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    • Tag 208

      Gerasa, Teil 1

      27. März 2023 in Jordanien ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Nach einer etwas unruhigen Nacht an der Zitadelle in Amman machen wir uns zur zweit wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten in Jordanien auf:
      „Gerasa oder Jerasch liegt im Norden Jordaniens und etwa 40 Kilometer nördlich von Amman. Die antike Stadt Gerasa war Teil der sogenannten Dekapolis.“ Die meisten Gebäude stammen aus dem 1 bis 7 Jahrhundert n.Chr.

      Auf einem riesigen Gelände finden sich 2 Amphitheater, ein Zeus-tempel, mehrere Kirchen und gut erhaltene Prachtstraßen, wovon der Cardo Maximo 800 m lang ist. Der Hadriansbogen ist der größte erhalten Triumphbogen der Römer. Er ist 21m hoch und 25m breit.
      Das Hippodrom ist das kleinste, aber auch besterhaltenste römische Zirkusbau.

      Eine Besonderheit ist auch das ovale Forum. Seine Maße betragen 90 × 80 Meter. Das Oval ist mit Kolonnaden gesäumt und untypisch für die Römer, die lieber geometrische Formen verwendeten.

      Gerasa ist auf jeden Fall ein Besuch wert, wobei die Ausgrabungen im Amman wir beeindruckend er fanden.

    • Tag 208

      Gerasa, Teil 2

      27. März 2023 in Jordanien ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Es ist Frühling und wir haben es genossen durch eine blühende Landschaft zu laufen.

      Ansonsten gab es zum Frühstück frische Pancakes vom Bäcker. Scheint hier zum Ramadan zu geben, hatten wir vorher noch nicht gesehen.

      Nach der Besichtigung machen wir noch weiter, jetzt Richtung Osten zu den Wüstenschlössern.
      Zum Übernachten fahren wir bis Qasr al-Hallabat.

      Die Besichtigung machen wir morgen, heute sind die Beine schon schwer.

    • Tag 149

      Travel day

      17. August 2022 in Jordanien ⋅ ☀️ 90 °F

      Miles: 2.0 Steps: 4816
      Flights stairs: 6

      As we leave Europe and head into Asia/Africa, we have a bit of nervousness. Many parts of Europe felt a lot like home, or at least places we’d been in the US. Somewhat familiar and “normal”. We’ve slowly adjusted to the cultures around us. Eastern Europe much different than Western, but still nothing too extreme.

      Today we flew into Amman, Jordan. We’re officially in the Middle East … which is a little unsettling - everyone says we’re fine as long as we stay clear of the Syrian border … so we’ll stay clear of the Syrian border. 🥺 The city’s claim to fame is its the 3rd most ugly city in the world!!! 😳 And so far, from what we’ve seen, possibly.

      We arrived and did our normal routine in a new country … locate a SIM card so we have GPS and data, find a “trustworthy” ATM to get local currency, and figure out the transportation situation. A taxi from Amman airport is spendy … almost $70. So … I found a local express bus and we got on that instead. $3 each. It got us close to our hotel, and then we Uber’d the rest of the way for $3. Much more affordable.

      I book all of our accommodations online, sight unseen. I go off reviews, pictures, locations. So far we’ve done fairly well. We’ve had a few locations that weren’t the best, but overall, done okay. Pictures and descriptions can be deceiving tho.

      Today, when the Uber driver dropped us off at the hotel, we were scared. There was NOTHING that resembled a hotel. Nothing. GPS said it should be close, but all we saw was what appeared to be condemned or abandoned buildings. So we went to where it was telling us … and there was a small sign for our hotel. Right dead center in the … mess. 😳 long story short, the positive is that it was much nicer inside than out, but it’s still not good. Luckily it’s a private room, and we’re here just one night so making the best of it.

      When traveling without a car, the intent is always to get as close to the center of town as possible. It’s where the tourist attractions or sites usually are, and it just makes it easier getting around. Up till today, it’s worked like a charm. This time it appears the closer we got to the center of town, the more it resembled a chaotic, war zone. Should be VERY interesting heading out tomorrow to explore Amman.

    • Tag 150

      Piglet does brave things

      18. August 2022 in Jordanien ⋅ ☀️ 90 °F

      Miles: 6.7 Steps: 16366
      Flights stairs: 19

      I stepped out of my comfort zone today in so many ways, and felt very brave and accomplished.

      First, I wandered the streets of Amman … alone. Jordan unexpectedly found she had a friend visiting Amman also (same one she saw in Budapest) so she met up with her which left me seeing the sites solo. It was actually very fun and I felt adventurous.

      I hit the Roman Theater and then did a 25 minute walk to the Citadel Hill. Both Roman ruins from when they occupied Amman centuries ago. Then I walked 35 minutes more through the streets of Amman to the Jordan Museum which was neat to see. And then walked back to the hotel all though the local markets. Not really an area with tourists, just locals. I felt like I stood out like a sore thumb. Ubers are dirt cheap here but chose to walk instead to see the surroundings more and get some miles in, since we haven’t really done much while poolside for the last few days.

