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Top 10 Travel Destinations Switzerland
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    • Day 4

      Dinner at Sens

      July 11 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

      [Post by Caty]
      To get to the restaurant, we took a little path that was right on Lake Luzern that was surrounded with trees. Restaurant Sens is a little white restaurant that sits on the water. Every plate was beautiful and unique, and the entire time we had a beautiful view of the lake and sunset. The waiters were all very kind, and the experience as a whole was amazing.
      When we were seated, the servers gave us champagne and gave us a welcome snack. It was a puree vegetable paste that was served on a piece of lettuce and had different spices on top.

      The first appetizer was melted, foamed parmesan with a quail egg and mushrooms at the bottom. On top there was truffles. The waiter instructed us to scoop all the way to the bottom so you can taste everything together. With the warm mushrooms and still hot parmesan foam, everything fit perfectly together, which made this my favorite dish.

      The second appitizer was served in mini cones. They were filled with spiced beet, chives, and grated cheese. The cone was a nice crunch, and plate was very unique that just added to the experience.

      The last appitizer was a little tart. Inside was caviar, sliced beans, and a squash puree with flower petals on top as garnish. The tarts were on a plate of moss and leaves, which made the dish extremely pretty.

      The first course was squid with peas, and a coconut sauce. They first brought out the textured bowls that had everything but the squid. They then brought out the squid and placed them in hot rocks to cook them, and then put hot water and put a lid on to steam it. We mixed the squid with the sauce and the other ingredients. This was also another favorite for me, between being able to see part of the meal being cooked in front of us, and how good everything tastes together.

      The second course was a small salad that had brussel sprouts and other greens. They came out with a little pitcher and poured a fermented plantain sauce on the side.

      The third course was their homemade pasta with tomato and mandarin leaf foam. There was a tomato and Campari sauce. Will thought it tasted vaguely like Spaghetti-o sauce, while Mom thought it was one of the best of the night.

      In between the third and fourth courses we were brought out bread with miso butter. This was one of Will's favorite parts of the dinner.
      The fourth courses was pike perch and had two different sauces, potatos, greens and olives. The servers came out and poured an olive, cream, and tomato sauce on the side. The plate was beautiful and very unique.

      The last main course was a bitter salad that had beans, spruce, and they came out with a white sauce that was placed on the side. Then, the waiters came with a jar full of pine cone syrup and they drizzled it over the salad.

      After that, they came out with the pre-dessert, which was ice cream that had a fennel oil and had a green dusting.

      Finally, we had the main dessert. There was a meringue with smoked hay ice cream. There were dried raspberries all around the plate and other fruits in there as well. As a final trick, a waiter came out with a wooden bin of dry ice, and took the flower from our table that was being used as a decoration, and put it in the dry ice. Then he sprinkled the petals over the dish for an extra crunch.

      The dinner was amazing and so was the experience. The view and the location of the restaurant made everything so much better. They never reused a plate, and everything was thought through so well, and I would definitely go again.
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    • Day 24

      Lindt Chocolate Factory

      July 8 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      There were no Golden Tickets or boys named Charley but there was plenty of chocolate as we walked through the doors of one of the most prestigious chocolate factories of Europe. Greeted by the largest chocolate fountain in the world, our host guided us through their museum as we enjoyed (to varying degrees) spoonfuls of melted chocolate and handfuls of different flavours.
      While waiting for the ferry to take us to the factory we were entertained by a flock of swans on the lake.
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    • Day 10–12

      Dinner at Creperie du Mallard

      July 12 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 72 °F

      A further walk through Jardin, and now we begin to see the clouds gathering from the Alps' side.

      Glancing over into one of the side streets, we spot Crêperie du Molard. It appeals to me because the tables are all under big umbrellas, and the street is on the thin side

      We enjoy a beer (L) and Genache (YT) and have an outstanding meal while being entertained by some street musicians

      In a short time, the thunderstorms are indeed upon us, but we stayed until everything sort of quieted down.

