
    • 日15–16


      2023年11月12日, パキスタン ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Als wir morgens mit dem Zug in Bahawalpur ankamen, suchten wir uns erstmal auf Booking.com ein Hotelzimmer raus und nahmen eine Rikscha dort hin. Der Fahrer kannte sich nur überhaupt nicht aus und fuhr über Umwege zum Hotel. Dort angekommen, sagte der Hotelbesitzer, dass er uns nicht aufnehmen darf und wir in ein anderes Hotel sollen. Dort angekommen gab es wieder das selbe Spiel von vorne. 4 Hotels später rief der Fahrer beim Security Service an. Ein Mitarbeiter kam zu unserem Standort und brachte uns in ein Hotel von 3, welches Touristen aufnehmen darf. Das Hotel war mit einer sehr hohen Mauer mit Stacheldraht gesichert, hatte viele Kameras verbaut und die Fenster waren vergittert. Man kam sich vor wie in einem Gefängnis. Er sagte uns, dass es hier gefährlich ist und wir nur mit polizeilicher Begleitung raus dürfen. Wir dachten natürlich, dass das ein Scherz war und wollten so raus. Bis uns der Besitzer ertappt hatte beim raus gehen. Er informierte dann die Polizei und einen Rikschafahrer. Wir mussten unsere Route genau planen. Also ging es los zu einer Moschee die mittig im Markt war, dabei hatte der Fahrer fast ein Kind überfahren. Die Mutter hat ihn direkt geschlagen obwohl die Polizei neben ihm saß. Danach fuhren wir locker 20 ATM‘s ab, denn keine von Marcos Karten ging. Im Nachgang fuhren wir noch zum Noor Mahal. Dort spielten sie eine Lichter- und Musikshow ab die auf das Gebäude projektiert wurde. Nach der Show konnte man innen noch das Museum ansehen. Unser begleitender Polizist nahm seinen Job sehr ernst und führte uns durch das Museum, so dass uns niemand anrempelte oder lange mit uns sprechen durfte. Wir fuhren mit dem Rikscha zurück in die Stadt, wo ein anderer Polizist auf uns wartete und das Problem mit den Visakarten kannte. Er brachte uns zu einem funktionierenden Automaten und wir konnten endlich Bargeld abheben. Danach begleiten sie uns noch in ein Restaurant, in dem wir essen mitnahmen auf unser Hotelzimmer. Die Polizisten boten uns dann an, dass sie uns mit dem Polizeiauto zurück fahren. Also stiegen wir in den Streifenwagen und fuhren mit Blaulicht zurück, machten noch ein paar Bilder mit der Polizei und dann ging es endlich aufs Hotelzimmer zum Essen und Serie schauen. Aufeinmal klopfte es an der Türe und der Security Chef stand da und fragte ob mit der Polizei alles klappte. Am nächsten Morgen aßen wir im Hotel Frühstück, packten unsere Sachen und warteten auf den Security Chef, damit er uns zum Busbahnhof begleitete. Marco fuhr mit ihm auf dem Motorrad mit und ich alleine in der Rikscha. Dann startete die 9 stündige Fahrt nach Islamabad.もっと詳しく

    • 日6

      Wagah Border

      2023年9月3日, パキスタン ⋅ ☀️ 37 °C

      Unser zweiter Tag in Amritsar begann mit einem leckeren Mittagessen in der Altstadt.
      Anschließend begaben wir uns auf eine Busfahrt mit einem Doppeldecker in Richtung pakistanische Grenze. Die Fahrt bot uns einen großartigen Blick auf die Landschaft mit ihren Reisfeldern. Die Wagah-Border-Szeremonie erwies sich als besonderes interessantes Erlebnis. Die präzisen Bewegungen der Wachen, die farbenfrohen Uniformen und die patriotische Atmosphäre faszinierten uns.
      Nach der Szeremonie kehrten wir zurück nach Amritsar, um ein köstliches Abendessen zu genießen.
      Zum Abschluss des Tages nutzten wir die Gelegenheit, durch die belebten Märkte zu schlendern und Souvenirs und Geschenke zu kaufen. Auf dem Rückweg zum Hotel nahmen wir eine Rikscha, die uns mit einigen Umwegen durch andere uns noch unbekannte Stadtviertel fuhr.

    • 日1

      Khewra Salt Mines

      2023年11月6日, パキスタン ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      La miniera di sale di Khewra è situata a Khewra, nel Punjab. È la più grande e antica miniera di sale del Pakistan e la seconda più grande del mondo. Costituisce un'importante attrazione turistica, che richiama fino a 250 000 turisti all'anno. La sua storia risale alla scoperta avvenuta da parte delle truppe di Alessandro Magno nel 320 a.C., ma lo sfruttamento commerciale cominciò durante il periodo dell'impero Moghul.

      I visitatori sono portati all'interno della miniera con un treno[15]. All'interno sono presenti numerose piscine di acqua salata e la moschea di Badshahi.

