Corea del Sud
Corea del Sud

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Le 10 migliori mete di viaggio Corea del Sud
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Viaggiatori in questo posto
    • Giorno 133

      Resultaten van vakken: cijfers

      21 giugno 2022, Corea del Sud ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Vandaag mijn laatste les gehad en daarmee is het semester voorbij. Laat ik maar beginnen met wat iedereen vast wil weten: wat zijn mijn cijfers? Op het moment van schrijven heb ik van twee van de vijf vakken een cijfer. Voor Koreaans heb ik een A. Als ik dat omreken naar het Nederlandse systeem kom ik uit op ongeveer een 7.5 – 8. Ik moet bekennen dat ik dit vak niet gehaald hebben als de examens op papier zouden zijn. Iedereen moest de toets online maken. Ik zat dus gewoon op mijn kamer, met mijn lesboek en mobiel tot mijn beschikking. Er was geen controle via de laptopcamera. Met behulp van Papago, dé Koreaanse vertaal app heb ik de vragen makkelijk kunnen beantwoorden. Ik voel mij wel een beetje schuldig, omdat ik normaal gesproken altijd hard studeer, maar de motivatie om Koreaans te leren was nergens te vinden. Over 3 weken heb ik die kennis toch niet meer nodig.
      Het andere cijfer dat ik heb gekregen is een B+ voor sieraden maken. B+ is ongeveer een 7. Hier ben ik ruim tevreden mee. Mijn resultaten zijn mooi, maar niet geweldig. Het is echt een lastig vak. Zeker om in een paar maanden onder de knie te krijgen. Zou ik het vak opnieuw volgen als ik de kans krijg? Nee, ik denk het niet. Hoewel ik veel geleerd heb, is het niet mijn ding. Ik maak liever functionele objecten en heb moeite met kunst begrijpen. Dat zal vast iets te maken hebben met mijn gedachtegang die veel te praktisch denkt en moeite heeft met het begrijpen van niet-tastbare zaken.
      Ik zal deze post bijwerken wanneer ik mijn andere cijfers binnen heb. Foto’s van mijn producten krijgen een eigen bericht hier onder die ik openbaar maak wanneer ik weer thuis ben.

      Voor keramiek heb ik een A+
      Design Product 1: A
      Cultuur en geschiedenis van Seoul: A+
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    • Giorno 46–51

      Hoch hinaus in Jeonju

      17 maggio, Corea del Sud ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Auch an unserem zweiten und dritten Stop in Südkorea gefiel es uns sehr gut, was auch an den freundlichen Menschen liegt. Auch wenn unsere Fragen zumeist nur in koreanisch beantwortet werden und bei Bedarf auch nochmal koreanisch wiederholt werden, kann man ein aufrichtiges Bemühen durchaus erkennen. So steigt beispielsweise der Busfahrer mit uns aus und weißt uns per Fingerzeig den richtigen Weg zu unserem Hotel.

      Die Koreaner sind dem Durchschnittsdeutschen sehr ähnlich: Sie lieben Autos, Schweinefleisch (besonders den Bauchspeck) und sind katholisch (26 % - größte Anzahl von Gläubigen). Der letzte Fakt erfreute besonders Kathrin, die sich am Pfingstmontag unter die Feiernden mischte. Weniger positiver bekommt uns der Fakt bezüglich des übermäßigen Fleischkonsum - es ist schon anspruchsvoll sich, ausgewogen vegetarisch zu ernähren.

      Die angesprochene Hilfsbereitschaft betreffend, tat sich unser Host in Jeonju, Kenny besonders hervor. Er stellte uns etwa drei mögliche Wanderung zur Auswahl, für welche er uns sogar den Busroute zum Startpunkt heraussuchte. Nach einer längeren Fahrt (der Anschluss war nicht erreichbar und wir überbrückten zwei Stunden in einem schönen Café), machten wir uns auf zur Besteigung des Berges). Der Aufstieg war durchaus fordernd, doch wir konnten neben der tollen Aussicht auch einige andere tollen Eindrücke gewinnen. Das Finden der Bushaltestelle für den Rückweg wäre ohne Unterstützung der Locals sicherlich unmöglich gewesen, da die Stops auch, im in Korea gebräuchlichen Naver nicht angezeigt wurden.

