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    • Dag 32

      Strandferien in Panama

      7. december 2019, Panama ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Ja ihr lest richtig. Während meiner Reise durch Costa Rica gönne ich mir Strandferien in Panama. Die Anreise mit den ÖV's war ziemlich einfach, über die Grenze musste man dann zu Fuss gehen und sobald ich in Panama war, bemerkte ich die allgegenwärtige Präsenz des Militärs, was ja in Costa Rica nicht der Fall ist (weil es keine Armee gibt). Trotzdem; der Weg führte mich im engen Kleinbus über mit Regenwald bewachsene Hügel bis an den Hafen von Almirante, von dort aus ging ein Bötchen auf die Isla Colon. Nach einem Mittagessen machte ich noch einen Abstecher ins Tauchcenter, mit welchem ich nächste Woche mein Comeback geben werde. In aller Seelenruhe verbrachte ich dort Zeit mit Plaudern, bis mich einer fragte wann dann mein Shuttleboot mach Bastimentos fährt. Ich: Na um 4, hab noch lange Zeit. Er: Naja geht, is 3:53. Hallo, du bist in Panama, nix mehr mit Costa Rice Zeitzone. Ich: Rucksack drauf und einen Kilometer zum Haffen rennen. Halleluja! Wer kann denn das schon ahnen?! Viele Mangroven und einen abenteuerlichen Weg später stehe ich im Hostel an einem einsamen Traumstrand auf irgendeiner Insel Panamas. ♥️Læs mere

    • Dag 6

      Coiba - Parque Nacional

      10. december 2019, Panama ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Heute haben wir den Nationalpark Coiba besucht. Die Inselgruppe liegt eine Bootsstunde von Santa Catalina entfernt. Wir waren auf einem kleinen Boot mit 4 anderen Urlaubern aus Argentinien, USA und der Schweiz. Beim schnorcheln konnten wir neben unzähligen Fischen Schildkröten, Riffhaie und Mantarochen begutachten. Außerdem konnten wir auf einer Insel ein Krokodil sehen.
      Nach drei sehr schönen Tagen geht's morgen ins 380 km entfernte Boquete, unserem vorletzten Stopp in Panama.
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    • Dag 7


      11. december 2019, Panama ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Kurzer Zwischenstopp in Boquete, eine Kleinstadt unmittelbar am Vulkan Baru, für dessen Besteigung uns jedoch die Zeit fehlt(6 h Aufstieg, Start Mitternachts). Heute geht's weiter nach Bocas del Toro 🏝️Læs mere

    • Dag 8

      Bocas del Toro

      12. december 2019, Panama ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Nach 6 Stunden Bus- und Bootsfahrt sind wir in Bocas del Toro angekommen. Der Bus war wie immer überfüllt und wir legten viele kleine Stopps ein. Die Fahrt durch das Hochland von Panama brachte jede Menge Regen mit sich und unsere Rucksäcke waren auf dem Busdach befestigt 😅. Trotz Regenhülle sind ein paar Sachen nass geworden. Aber egal. Jetzt erstmal in unserem coolen Hostel in der Hängematte chillen.Læs mere

    • Dag 10

      Playa Estrella - Starfish Beach

      14. december 2019, Panama ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Heute sind wir mit den Fahrrädern zum 20 Kilometer entfernten Starfish Beach "geradelt". Zwei unserer drei Räder überlebten die Fahrt auf den ziemlich holprigen Straßen dort hin leider nicht 😄. Elias hat es tatsächlich geschafft zwei Fahrräder an einem Tag lahmzulegen. So packten wir die Räder auf den vorbeifahrenden Bus und ich fuhr den Rückweg alleine. By the way ist mir 20 mal die Kette runtergesprungen😅. So kam ich total verschwitzt und mit komplett verdeckten Händen am Hostel an. Die Strapazen waren es jedoch wert denn wir wurden mit einem der schönsten Strände der Insel belohnt. Aus. ENDE. Guad Nacht.Læs mere

    • Dag 51


      23. januar 2020, Panama ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

      Heute waren wir in Panama. Leider ist Panama City 2 Stunden mit dem Auto entfernt und das Taxi wäre zu teuer gewesen. Deshalb konnten wir nur Panama Downtown besuchen. Es ist nicht besonders schön hier aber sie Hauptsache ist das wir endlich wieder Zeit draußen verbringen konnten. Jetzt folgen 10 Tage auf See 😭. Werde mich also dann erst wieder melden können.

      Morgen werden wir durch den Panama Canal fahren. Das wird richtig interessant sein. Das dauert 8 Stunden und wir von Zügen durch den Kanal gezogen. 20 Leute kommen an Bord und übernehmen die Kontrolle an Bord. Der Kapitän hat dann nicht das sagen.
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    • Dag 159

