
setembro - outubro 2021
Uma 23aventura de um dia na Jeanette & Linda Leia mais
  • 40pegadas
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  • 23dias
  • 248fotos
  • 17vídeos
  • 7,9kquilômetros
  • Dia 5

    Sénja - more pictures

    15 de setembro de 2021, Noruega ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

    What an amazing first day! Norway did not disappoint (once we got here)!
    The hike to Segla was well worth this detour - through 3 mini tunnels (just one car width) and up a slippery slope to magnificent views.
    A wonderful sunset with some more drone shots awaited us at the camp spot we found for the night (Google Satellite View is the best) - we also cooked outdoors for the first time.
    I couldn’t let Jette have the only ocean swim so at 6:30am next day in we went. 💦
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  • Dia 6

    Insel Andenes/ Andøy

    16 de setembro de 2021, Noruega ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    Unser Morgen begann mit einem kühlen Bad im Meer. Naja Bad ist etwas übertrieben - ich bin auf der Treppe ausgerutscht und kopfüber ins Wasser gestürzt. Um anschließend mit möglichst vielen, kurzen Armzügen zurück zur Treppe zu schwimmen und rein in trockene Kleidung zu springen :)
    Im Gegensatz zu Linda, die gefühlt noch alle Muscheln auf der Treppe zählte und eine halbe Ewigkeit später aus dem Wasser kam -> Icebadqueen.

    Anschließend ging es mit unserem Pumpkin auf die Insel Andenes, wo wir morgen meinen Wunsch nach einer Waltour erfüllen ;-).

    Einen glorreichen Abschluss fanden wir auf unserem Campingplatz - eine private Sauna direkt am Meer. Selbstverständlich durfte hier der Tauchgang im Meer nach jedem Saunagang nicht fehlen:)
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  • Dia 7

    Whale Watching

    17 de setembro de 2021, Noruega ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    Nach einem ausgewogenen Frühstück ging es für uns nach Andenes für unsere Whale Watching Tour. Unser Guide Stefan (CH) versprach eine fast 100% Garantie, dass wir zumindest Pottwale sehen.

    Zunächst gab es für alle eine kleine Führung durch das Walmuseum.

    Infos: Pottwal Männchen werden bis zu 20m groß und die Weibchen 12-15m . Auch können sie ca. 3000m tief tauchen und bis zu 2h unter Wasser bleiben. Nach einem solchen Tauchgang müssen sie sich 30 Minuten auf dem Wasser erholen, bevor es weiter geht. Die Männchen leben vorrangig hier oben im Norden, während sich die Weibchen mit dem Nachwuchs im Süden aufhalten.

    Stefan lag vollkommen richtig mit seiner Prognose ☺️ !!!
    Wir hatten nicht nur absolutes Glück mit dem Wetter, sondern auch noch die Möglichkeit
    -> 2 Pottwale
    -> 30 Orcas
    -> 3-4 Finnwale
    in ihrem natürlichen Umfeld zu sehen.
    Die Orcas waren dabei in einer Schule, mit zwei kleinen Jungtieren, und ein zwei jugendlichen Männchen, unterwegs und haben einen Abstand von nur 5-8m zum Boot gehabt.
    Zum Abschluss gab es für uns sogar noch eine kleine Zugabe - einer der Orcas schwamm neben uns und sprang anschließend aus dem Wasser heraus.
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  • Dia 7

    Wanderung auf den Måtind

    17 de setembro de 2021, Noruega ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    After we seemed to have the lucky fairy 🧚🏻 on our side while whale watching (tour guides told us it was the best watch the last four years with the weather and combined sightings) we decided to take a sunset hike to Matind, the mountain we saw from our camp spot last night.
    The trail trailed along the sandy beach first, then wound along a lake densely grown with small birch’s and then in typical Norway fashion went muddy and straight up.
    The last part crossed along the ridge and the breathtaking views started. I launched the drone for pictures and a video today, but we made it a quick as possible as the sun was setting.
    We did have to take some time for these views - left, right, straight down… the pictures speak for themselves. It really is that beautiful. Just as we wanted to leave I found a different view down the other side I needed to get some big camera pictures of… I made it as quick as our marriage would allow… 😉 then we started our hike back the same way we came.
    I had grabbed two headlamps as we set off - Jeanette looking at me puzzled with a „You think we need that?“
    And need them we did - right into the steep slippery part light was noticeably fading. With the mounted lamps it did take us just as long to get down as up, as you want to be extra careful not to miss a step. Once more I am super thankful I can trust my ankles and knees to handle a bit of brute force (that’s what we train for!).
    The way back along the beach gave us hope that this day would end perfect: There was one cloud opening exactly to the North and the Northern Lights forecast today was >50% chance.
    We cooked a late dinner outside and started our watch - up until midnight and then setting an alarm for every hour… sadly no luck: the clouds closed for the night.
    We have 2-3 more nights North enough that we might get a second chance 🤞🏽fingers crossed.

