enjoying Madrid

    15 kwietnia 2017, Hiszpania ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    No work for today after our productive day yesterday, and it's Easter Saturday so most things are open again. We had some exploring to do since we hadn't really seen all that much of Madrid on our first time through, two months ago today funnily enough! First stop was the most important art museum in Spain - the Prado, full of Renaissance and earlier art.

    Opening at 10, we hoped to get there soon afterwards but as usual could only manage about 10:40. Very long ticket queue already that looked like it was going to be an hour+ wait, but we were inside within about 35 minutes so not too bad. The gallery itself is enormous, with wings and halls and room after room of famous artists. Not quite on the scale of the Louvre, but definitely a lot larger than the Guggenheim we'd recently visited.

    The paintings were mostly ordered by nationality, so you'd have Spanish artists in one wing, Flemish in another, then Italian, French and so on. We sort of wandered around not quite knowing where to head first. Lots of well-known artists on display, including: Goya, Velazquez, Rubens, Rafael, Rembrandt, Bosch, Titian and El Greco. We basically exhausted ourselves looking around fairly non-stop for about 5 hours, with only a short break in the restaurant for lunch.

    Headed back around 4pm where we relaxed in our apartment. I headed back out shortly afterwards, as I had a ticket for a football game - Atletico Madrid vs Osasuna at the nearby Vicente Calderon stadium. I'd noticed on the map it was only 15 minutes walk from our apartment, realised that there was a game on while we were there, bought a ticket online for about 50 euros and headed over!

    Great experience, with the crowd well into it singing and chanting fairly constantly. Atletico are one of the strongest teams in Spain, so it was no surprise they ran out as 3-0 winners. It should've been more as well, since they had two penalties in the last five minutes, both of which were saved!! I discovered later that this was one of the last home games they will play at this stadium, as they're moving for next season and it's into the last few games of the season. It's not hard to see why either - the actual stadium was mostly a dump of cinderblocks, concrete and rusty iron.

    Arrived back home around 9pm where Shandos was still awake, surprisingly, so I grabbed half a chicken from the great-smelling chicken place a few doors away. Very tasty. Stayed up a bit too late as usual, though we're moving on in the morning. Still haven't quite done Madrid total justice, but we've made a much better fist of it this time around.
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  • Dzień 60

    Day 60: South to Toledo

    16 kwietnia 2017, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    Time to move on again after seeing a bit of Madrid! And of course, it was time for another UNESCO site. Our destination for the day was Toledo, an old capital city and important town for a lot of Spanish history, about an hour to the south of Madrid. It existed in pre-Roman times, and was one of the most important Visigoth towns in Spain, but after the Moorish conquest it declined in importance as the royal court moved to Cordoba. It was reconquered by the Christians in 1085 and was one of their most important cities until the seat of power moved to Madrid in the 16th century.

    So a pretty interesting place, with a lot of history to check out. The drive was only an hour or so which passed uneventfully, and we arrived at a lookout over the town for an early look around midday, as we couldn't check in to our apartment until 1pm. Nice view from up here, plenty of the walls left as well as the tall spires of the cathedral and the alcazar (royal palace) sticking up.

    Drove down into the city to find our apartment, but discovered fairly quickly that google maps was going to be pretty useless. Many streets were one-way, pedestrian only or far too narrow for the car, so we dropped it in a parking station and walked the last few hundred metres.

    It was quite nice, with a tiny balcony overlooking the alleyway below, only a minute or so's walk from the back of the cathedral. Bathroom was quite old (fixtures were all peach-coloured porcelain!), but the rest of it was nice. Dropped our bags and headed out into the city to explore.

    Lots to see here, with the big cathedral, alleyways, a very pretty and well-preserved old town, towers, convents, mosques and even a synagogue. We had some lunch (typical three-course menu of the day) then did quite a bit of wandering before heading back to the apartment around 6pm. We didn't go inside any of the buildings as Schnitzel was with us, but figured since we had two nights here we'd save them for tomorrow. Only did a small amount of filming as well.

    Rested up for a couple of hours (Shandos had a nap and I watched Man United vs Chelsea), before heading back out in the evening for some dinner. Managed to find quite a good tapas restaurant with decent prices, where we had a few different dishes including a quail breast topped with dried rice noodles, a poached egg and sweet chilli sauce. The place was called La Cave and we were sitting on a glass floor about 10 metres above the wine cellar, a little unnerving but fun!

    Headed back to the apartment around 10pm, by which time it was finally dark and everything was lit up. Very few people around now which was quite nice! Toledo's densely packed attractions, picturesque outlook and proximity to Madrid means it's a very common daytrip for most visitors to Madrid, and during the day it swarms with tourists. It's probably the most densely touristed place we've been to so far, but after dark it was very pleasant - still tourists around, but the selfie stick hordes had departed back to Madrid.

    Looking forward to more exploring tomorrow!
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