      We’ve decided to break away from the buses and such and rent a car for our time in Jordan! It’s the way you get around here, so we’ll be on our own for the next 10 days. I drove for the first time in 5 months!! It felt very strange, but nice to be behind a wheel again.

      We drove about 90 minutes north towards Syria to the town of Jerash. Driving is CRAZY here - there aren’t any lines on the roads to show lanes - so there are as many lanes as cars that can fit across. Sometimes 2,3 and even 4. Everyone is in a huge hurry and everyone is honking at everyone. It is an exercise in CONSTANT defensive driving as you never know when cars are going to try to just squeeze by you. 🤞

    • Tag 151

      Jerash, Jordan

      19. August 2022 in Jordanien ⋅ ☀️ 84 °F

      Miles: 4.6 Steps: 10446
      Flights stairs: 24

      We went to the Jerash Archeological site today - they say it’s the best preserved Roman ruins in the world (outside of Rome of course). They were very impressive, mostly how intact they still were after all this time.

      Then we took a drive out to Ajloun Castle. It is what was left of a Muslim castle built in the 1100’a, so is almost 1000 years old. Amazing these giant buildings are still standing after all the years, wars and natural disasters like earth quakes.

      It was an experience getting out and up to it - driving is definitely an adventure here, but fun.

    • Tag 152

      Trip to the Dea Sea

      20. August 2022 in Jordanien ⋅ ☀️ 97 °F

      Miles: 2.2 Steps: 6049
      Flights stairs: 3

      We drove about 90 min from Jerash to the Jordan River this morning. “Jordan, wanted to touch the Jordan River, while standing in the Kingdom of Jordan.” 🤣 So I made that happen. ❤️

      The border between Jordan and Israel is separated by the Jordan River, so to get close to it, at least on this side, you need an escort as the banks of the river are under military control. The only place we could find to actually get us close was to visit what they have deemed as the official baptism site of Jesus. We had to register with the government, board a bus, and then we’re escorted in to the area for a brief tour. Very interesting. The best picture I got was standing at the stream, watching baptisms on the other side, with the Israeli flag flying. We were no more than 15 ft away from each other.

      I had read a lot about how the river is now 95% less flow from its original state because of it being diverted upstream - quite the water war between Syria, Israel, Palestinians and Jordan. Pretty sad situation. I didn’t expect much, but I did expect more than what we found. All that the “river” is now, is at best what can be described as a trickle or small stream, and a lot of that is sewage and agriculture waste. 😢 But it was an eye opening visit, and Jordan got her wish.

      We’re staying at a hotel on the Dead Sea for a couple nights. The pool was SO warm, it was almost uncomfortable. Still nice though. But it’s well over 100° as a high temp, so it’s expected. Tonight’s LOW temp is only 83° overnight. But “it’s a dry heat”. 😃

    • Tag 153

      Wadi Mujib Siq Trail and the Dead Sea

      21. August 2022 in Jordanien ⋅ ☀️ 91 °F

      Miles: 4.1 Steps: unknown
      Flights stairs: 7

      We went on the most amazing “hike” today - we hiked 1 km into and up a river in a beautiful canyon called Wadi Mujib! The water temp was perfect - just refreshing and beautiful. Most of the way the water was mid thigh level, but it got as low as ankle deep to some places we couldn’t touch.

      We had to maneuver over rock ways and waterfalls the entire length. It’s an attraction so they provided “helpers” at the most difficult spots and of course there were ropes and ladders installed to help us over.

      I was pretty proud that I made it the entire way. They say you should be fit and in good shape to attempt it. 🥺 I had one obstacle that I didn’t think I’d make it over, but did!! I was also the oldest person in the canyon. 👵 At one point the group around us applauded when I made it up a particularly difficult section. 😁

      There were little fishies all throughout the river that constantly nibbled on your skin. Like … every few seconds. They were everywhere. A little unsettling to feel it the entire time.

      On the way back we’re able to just float back down and really enjoy the rock formations. Such an AWESOME experience. 10 out of 10.

      Later we decided to brave floating in the Dead Sea. It is officially the lowest point on earth at 427 meters (1400 ft) BELOW sea level! It is actually a dangerous thing to do as it is so salty and … people die there. 😳 who knew? It has a salinity of 34%!! The ocean is only 3.5%, and The great salt lake in Utah ranges between 6-27%. You have to make sure to not get any water in your ears, mouth, eyes or nose or it can do tremendous damage. Also a ten min time limit in the water. This water was NOT the perfect temp … it was literally HOT. Not just bath water, but hot to get into.

      Unfortunately I got two small cuts on my arms while in the canyon earlier so couldn’t fully enjoy it. I had to keep my arms out of the water the entire time or risk a pretty painful experience according to the helper at the water. (And I did have a much smaller scab on my shin that let me know how much it did actually hurt in the very salty water). It was a phenomenal feeling tho having the water actually push you to the surface. Crazy.

    • Tag 154

      Road trip

      22. August 2022 in Jordanien ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      Miles: 1.0 Steps: 2669
      Flights stairs: 8

      We took off this morning and headed south. We drove the Dead Sea highway for about an hour which took us down the entire length of the Dead Sea. Beautiful.

