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    • Day 24

      June 9

      June 10 in Spain ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

      Today we are 27 km from our destination, so I have chosen to take the bus. I would walk part way but due to the isolated region we are in the bus service is limited and it's either walk the entire way, try and get a taxi (which would be expensive) or catch the bus. Our friendly host, Manuel, at our albergue kindly gave us a ride to the bus stop. This is our first attempt at catching the bus after our fiasco on the bus last week, so both Lorelee and myself were a little nervous about how it would go. I found it very interesting eavesdropping on the young couple behind us who were riding the bus because her ankle was in a lot of pain. They were trying so hard to justify their decision to bus rather than walk the remaining distance to Finisterre. It begged the question for me; why, as humans, are we so tough on ourselves and reluctant to practice kindness, especially to ourselves? Thankfully about an hour and a half after boarding the bus, we proudly disembarked in Cee. To our surprise, we wandered around the corner from the station into a large bustling outdoor market. We enjoyed exploring through the numerous stalls with a variety of items such as clothing, shoes, blankets, jewelry, food, and plants. I bought a pair of pants, a shirt, some traditional raisin bread, and cheese. Lorelee purchased a blanket and churros. We were thirsty after all our efforts at the market so we sat in the square at a cafe and sipped a tinto de verano while watching the world go by. A siesta followed by a short stroll to the laundromat and another tinto de verano in the square would complete our rest day.Read more

    • Day 35–36

      Day 32 to Ribadiso

      June 9 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Was good walking weather... never too hot! (And I had Comrades FOMO)

      Learnt our lesson that everything is closed on Sundays, so popped in at a big supermarcado in Melide and bought food... so for the last 10km's our bags were heavy and uncomfortable...

      But the end result was so worth it! Stephan made a huge stew and mini veg stew for me. We had spinach, pea & feta salad and tomato & onion salad... most beautiful, big, fresh tomatoes!

      Since we totally over catered, we invited Gregg & Dick for supper! A great time was had by all.
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    • Day 33

      Day 31 walking!

      June 9 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      So penultimate day of walking 22 Km to our destination of village called A Rua.
      We set off under grey threatening clouds but didn’t rain but there was a chill wind in the air and it stayed mostly cloudy.
      The way started up hill to Arzúa and had breakfast there. There were some gentle ups and downs but not too taxing, and along country paths and roads at times, even over an empty motorway!
      The land seems more cultivated and busier as we get closer to Santiago. We only have about 22 Km to walk tomorrow but it’s around the airport and likely to be more urban and busier. I’m quite tired and bit weary now, so will be pleased to finish tomorrow and my feet will definitely be happier!!!
      We’re in a modern Albergue and it’s our last night in bunks 😊
      David is flying into Santiago tomorrow evening so I’m looking forward to seeing him and staying in a hotel too!
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    • Day 19

      Carrion de los condes

      June 9 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      We started later (7am) today as it was grey skies and about 10c cooler which suits me fine. Fiona's hands turned white though and she has spent most of the day cold.
      The walk was flat and took us along an ancient canal with lots of birdsong, which you can identify with an app called Merlin. Then across more wheat fields through a couple of dead villages, one with an amazing church with knights templar tombs and 15th century carvings.
      My feet and knees decided that today they would ache and the last few kilometers were hard. The changing insole trick didn't fool them. However, most people are far worse off and a couple of our camino 'friends' are giving up or taking rest days because of blisters. Thank you Hoka trainers, and Michael my nhs podiatrist!
      Carrion is a nice town and we have a private room tonight which means sheets, towels and a bathroom instead of a hostel bed. We had a nice lunch in the busiest restaurant, and then at 6 went to see the singing nuns. A thing where people share where they are from, why they are walking and sing non religious songs with nuns. It reminded me of school in Cádiz, as the nuns were just as lovely. Anyway, a bit special and hard to explain. I went for a walk afterwards on my own and ended up having beers with a bunch of people we have met over the last few days.
      The photo of the man on the bike with an umbrella is my picture for my drawing project today. Day 370 of daily drawing.
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    • Day 27–28

      D26- Leon to Hospital de Orbigo 28.3km

      June 8 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      We decided to follow the recommendation in the Camino book and took the bus two suburbs out from Leon this morning. However, it made our start time a bit late as it was Saturday and the first bus was 8 o’clock. We took the scenic route which added 3km to our walk today because the other route was along a busy highway. There was a small incline today but not too bad. The weather wasn’t on our side today, fair bit of thunder and intermittent rain. We stayed at the Albergue Verde and had a vegan/vegetarian meal cooked for us. It was a Moroccan chickpea dish with sponge cake with apples for desert.Read more

