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Top 10 Travel Destinations Nicaragua
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    • Day 286

      ¡Hola! Nicaragua. San Juan del Sur

      November 30, 2019 in Nicaragua ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Nicaragua... wo liegt das eigentlich?🇳🇮
      So ziemlich zentral in Zentralamerika. Ein Land von dem man nicht wirklich viel gehört hat und wenn dann nur schlechtes. Auf unserem Weg haben wir jedoch einige getroffen die in dem kleinen tropischen Land waren und jeder hat davon geschwärmt. Deswegen freuten wir uns auch schon darauf.

      Mit einem langen, anstrengenden und teuren Grenzübergang verließen wir Costa Rica.
      Mit alten Schulbussen - auch Chickenbusse genannt - ging es von der Grenze an die Pazifikküste. Genauer gesagt nach San Juan del Sur.

      Eine kleine Wanderung zum Christo mit einem tollen Ausblick auf die Küste/Bucht ließen wir uns natürlich nicht entgehen. Und von den täglichen Sonnenuntergängen konnten wir uns nicht satt sehnen.

      Wir genossen das Flair und das Nichtstun in dem Ort.
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    • Day 289


      December 3, 2019 in Nicaragua ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Ometepe unser nächster Halt in Nicaragua ist eine kleine chillige Insel im größten See Zentralamerikas. Mit gleich 2 großen Vulkanen schmückt sich diese Insel. Da Ometepe auch nur 42 km lang und an der dünnsten Stelle nur 5 km breit ist, konnte man diese mit einem Motorrad sehr gut umrunden. Also liehen wir in unserem Hostel ein Motorrad aus und los ging die Spritzfahrt. Wir fuhren durch viele kleine Dörfer und von allen wurde man immer höflich gegrüsst... das ist jedes mal, auch in den anderen Ländern, so toll. Die Freundlichkeit der Menschen in Süd- und Zentraleamerika ist einfach unglaublich. :)
      Da es doch recht warm war, hielten wir am Ojo de Agua an, einem kleinen Naturbad. Wo das Wasser richtig schön blau und klar war. Wir verweilten hier ein paar Stunden bis unsere Fahrt weiterging. Anfangs hatten wir immer den Vulkan Concepcion im Rücken, aber dann fuhren wir genau am Maderas Vulkan vorbei. Es ist schon verrückt, solche Giganten neben sich zu haben und zu wissen, dass beide noch aktiv sind... 🌋aber ein Aufstieg war uns dann doch zu anstrengend 🤣
      Wir gönnten uns hier ein bisschen Pause und hatten viel Zeit um täglich Sonnenuntergänge zu bestaunen, die wirklich traumhaft waren. 🌅

      Achja und das gute Essen hier. Es gibt so kleine Restaurants, hier Sodas genannt, die wirklich tolles leckeres essen kochen, was uns sicherlich irgendwann fehlen wird.
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    • Day 299

      Cerro Negro in Leon

      December 13, 2019 in Nicaragua ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      19 Vulkane hat Nicaragua und nach dem wir auf dem glühenden Masaya waren, ging es noch auf den Cerro Negro der fast genau aller 20 Jahre ausbricht. Die letzte Eruption war 1999 also ist er längst überfällig😨.
      Wir entschieden uns für den schweißtrebenden einstündigen Aufstieg bei dem jeder sich ein Board unter den Arm klemmte, denn runter wollte niemand laufen.
      Oben angekommen hätten wir ein BBQ machen oder Eier kochen können, denn der Boden war schon nach 5cm graben unglaublich heiß.
      Nachdem wir die Aussicht genossen haben und uns paar warme Füße geholt hatten sollte es mit dem Board die 44° steile Aschepiste hinunter gehen.
      Den Instruktionen des Guides hörten wir sehr aufmerksam zu nachdem er sagte, dass der schnellste jeh gemessene mit über 100kmh runter geschossen ist und das auf einem Holzbrett.🙈🙊 Für uns stande fest, den Rekord nicht zu brechen, denn wir wollen ja noch eine weile Reisen.
      Also ging es mit unseren schicken Overalls aufs Brett und los. Wärend der Fahrt kam einem so viel Asche und Geröll entgegen, das man nichts gesehen hat aber angefühlt hatte es sich mindestens wie 100kmh. Jedoch bei der Geschwindigkeitsmessung kamen wir gerade mal auf 45kmh.
      Das Ding muss defekt sein!😅 trotzdem ein lustiges Abenteuer und Nervenkitzel war auch wieder dabei.
      Damit bei uns auch ein bisschen Weihnachtsstimmung aufkommt, schnappten wir nach unserem Ausflug, Zucker und Mehl im Supermarkt und Backten endlich mal Plätzchen im Hostel. Fehlte nur noch eine Räucherkerze und die Vorweihnachtszeit wäre eingeläutet.
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    • Day 53