      Final border crossing in Central America

      13. februar 2020, Panama ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Early start to get the first boat to Golfito leaving at 6am. We were lucky to get there 20 minutes before as it was full and some people even had to wait for the next boat. As it's Costa Rica, things were relatively organised: only one desk to pay for the ticket, a price for the bike as well and everyone on the boat got a seat and a life vest.
      After 20 minutes, we arrived safely at the other side. Golfito is really cute, a Golf within the Golf (best to see on a map again), surrounded by rainforest.
      From Golfito, we headed towards the border to Panama. We took some smaller roads again, pretty much in the the middle of nowhere and some bad gravel as well, but everything was green and hilly and there was only very few traffic.
      Before getting to the border crossing post, there's 2 roads running in parallel, one in Panama, one in Costa Rica. Theoretically, you can just cross, but it's probably better to get our proper stamps considering we want to travel some more countries on our trip...
      So we continued to the immigration office a little further up the roads - and were sent back as we hadn't officially left Costa Rica yet. This was just the immigration to Panama. So we had to go back some 500 meters on a different road, pay 9US$ exit fee (got a receipt for 8$ only) and received our stamp. We then headed back to Panama immigration and saw some Americans discussing with the lady behind the counter. Seemed like they had problems getting in. They wanted a printout of an onward flight ticket from us and we told them we were travelling by bike and leaving Panama by boat. We could even show them an email. After some discussion, we were fine and got our stamps.
      The whole procedure seems to be pretty random. The lady asked me if I could help translating for the Americans. They needed to prove that they were leaving the country again. When I talked to them, they told me they were on holidays in Costa Rica, had a flight ticket from Costa Rica back home (which they could show on their iPad) and a parking ticket on the Costa Rican side (in their hands) as they only wanted to spend a day on the Panama side. This was obviously not enough proof that they were going to leave the country, the lady insisted on them having also a bus ticket out of the country which they didn't have. Interesting policies!
      I guess it was a bit of luck for us and also being able to speak at least some Spanish, so an email reservation confirmation for a boat was sufficient for us to enter country number 10.
      We finished the last 25km to La Concepción, where we found an AirBnB and spent the night talking to our host Edwin.
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    • Dag 160

      Looking for an exchange office

      14. februar 2020, Panama ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Our day started with a nice ride through the region South of the Panamerican Highway to avoid traffic. The flat and slightly downhill route combined with very few cars made it easy for us to look at the scenery while cycling. The road wasn't the smoothest, but so much better than cars on the highway!
      First, we went to Puerto Pedegral to see the mangroves and wetlands there. We were a bit disappointed as most of the area was locked, so there wasn't much to see.
      Next, we headed to the city of David. What a nightmare! So much traffic and really crazy drivers! No fun to cycle here - how should we survive Panama City??
      We also looked for a place to exchange money as we had missed this at the border. But after checking several banks and shops with no luck, we gave up. Hopefully, we can find something in Panama City.
      As we didn't like David, we decided to go straight North towards Dolega where we could stay with Max and Ken. The highway was busy again, no fun cycling. We were a little frustrated because of the experience in David and a busy highway with more crazy drivers and headwinds, so pulled over at a supermarket. In this moment, a car stopped, a lady jumped out and gave us a coke each. They had seen us struggling on the road - how nice! 2 minutes later, another family came and gave us some pastries. We were thinking of just staying at the supermarket, seemed to be a great place for hungry and thirsty cyclists 😂
      However, we continued and passed a bridge over a river. Quite some locals bathing, so we joined them, before continuing to Dolega. Here, we were welcome by Becky and Jonny, a cycling couple from the UK who are also staying here and are heading North towards Canada. Perfect, so we can exchange recommendations! We jumped into the pool and shared a beer before Max and Ken arrived. They had been on a music festival during the day. The night, we spent playing "Mexican train", a version of dominos, with everyone. What a nice day in the end!
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    • Dag 161

      A lazy day in Panama

      15. februar 2020, Panama ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Today, we decided to do nothing but relax. We started the morning with a coffee at the pool watching the sunrise. Afterwards, we had breakfast, did some research for the last days in Panama and went swimming in the pool. In the afternoon, we exchanged lots of information about possible routes and places to stay or visit with Jonny and Becky.
      For dinner, Jonny and Becky spoilt everyone with a yummy Shakshuka. We closed the night again with a round of Mexican train.
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    • Dag 162

      Exploring Boquete

      16. februar 2020, Panama ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Jonny and Becky left after breakfast this morning and we decided to go to Boquete to have a look at this nearby mountain village. It's only some 20km away, but the climate is a lot different as it's higher up in the mountains. There is a constant rain or mist which is quite refreshing.
      Max and Ken gave us a lift up, as they went to a music festival there, so we had another day off the bikes. We walked around, looked at the fair grounds where they had a flower festival last month and peaked into some coffee and chocolate shops. Herbert was impressed by the beer selection in the supermarket. In general, the supermarket had lots of different products - a way better offer than any of the other supermarkets we had seen in Panama before.
      After some hours of exploring, we took the bus back to Dolega. We went for a swim, fed the dogs and cooked Bratkartoffeln for everyone for dinner.
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    Republic of Panama, Panama, ፓናማ, パナマ, 파나마, ପାନାମା, ปานามา, ປານາມາ, ប៉ាណាម៉ា, ประเทศปานามา, สาธารณรัฐปานามา, i-Panama, Orílẹ́ède Panama, Pa-na-ma, Panamá, Panamà, Panamā, Panamaa, Panamaja, Panamän, Panama nutome, Panamo, República de Panamá, بنما, پاناما, پنامہ, פנמה, Παναμάς, Панама, པ་ན་མཱ, པ་ནཱ་མ།, Պանամա, პანამა, पनामा, पानामा, પનામા, పనామా, ಪನಾಮಾ, பணாமா, பனாமா, പനാമ, পানামা, ပနားမား, පැනමා, 巴拿马

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