      Nicht nur wegen der Landschaft war Jeonju ein lohnender Reiseort, durch die Bekanntschaft mit einem malayisch- australischen Pärchen konnten wir viele Markierung auf unsere Reisemap setzen. Auch die hervorragend erhaltene Altstadt im ursprünglichen Stil war in Kontrast zu den Hochhausburgen sehr interessant. Für einen eintägigen Zwischenstopp hielten wir in Daejeon, das trotz der wenigen großen Sehenswürdigkeiten einen Abstecher wert war. Hier nutzten wir etwa die im Park befindlichen Fitnessgeräte und schlenderten an einem der zahlreichen Flussläufe entlang.
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    • Giorno 26


      26 settembre 2019, Corea del Sud ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Two days in Teletubby land, also known as Gyeongju or the Golden City according to the tourist board. This is an old capital city of the Silla Kingdom and is also known as 'the museum without walls', as if it needed any more names.
      The city itself is quite small but full of things to do and we were happy to find that you can walk everywhere easily. We saw a park full of giant grassy mounds which are tombs for the old royal family. Some are still being excavated and there is a small museum inside one of them with gold armour for the horses and their riders. It was very tempting to climb one but the threatened 2 year prison sentence was enough to put us off.
      We also walked around an old town where all the buildings have the old fashioned architecture, visited an amazing bridge over the River, and saw an ancient astrological observatory.
      We spent the evenings in the night market sampling as much of the food as we could, as usual. We've noticed that the Koreans love to add sugar to everything, including cheese and egg toasties and hot dogs. It's a bit strange at first but not as bad as it sounds! Our favourites this time were mung bean pancakes, sweet sticky fried pork and black raspberry wine, well fincsi :)
      One more thing that this city is famous for is Gyeongju bread. There are bakeries all around selling boxes of 10 or 20 of these little buns which are full of sweet red bean paste, not bad, but one was enough.
      For our last night in Korea we headed back to Busan from where we would fly to Taiwan. We escaped a very rainy night in a restaurant where we had budae jjigae another cook-it-yourself dish which was like a giant noodle soup full of different meat and vegetables, another one to remember to try at home!
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    • Giorno 38

      Teamlab light show and South Korea

      6 novembre 2019, Corea del Sud ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Did you know that Google Maps does not work properly in South Korea?

      Packed up everything and checked out.
      On a reccomendation of a friend we went to the teamlab light show. An audio visual extravaganza for your senses. You slowly walk through different themed rooms with lights, sounds, mirrors and props everywhere. I want my house to be like that! Photos do not do it justice, but this is well worth a visit.
      Left there with all our luggage to get a train to the Tokyo Narita airport. The metro away from the teamlab area is all above ground, and has amazing views over the city, rivers and sea. Hannah got a Ramen, which she had wanted since arriving in Japan. It's got noodles and a boiled egg in and is very tasty.
      Nice easy 2.5 hour flight to Seoul, picked up a sim card then took a hour long train to Seoul central station. It was midnight by this time. The accommodation was an easy 5 min walk away. Tiny with bunk beds, but easy for the night.
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    • Giorno 206

      Mit einem neuen Fahrradpartner

      2 ottobre 2019, Corea del Sud ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

      Now that I was finally able to get my phone back , in Japan, flashback. In Korea, more than one month ago !
      - - -
      Diese wird meine einzige Nachrichte auf Deutsch sein. Ich schreibe in dieser Sprache, die ich fast vergessen habe, um meinen neuen Fahrradpartner David zu willkommen !

      Mit David haben uns in Seoul gettroffen. Weil er auch nach Japan geht, haben wir uns entshieden, durch SüdKorea zusammen Fahrrad zu fahren.

      David ist ein groBer Reisender. Er begann seine Radtour in Deutschland mitten in Winter und plant, fast 3 Jahre auf der ganzen Welt zu reisen ! Das ist ein langjähriges Project, für das er hat lange gespart.
      Ein erster Blick auf sein Fahrrad zeigt, dass er sehr gut ausgestattet und bereit für jeden Vorfall ist. Nach einem eisigen Winter und Sandstürme in den Ländern, die er besuchte, ist es besser !
      Auf seinem Fahrrad trägt er denn viel mehr kilogramm als ich, dessen elektronisches Geschäft für seine Fotos und Videos.
      Unten ist ein Link zu seinem schönen und interessanten Video über China :…
      Das Video uber Südkorea wird bald folgen.
      Ich füge auch hinzu, ein Artikel auf die chinesische Teil seiner Radtour. Vielleicht werden sie an den Fotos anerkennen, den gleiche Ort, dort ich meine Zelt auch aufgestellt habe ! Viel Spaß !
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    • Giorno 207