      Tagesausflug nach Nicaragua

      December 28, 2019 in Nicaragua ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Tagesausflug ist hier fast wörtlich gemeint: wir waren von 5 bis 23:30 Uhr unterwegs. Aber es hat sich so was von gelohnt.
      An der Grenze der erste Schock: die Schlange zur Ausreise aus Costa Rica war gut und gerne 2 km lang! Dank Guide und dem nötigen Kleingeld konnten wir natürlich schneller durch (im Lateinamerika-style). Der erste Stop fürs z'morgen war direkt an der Küste des Lago Cocibaldi mit fantastischer Aussicht auf zwei Vulkane; Concepción und Maderas. Weiter gings nach Catarina, wo dutzende Souvenirstände und eine gigantische Aussicht auf die Laguna de Apoyo auf uns wartete.
      Und da es nicht schon genug heiss ist suchen wir nun noch Mal eine Steigerung: direkt auf dem Rande des Kraters eines aktiven Vulkans; Masaya. Wenn der Wind richtig weht kann man sogar die Lava glühen sehen. Ich blicke also direkt in den Schlund einer tickenden Zeitbombe. Gruselig, wortwörtlich atemberaubend aber auch faszinierend anzusehen!
      Nach dem Mittagessen (wie schon zum z'morgen, und wie könnte es auch anders sein, Reis mit Bohnen) gings noch auf eine kurze Bootstour, die aber wegen der Fütterung von wilden Tieren nicht zu meinen Highlights gehört.
      Granada, eine Kolonialstadt am Rande des Lago Cocibaldi hingegen, war definitiv ein Highlight! Wunderschöne Gebäude in allen Farben soweit das Auge reicht. Touristen sowie Einheimische tummeln sich in den Gassen und im Park vor der gelben Kathedrale, von welcher man einen herrlichen Ausblick und den Sonnenuntergang geniessen kann. Ein anstrengender, aber ereignisreicher und wunderschöner Tag geht zu Ende. Die Stempel in meinem Pass häufen sich langsam aber sicher.
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    • Day 141

      An inconvenient border crossing

      January 26, 2020 in Nicaragua ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      We didn't use our mosquito net as we didn't see any mosquitos when we went to bed. Bad decision! They all came during the night. Plus, it didn't cool down at all and the neighbours had some private party, so we didn't sleep well. Still got up early to make it to the border to Nicaragua.
      We only had some 48 hours in Honduras, but still got some impression of the people and the culture. We saw a lot of poverty, people living from the rubbish of the nearby landfill. At this time of the year, there is also a constant shortage of water and running water is no standard at all in general. People openly express their disgust of the current government and how the politicians steal money from the people. On the other hand, they are amazingly friendly and hospitable, always open for a chat. And the roads were the best so far in Central America.
      When we reached the border, we first had to pass a long line of trucks waiting to cross. I guess they have to wait for a couple of days, as going through customs takes forever. We got a warning that also for tourists, the crossing can be quite tiring, so we were prepared.
      Exiting Honduras was fast. Luckily, we arrived just before a big bus, so no line for us.
      Then, the part for entering Nicaragua started. We crossed a bridge between the two countries where they checked our stamps in the passports. Then they directed us to a building. The entrance was hard to find as everything was under construction and no signs to be seen. We queued in a line until they directed us to another room with scanners for the luggage. Here, they told us we need a declaration form for all the bags, otherwise we cannot enter. They should have given us those forms at the bridge where they checked our stamps. Plus, we had to go to another window for migration. As the people from the bus were behind us, we decided to go to migration first. This was a 20min interview process about our itenary, motivation, jobs, hotel reservations etc. A guy noted everything down on a photocopy of our passports (that we had to provide). Afterwards, we had to go to a different window again. Here we paid 12$ per person and had to answer the same questions again. This time, an unfriendly woman typed the answers into a computer. We also got 3 receipts for the money we paid - all handwritten of course. What a waste of time! But we got our stamps and passed the migration part.
      Then I ran back to the bridge to get the declaration form while Herbert watched the bikes. We quickly filled it out to beat the bus crowd, went to the scanner room again, unloaded the bikes and had all bags scanned (even though nobody looked at the computer). Easy! Loaded the bikes again and off to the next bridge where they checked the passports and stamps again. They also collected the forms - and told us that they lacked a signature from the guys at the scanner and we'd have to go back to get it. Seriously??? I was about to explode (all this was also around midday and it was above 40°C again) when the guy asked his partner if he could confirm that we had all bags scanned. His partner nodded and confirmed (of course he did NOT see it as this was in another building, but good for him he confirmed anyways). So after 1.5 hours, we were finally in Nicaragua.
      We only continued to Somotillo, 5km after a border and decided to call it a day. We were tired and it was hot, so we took a hotel with nice owners and rested for the rest of the day.
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    • Day 142