    • Day 12


      June 9 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Tag 4 VdlP
      Entspannt in den Tag. Bin der letzte der gegen 8 Uhr die Herberge verlässt. Ich habe ausgesprochen gut geschlafen. Die nächtlichen Ruhestörungen sind im Schlafsaal ausgeblieben. Mit Ohrstöpseln schläft man besser.
      Heute steht eine kurze 15 Kilometer Strecke auf dem Programm. Eigendlich zu wenig. Aber was solls. Ohne Zeitdruck gehe ich los. Zum Frühstück gab's übrigens einen Bocadillo-Rest von gestern. Tadellos.
      Heute schaffe ich es mal wieder. Eine kleine Zusatzstrecke mußte her. Ich bin einfach an einer Abzweigung trödelnt geradeaus gegangen. Irgendwann stand ich vor einem Zaun ohne Tor. Das war eine klare Ansage, also zurück. An einem 40 Kilometer Tag hätte ich grausam rumgeflucht. Aber heute, ich glaube mehr als ein schulterzucken war mir die Sache nicht wert.
      Wetter: Kühl (20°, bewölkt)
      Regen: Null
      Wasser: 1,3 Liter
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    • Day 46


      June 9 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Day 38 Portomarin
      Distance from Sarria to Portomarin 25kms

      We left Sarria this morning along with many other pilgrims most of whom were starting their 1st day of walking. They walked with fresh legs clean shoes and an eagerness to complete their first day. Walking today took us through woodland paths and along gravel tracks . Although the paths were busy with the influx of new pilgrims it was a welcome change and at times there were few. We passed through small hamlets spotting a white turkey with a blue face he refused to pose for a photo. A momentous moment as we approached the 100km marker it seemed surreal that we had walked so far.
      Portomarin is a lively town (overlooking a reservoir) buzzing with pilgrims overflowing restaurants and cafes food markets and gelato shops (my favourite) we love this town!
      Another fabulous day meeting new pilgrims from New Zealand and other parts of the world and although the temperature was a cool 17c it was pleasant to walk in and we had another great day on the Camino.
      The final countdown
      4 days remaining.
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    • Day 29

      Y tu te vas

      June 9 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      De 5e week is ingegaan,vandaar dit liedje...van weemoed en verlangen, van weggaan en terugkomen.
      Vannacht veel regen en nu druilerig, dus mooi rustig aan.
      Nog paar fotoshotjes van het feest van gisteren. Dit heeft ook een weer een link met de kerk en de gesch van de stad (vgl het stierenrennen in Pamplona dankzij St Fermin) Vroeger in Gen. hadden wij de Geuzen en de Joffers :) en pakten wij uit op Koninginnedag bij de allegorishe optocht. Rond 11.00 uur droog,yesss! Dan heb je toch achterstand als je om 12.00 uur vertrekt. Maar droog, wel tegenwind, soit. Paar pittige bulten, maar mooie en rustige route en geen Camiones yess. Om half 6 in Santa Domingo de Caldazar beland. Nationale feestdag, alle resto's dicht. In de albergue, waar ik blijkbaar in 2017 ook had geslapen (toen ziek, buikgriep koorts, regen) hadden ze heerlijke patates gerecht gemaakt. Daar doe ik het voor. Nog even het stadje in en opa gaat weer plat... dromen van 60 km camino :)Read more

    • Day 34

      Day 33 Portomarin-100k to Santiago

      June 8 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

      It's a milestone! We have just 100k (60 miles) to go to reach Santiago! We have completed 420 miles since starting in France 33 days ago! I have been wanting to see this marker for some time!
      When we headed out this morning, even though we expected the last portion of the Camino to be crowded, it was a surprise to see several tour groups walking together, with guides at the front and back of each group. These folks just started the Camino in Sarria; and will walk 60 miles total. We did our best to put distance between ourselves and the big groups and had an enjoyable peaceful walk with Michael from Calgary. Lunch was at an outdoor food tent specializing in octopus, located in Portomarin, above the Rio Munez River. Ugh, those tentacles! No thanks lolRead more

    • Day 71


      June 7 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      7.6. bis 9.6. Bilbao
      Wir beeilen uns nach Bilbao zu kommen und tatsächlich bekommen wir um 14:30 den letzten der 72 Plätze (Area de Autocaravanas de Kobetamendi, 17€, mit Strom 21€.

