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Top 10 des destinations de voyage : Espagne
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    • Jour 23

      To Chantada — 34 km and 900 m

      3 mai, Espagne ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      It felt weird leaving this morning, knowing that I would not be meeting up with Clare, since she was heading to Madrid. Time to make a mental adjustment.

      When I left Monforte this morning, I had pretty much made up my mind to stop after about 24 km in a new albergue that has been built inside the 14th century Bishops Palace adjacent to a beautiful 12th century Romanesque church. I’ve never been able to see the inside of the church, and I heard that the hospitalera had the key. On the way, I went to two lookout spots over the Minho River to see my other favorite horseshoe bend. The regional government has spent a lot of money, improving the lookout points, and the views were great, even though it was cloudy.

      When I got to the albergue, had a rest, and visited the church and the albergue facilities, I just couldn’t bring myself to stop walking. It was not raining, there was no one else there, and everything all around was wet, I decided to do the last 8 km into Chantada . This meant descending on a beautiful but slightly wet and slippery trail, crossing the river and then ascending to the top on the other side.

      The Minho Valley is supposedly its own microclimate, and when I crested the top for the last 5 km into Chantada, the gusts of cold wind and strong rain hit me in the face. Just as things were feeling grim, I came upon a group of very joyous Portuguese pilgrims. The time passed quickly, but I was so happy to arrive in my hotel. Hair dryer, heat, towel heating rack— all of those amenities were very much appreciated.
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    • Jour 38–54

      Bienvenido a Finca Sacristia

      15 avril, Espagne ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Cette fois-ci, c’est Clara qui fait parler sa plus belle plume pour votre plus grand plaisir 🪶

      On passe 2 superbes semaines dans une finca dans les terres au nord de Malaga 🌸

      Nos journées sont rythmées avec un bon petit déjeuner partagé avec les volontaires et la famille, 4h de jardinage jusqu’à ce que la cloche sonne à 13h pour aller manger.
      Chaque repas est un véritable festin avec des produits frais, des sauces incroyables et des jus délicieux (photos à l’appui) …
      Tout est fait maison : le pain, le chocolat et j’en passe !
      Nos après midi elles sont principalement à base de siestes et relaxations …
      On dort dans des caravanes sous les oliviers, c’est top : into the wild 2.0 🍋

      On est immergé dans un mode de vie 0 déchet, c’est hyper inspirant !
      Tout est revalorisé : on plante, on cueille, on mange puis vamos aux toilettes écologiques 🚽💩 et on réutilise ♻️
      Pareil pour l’eau : l’eau de la douche, de la vaisselle est réutilisée pour arroser les différents arbres fruitiers.
      On apprend pleins de choses sur la permaculture, c’est hyper intéressant !

      Et qui l’eut cru, on s’expérimente même à la médiation et au yoga … oui oui, on a bien ouvert nos chakras tout en réalisant nos meilleurs chandelles et salutations au soleil 🧘‍♂️🧘‍♀️

      C’est tellement reposant … Tout ce dont on avait besoin pour se reposer après 1 mois de vacances aux Canaries quoi !

      Une petite famille en or, on part en étant un peu triste de les quitter …

      Maintenant dirección Portugal …🇵🇹
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    • Jour 11

      Lugo > Ferreira

      29 avril, Espagne ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

      Cold and missstty start along a never-ending road plus encountering big old dead wild boar slap bang in the middle of the path. But then diverged into some glorious mossy forests and the sun made an expected appearance woo!! Albergue had sun loungers and not a whole lot else around so you can guess how the afternoon was spentEn savoir plus

    • Jour 22

      Nice day to Monforte de Lemos

      2 mai, Espagne ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      It seemed almost like a rest day. The walk was very pretty, and I took a little detour to go to a hill fort that dates to the first or second century, before the Roman arrival. At places like this, I stop and think about things — my life, their life, whether we were similar in any ways. There were many body-shaped rock-lined spaces right below the surface, and I wondered if they were graves.

      We did have one fairly short and not too steep ascent, and we also came across our very first loose dog. He barked, and he did come close, but that was about it. That was the first loose dog we’ve encountered during almost three weeks of walking.

      When we got into town, I went straight to the pharmacy to see if I could get something for my incessant cough. This is very similar to something that has happened to me on two other Caminos— it starts as an allergy and then deteriorates into a bad cough, and I cannot shake it. I showed the pharmacist the name of the medicines that I had been given the last time, and she just pulled them off the shelf and gave them to me. That’s a very different attitude towards prescription medication than what I found in the south of Spain.

      We were in town early, and by noon I had checked into the parador— a splurge I booked months ago. It’s in a 17 C convent right next to the 13 C castle tower. The receptionist was very nice and found me a room that was ready, even though I was hours before check-in. I guess that walking into a parador with a grungy backpack and hiking poles gets you some special treatment, or else it gives staff the incentive to get you out of sight quickly.