      Then we climbed up into the mountains and drove for probably an hour without seeing another car. Really gorgeous hills.

      We eventually made it to Wadi Miss, after a four hour drive. Was really unique and interesting tho. Can’t wait to see this historic place for the next couple days.

    • Tag 155


      23. August 2022 in Jordanien ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

      Miles: 9.2 Steps: 20272
      Flights stairs: 61 !!

      We went to Petra today. It’s quite a hike - surprised me, I had no idea it took so much to see it. And today, we only saw about half of the site.

      We made it to the “treasury” - to me, made famous by Indiana Jones and the last crusade. Anyone else? Shows how cultured I am. 😂 And then we took a side trail to be able to view the treasury from above - it was 725 stairs to the top! (yes I counted every one of them). Luckily we went out early so wasn’t too warm for most of it - mid 70’s at the start, mid 80’s at the end. The main trail to get in was about 2 miles each way and then the side trail we took was another 2 each way. All the hikes we’ve done so far are rated easy or moderate - todays was rated hard, and it was. But we made it to the top!

      When we got there we found a person had constructed a “hut” that completely blocked the view. You could only see said view if you came into the hut and purchased something to drink. Quite the entrepreneur. At that point we had little choice after hiking for 2 miles just to see the view so we paid out the $6 for two water bottles, sat down and enjoyed what we worked so hard to see. 😂

      So far, Jordan has been a joy to see. And for the most part the people are kind, polite and friendly. Today tho, was shocked when a man asked me “how many camels would you like for your baby?” Yep .. someone offered to buy my daughter. 😳 For camels, nonetheless. A waiter also asked Jordan, with me sitting right there, “does your mom like sweets? Most old ladies here don’t.” Yep .. I was called an old lady, to my face. 😢 Someone also wanted to know why Jordan wasn’t married yet - what was “wrong” with her to not be married by 23. Interesting times.

    • Tag 156

      Just another day in Petra

      24. August 2022 in Jordanien ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      Miles: 8.0 Steps: 22654
      Flights stairs: 65

      We have learned to get up early here - it’s cooler in the nighttime so morning is fairly cool and nice. We get out, do our hiking and are back to the hotel by noon or 1:00. Makes it bearable.

      We hiked in and went all the way to the end, to the “monestary”. This is a carved building in the rock, just like the famous “treasury” but much bigger. It’s also much more difficult to get to. We hiked about 4 miles and up 850 steps today to get to it. Most steps yet. Very impressive tho. It’s unbelievable that these massive structures are carved into the stone.

      There are a lot of animals being used for transport of all kinds here. Mostly donkeys, some horses and then a handful of camels. It’s crazy to see the donkeys climbing the rock steps. We refused to use the donkeys to help us, as it just seemed cruel. They were so tiny .. and well, we obviously are not. Just felt wrong. And the horses are definitely not healthy or taken care of. Pretty sad situation.

      However, after we hiked back down the mountain, we did decide to take a camel ride for about a mile or so. It seemed less cruel as the camels are built for the desert and are SO big. The owner also seemed to take good care of them - hopefully looks weren’t deceiving. At least how we justified it. 🤷‍♀️ It was AMAZING. I’ve ridden horses, but these were so much taller and bigger. The feeling of having them stand up and sit back down while we were on them was incredible. They are VERY tall! I was on “Zuzu”, a 7 yr old male and Jordan was on “Daisy”, a 3 yr old female. Apparently, they can go a WEEK without food or water. Not that they do, but they can. Amazing finish to our time in Petra.

    Möglicherweise kennst du auch folgende Namen für diesen Ort:

    Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Jordanien, Jordan, Jordanië, Gyɔdan, ጆርዳን, Chordania, Hascemisc Cynerīce þæs Iordanes, الأردن, ܘܪܕܢ, Ürdün, Іарданія, Йордания, Zɔrdani, জর্ডান, ཇོར་ཌན།, Jordania, Jordània, Jordánsko, Gwlad Iorddonen, Yordan nutome, Ιορδανία, Jordanio, جردن, Jordani, Jordanie, Jordaanje, An Iordáin, Xordania, જોર્ડન, ירדן, जॉर्डन, Jordaniska, Jordánia, Հորդանան, Yordania, Jórdanía, Giordania, ヨルダン・ハシミテ王国, იორდანია, Njorondani, ហ៊្សកដានី, ಜೋರ್ಡಾನ್, 요르단, ئوردن, Iordania, Yorodani, Zɔdani, ຈໍແດນ, Jordanija, Jodani, Jordānija, Јордан, ജോര്‍ദ്ദാന്‍, Ġordan, ဂျော်ဒန်, Djordan, जोर्डन, ଜୋର୍ଡାନ୍, Иордани, Hordanya, اردن, Jordânia, Yorudaniya, Иордания, Giurdania, Zordanïi, ජෝර්දානය, Urdun, Yordani, ஜொர்டான், జార్డాన్, ประเทศจอร์แดน, Hordan, Soatane, Йорданія, Iordaniya, Gioóc-đa-ni (Jordan), Yordän, יארדאניע, Orílẹ́ède Jọdani, 约旦, i-Jordan

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