Massive parade for the party's 70th birthday. Unfortunately tourists weren't allowed to attend the mass parade, but we were able to see the airplanes, the fireworks and also some kind of night paradeRead more
Massive parade for the party's 70th birthday. Unfortunately tourists weren't allowed to attend the mass parade, but we were able to see the airplanes, the fireworks and also some kind of night paradeRead more
The most interesting part of my tour and so close to South Korea.
Picture 1: South Korean pavillon. As a guide said, it shows the materialistic attitude of South Korea.
Picture 2: North Korean andRead more
Here I had to lay down the bouquet and bow in front of the "Great Leaders" Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il. I asked if Kim Jong Un also will get a statue like this if he will die, but my guides couldn'tRead more
Because of my "good behaviour" I was allowed to visit a primary school and learn more about North Korean education. I was able to look into different class rooms, visit teachers and see childrenRead more
Finally I'm back. After 6 months I'm standing at the same place, the border between North and South Korea but this time on the South side, looking towards the communist building I've been on.
TheRead more
גשר שחיבר בין דרום לצפון קוריאה. לאחר מלחמת קוריאה בשנת 1953, אנשים בכל צד יכלו לבחור האם הם רוצים לעבור לצד השני, אבל ברגע שעשו זאת, לא יכלו לחזור אחורה.
Eines der, wenn nicht sogar DAS Highlight unserer Reise nach Südkorea.
Heute haben wir die Grenze zwischen Nord- und Südkorea besucht. Es ist nicht lange her, da hatten wir in DeutschlandRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Nordkorea, North Korea, Noord-Korea, Etifi Koria, ሰሜን ኮሪያ, Corea d'o Norte, كوريا الشمالية, Corea del Norte, Şimal Koreya, Паўночная Карэя, Корея, Северна, Kɛɲɛka Kore, উত্তর কোরিয়া, ཁྲའོ་ཤན་བྱང་རྒྱུད, Korea an Norzh, Severna Koreja, Corea del Nord, Severní Korea, Kòrejańskô Lëdowò-Demokratnô Repùblika, Gogledd Corea, Den demokratiske folkerepublik Korea (Nordkorea), བྱང་ཀོ་རི་ཡ, Dziehe Korea nutome, Κορέα, Βόρεια, Nord-Koreo, Põhja-Korea, Ipar Korea, کره ی شمالی, Koree Rewo, Korean demokraattinen kansantasavalta, Norður-Korea, Corée du Nord, Corê du Nord, Noard-Korea, An Chóiré Thuaidh, Corea do Norte, ઉત્તર કોરિયા, Koreya Ta Arewa, קוריאה, צפון, उत्तरी कोरिया, Koreja, Sjeverna, Sewjerna Koreja, Kore dinò, Észak-Korea, Հյուսիսային Կորեա, Korea Utara, Nord-Korea, Norður-Kórea, 韓国、朝鮮民主主義人民共和国, ჩრდილოეთი კორეა, Korea Kaskazini, Korea Avannarleq, កូរេ, ಉತ್ತರ ಕೋರಿಯಾ, 조선민주주의인민공화국, کۆریای باکوور, Korea Gledh, Respublica Populi Democratica Coreae, Koreya ey'omumambuka, Korɛ ya nɔ́rdi, ເກົາຫລີເໜືອ, Šiaurės Korėja, Kore wa muulu, Ziemeļkoreja, Korea Avaratra, Северна Кореја, ഉത്തരകൊറിയ, उत्तर कोरिया, Utara Korea, Koreja ta’ Fuq, မြောက်ကိုရီးယား, Republik Engame Korea, Noordkorea, Korea, Democratische Volksrepubliek, Corèa del Nòrd, ଉତ୍ତର କୋରିଆ, Корейы Адæмон Демократон Республикæ, Koreańska Republika Ludowo-Demokratyczna, سهېلي کوريا, Coreia do Norte, Corea dal Nord, Koreya y'amajaruguru, Coreea de Nord, Северная Корея, Corea dû Nord, Davvi-Korea, Korëe tî Banga, උතුරු කොරියාව, Severná Kórea, North, Kuuriyada Waqooyi, Koreja e Veriut, வடகொரியா, ఉత్తర కొరియా, เกาหลีเหนือ, Demirgazyk Koreýa, Hilagang Korea, Kōlea tokelau, Not Korea, Kore Demokratik Halk Cumhuriyeti, Корейська Народно-Демократична Республіка, شمالی کوریا, Shimoliy Koreya, Cộng hòa Dân chủ Nhân dân Triều Tiên, Nolüda-Koreyän, Amihanan nga Korea, 朝鲜, Orílẹ́ède Guusu Kọria, 朝鲜民主共和国, i-North Korea