Solomon Islands
Solomon Islands

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    • Day 122–125

      Salomonen - Gizo

      May 8 on the Solomon Islands ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

      Übernachtung auf den Salomonen. Entweder günstig und sehr einfach, oder Resort mit allen Nebenwirkungen fürn Geldbeutel 😬. Nun denn, ab ins Sanbis Resort (Pidgin für Weißer Strand). Fast nix los, die Salomonen kämpfen mit den Nachwirkungen von Covid, dafür freundlichst empfangen von den Menschen dort. Ein Schnorchelteip zur Insel, auf der JFK einst strandete, sonst ein entspannter Mix aus essen, lesen, dösen, Hund streicheln. Beschde! Von Hans, dem Eigentümer, hab ich erfahren dass das Meer so langsam aber sicher die Insel wegfrisst. Die "beste Bar im Südpazifik" hat's vor ein paar Jahren erwischt. Bilder zeugen vom alten Glanz. Heute leidet alles ein bissle unter dem Mangel an Touristen. Also, Leute: Nix wie hin. Glasklares Wasser, Riesenmuscheln und Zeugnisse des WW2 unter Wasser, erwarten einen. Schön wars. Jetzt weiter auf den Vulkan, Natur pur und Einsamkeit.Read more

    • Day 113

      My Bucket List

      January 30, 2020 on the Solomon Islands ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      While killing time and drinking beers here on Guadalcanal today, met a woman at the bar that got me to thinking about my bucket list. I just so happened to have typed up a bucket list over a decade ago that I resurfaced. This current trip I am on will cross off several of my bucket listings . . . Sri Lanka was the first to go. Others that will be crossed off are the Pyramids in Egypt and the ruins of Athens. So with that information, I had to add a couple that have crossed my mind in the past decade. New entries include . . . Hash in over 100 countries, Hash on all 8 continents (yes, that includes Zealandia, which I have already done, so just need to add South America and Antarctica), and see Petra. Going to knock off a couple more on this trip (100 countries and Petra). So in the game of life . . . I appear to be killing it. Get some. :o)Read more

    • Day 125–127

      Salomonen - Kolombangara

      May 11 on the Solomon Islands ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Ein Abstecher zur Vulkaninsel.
      Erst eine derbe Bootsfahrt, dann mit dem Jeep über eine Holperpiste bis zur Imbu Rano Eco Lodge, mitten im Regenwald am Fuß des Vulkans. Ich war Gast 1 von 1.
      Was ein Erlebnis! Pure Wildnis, Vögel, Frösche und Kröten und sonst noch krassestes Getier, wie zum Beispiel ein fauchender Kampfkäfer. Bekanntere Exemplare sind der Hornbill und der typisch weiße Kakadu.
      Nachts, der Dschungel, so laut!
      Richie, mein Guide, war 16 und totaler Fußballfan. Liverpool in der Liga, die ??? Niederlande ??? bei der anstehenden EM. Hat sogar das WM-Finale von 2002 geguckt. 😄 Die Wanderung in Richtung Gipfel hat er, die Machete schwingend, barfuß angeführt. Leider hat's oben geregnet und wir sind nicht ganz hinauf.
      Erkenntnisse gab's auch. Zum vermeindlich ersten Mal eine Frucht namens Rambutan gegessen, nur um rauszufinden, dass die bei uns als Litschi verkauft wird. Sah auch ganz anders aus. Betelnuss hab ich ned probiert, weil's die Zähne rot färbt. Die "belebende" Wirkung ist mir dadurch entgangen.
      Am Ende, nach einer weiteren Bootsfahrt durch den Regen, klatschnass in Noro angekommen und jetzt für zwei Tage in Munda, bis zum Rückflug nach Honiara. Und das wird dann tatsächlich schon das Ende meiner Reise durch die Salomonen, und damit durch Ozeanien sein. ZEFIX! 😮‍💨
      Bonus von den Salomonen: das Moskitomittel auf Basis von Kokosöl, macht meine Haut seidig glänzend und mich nach Zitronella riechend 😁
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    • Day 119–122

      Salomonen - Cuadalcanal

      May 5 on the Solomon Islands ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Die Salomonen sind der Inbegriff für eines der blutigsten Schlachtfelder des Pazifik-Kriegs. Zu Land - See - Luft, überall wurde gekämpft. Die Zeugnisse finden sich zahlreich in Gärten, Museen und auf freiem Feld. Heute gelten die Salomonen als die "Hapi Isles", die fröhlichen Inseln. Steht so auf jedem Nummernschild. Die Hauptstadt Honiara ist mit "quirlig" ganz gut beschrieben, der Hauptmarkt das Epizentrum. Mit dem Mietwagen wollte ich ein straffes Touri-Programm, bestehen aus Gedenkstätten, Museen und Strand durchlaufen. Hätte ich dabei bloß den Zustand der Straßen berücksichtigt 😬. Wüsste ich es nicht besser müsste ich glauben, die vielen Schlaglöcher seien Bombenkrater. Was hat das Auto gelitten...Read more

    • Day 112

      Flying into Henderson Field, Guadalcanal

      January 29, 2020 on the Solomon Islands ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Over the years, I have visited numerous sites of significance to US Marine Corps history. Inchon, Iwo Jima, Belleau Wood to name a few. In a few short hours, I will be landing at Henderson Field on Guadalcanal. With great reverence . . . "We all stand on the shoulders of the past generation."

