Norfolk Island
Norfolk Island

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Norfolk Island
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    • Day 8

      Norfuk Ailen - Yorlye kum baek sun*

      August 14, 2022 on Norfolk Island ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Our last day on the island, and first stop after breakfast was the Sunday Market. There were about a dozen stalls of local crafts and produce under the verandah of the bond store.

      As our flight was mid afternoon, we drove back to the historic foreshore at Kingston for another walk around. We watched a boat being bought ashore via the pulley crane on the pier, which is raised by connecting their ute to a cable and reversing it along the pier.

      We returned to our hotel for coffee and cake, and to await our transport to the airport (about 2km, so easily walked if desired).

      Our flight to Sydney was on-time and smooth, and because flights to NI are from the international terminal, we had to clear immigration and customs before catching the airport train into the city.

      Dinner was Indonesian takeaway in our apartment.

      * "You all come back soon", traditional farewell from the island
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    • Day 7

      Hundred Acres, no Tiggers

      August 13, 2022 on Norfolk Island ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      First stop after breakfast was the weekly produce market, on the lawns in the main street. There were 3 stalls this week - as we're leaving tomorrow we only bought 2 oranges to have for afternoon tea.

      Our drive today was south west, to Headstone Reserve and Hundred Acres Reserve.

      Headstone Reserve is named for the headstone there for two soldiers who went fishing and were washed off the rocks and drowned in 1850.

      A walking track through Hundred Acres Reserve leads to Rocky Point, home to an observation post during World War II, and now a popular bird watching location. We saw terns, kingfisher and silver eyes, but none of the famed mutton birds, red tailed tropic birds, or masked booby.

      It is also home to some massive Moreton Bay fig trees, believed to be 200 years old.

      We came back to town for lunch at a local cafe, and filled the car up with petrol - we drove 152km in the week, well inside our 35km per day inclusion! (for the record, petrol is $2.83/litre)

      Time for a quick dip in the outdoor spa, before heading out to dinner.
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    • Day 6

      Fish, chips, cows and chickens

      August 12, 2022 on Norfolk Island ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      We started the day with a relaxed breakfast, a spot of shopping, and morning coffee. While chatting with locals we learnt that a local cook meets the fishing boats at Cascade Pier on Fridays and cooks fish and chips fresh on the pier.

      So we headed north for a fresh Trumpeter lunch, before heading to Ball Bay, then Two Chimneys Reserve for a bush walk and cache hunt at each.

      We were planning to have Chinese Takeaway for dinner, as it's in easy walking distance from our accommodation, but we learnt the hard way that you need to ring and order well in advance - when we arrived the wait time was 90 minutes, so a change of plans required!
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    • Day 5

      Walking the National Park

      August 11, 2022 on Norfolk Island ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Our plan today was to find most of the caches in Norfolk Island National Park, which covers 14% of the island.

      We started the day with a drive to the lookout at Mt Pitt, the second highest point on the island (1m lower than Mt Bates).

      Mt Pitt was once a thriving nesting site for the Providence Petrel.  The entire population (some 170,000 birds) was exterminated during the First Penal Settlement when the colony fell on hard times, necessitating the slaughter of the birds for food.  The petrels never re-established themselves on Norfolk Island, but a small population now nests on Phillip Island.

      Our walk began with an easy 20 minutes to Mt Bates, then 1.7km mostly downhill to Bird Rock Lookout.

      The return journey was, unsurprisingly, mostly uphill... and took considerably longer (especially when we detoured 700m to grab another cache!)

      We got back to the car in time for lunch, then a meandering drive across the north coast to Captain Cook Lookout (where he landed when claiming the island in 1774).

      Our final stop was the picturesque Anson Bay, where the track to the beach is an 800m zig zagging pathway.

      Dinner tonight was at the bowling club, a popular gathering point for locals and tourists alike.
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    • Day 1

      Norfolk Island

      July 25 on Norfolk Island ⋅ 🌬 17 °C

      After a long day of travel starting last night I got into Norfolk Island about 3pm.
      Getting here was interesting. As far as I can tell Norfolk Island is an Australian territory. I didn’t need my passport but was advised to bring it as my photo ID.
      The flight to the island left from the Brisbane International Airport and I had to go through immigration to get airside.
      The scanner didn’t accept my passport so I was directed to an officer. She was surprised to see someone going to Norfolk Island and mentioned they’d have to open the flight “already”. To be fair this was about 5:45am and the flight was scheduled for 11:40am.
      I had a long wait in the Qantas lounge with a bit of a doze.
      The flight here was around two hours. I sat next to a lady who had retired here from the Gold Coast. We had a nice chat about fostering cats and dogs and she told me a bit about her experience during covid in 2020 as they only moved here in 2019. They had around 150 cases towards the end of 2020.

      I had to complete an immigration card and show my passport again.
      I was met by the very friendly hire car representative.
      The numbers plates are just numbers. Apparently there are some single digit plates around.
      After literally driving across the road to my accommodation I went into the main st to get a SIM card as Australian carriers don’t work here, not even international roaming. Although I’d been told there were 4 places that sold the tourist sim there’s only one and it was closed.
      I picked up some groceries and after dropping them off went for a drive. Without the internet Google maps wasn’t terribly accurate but I found the ocean and some Norfolk Island pines.
      Decided to have dinner out in the hopes they’d have wifi. Which they do!
      Early to bed tonight I think. I’ve not had nearly enough sleep over the last 24 hours.
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    • Day 4

      Kingston Town

      August 10, 2022 on Norfolk Island ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      We spent most of today around Kingston, the capital/administrative centre of Norfolk Island, and the second-oldest settlement in Australia, founded a little over a month after Sydney.