      January 27, 2020 in Nicaragua ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      As most shops and markets are closed on Sundays in Nicaragua, we couldn't find anything for breakfast yesterday. So we took of early today and stopped after 20km at a restaurant for rice, beans, cheese, eggs with ham, and a refreshing handmade lemonade. Good start into the cycling day!
      After the first few km, the road was also perfectly smooth with few traffic, so we could enjoy the view of the volcanos and observe people on horses and in oxcarts which seem to be common means of transport here.
      At some stage, we turned towards León, and the road wasn't smooth asphalt anymore but dirt. Luckily, we got back on a main road after 6km.
      We rode into León, where we looked for a hostel for the night. We decided to stay in the 3rd one we checked as it offered good value for money. After the general chores (laundry, shower, cleaning water bottles and sunglasses), we spent the rest of the afternoon exploring this awesome colonial town, bought food at the market, cooked dinner and planned out the route for the rest of Nicaragua as well as part of Costa Rica. There's actually quite some tourists here which we haven't seen in a while...
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    • Day 143

      First ("real") capital: Managua

      January 28, 2020 in Nicaragua ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Actually, we had planned to avoid the capitals in Central America as it's no fun biking in big cities. However, we got an invite again, so we decided to stay a night in Managua. It's our first capital on the trip (as Herbert doesn't count Belmopan in Belize as a real capital).
      The route was quite uneventful, quite some construction at the beginning and strong headwinds for the rest of the day.
      We met a Dutch cyclist on his way from Panama to Mexico. Finally, we meet others on a similar adventure.
      In Nagarote, we stopped for lunch. JoPo, our contact in Managua recommended to get Quesillos, a typical food in this region. It consists of tortillas filled with a special cheese, onions, salt and creme. Not too bad for a snack.
      Next stop was at a mirador from where we had spectacular views of Momotombo, a smoking volcano. Here we met a family from Costa Rica. Roger and his wife invited us to their place, so we exchanged numbers. Let's see if we will pass by.
      In Managua, we had some time until we were going to meet JoPo, so we visited the harbour, the malecon, and the Plaza de la Revolucion with the cathedral. The city of Managua is quite different to what we've seen before: big alleys, many monuments, huge buildings that resemble more a former Soviet city.
      As we still had some time, so we went to a swimming pool. Although it was hot, the pool was nearly empty. When we heard the price (about 1.50US$ per hour), we knew why. That's a lot of money here! None the less, Herbert went for a swim - his haircut was suitable for the pool. I had to opt out as you needed a bathing cap with long hair... Instead, I just enjoyed a free cold shower only.
      Then we headed to the Japanese park to meet JoPo. He had organized a stay with his friend Manuel. His house is like a museum with old telephones, discs, cans, books, and whatever else he had collected in his life. We had an interesting evening discussing bike travel, politics and other things. Always interesting to talk to locals and learn about their country from them!
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    • Day 144

      Ruta colonial y de los volcanes

      January 29, 2020 in Nicaragua ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Wakeup call at 5:30am, on the road by 6:20am, including breakfast we had prepared last night - not bad! We had a longer day ahead of us, so had to leave early.
      Getting out of Managua was no fun, 4 lanes, no shoulder and climbing - but we made it. Traffic got a bit better once we got out of the city. It was also cloudy which made out ride a little less strenuous.
      After about 25km, we had some nice views of Masaya lagune. It's located next to Masaya Volcano, so the land around is all volcanic rock. In general, we saw quite a few of volcanos today. As Nicaragua has 39 of them, all along a the fire circle which we currently follow, it's no surprise.
      Today, we were also on the "Ruta colonial y de los volcanes" again, the one we already followed in the South of Guatemala and El Salvador. In Nicaragua, it took us to the beautiful colonial town of Granada where we spent some time on the central square to watch people.
      From Granada , we had another 75km ahead of us, most of them with headwinds, so it was a bit of a struggle. We tried to get to San Jorge to get on the 3pm ferry to Isla de Ometepe. When we arrived just in time, we heard that there was only a 4pm ferry. So we took that one instead.
      The cost system for the ferry is pretty weird: First you need to pay US$1 tourist tax to get into the harbour. Then you buy a passenger ticket for 50 córdobas. Then you pay another 8 córdobas taxes for the bikes. When we arrived on the island, they asked for 30 córdobas for each bike. We refused to pay because when we asked on the other side they told us nothing about additional costs for taking the bikes. We had quite some discussion with the guys, but in the end they let us go.
      We found a hotel a bit outside of town where we relaxed in order to be ready to explore the island tomorrow.
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    • Day 145