      By 1942, Japan’s span of control throughout Asia and the South Pacific was vast, reaching as far as, and taking control of Guadalcanal in July of 1942. That would be as far south as they would go, and they would not hold it for long. On 7 Aug 1942, the Marines entered the war in the Pacific, and made the initial landing on Guadalcanal with ~11,000 men of the 1st Marine Division under MajGen Vandergrift. Within two day, the Marines had established a beachhead, and seized control of what would soon become Henderson Field. After months of intense battles both on land and at sea, the Japanese withdrew from Guadalcanal on 7 Feb 1943, and the island was designated secure on 9 Feb. The US had established a foothold in the South Pacific, and initiated what would become the Island Hopping Campaign. This campaign would go on for the next 3 years with amphibious landings on numerous islands, ending with the seizing of Okinawa in 1945 and the subsequent dropping of the atomic bombs (from aircraft launched from Tinian, also seized by the Marines) on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

      Of additional significance, Maj Pappy Boyington and his Black Sheep Squadron operated out of Henderson Field in 1943, becoming one of the most famous flying squadrons of the war.
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    • Day 8–15

      Fiji /Solomons

      October 17, 2023 on the Solomon Islands ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Awesome crossing fiji to lata Solomons to check in. Hilder jo was the lady to see in the village to arrange will find her a shaw point across the opposite side of the bay from lata town .just ask for her.Read more

    • Day 117

      Honiara H3 (Guadalcanal)

      February 3, 2020 on the Solomon Islands ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      I am not back to 100% yet, but for the first time since my surgery, I was able to jog on trail without having to stop to catch my breath. It has been six months now since I was on my back in a hospital bed, and it seems my body is feeling pretty normal again. My pulse has now dropped from an average in 80s, back down into the low 60s and I have started to do some upper body workouts (just 10 pushups a day, but its a start - I feel pretty droopy in the arms after six months of nothing).

      Enjoyed an exceptionally good trail in the Solomon Islands yesterday. Had the opportunity to run with the Honiara H3 up on Vavaea Ridge, on Guadalcanal. Trail was mostly up and down on dirt roads and tracks, with a pack of about 25, good fun. Circle was short and to the point, with only one song, but that is common in these parts. :) The pack was very friendly, and we enjoyed dinner with a few hashers after the circle. Great times here in the South Pacific.
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    • Day 115

      The King Solomon Hotel

      February 1, 2020 on the Solomon Islands ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Our accommodations for a week on Guadalcanal. This hotel has a pretty cool makeup, built on the side of a hill, with a rail car for an elevator. The stairway is also a maze of stairways that lead up the hill. We are on the top floor, so walking is quite a hike, but the car ride is like a Jurassic Park adventure ride. Very interesting. Fortunately, they had the Super Bowl on TV here, so we got to watch it in our room, despite having to go to the lobby for internet access everyday. :)Read more

    • Day 1

      Munda magic.

      June 17, 2023 on the Solomon Islands ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Well it's not been the trip we planned. A rude awakening thinking our unpredictable backpacker days were behind us.
      Arrived in Honiara on the 17th and waiting in a typical Pacific arrival longe with customs staff on island time where the other queue definitely moved faster. The covers were off the engines of the plane for our connecting flight to Munda. We should have read the tea leaves better at that point.
      Eventually we were bundled on an otter plane. Pretty certain we were about to have the luggage down the isles but the airline did well to find a solution and get us moving albeit a few hours late. Flew via Gizo where the airport is on an island only slightly larger than the runway. Gizo is a 10 min boat ride for $50 SID. 5SID =1NZD. Then on to Munda. The terminal was a tarpaulin over a frame while at the other end of the 2km runway the Chinese are building an enormous terminal building to take international flights. Can't help but see it other than a real estate and political grab. Only a few internal flights currently occuring and no other infrastructure to support more tourism currently. The runway was being overlaid with a new seal and was pretty impressive for this relative backwater.
      The accommodation is definitely understated and under-maintained but no big deal and what we were expecting. Good to be there. No one at the dive shop however.....
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    • Day 120

      US War Memorial (Guadalcanal)

      February 6, 2020 on the Solomon Islands ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