      The area is a UNESCO World Heritage site, with a variety of buildings and ruins, including a jail, Government House, churches, stores and a convict powered crankmill.

      The area is also home to the second pier on the island... but the weather today was definitely not suitable for the supply ship, with rain and strong wind most if the day.
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    • Day 3

      Cascade and Cockpit

      August 9, 2022 on Norfolk Island ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      After breakfast at the hotel, we headed into the village to Norfolk Telecom to buy a local SIM card (NI isn't part of the Australian phone network).

      We then hosted a geocaching event at a local cafe, with 3 attendees (one was the only geocacher on the island, a 7th generation Islander and a direct descendant of Fletcher Christian).

      After morning tea we travelled north to Palm Glen walk in Norfolk Island National Park, which had panoramic views of the southern parts of Norfolk Island and out to Phillip Island (uninhabited island off the south coast).

      Lunch was a picnic near Cockpit Waterfall, before heading to Cascade Bay, home to one of 2 piers on the island.

      Shipping supplies to NI is a constant issue - the island has no safe harbour, so supplies can't be imported by container, but must be transferred to smaller vessels before coming ashore. A ship is due in the next few days, so currently many items are in short supply - for example there is no beer available at the Bond Store (the only liquor outlet on the island), and the only soft drinks on the supermarket shelves are ginger beer and tonic water!

      Dinner was locally caught Trumpeter fish at a restaurant across the road from our accommodation.
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    • Day 2

      Welcome to Norfolk, Yu laik sum plun*

      August 8, 2022 on Norfolk Island ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Back to the airport this morning, arriving the recommended 3 hours before our flight 😲... which was well founded, as we spent an hour in the security line!

      We arrived on Norfolk Island at 2.30pm (time zone is one hour ahead of Sydney), checked into our accommodation, picked up our rental car, then grabbed a late lunch at the bakery.

      First impressions are green and hilly, with a relaxed tropical feel - on our first drive into the village the local policeman waved to us 3 times 😁

      We went for a quick drive to Cemetery Bay for a walk around the historic cemetery, before heading back to the RSL for dinner (one of the few places on the island with public wi-fi - we attempted to buy a SIM card earlier, but the post office was closed and the supermarket had run out for the day).

      Monday at the RSL was also bingo night, so we naturally partook. Of the 3 games we played, we each won one full house prize!

      We switched on the TV before bedtime, and thought we'd gained an hour - the broadcast is a direct feed from Australia, so the guide and shows are all one hour later than the advertised time.

      *Have some bananas
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    • Day 2

      Kingston at night

      April 20 on Norfolk Island ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      It was a reenact performance.
      These actors are teens with disabilities, getting paid to save up money foe their future.
      Also, they're also allowed to have motorbike license but it's highly monitored.
      If they breached rules, the privilege will be revoked.
      Because being able to ride a bike to school or to work would help them save money to buy a car by the time they turn 17, so far no one's privilege is revoked.

      I like the way these teens are taken care of and they don't take it for granted.
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    • Day 1

      Hot and humid

      February 6, 2022 on Norfolk Island ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

      Very easy trip over on the plane.
      Staying at the South Pacific Resort Hotel.
      The Island had 14 inches of rain over the last week and I reckon we have about 98% humidity now.
      Bus driver proud to tell us that the shopping area has street lights and there are also 3 roundabouts that you can drive over if no-one sees you.
      Room is musty - a fan but no air conditioning. No Internet or WlFi.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Territory of Norfolk Island, Norfolkinsel, Norfolk Island, Norfolk-eiland, Nɔfolk Aeland, ኖርፎልክ ደሴት, جزيرة نورفوك, Norfolk Adası, Норфалкскія астравы, Остров Норфолк, Nɔrofoliki Gun, নিরফোক দ্বীপ, Enez Norfolk, Norfolk Ostrvo, Illa Norfolk, Norfolk, Ynys Norfolk, Norfolk ƒudomekpo nutome, Νήσος Νόρφολκ, Norfolkinsulo, Isla Norfolk, Norfolk uhartea, جزیرهٔ نورفولک, Duuɗe Norfolk, Norfolkinsaari, Norfolkoyggjin, Île Norfolk, Oileán Norfolk, નોરફૉક આઇલેન્ડ, Tsibirin Narfalk, איי נורפוק, नॉरफ़ॉक द्वीप, Otok Norfolk, Norfolk-sziget, Insula Norfolk, Kepulauan Norfolk, Norfolkeyja, Isola Norfolk, ノーフォーク島, ნორფოლკის კუნძული, Kisiwa cha Norfok, ನಾರ್‌ಫೋಕ್ ದ್ವೀಪ, 노퍽섬, Kizinga ky'eNorofoko, Esanga Norfokɛ, Norfolko sala, Lutanda lua Norfok, Norfolkas sala, Nosy Norfolk, Нофролк Остров, നോര്‍ഫോക് ദ്വീപ്, नॉरफॉक बेट, Norfolkøya, नोरफोल्क टापु, Norfolkeiland, Norfolkøyane, ନରଫ୍ଲକ୍ ଦ୍ବୀପ, Ilha Norfolk, Insla Norfolk, izinga rya Norufoluke, Insulele Norfolk, Norfolksullot, Zûâ Nôrfôlko, නෝෆෝක් දූපත, Norfolkov ostrov, Norfolški otok, Chitsuwa cheNorfolk, Норфолк Острво, Norfolkön, நார்ஃபாக் தீவுகள், నార్ఫాక్ దీవి, เกาะนอร์ฟอล์ก, Motu Nōfoliki, Острів Норфолк, NLK, نار فاک آئلینڈ, Đảo Norfolk, Orílẹ́ède Etikun Nọ́úfókì, 诺福克岛, i-Norfolk Island

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