
March 2024
“No bad weather in Scotland… just bad choice of clothing!” The highlands are calling me! Read more
  • 25footprints
  • 3countries
  • 12days
  • 236photos
  • 4videos
  • 5.1kmiles
  • Day 10

    Takes pluck to get to Plockton

    March 27 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 39 °F

    We arrived at our cute B&B in Plockton yesterday. This tiny little fishing village is our home base while we visit the Isle of Skye. There are a total of two places to eat, no gas station, no grocery. There are probably a couple of ways to get here but our route from the Eilean Donan Castle was a one lane road speckled with sheep like you would see in a movie! So fun! But these one lane roads are not for the faint of heart! They are narrow, no shoulders and often steep drop offs or mud that would easily come halfway up your tires! There are potholes to avoid and “passing places” (small turn-offs two allow the passing of two vehicles) to watch for! If you come across another vehicle, you hope you are near a “passing place” or else one of you will be reversing to the next widest spot you can manage. Many cringe worthy moments in our drive, but all part of this adventure AND we did it!!Read more

  • Day 10

    Cheddar Scones and Toasty Buns!

    March 27 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 39 °F

    The weather took a bit of a turn last night (the windy gales woke us both up intermittently! 😯) and today we had our wettest and coldest yet! It was a wild and enchanting day on the Isle of Sky! We drove with only the smallest idea of where we were headed next and stopping when photo opportunities with turn-offs presented themselves! The temperatures were FREEZING 🥶! It was pretty common to see snow mixed with rain on the windshield! We would get out of the car to view sights briefly and dash back to shelter when our hands were numb, our ears aching and our faces stinging! Another luxury of our ride is heated seats! So thankful for toasty buns! We managed to view famous sites like Neist Point, Kilt Rock Waterfall and the picturesque town of Portree. We stopped at a cute cafe in the middle of nowhere and had a wonderful warm lunch! I love the scones here and my hot spicy cauliflower soup came with THE BEST cheddar scone EVER! 😋 Such a perfectly timed stop in a day full of chilly escapades and driving through the untamed highlands of the Isle!Read more

  • Day 11

    The gift of a sunrise walk!

    March 28 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 41 °F

    Today is my last full day in Scotland! 😢 We have done SO much and made the most of each day here! It was a blessing and a gift to wake up to the sunrise this morning! I threw some clothes on and hurried outside for a walk and some pics. I have FOMPO… Fear Of Missing Photo Opportunities!Read more

  • Day 11

    Epic Scotland Send-off!

    March 28 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 39 °F

    Today we drove from Plockton to our last little Airbnb in Tarbet (half-way down the west side of Loch Lomand). It would seem Scotland wanted to give us a last taste of some of its enchanting beauty mixed with a good dose of its iconic weather! We stopped in Glenfinnen to view a viaduct that was completed in 1901 (made more recently famous by being featured in Harry Potter). We were met with great views accompanied by drenching rain and wind that could knock you off your feet! Driving through Glencoe was one of the best drives yet! Breathtaking summits, valleys, waterfalls and lochs! The rain and sun played hide and peek the whole time! As we approached Loch Lomand we witnessed a vivid double rainbow! It really felt like the best Scotland send-off a girl could hope for!Read more

  • Day 12

    On my way home!

    March 29 in England ⋅ ☁️ 48 °F

    We manged one last look at Loch Lomand before making the drive to the airport to return our spiffy rental car. We said our sad goodbyes to Kate “our GPS” 🤣 and our sad goodbyes to each other! Andrea’s UK adventure continues, but I had a quick flight on British Air to London. It turned a bit lengthy after a delayed departure and then no buses to take us to the terminal when we landed! Then there’s another bus to a terminal for connections. I’ve walked miles and have cleared 3 security check points 🤪! I missed a few flights I would have like to have got on and all direct flights after that have filled up! Instead, I will be taking Virgin Atlantic to L.A. and then hoping to finally catch my own airline back to Seattle late tonight! Just thankful, as always, to have a seat and SO thankful for this incredible thrilling adventure I’ve been on!Read more