      Started our last day on Guadalcanal with a 7 Kms hike around town with some new friends. Then quickly cleaned up, packed, and headed off to the airport. On the way, we had the opportunity to stop at the US War Memorial. Very impressive. Also got a look down on the landing beaches used by the Marines to assault the island on 7 Aug 1942.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Solomon Islands, Solomon-Inseln, Pulo-pulo Solomon, Solomon Eilande, Salomonen, ሰለሞን ደሴቶች, Islas Salomón, جزر سليمان, جزر سولومون, Islles Salomón, Solomon Adaları, Соломон Утрауҙары, Islas Solomon, Саламонавы Астравы, Соломонови О-ви, Salomo Gun, সলোমন দ্বীপপুঞ্জ, སོ་ལོ་མོན། གླིང་ཕྲན་ཚོ་ཁག།, সলোমন দ্বীপমালা, Salomon, Solomonska Ostrva, Соломон аралууд, Salomó, Solomon Gùng-dō̤, Соломонан гӀайренаш, Kapupud-ang Solomon, دوورگەکانی سلێمان, Šalamounovy ostrovy, Соломон Утравĕсем, Ynysoedd Solomon, Salomonøerne, Adeyê Solomoni, Salomony, ސޮލޮމޮން ޖަޒީރާ, Solomon ƒudomekpowo nutome, Νησιά Σολομώντα, Salomonoj, Saalomoni Saared, Salomon Uharteak, جزیره های سالامون, Duuɗe Solomon, Salomonsaaret, Sálomonoyggjarnar, Îles Salomon, Iles Salomon, Salomonseilannen, Oileáin Sholaimh, Na h-Eileanan Sholaimh, Illas Salomón, सोलोमन द्वीपसमूह, સોલોમન આઇલેન્ડ, Ny h-Ellanyn Holomon, Tsibiran Salaman, Solomon Khiùn-tó, Solomonski Otoci, שלמה, איי, सोलोमन द्वीप, Salomonski Otoci, Salamon-szigetek, Սոլոմոնյան կղզիներ, Insulas Solomon, Kepulauan Solomon, Is-isla ti Solomon, Insuli Salomon, Salómonseyjar, Isole Salomone, ソロモン諸島, Kapuloan Solomon, სოლომონის კუნძულები, Visiwa vya Solomon, Соломон аралдары, ಸೊಲೊಮನ್ ದ್ವೀಪಗಳು, 솔로몬, Salomone, Ynysow Salamon, Соломон Аралдары, Insulae Salomonis, Bizanga by'eSolomooni, Salomonseilen, Isoe Salomon, Isul Salomon, Bisanga Solomɔ, Saliamono salos, Lutanda lua Solomu, Zālamana Salas, Nosy Salomona, Соломони, സോളമന്‍‍ ദ്വീപുകള്‍, सोलोमन बेटे, Соломон ошмаотывлӓ, Gżejjer Solomon, ဆော်လမွန်ကျွန်းစု, Toromen, Salomón Tlālhuāctli, Só͘-lô-bûn Kûn-tó, Salomonøyene, सोलोमोन टापु, Salomonseilanden, Salomonøyane, Sólomon Tó Bináhaazyínígíí, Illas Salamon, ସୋଲୋମନ୍ ଦ୍ବୀପପୁଞ୍ଜ, Соломоны сакъадæхтæ, ਸੋਲੋਮਨ ਟਾਪੂ, सोलोमन-द्वीप, Solamon Ailen, Wyspy Salomona, Ìsole Salomon, سولومن آئلینڈ, د سلېمان ټاپوان, Ilhas Salomão, Salumun watakuna, Salomonas, Amazinga ya Salumoni, Insulele Solomon, Соломонские острова, Ibirwa bya Solomoni, Соломон арыылара, Ìsuli Salamuni, Salomon-sullot, Zûâ Salomöon, Saliamuona Salas, සොලමන් දුපත්, Šalamúnove ostrovy, Salomonovo otočje, Zvitsuwa zvaSolomon, Ishujt Solomon, Соломонова Острва, Salomonöarna, சொலமன் தீவுகள், సోలోమన్ దీవులు, Ҷазоири Сулаймон, หมู่เกาะโซโลมอน, ሰሎሞን ደሴት, Kapuluang Salomon, ʻOtumotu Solomone, Solomon Ailans, Toromona, سولومون تاقىم ئاراللىرى, Соломонові Острови, سولومن آئلینڈز, Solomon Orollari, Solomonan Sared, Quần đảo Xô-lô-mông, Solomonuäns, Kapuropod-an Solomon, Duni Solomon, 所羅門群島, Соломонин Арлс, სოლომონიშ კოკეფი, סאלאמאן אינזלען, Orílẹ́ède Etikun Solomoni, 所罗门群岛, i-Solomon Islands

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