      The nearest trolley stop was only 4 minutes away, and we returned back to the hotel with "mission accomplished "

      We call it a night since tomorrow's boots and saddles will sound at 4:00 am
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    • Die Reise

      July 17 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Hallo zusammen 😊

      Die Vorbereitung für unsere Afrikareise ist nun in der Endphase… ✈️🌍

      Impfungen sind gemacht, Flugtickets bestätigt, Visum beantragt , Mietwagen gebucht , Fremdwährungen gekauft usw. 💉🛂🚗💰

      Jetzt sollte unserer Reise nichts mehr im Wege stehen. 🛫

      Mit der Find Pinguins App werden wir euch ab dem 20.Juli ein wenig auf dem Laufenden halten und falls wir Internetzugang haben ab und zu etwas reinstellen. 📸📱

      Mit dem Link habt Ihr automatisch Zugang zu unserer Reise viel Spass 😊

      Gruss  Désirée und Reto
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    • Day 21

      First days in Zürich

      July 5 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      We had a wonderful first few days in Zürich. From the the fresh mountain water of Lake Zürich, to the picturesque alleyways and local delicacies of Restaurant Zeughauskeller. The beautiful and endless forest-gardens of Friedhof cemetery were also a peaceful place to relax.Read more

    • Day 6–8

      Etappe 5a: Graubünden

      July 9 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Der erste Tag, an dem wirklich alles so entschleunigt wurde. Ein Kloster angeschaut, kurz zum Reschenpass und dann wieder zurück. Laufen an meinem Lieblingspass. Und einen Bekannten habe ich: Dave, ein Reisender wie ich, aus Yorkshire. Als Rentner hat er aber wesentlich mehr Zeit. 😀Read more

    • Day 2

      Arrival in Switzerland

      July 9 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 88 °F

      An 11am scheduled departure made for a low-stress morning. I snuck in a run since I'd be spending the next many hours completely stationary, and we completed final preparations / tended to the dogs before their grandparents came to pick them up.

      Laura thoroughly enjoyed watching the fighter planes take off from the airport, while I did my best to ignore the various conversations happening around me from Epic staff flying out to their customers.

      We sprung for premium plus seating for the extra leg room on the flight from Chicago to Zurich, and I traded a woman for the exit row seat for extra-extra leg room. Laura and Caty were a few rows behind me, and sound asleep well before takeoff.

      4,444 miles later (and 7 hours later due to the time zone change), we landed in Zurich. No one got a ton of sleep due to crying babies or a general inability to sleep in all but optimum conditions, but we had to power through until the hotel had a room available. And so we spent the morning walking around Zurich, winding through crisscrossed streets to look into the shops. After wandering aimlessly, we popped open a map to find some landmarks, and meandered over to the opera house, and then down to the Limmat to watch ducks and swans float down the river. We strolled down the boulevard until we encountered a local outdoor market and took in the smells of the flowers and local cheeses being hawked. The jet lag was hitting hard, but luckily a room opened up, so we crashed hard for an afternoon nap.

      After a late lunch, we hopped on the train to the main event for the day -- the Lindt Home of Chocolate. Laura and I both enjoyed the museum portion, but for Caty it was all about the samples. On the walk back to the train I came to regret the pre-flight run as our step count hit levels we only achieve on vacation.

      Dinner was at Zeughauskeller, an old armory converted into a beer hall which featured Wilhelm Tell's arbalest /crossbow on the wall. Caty and I devoured a plate full of sausages, and I knocked back the Haus beer and a dunkel for good measure. We trudged our way back to the hotel, hoping for a long deep sleep.
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    • Day 8


      July 5 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Was so eine Heizung im Auto nicht gleich bewirkt… Heute wurden wir jedenfalls nicht von kalten Füßen sondern von der Sonne geweckt die durch das Dachfenster schien.
      Sonne, kein Wind… das schreit geradezu nach Frühstück im Freien und was gibts schöneres als mit einem Kaffee in der Hand in den blauen Himmel zu schauen.
      Blauen Himmel gab’s im Verlauf des Tages reichlich, angereichert mit einem Alpenpanorama welches, von der Aussichtsplattform der Corvatsch Bahn besehen, ganz weit hinten das Matterhorn erkennen ließ. Nach den An-& Abstiegen der letzten Tage ging es heute mal etwas relaxter zu. Zuerst mit der Corvatsch Bahn bis rauf auf die Gipfelstation. Vom Gletscher ist leider auch hier nicht mehr viel übrig geblieben und die Helfer der Bergwacht zu sehen wie Sie riesige weiße Planen über einige wenige verbliebene Schneefelder auslegten, fühlt sich schon bedrückend an. Bei diesem Anblick fragt man sich augenblicklich für wie lange diese weiß verzierten Berggipfel im Panorama noch existieren werden.
      Ohne Hochalpine Ausrüstung geht hier oben gar nichts, folglich hieß es dann auf der Talfahrt - Aussteigen auf der Mittelstation, die Wanderstöcke raus und rauf zur Fuorcla Surlej Hütte. Nicht sonderlich anstrengend der Weg, aber die unzähligen Schneefelder die es hier oben noch gibt, machten das Ganze zu einer teilweise rutschigen Angelegenheit.
      Statt im Stübli auf der Zwischenstation gönnten wir uns ein Café und Törtli auf dem Dorfplatz in Silvaplana.
      Schee war’s 👍
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    • Day 7

