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  • Day 90

    Tromsø- the End of the Line

    October 8, 2023 in Norway ⋅ ☁️ 3 °C

    I catch the Havila Capella from Svolvær and am almost immediately greeted by a mug of warm Trollbrygg on deck (something that tastes somewhat like mulled wine and translates as ‘troll brew’). Snow starts coming in and for a brief while I brave the cold and stand out on deck in hopes of a glimpse of the northern lights. My luck seems to have run out on that front and so I call it a night.

    The next morning I join a lecture on board about the history of the Norwegian costal route and I even manage to swing getting my flag signed by the captain. I spend the rest of the voyage out on deck, freezing but happy as we pass by snow capped mountains and beautiful Nordic scenery. Eventually I spot the Arctic Cathedral of Tromsø and sadly it’s time to depart.

    Tromsø, my official finish line has come around all too soon. 30 before 30 achieved and time to start planning the next adventure.
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