      A nice birthday surprise in Chuncheon

      3 ottobre 2019, Corea del Sud ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      After around 120 km, first following straight cycling lanes, then winding roads and forbidden tunnels (to avoid the steepest hills), we reach the surroundings of Chuncheon.
      At lunch, we give ourselves a pizza treat. It is a bit expensive but today is my birthday after all ! And pizzas happen to be quite tasty in Korea.
      Another afternoon surprise is to bump into a French guy I had met earlier in Seoul, while riding along a river in a park next to Chuncheon ! Ben is spending the week-end here with Sangsu, a Korean art teacher he met through Couchsurfing. To start with, we just chat and take a few pictures to celebrate this encounter, but a few hours and messages later... We are invited to spend the night at Sangsu's grandmothers's apartment. Probably a better option than the camping spot we still had to find, outside of the city, in the dark... Thanks to this unexpected invitation, I can also enjoy a warm shower the evening of my birthday ! Comforting after a first wet camping night outside of Seoul. We also go out for dinner to try out "dak galbi", a delicious marinated and fried chicken specialty from Chuncheon.
      The evening goes on nicely, all gathered in a comfortable little room at the grandma's condo. Ben and Sangsu were even so sweet as to bring me a birthday cake from the bakery "Paris Baguette". What a nice encounter ! Thanks my lucky star, for making me bump into lovely people, at the perfect moment.
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    • Giorno 209

      On wet and hilly roads

      5 ottobre 2019, Corea del Sud ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      After Chuncheon we continue riding hilly roads towards the east, in a humid and chilly weather. We nevertheless persist in camping, finding correct spots that we often share with wild boars and squirrels.
      The evenings are short, we go to "bed" (i.e. our tents and camping mattresses !) early. But we get along well and pursue our discovery of Korean food (I love especially all the side dishes brought along the main dish. Perfect for hungry cyclists).
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    • Giorno 210

      Temple stay & autumn leaves in Seoraksan

      6 ottobre 2019, Corea del Sud ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Our first stop from cycling is in Seoraksan, one of the many national parks Korea has to offer. Following the recommendations of Hilshien and Auke, we want to spend the night in a temple (Like in China, mountains being considered holy places, they are as much visited for worship than for hiking). So we leave our bicycle and luggage at the bottom and start hiking at the end of the day.

      We arrive at a temple complex a bit late, among many other tourists/pilgrims (who themselves came by bus...). Between the tea/coffee shop, the souvenir shop, the praying halls, it takes some time to find the right person to talk to. Then we find out that staying overnight is much more expensive than we thought ! But upon seeing our sad faces, the monks offer us a discount. We can stay and eat three meals of monks' food at a reasonable price. The room is small but tidy and comfortable (korean/ japanese style : mattresses to unfold on the floor). It feels good to have a shower and to sleep in a warm environment, after several humid camping nights...

      The following morning, we hike up to a viewpoint, enjoying the autumnal landscapes. Golden/ red leaves, old mossy trunks, fast moving clouds. The korean hikers seem to be serious about their gear, equipped with good brands from head to toe. The older folks are also in good shape and walk a swift and steady pace. It is among a sea of clouds that we reach the peak. From there we can see the "Yellow Sea" and the eastern coast of Korea : our next destination !
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    • Giorno 46

      Exploring Jeju. South and West.

      14 novembre 2019, Corea del Sud ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Today we explored the south and west of Jeju. Started out with a nearby waterfall.
      Then a bit further along the coast found these hexagonal stone structures which had been formed by cooling lava. Pretty cool.
      Followed by a walk along a river and a few more waterfalls.
      Taking the advice of TripAdvisor we went to the number 1 thing to do in Jeju - a sacred garden. Started by 1 man in the 60s (now a team of 25). A peaceful place with lots of Bonzi trees.
      The man Mr Bum Young-Sun is obviously quite an astute business man. A random person asked if we would write in the visitor book. Whist we were doing that she offered us some orange tea (which was very nice). She asked if we would like the meet the main man. He came round and very kindly gave us a free book about his garden, only asking that we provide a trip advisor review. A good way to help yourself to the top of trip advisor. Still, good garden though.