      Seenrunde von Furtschellas

      July 4 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Um 2:30 Uhr war die Nacht zu Ende. Aber nicht weil wir, wie geneigte Alpinisten vermuten würden, so früh aufbrechen wollten, um die ersten Sonnenstrahlen auf dem Bergkamm genießen zu können; nein…. sondern weil es so A...-kalt war, dass die Heizung erst einmal eingeschaltet und auf 21°C aufgedreht wurde. Wach werden wegen kalter Füße… und das am 4. Juli 😡… geht ja gar nicht.
      Dafür entschädigte der Rest des Tages die frühe Aufweckphase bei weitem; Sonne, blauer Himmel und weit und breit keine Regenwolke(n) zu sehen - perfektes Wanderwetter also, was auch umgehend umgesetzt wurde. Nach dem Frühstück ging’s mit dem Bus nach Sils und von dort mit der Bahn rauf auf 2300m und zum Startpunkt der sog. Seenrunde- 6 kleinere Berg- (Schmelzwasser) Seen, der größte liegt auf 2668m; galt es zu erwandern und die Tour lieferte wirklich ab: schöne Wanderstrecke, nur wenig frequentiert und immer wieder die Aussichten auf die Engadiner Seen…. einfach nur schön. Wieder im Tal ging es über den Wanderweg vom Dienstag wieder zurück zum CP. Hier war eigentlich Grillen im Freien geplant… nun, der Grill blieb auch dort, alles andere aber verlagerte sich dann doch lieber ins Wageninnere da die prognostizierten 5°C für die kommende Nacht ihre Vorboten bereits von der Leine gelassen hatten (aber die Heizung ist schon vorprogrammiert 😏)
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    • Day 2

      Le petit déjeuner au GVA

      July 4 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 57 °F

      This was an absolute piece of cake!
      The plane took off on time, arrived early, took us about 5 minutes to go through Passport Control and since now we have to wait almost 2 hours for our bus we are enjoying 2 café au Lait avec Chocolate Croissant 😋

      Welcome to Switzerland!

      Ready to board our bus to Chamonix
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Switzerland, Schweiz, Switserland, Swetzaland, ስዊዘርላንድ, سويسرا, isveçriya, Швейцарыя, Швейцария, Suwisi, সুইজারল্যান্ড, ཧྲུད་ཧྲི།, Suis, Švajcarska, Suïssa, Švýcarsko, Y Swistir, སུའིཊ་ཛར་ལེན, Switzerland nutome, Ελβετία, Svisujo, Suiza, Ĩveits, Suitza, سوئیس, Suwiis, Sveitsi, Sveis, Suisse, An Eilvéis, Suíza, સ્વિટ્ઝર્લૅન્ડ, Suwizalan, שוויץ, स्विटज़रलैंड, Švicarska, Svájc, Շվեյցարիա, Suissa, Swiss, Sviss, Svizzera, スイス連邦, შვეიცარია, Uswisi, Schweizi, ស្វីស, ಸ್ವಿಡ್ಜರ್‌ಲ್ಯಾಂಡ್, 스위스, سویسرا, Confoederatio Helvetica, Switizirandi, Swisɛ, ສະວິດເຊີແລນ, Šveicarija, Swise, Šveice, Soisa, Швајцарија, സ്വിറ്റ്സര്‍ലാന്‍ഡ്, स्वित्झर्लंड, ဆွစ်ဇလန်, Sveits, स्विजरल्याण्ड, Zwitserland, Soïssa, ସ୍ବିଜରଲ୍ୟାଣ୍ଡ, Szwajcaria, سویس, Suíça, Svizra, Ubusuwisi, Elveția, Šveica, Sûîsi, ස්විස්ටර්ලන්තය, Švajčiarsko, Švica, Swiiserlaand, Zvicër, Швајцарска, ஸ்விட்சர்லாந்து, స్విట్జర్లేండ్, สวิตเซอร์แลนด์, Suisilani, İsviçre, Швейцарія, سوئٹزر لینڈ, Thụy Sĩ, Orílẹ́ède switiṣilandi, 瑞士, i-Switzerland

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