      Nel 2007 stata costruita una clinica con 20 letti costata 10 milioni di rupie per il trattamento dell'asma ed altre malattie respiratorie utilizzando la terapia del sale

    • 日1,462

      Yacht Rental Dubai

      5月2日, パキスタン ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Dubai is famous for the royals and the luxury touch!” The scenery, amenities, and beaches have a royal touch! Visitors to the UAE are well aware that they should not pass up the opportunity to explore the city of Dubai.もっと詳しく

    • 日215–216

      dalbandin police station

      4月17日, パキスタン ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      the escort group on the pakistani side consisted of more people than i had expected. there were elias and anna who i already knew, of course. together with me and a dimitri, a russian, we made up the backpacker section of the group. additionally, there were two friends from serbia and bosnia on motorbikes and matthieu, a young french bikepacker. together with him and elias, i shared the front seat of an absolute monster of a vehicle, a huge converted army truck belonging to petra from germany.

      there was always at least one levie car accompanying this group, although, sitting in that truck behind 2 inch bulletproof windows, it felt more like we were escorting them, not the other way around. at least every hour or so, we had to stop at a checkpoint, show our passports, and wait for a new police vehicle to escort us. it started out fine, but after some time, the constant stopping and waiting, which could be organized a lot more efficiently, drove especially the drivers insane.

      the landscape on the first day wasn't too scenic, but fascinating nonetheless. mostly just empty, flat desert with a few camels sprinkled throughout. we did however see a very recent train wreck right next to our road. also, petras truck was so huge that she snapped two wires hanging above the street in a village we went through, so i was assigned to be on the roof and hold up the cables. when we finally arrived in our safe house, the police station in dalbandin, where we would be spending our night, we cooked some food together and got settled in an empty room.

    • 日216–217

      quetta police station

      4月18日, パキスタン ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      the second day of the escort was the most adventurous one. we saw multiple accidents on the roadside, dozens of flooded road sections and ran into a huge traffic jam collumn consisting purely of those typical pakistani pimped out trucks. the police got us through by skipping the line. one of the bikers also fell in a curve because of the slippery surface and the rain, but he was okay.

      the checkpoints got denser and denser and the escort size increased with time. as we were passing a mountain pass just before quetta, we were even accompanied by the anti terrorist squad for a while. all of them were super chill though. normally, i'd have a bunch of pictures with guns, but i had to transfer all of them into a cloud because some countries really don't like to find them in a phone search.

      late at night, we finally made it quetta. right from the go, it was a different world. everywhere you look, there's something crazy going on, chaos everywhere. but i actually liked it and got really excited for the rest of pakistan. that exitement seized rather quickly as we were brought to our hotel, though.

      if they don't allow you to stay at the police station, the bloom star hotel is the end point for everyone that makes the crossing, as you can clearly tell by looking at the sticker-filled glass front. the problem is, since the police force you to stay there, the hotel can pump up the prices at will. they charged us a comical amount, and we flat out refused to pay and told them we'd just sleep right in front of the reception. i was already half asleep in the lobby chair, when elias finally managed to haggle them down to an expensive, but somewhat acceptable price and we finally got a couple hours of sleep in.

      the next day, we waited 3 hours until our escort finally came to drive us to some office to get our paperwork done. basically, we needed a document that stated how and when we would leave belochistan and that we'd be responsible for ourselves from there on out. elias, matthieu, anna and dimitri were all planning on going to islamabad to get the lengthy indian visa process started, so i decided to join them.

      because the people from the office told us that we could take a train to the capital later that day, we agreed on going as a group. back at the police station in quetta, we were now told that trains only run in the morning and because our document said "by train", we weren't allowed to take a bus either. so, one more day of waiting it is. this time, after a lot of arguing, we were allowed to put our tents on the roof of the police station instead of going back to that godforsaken hotel.

      this time, everything finally worked out and we were brought first to a breakfast place (btw, my stomach was already killing me from the pakistani food i had had so far, little did i know that feeling would last more than a month) and then to the train station. after a lot of stress and confusion with the authorities, we got a tiny 6-bed bunk compartment in the very back of the train and finally said goodbye to quetta, the city that had kept us for way too long.

    • 日218–219

      night train to rawalpindi

      4月20日, パキスタン ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      just a couple of minutes before our departure, we learned that the journey would actually take more than 30 hours. thriller. the vibes were surprisingly good pretty much the whole way through, even if we still got passport checks (always including an elaborate photo shoot with us) at every single train stop and there was one policeman accompanying us all the way to the border of belochistan. although we were quite annoyed by all the security ckecks at this point, i still appreciate the fact that the police does all of this for free just to make sure we're safe.

      the views were great though, we passed through wildly different parts of the country, from the belochi desert through tiny villages to lush, green farmlands and i realized that i had actually missed the greenery in iran more than i had thought. every now and then, we got off at a train stop to catch some fresh air or buy some 30 cent diarrhea rice.

      somehow, we pulled through the 30 hours relatively smoothly. i spent a lot of those hours sitting in the open train door watching the landscape whizz by with my headphones in. it was super nice to be honest, and the four others kept me great company.