      With the light fading and it getting freezing, we went for an indoor activity. Can you guess who chose this one...? An art museum with perspective art which you could pose in front of.
      Got quite a few photos of me, one or two of Hannah.
      Back home for another Marvel film, which the hotel seemed to be playing on loop.
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    • Giorno 47

      Walking up Jeju volcano

      15 novembre 2019, Corea del Sud ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      Up and out quickly to get to the foot of the volcano in the centre of Jeju. There are about 5 different routes to the top, but only 2 which go to the crater. We chose the most common route to the crater.
      We arrived at 9.15 to be told we had to be at a checkpoint by 12pm otherwise we would not be allowed to the top. The checkpoint was 3 hours away, so we got our quick march on.
      Made it with 30 mins to spare, so cruised to the top.
      Last 100m were pretty tiring, but apart from that a very nice walk.
      Lots of people up at the top including lots of the Korean army out for some training. After a snickers enjoying the view we started the walk down. Great views out over the island and interesting scenery as we descended 1000 vertical meters. Total time was 6.5 hours and about 13 miles.
      With tired feet we went to the harbour for sunset and a short drone flight.
      Back to the room for some pot noodles and a cider. I think probably the first day we actually came in under budget in the whole holiday so far.
      Early start tomorrow for a flight to Taiwan to meet up with the family.
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    Republic of Korea, Südkorea, South Korea, Suid-Korea, Anaafo Koria, ደቡብ ኮሪያ, Corea d'o Sur, كوريا الجنوبية, Corea del Sur, Cənub Koreya, Паўднёвая Карэя, Корея, Южна, Worodugu Kore, দক্ষিণ কোরিয়া, ཀོ་རི་ཡ། ལྷོ་མ།, Korea ar Su, Južna Koreja, Corea del Sud, ᎤᎦᎾᏭ ᎢᏗᎵ ᎪᎴᎠ, Jižní Korea, Repùblika Kòreji, De Corea, Republikken Korea (Sydkorea), ལྷོ་ཀོ་རི་ཡ, Anyiehe Korea nutome, Νότια Κορέα, Sud-Koreio, Lõuna Korea, Hego Korea, کره ی جنوبی, Koree Worgo, Etelä-Korea, Suður-Korea, Corée du Sud, Corê du Sud, An Chóiré Theas, Corea do Sur, દક્ષિણ કોરિયા, Koreya Ta Kudu, קוריאה, דרום, दक्षिणी कोरिया, Koreja, Južna, Kore disid, Dél-Korea, Հարավային Կորեա, Korea Selatan, Sud-Korea, Suður-Kórea, 大韓民国, სამხრეთ კორეა, Korea Kusini, Солтүстік Корея, Korea Kujalleq, កូរ៉េ, ದಕ್ಷಿಣ ಕೋರಿಯಾ, 대한민국, کۆریای باشوور, Korea Dheghow, Respublica Coreae, Koreya ey'omumaserengeta, Zuud-Korea, Korɛ ya súdi, ເກົາຫລີໃຕ້, Pietų Korėja, Kore wa mwinshi, Dienvidkoreja, Korea Atsimo, Јужна Кореа, ദക്ഷിണകൊറിയ, दक्षिण कोरिया, Selatan Korea, Koreja t’Isfel, တောင်ကိုရီးယား, Corea d' 'o Sud, Sør-Korea, Republikken, Süüdkorea, Republiek Korea, Corèa del Sud, ଦକ୍ଷିଣ କୋରିଆ, Republika Korei, سوېلي کوريا, Coreia do Sul, Corea dal Sid, Koreya y'amajepfo, Coreea de Sud, Южная Корея, Corea dû Sud, Mátta-Korea, Korëe tî Mbongo, දකුණු කොරියාව, Južná Kórea, Korea, South, Kuuriyada Koonfureed, Koreja e Jugut, Јужна Кореја, Sydkorea, Jamhuri ya Korea, தென் கொரியா, దక్షిణ కొరియా, เกาหลีใต้, Timog Korea, Kōlea Tonga, Saut Korea, Güney Kore, Південня Корея, جنوبی کوریا, Nam Triều Tiên, Sulüda-Koreyän, Salatan nga Korea, 韩国, Orílẹ́ède Ariwa Kọria, 大韩民国, i-South Korea

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