Palau Royal Resort

After a quick stop in Guam, we arrived in Palau around 9 PM to 86 degree weather. Brittany's hair immediately doubled in volume, due to the drastic increase in humidity. We arrived at our hotel aboutRead more
After a quick stop in Guam, we arrived in Palau around 9 PM to 86 degree weather. Brittany's hair immediately doubled in volume, due to the drastic increase in humidity. We arrived at our hotel aboutRead more
Sorry for the delay in posting updates. It turns out that Palau has the worst wifi connectivity in the northern hemisphere. We repeatedly tried downloading an app to transfer photos but never gotRead more
We headed to Ngemelis Island for the second day of diving. We joined dive guide Sergi and several new people including Ron and Brigitte (from Guam) and Jim from SF.
The first dive was GermanRead more
In a pretty wild coincidence, we were joined on the boat by Nico's coworker Craig who was spending a few days in Palau on his dad's, a pilot, layover.
The first dive was Siaes Tunnel which startedRead more
The fourth day of diving took us back to Ngemelis Island for a mellow dive as well as Palau's quintessential dive site Blue Corner. On the boat, we were joined by a boisterous couple from SouthRead more
Our final day of diving put us on the same boat with many of the same divers we dove with earlier in the week. Sergi asked Nico where he wanted to go and he quickly said "Blue, anything blue." WeRead more
On the last day, we joined some diving friends for a kayaking tour through the Rock Islands with our dive shop. We got an early start and arrived at Risong Bay around 9 AM. We jumped into the kayaksRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Republic of Palau, Palau, ፓላው, بالاو, Palav, Палаў, Палау, Palawu, পালাউ, པ་ལཽ།, República de Palau, Palau nutome, Παλάου, Belaŭo, Palaos, Belau, پالائو, પલાઉ, פאלאו, पलाऊ, Պալաու, Palá, パラオ, პალაუ, ಪಲಾವು, 팔라우, پالاو, Belavia, Palao, പലാവു, पलाउ, ପାଲାଉ, පලාවු, பாலோ, పలావు, ปาเลา, Palaw, پلاؤ, Palauvuäns, Orílẹ́ède Paalu, 帕劳, i-Palau
Ashleigh Lanford A picture of the hair would be nice. Volume is hard to get 😂😉