    Hike to Måtind from Bleik Beach
    Length: 11,3 km
    Altitude gain: 610 hm

    Most pictures view onto Bleiksøya (triangular rock, famous nesting place of thousands of birds including Puffins from November to April).
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  • Dia 8

    Lofoten - Henningsvær

    18 de setembro de 2021, Noruega ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    Today we left the Island Andøya to head to the famous Lofoten Islands. We had to retrace some of our steps to get off the island and then on to the next.
    After the last magnificent days I wondered: had we strung up our trip from the wrong side and started with the highlights? What was going to top that?
    Well, it took about 1 bridge over to Lofoten and 3 turns to realize the hype around this island. What we had seen every third or fourth bay or turn on the other islands literally jumped at us at every turn here:
    Turquoise blue bays with sprinkles of yellowish algae (at low tide) or rocks that looked like a cake decorator had placed them into the scenery (at high tide).
    White sandy beaches, mountainsides in fire orange and yellows and the sharp edged mountains rising up like Stegosaurus plates out of the ocean.
    We also saw our first eagles this morning, adding to the wildlife of reindeers, a seal, of course the whales, as well as the park animals the bear, elk, lynx and polar fox.
    Our first stop was the „most incredible soccer field of the world“, well actually the town Henningsvær. Marketed as the „Venice of the Lofoten“… But - honest opinion- the soccer place was really the best part. Like Michealangelo had chisled it out of the scenery it drops like a giant green bathtub in the very end of the longish peninsula the town sits on. The same cake decorator sprinkled some rocks in the back, the fishing industry frames everything with fish drying racks and the cherry on top is the mandatory lighthouse at the tail end!
    Make sure you watch the video and you‘ll understand!
    After that we searched for a North facing spot for the night. After another amazing day with hours of no cloud in the sky we hoped it would hold up to see the Northern Lights…
    The spot with the white sands was perfect - but the cloud cover rolled in too solid to see anything.
    But Lennox had a blast! In the morning we did find ourselves with 4x as many neighbors as we started the night - lucky it’s not high season!
    We let Lennox run a few more rounds, collected some shells for Jeanette and I filled a trash bag with plastic trash from the beach and set off on our way…
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  • Dia 9

    Lofoten - Haukland & Uttakleiv Beaches

    19 de setembro de 2021, Noruega ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    Our goal was Uttakleiv beach which would‘ve been our number one pick for the night if it wouldn’t be facing the wrong direction…
    Just 5min into the drive a huuuge viking building rose up on the hillside - the viking museum. …of course I had to crack out the drone… 😬
    A battery pack later we got back on the road to our goal the Uttakleiv beach…
    Not fully there yet another magnificent beach showed up around the corner and I said: „I am sorry I will have to fly the drone here and get a picture.“ (a sentence I would use five more times that day…)
    I checked the map and the name Haukland was not unfamiliar - I had read it in the „To See“ lists, but it still came as a nice surprise. Obviously it had turquoise blue water, sandy beaches, impressive mountain backdrops and Fall colors… BUT this one had a stream of sweet water winding it’s way down the sand into the ocean.
    Not crowded, but frequented by many fellow travelers carrying lenses and also the first other drones we saw.
    I got a couple of shots, also experimenting with using the drone for selfies (an idea Jeanette had 👍🏽🙌🏾) - results see below.
    Driving there the Lofoten magnificence started to work its magic again. After several: „Wow, look at that blue ocean!“ and „Did you see that white beach?“ Jeanette was getting fed up and we skipped the third beach on plan for that morning (…maybe she was just afraid I would make her wait for the pictures AND the recharging of the battery packs in between… 🤫)
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  • Dia 9

    Lofoten - Nusfjord

    19 de setembro de 2021, Noruega ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    If one thing on this island did not get enough hype it was Nusfjord. We had scratched our heads at the mentioned entrance fee to walk and see the town - but if €10 were ever worth it, it was here. Nusfjord is the oldest and best preserved fishing town of Norway. Archeologists found proof that as early as 400 people had settled here to fish. In 1870 the Dahl family started the commercial fishing and launched the rise of the town to produce enough fish to fill the 23‘000 drying racks.
    Today the town is preserved and returned to its old touch with a General store, the Landhandel serving Waffles and Salmon Sandwiches. Both of these we can highly recommend 👌🏽

    Waffeln und Lachssandwich im Country Store (Landhandel) - großartig! Mit Blick auf den Hafen.
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  • Dia 9


    19 de setembro de 2021, Noruega ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    How do you plan a trip? - If you are like me, I see pictures and go „Oh wow, I wanna see that!“ and it really p*sses me off if you pay for travel books and they don’t label the pictures. Like the cover picture. So the picture is good enough to put on the cover, but you didn’t find time to name it?
    Well on THIS trip, on THIS lonely planet I MacGuyvered the original location of the cover out.
    Thats were we went today. It’s a huge discussion among photographers if it is allowed to steal an angle or shot… but I wanted this one 😬 no shame here 🤷🏼‍♀️!
    What do you think, did I get it cover-worthy???
    This was our last touristy stop for the day. We set off to search for the perfect night spot.
    - Facing North
    - very few light sources around
    - no clouds
    …can you guess why? Yes, the hunt for the Aurora Borealis was on!
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  • Dia 10

    Aurora Borealis

    20 de setembro de 2021, Noruega ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    The spot for the night was specifically chosen to get the highest chances to see the Aurora Borealis. The forecast was not super bright but it hasn’t been very reliant the last days (we went to bed when it said bad chances only to see other travelers pics the next day…)
    So tonight I set up watch sometime half past nine - and only half a Find Penguins report in I look out to something I think could be it: Is that a greenish cloud spot?
    Yes! We grabbed our camping chairs, threw on as much clothes as we could and set off some way down the beach away from the town lights. We got there and green spots would light up, half a curve even.
    This time the picture is much more impressive then real life. I had to use my phone because my camera decided to run out just now 🤷🏼‍♀️
    But here it is.
    Aurora Borealis!
    (The second and third picture for reference what we really saw. I want to take a moment to thank Apple for engineering such a great night mode, and myself for taking up the $$ to invest in a higher range new phone with a better camera technology - this pic might be worth all of it.)

    We waited for another two and a half hours but it never came back more than a small spot - the clouds moved in and you could tell by greenish shimmer something was happening behind them, but couldn’t see anything.

    Sometimes the first impression is the best one I guess 😁
    Let’s see how the chances are the next days to catch a bit more of the green snake!
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