      One of the best things about staying in a Parador is that the towels are so huge and thick that you can squeeze all the water out of your hand washed clothes with them.

      Clare and I had a good lunch in a popular local place, while she played around with schedules and accommodations to figure out her next moves. My bet is that I will start out from Monforte alone tomorrow.

      It’s a cold grey dreary day, but at least we didn’t get rain while walking.
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    • Jour 17


      2 mai, Espagne ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Gegen Mittag sind wir heute in Zaragoza aufgebrochen. Es ging immer in Richtung Osten. Eigentlich war geplant, dass wir in Vic den Stellplatz nutzen. Der hat uns aber nicht so richtig gefallen. Also wiedermal kurz umplanen:
      Wir sind noch ca. 30 km weitergefahren und in dem Örtchen Viladrau gelandet … mit schönem Stellplatz und einem schnuckeligen Ortskern.
      Den Stellplatz zahlt man online, indem man den QR-Code einscannt - eigentlich sehr einfach und die Bezahl-Homepage die man dadurch aufruft ist sehr bedienerfreundlich. Wochentags kostet er, inklusive Strom und V&E 6,00 Euro. 😊
      Wir finden‘s hier toll!
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    • Jour 23–25

      Day 20, Day 21 and Day 22

      30 avril, Espagne ⋅ 🌬 13 °C

      The video is from yesterday in Carrion. The bell that went wild and wouldn't stop ringing🤣🤣🤣
      Day 20 It was a 24km day into Ledigos. All farmland on a straight gravel path beside the road. Pretty quiet. Tomorrow we will have walked HALF the journey once we reach Sahagun. We can try to get our half Compostela- so excited🤗
      Day 21 Sahagun Here we are, the HALF POINT, can't believe we are heading for the end!!! Only 16km today. Heading out to get our half Compostela. Cannot post today from the nunnery - no Wifi, sorry!
      Day 22 Reliegos Big big 31km day - we are tired but nothing a hot shower can't fix😁 Ran into a bit of rain this afternoon but all is good. Tomorrow we walk to Leon, last big city so we'll take our last rest day Sat. Onwards!
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    • Jour 7–8

      Day 6 Sansol - Navarrete

      2 mai, Espagne ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      34.5km (176.1 km from start). 40.000 steps. 6h 45min with breaks. 2420 calories

      Long day today. After great breakfast (ham, cheese, eggs and juice) started day with painkillers. First 10 kilometers are known as “knee wreckers” and my would definitely preferred another route. I was in so much pain. Starting to realize what is it I am really doing. Getting to Santiago in 26 days is VERY optimistic.

      Said goodbye to Judita from Lithuania. We shared the road in almost 2 days - she was a great company. We said goodbye in Logrono where she went on hunt for blisters treatment and I looked for pharmacy and some additional painkillers for my knees.

      Walked last 12 km very fast - just wanted to get to hostel and rest my old body 😂
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    • Jour 30

      Villafranca del Bierzo to O Cebreiro

      1 mai, Espagne ⋅ ☁️ 39 °F

      403 miles done. 97 to go.

      Today was a challenge. 800 m (.5 mile) elevation gain over 17 extremely muddy miles through the rain, sleet, and snow. I took a lot of breaks just for sanity. And, I stubbed my toe this morning on the corner of the bed, so walking with a bloody big toe added to the fun.

      I made it over the border from the Castilla y León region to the Galicia region, and was immediately welcomed by the sound of bagpipes in the distance, an instrument known here since medieval times.

      The village is cute… but really straight out of the 1400s. About a dozen buildings. All stone. Some with thatch roofs. Three restaurants in total. Feral cats and chickens scatter around every corner as you walk around the village. It’s almost like a movie set for “A Knight’s Tale.”

      I’m wiped after that mountain climb and a heavy “pilgrims dinner” of Galician soup, steak and frites, and a dessert of queso and honey.

      It is still snowing outside, but not sticking. Tomorrow is a trek downhill on the other side of this mountain. Hopefully through not as much mud as today. Night!
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    • Jour 23

      Homeward bound

      1 mai, Espagne ⋅ ☁️ 41 °F

      We spent our final day in Santiago de Compostela wandering the city and enjoying the sites, including watching new pilgrims arrive and experience the May Day observations. We flew to Madrid in the late evening as we prepared for our last hours in Spain before returning to the Pacific Northwest.

      I have the following reflections : I am truly blessed to have had the opportunity to travel with Lydia. We had so much connection, laughs, triumphs, and little bit of pain. It was amazing that we walked the distance we did in the time we had and I would not have wanted to do it with anyone else.

      We made some great trail friends Regina, Mark, Brita, Julia, Diego, Teresa, and many, many others. Some of our encounters were brief and impactful, while others were connections with true divine intervention.