    • 日219–222


      4月21日, パキスタン ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      after arriving in pindi, we managed to find an atm and spent our first couple of rupees at a burger joint. after dinner, mathieu and elias went off to find a hotel while dimitri, anna and me opted for couchsurfing. anna had arranged everything with the host, so we were pretty surprised when we found out that our host had a huge villa, including a private chef. the guy was super chill as well.

      the very next day, we got straight to preparing our visa applications for india. turns out they need two weeks to issue it and still want 130€ for it. also, they gave us a list of things they wanted for the application: vaccinations, a hotel reservation, a motivation letter and much more bs. there were a lot more reasons than just this bit of bureaucracy, but in the end, i made a split decision and just trusted my gut feeling that india maybe wasn't exactly what i was looking for right now. central asia sounded a lot better. in retrospective, fabulous decision.

      now with new found time on my hands, my favourite activity became booking ultra cheap scooter taxis to drive me around the booming streets of rawalpindi. you see no women, the traffic is absolute carnage, traffic rules are regarded more as suggestions and it's super crowded simply because there is no space for that many people to go. slowly, i got adjusted to the spicy food, but my stomach was still far from having a good time. the others weren't better off either, at one point mathieu (the two guys moved in with us after one night in the hotel) took a double dose of imodium and he couldn't shit for days xd

      in the train, i had told matthieu about my plans to do a bit of bikepacking myself and he had happily agreed to accompany me for a little tour through the himalayas while his visa was getting processed. fantastic, now, all i had to do was find a bike.

    • 日222–227


      4月24日, パキスタン ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      after 3 days of couchsurfing together and with the visa applications done, we finally decided to split up for good. dimitri decided to go back down to karachi, anna and elias stayed in rawalpindi seperately, and me and mathieu set up our tents on the outskirts of islamabad.

      since there is no real culture around cycling in pakistan, bikes are mostly looked at as childrens toys, so there aren't even any real bike shops in pindi. i thought i'd try my luck online and after a lot of searching, actually found a couple of promising second hand candidates. the first two i had a look at in real life were in no condition to make it to china, but the third one looked promising. 47 thousand rupees later, i was the proud owner of a new mountain bike.

      the next couple of days we spent hopping from guesthouse to guesthouse and from camp spot to camp spot while preparing my bike and repairing mathieu's. i ended up buying a lot more equipment: cycling shorts, luggage rack, bottle holder, repair kit, helmet, and a cycling shirt i just thought looked cool.

      just when we thought we were ready to go, elias decided to rent a bike and come along as well. also, getting a bus to the start point of our tour, gilgit, was much harder than we thought, but after two days of trial and error, we finally found one that would take us and our bikes to the mountains.

    • 日227–228

      night bus to gilgit

      4月29日, パキスタン ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      this bus was not it. apart from a nice breakfast stop, i couldn't really move or sleep for twenty hours, my headphones were broken and the road was atrocious. nonetheless, as the sun came up, at least the views made up for it. the road up to the mountain city of gilgit is one of the most scenic ones in the world, shame we had to do it by night bus, but we had to, otherwise we would've gotten another police escort and that was not in the books for us. later i found out that we actually passed right through abbottabad, the place where osama bin laden was killed 13 years ago.

      we were now on the kkh, the infamous karakorum highway, and everything you hear about it is true. straight rock wall to your left, straight 300m drop to your right. as scary as it is, especially considering the pakistani driving style, it's beyond beautiful though. just the place to go for a little bike ride.


    Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Pakistan, ፓኪስታን, Pakistán, باكستان, Пакістан, Пакистан, Pakisitaŋ, পাকিস্তান, པཀི་སྟཱན།, Pákistán, ޕާކިސްތާން, པ་ཀིསི་ཏཱན, Pakistan nutome, Πακιστάν, Pakistano, پاکستان, Pakistaan, Paquistan, An Phacastáin, Pagastàn, Paquistán, પાકિસ્તાન, פקיסטן, पाकिस्तान, Pakisztán, Պակիստան, パキスタン・イスラム共和国, kisygue, პაკისტანი, Pakistani, ប៉ាគីស្ថាន, ಪಾಕಿಸ್ತಾನ, 파키스탄, Pakistania, Pakisitaani, Pakisitá, ປາກິສຖານ, Pakistanas, Pakisita, Pakistāna, പാക്കിസ്ഥാന്‍, ပါကစ္စတန်, Phakistani, ପାକିସ୍ତାନ, Paquistão, Pakisitani, Pakistäan, පාකිස්තානය, Bakistaan, பாகிஸ்தான், పాకిస్తాన్, Покистон, ประเทศปากีสถาน, Pākisitani, پاكىستان, Pākistān, Pa-ki-xtan (Pakistan), Pakistän, Orílẹ́ède Pakisitan, 巴基斯坦, i-Pakistan


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