      Ometepe - a volcanic island

      January 30, 2020 in Nicaragua ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Today, we had some time to explore this beautiful island. We had a bit of a sleep in and had breakfast at our hostel. Then we headed to Punto Jesus Maria, a sand strip with some bars where you can swim and enjoy views of Volcan de Concepción.
      As the breakfast in the hostel was quite small, we had another breakfast stop at a roadside restaurant which also included yummy fresh melon and maracuya juices.
      On the way to our host, we had to go to the Northern side of the island. On the way, we saw interesting trees, monkeys, lots of birds and friendly people. There's almost no traffic on the island, so cycling is fun.
      We arrived at Rolando's at midday. He is turning an old banana farm house into a hostel and lets bike tourists stay there for free. Unfortunately, he wasn't at home so we didn't get the chance to meet, but seems to be a great guy!
      In the afternoon, we explored the Southern part of Ometepe and went to Santo Domingo beach. You really don't need to go to the Caribbean when you have this island in Nicaragua. The water is warm, there's bars, nice beaches and all for much cheaper with less tourists!
      On the way back, I jumped into a river where the locals swim. It was a bit colder than the lake, so quite refreshing after a day of cycling. Back at the farmhouse, we cooked dinner and enjoyed the seaview from the deck. Ometepe is definitely a great place to visit and relax!
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    • Day 146

      Relaxing at the Pacific: SanJuan del Sur

      January 31, 2020 in Nicaragua ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Alarm at 5:30am, on the bikes at 5:55am - new record in the morning. But we had to leave early as the first ferry left at 7:30am from the South side of the island. On the way to the ferry, we enjoyed some last impressions of the islands including its pigs and cows next to and on the street.
      We got to the ferry half an hour before it left which gave us some time to watch the scenes of loading it. 3 big trucks, several cars, motorbikes, our bikes, many people... We couldn't find any information about weight or people limits but are sure the ferry was overloaded. Anyways, the locals didn't seem to bother and we made it to the mainland again without any problems. Costs this time: 50 córdoba for each of us - no harbour tourist tax, no bicycle tax, no additional costs for the bikes like on the way to the island. Interesting policies they have!
      We really enjoyed Ometepe and hope that this little paradise stays as it is. Obviously, the government has granted the Chinese permission to build a second canal like the Panama Canal. According to the plans, this canal should be built right through the lake Cocibolca. However, permission was granted in 2014 and until now they haven't started building anything yet (in 2014, they said it should be finished by 2019...).
      As we made good progress over the past weeks, we decided to stay another day in Nicaragua. The Pacific Coast is only 18km away from the lake, so we went to San Juan del Sur. It's a very nice beachtown, beautiful bay, touristy but neither overcrowded nor overpriced. We spent the afternoon at the beach, had a local beer and icecream and stocked up food for Costs Rica which is supposed to be really expensive.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Republic of Nicaragua, Nikaragua, ኒካራጓ, 니카라과, ニカラグア, ନିକାରାଗୁଆ, นิการากัว, นิคารากัว, ນິຄາລາກົວ, នីការ៉ាហ្គ័រ, ประเทศนิการากัว, สาธารณรัฐนิการากัว, i-Nicaragua, Nekaraguwa, Nicanahuac, Nicaragoa, Ni-ca-ra-goa, Ni-ca-ra-goa (Nicaragua), Nicaragua, Nicarágua, Nicaraguadukɔ, Nicaragwa, Nicearagua, Nikalakua, Nikaraagua, Nikaraaguwa, Nikaragoà, Nikāraguvā, Nikaraguvän, Nikaraguwa, Nikaraguwaa, Nikaragva, Níkaragva, Nikaragvo, Nikaragwa, Nikaraqua, Orílẹ́ède NIkaragua, República de Nicaragua, نیکاراگوآ, نیکاراگوا, نکاراگووا, نیکاراگوئه, نکاراګوا, نيكاراجوا, نيكاراغوا, ניקאראגואה, ניקרגואה, Νικαράγουα, Никарагва, Никарагуа, Никараква, Нікарагуа, Нікараґуа, ནི་ཀ་ར་གུ་ཨ།, Նիկարագուա, ნიკარაგუა, निकारगुवा, निकारागुआ, निकारागुवा, निकाराग्वे, નિકારાગુઆ, నికరాగువా, ನಿಕಾರಾಗುವಾ, நிகாரகுவா, നിക്കാരഗ്വ, নিকারাগুয়া, নিকারাগোয়া, နီကာရာဂွာ, නිකරගුවාව, ニカラグア共和国, 尼加拉瓜

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