      The Camino is a journey that one follows for a life time......
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    • Jour 49–50


      29 avril, Espagne ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Während es weiter vor sich hin regnet, setzt mich der Bus in Guadix ab und ich finde mich wieder in einem Städtchen, dass durchaus Potential zeigt. Zunächst komme ich aber unter in einer kleinen Unterkunft, dessen Besitzer Gabriel eine unglaubliche Freundlichkeit ausstrahlt und seiner Bleibe eine gemütlichen Atmosphäre gibt.

      Am ersten Abend heißt es einfach nur Schlafen, denn ich bin wirklich absolut erledigt 😴
      Der zweite Tag erstrahlt im Sonnenschein und zieht ein paar Wolken mit sich, aber immerhin bleibt der Regen aus. Ich erkunde die Stadt zunächst ziellos, komme aber schnell an der Catedral de la Encarnación vorbei - die Kathedrale der Menschlichkeit also. So so! Mit Granada kann sie zwar nicht mithalten, der Vergleich ist zugegeben aber auch nicht fair. Dafür ist der Ausblick am Glockenturm großartig. Ich sehe nicht nur eine maurische Festung, sondern viel interessanter, gleich angrenzend der Stadt gibt es jede Menge zerklüfteter Felsformationen. Schnell steht fest, da muss ich hin!

      Ich passiere die leider geschlossene Festung (Dauerbaustelle) und stoße auf das Barrio de Cuevas - das Höhenviertel. Und wirklich, in Guadix gibt es mehr als 2.000 Höhen in denen 4.500 Menschen leben! Hier befindet sich somit Europas größtes Wohnhöhlenviertel. Dabei haben sich die Einwohner vor Jahrhunderten Hohlräume in die aus Lehm und Ton bestehenden Felsen gegraben und gekratzt. Die Höhlen sind oftmals mehrstöckig und haben allesamt einen Schornstein, der aus dem Felsen ragt. So nebenbei, kann man auch einfach auf dem „Dach“ rumlatschen. „Surreal“ beschreibt es wohl am Besten.

      Als surreal kann man auch die Felsformationen bezeichnen, die ich bereits vom Glockenturm gesichtet habe. Ich suche mir meinen Weg zwischen den Felsen hindurch und klettere an einigen Stellen nach oben. Die Tonerde ist bröckelig und gibt alles andere als Halt. So ganz sicher ist die Nummer nicht, ich gebe es zu, aber immerhin kann ich mal meine Boulderkünste unter Beweis stellen 😏
      Oben angekommen findet sich tatsächlich eine fast ebene Fläche, wo Pferde grasen dürfen und somit auch ein Weg zurück in die Stadt. Der Blick auf die Felsen erinnert stark an einige Western, die auch in der Nähe gedreht wurden. Definitiv ein feiner Abstecher, der sich für mich ausgezahlt hat!
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    Vous pouvez également connaitre ce lieu sous les noms suivants:

    Kingdom of Spain, Spanien, Spanish State, ስፔን, 스페인, ܐܣܦܢܝܐ, สเปน, スペイン, 에스파냐, ສະເປນ, እስፓንያ, ସ୍ପେନ୍, អេស្ប៉ាញ, ประเทศสเปน, An Spáinn, An Spàinn, Caxtillan, Esipaɲi, Esipanye, Espaañ, Espagne, Èspagne, Espaina, Espainia, España, Espangne, Espanha, Espania, Espanja, Espánjja, Espanya, Espânye, Espay, Estado Español, Hesperia, Hisipaniya, Hispaania, Hispania, Hispanio, Hispanujo, Hiszpania, Isbeyn, Ispagna, i-Spain, Ispaña, Ispanija, İspaniya, İspanya, Ispuanii, la Madre Patria, La pell de brau, La piel de toro, Nsipani, Orílẹ́ède Sipani, Pain, Paniora, Pāniora, Regne d'Espanya, Reino de España, sangue, Sbaen, Sepania, Sepanyol, Sepeni, Sipeini, Sipen, Sipeyini, Spagn, Spagna, Spagne, Spain, Španělsko, Spania, Spánia, Spania nutome, Španielsko, Španija, Spānija, Španiska, Spanja, Spanje, Spanjë, Španjolska, Spánn, Spanya, Spanyän, Spanyol, Spanyolország, Spayn, Spen, Spēna, Spéonland, Spēonland, Spuenien, Szpańskô, Tây Ban Nha, Uhispania, Yn Spaainey, أسبانيا, إسبانيا, اسبانيا, اسپانیا, اسپین, ہسپانیہ, سپین, هسپانیه, ئیسپانیا, ئىسپانىيە, ספרד, שפאניע, Ισπανία, Гішпанія, Испани, Испания, Испониё, Іспанія, Шпанија, སི་པན།, སིཔཱེན, སིཔཱེན་, Իսպանիա, ესპანეთი, स्पेन, સ્પેઇન, સ્પેન, స్పేన్, ಸ್ಪೈನ್, ஸ்பெயின், സ്പെയിന്‍, স্পেন, စပိန်, ස්පාඤ්ඤය, 西班牙


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