      Die Aussicht auf die Stadt ist phantastisch. Das Solitär des modernen Bilbao ist das Guggenheim-Museum von Frank Gehry. Viele berühmte Architekten haben nach der Zeit des Niedergangs hier den Grundstein für das moderne, pulsierende Bilbao gelegt. Es entstanden großartige Brücken und Gebäude, die heute das Gesicht der Stadt prägen.

      Mit dem eBike können wir uns gut hinunter in die Stadt wagen. Auf dem Weg in die hübsche Altstadt viel Grün und immer wieder Kunst. Häufig kommen wir an attraktiven Spielplätzen für Größere und Kleinere vorbei, die überall auch sehr gut frequentiert sind.

      Wir fahren den Rio Nervión entlang bis zu einer großen Konzertmuschel. Davor etliche besetzte Stühle und auf der Bühne ein Konzert für Bläser und Schlagzeug. Einfach so für die Allgemeinheit. Auf einem Platz gleich nebenan, eine Art Buchmesse. Daneben die Kathedrale und dann die lebendige Altstadt mit Cafés und Bars ohne Ende. Wir „schwimmen“ mit in der Menge und landen auf der Plaza Nueva, gesellschaftlicher Mittelpunkt der Altstadt. Umgeben von Kneipen erleben wir in der Mitte des Platzes fußballspielende Mädchen und Jungen. Wir ergattern einen Tisch und gönnen uns ein paar Pintxos (Tapas) und Wein bzw. O-Saft.

      Das Guggenheim Museum ist wieder ein Erlebnis. Allein die Architektur ist einen Besuch wert und dazu die Ausstellung modernen Kunst. Besonders beeindruckend: der riesige Wandbehang aus Flaschenverschlüssen, Kupferdraht und Banderolen von El Anatsui.
      Seine Devise: „nimm , was du vorfindest“.
      Als wir nach 4 Stunden das Haus verlassen, ein Liegend-Demonstration für Palästinenser. Etwas abseits zwei Polizisten, ansonsten alles friedlich, keine Pöbeleien, keine Agressionen. Beeindruckend. Tolle Stadt.
      Abends setzt wieder Regen ein mit einer Feuerwerkspause. Dann gehts die ganze Nacht feucht weiter. Und wir machen uns auf.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Kingdom of Spain, Spanien, Spanish State, ስፔን, 스페인, ܐܣܦܢܝܐ, สเปน, スペイン, 에스파냐, ສະເປນ, እስፓንያ, ସ୍ପେନ୍, អេស្ប៉ាញ, ประเทศสเปน, An Spáinn, An Spàinn, Caxtillan, Esipaɲi, Esipanye, Espaañ, Espagne, Èspagne, Espaina, Espainia, España, Espangne, Espanha, Espania, Espanja, Espánjja, Espanya, Espânye, Espay, Estado Español, Hesperia, Hisipaniya, Hispaania, Hispania, Hispanio, Hispanujo, Hiszpania, Isbeyn, Ispagna, i-Spain, Ispaña, Ispanija, İspaniya, İspanya, Ispuanii, la Madre Patria, La pell de brau, La piel de toro, Nsipani, Orílẹ́ède Sipani, Pain, Paniora, Pāniora, Regne d'Espanya, Reino de España, sangue, Sbaen, Sepania, Sepanyol, Sepeni, Sipeini, Sipen, Sipeyini, Spagn, Spagna, Spagne, Spain, Španělsko, Spania, Spánia, Spania nutome, Španielsko, Španija, Spānija, Španiska, Spanja, Spanje, Spanjë, Španjolska, Spánn, Spanya, Spanyän, Spanyol, Spanyolország, Spayn, Spen, Spēna, Spéonland, Spēonland, Spuenien, Szpańskô, Tây Ban Nha, Uhispania, Yn Spaainey, أسبانيا, إسبانيا, اسبانيا, اسپانیا, اسپین, ہسپانیہ, سپین, هسپانیه, ئیسپانیا, ئىسپانىيە, ספרד, שפאניע, Ισπανία, Гішпанія, Испани, Испания, Испониё, Іспанія, Шпанија, སི་པན།, སིཔཱེན, སིཔཱེན་, Իսպանիա, ესპანეთი, स्पेन, સ્પેઇન, સ્પેન, స్పేన్, ಸ್ಪೈನ್, ஸ்பெயின், സ്പെയിന്‍, স্পেন, စပိန်, ස්පාඤ්ඤය, 西班牙

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