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    • Dag 5

      Tag 3 - Regen und Rasen

      26 maj, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Tagebucheintrag 26. Mai 2024: Regenchaos und Tuk-Tuk-Turbulenzen

      Als wir den Massagesalon verließen und das Gebäude verlassen wollten, standen wir plötzlich vor einer Wand aus Wasser. Es regnete in Strömen, wie ich es noch nie zuvor erlebt hatte. Nach ein paar Minuten Überlegungen stürzten wir uns hinaus und eilten zum nächsten Dachvorsprung. Schritt für Schritt tasteten wir uns an den Hauswänden entlang und wurden zwischen den Lücken der Dachvorsprünge klatschnass. Schließlich fanden wir zufällig einen Laden in Chinatown, wo wir für 120 Baht, etwa 3 Euro, einen Regenschirm ergattern konnten.

      Jetzt standen wir vor der Entscheidung: klatschnass in ein Restaurant gehen oder nach Hause? Die sehr stark klimatisierten Restaurants stellten eine Herausforderung dar. Nach kurzer Überlegung entschieden wir uns jedoch, in ein Restaurant zu gehen, da Jana sich in der Mall, was wir noch gar nicht erwähnt hatten, mit zwei neuen Kleidern ausgestattet hatte: ein wunderschönes weißes Kleid und ein nagelneues, „original“ Versace-Kleid. So konnte sie im Trockenen sitzen.

      Wir genossen ein paar Baobuns, Wan-Tans und für Jana gab es noch Mango Sticky Rice, dazu frisch gepressten Limettensaft mit Soda. Danach folgte die wildeste Tuk-Tuk-Fahrt des Tages, was wir nicht für möglich gehalten hatten. Auf klatschnassen Straßen rasten wir mit über 80 Sachen durch Bangkok. Teilweise auch als Geisterfahrer. Wir waren froh, als wir endlich im Hotel ankamen. Jetzt liegen wir in unseren Betten, gehen schnell schlafen, Koffer sind gepackt – morgen früh geht es weiter in Richtung Süden von Thailand.
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    • Dag 4

      Tag 2 - One Night in Bangkok

      25 maj, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Tagebucheintrag vom 25.Mai 2024 - über den Dächern Thailands

      Nach unserem entspannten Besuch in der Mall und dem Verwöhnprogramm beim Stylisten ging es für Jana und mich weiter zu einer berühmten Filmkulisse: dem Hochhaus, in dem der Bangkok-Teil von "Hangover" gedreht wurde. Voller Vorfreude stiegen wir in den Aufzug und fuhren ganze 64 Etagen nach oben.

      Oben angekommen, wurden wir nicht nur von der atemberaubenden Kulisse der nächtlichen Skyline Bangkoks überwältigt, sondern auch von den Getränkepreisen. Uns Touristen wurde nämlich nur die Champagnerkarte vorgelegt. Die Preise verschweigen wir lieber, um den Lesern keinen Schock zu versetzen. Aber da wir uns sagten, dass man so etwas nur einmal im Leben macht, haben wir es in vollen Zügen genossen. Die Bilder sprechen Bände.

      Es war eine unvergessliche Zeit. Der Anblick der funkelnden Stadtlichter wird uns ewig im Gedächtnis bleiben, begleitet von den sanften Klängen einer coolen Jazzband, die den Abend perfekt abrundete.
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    • Dag 4

      Verlobung ❤️💍

      24 maj, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Verlobung? Wer kniet denn da vor mir? Klingt alles super surreal ist aber genau hier in Thailand passiert: 💍❤️

      Von Julia an Sandro:
      Lieber Sandro du machst mich hier zur glücklichsten Person auf der ganzen Welt ❤️ du bist meine bessere Hälfte, mein bester Freund und mein liebster Wegbegleiter. ❤️Mit dir an meiner Seite weiß ich das ich alles schaffen kann.❤️ Ich freue mich darauf mein ganzes Leben mit dir zu verbringen. ❤️Ich liebe dich, deine Julia ❤️

      Und ich habe natürlich ja gesagt!! 🥰💍❤️
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    • Dag 3

      Full Moon Party 🌕🍹

      23 maj, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Ready for Party? Auf geht's zur legendären Full Moon Party auf Kho Phangan. Das besondere ist, dass hier mit Leuchtfarben bemalt, am ganzen Strand unter dem Vollmond gefeiert wird. Tausende Menschen unterschiedlicher Nationen, mehrere Bereiche mit unterschiedlicher Musik und eine traumhaft schöne Location machen diese Party zu dem Top Event in Thailand! 🍻🍹Läs mer

    • Dag 2

      Angekommen in Bangkok

      23 maj, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      Tagebucheintrag vom 23. Mai 2024: Ankunft in Bangkok

      Heute früh sind wir endlich in Bangkok angekommen. Nach einem langen Flug landeten wir um 14:30 Uhr Ortszeit. Der Weg durch den Flughafen war etwas langwierig, aber schließlich erreichten wir die Gepäckbänder und konnten nach kurzer Zeit unsere Koffer in Empfang nehmen.

      Die Orientierung im riesigen Flughafen war anfänglich etwas schwierig, doch am Ende entschieden wir uns, mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln weiterzufahren. Die Airport Rail Link brachte uns für lediglich 70 Baht (umgerechnet etwa 1,90 Euro) in die Stadt. Nach guten 30 Minuten erreichten wir mitten in Bangkok die nächste Umstiegsmöglichkeit und stiegen in die Metro um. Für weitere 52 Baht (circa 1,40 Euro) setzten wir unsere Fahrt fort. Circa zweieinhalb Kilometer vor unserem Hotel stiegen wir aus und nahmen ein Tuk-Tuk. Den Preis konnten wir erfolgreich von 200 auf 100 Baht herunterhandeln. Innerhalb von 10 Minuten erreichten wir unser Hotel, die Theater Residence.

      Das Hotel ist wunderschön, liegt nahe der Altstadt und verfügt über einen eigenen Pool. Es ist modern gestaltet und der Empfang war äußerst herzlich. Wir wurden mit einem leckeren Tee und einem erfrischenden Feuchttuch begrüßt und direkt auf unser Zimmer geführt. Unser Gepäck wurde uns natürlich abgenommen.

      Nach dem ganzen Reisestress gönnten wir uns eine erfrischende Dusche und machten uns dann auf den Weg, die Stadt zu erkunden. Da es ein wenig regnete, nahmen wir unsere Regenschirme mit und spazierten los. Unser Weg führte uns schließlich in ein gemütliches Restaurant, wo wir uns die thailändischen Spezialitäten schmecken ließen: Frühlingsrollen, Nudeln, Ente und knusprig gebackenes Schweinefleisch, dazu wunderbare Cocktails. Am Ende zahlten wir inklusive Trinkgeld lediglich 1000 Baht. Der junge Kellner war sichtlich erfreut über das etwas großzügigere Trinkgeld und strahlte wie ein glücklicher König.

      Da der Tag sehr stressig war, legten wir uns früh ins Bett und versuchten, möglichst lange wach zu bleiben, um den Jetlag besser zu überwinden. Ein gelungener erster Tag in Bangkok – wir sind gespannt auf die kommenden Abenteuer!
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    • Dag 6

      Chiang Mai 🪷

      21 maj, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      Im Anschluss besuchten wir Chiang Mai, die größte und kulturell wichtigste Stadt im Norden Thailands. Der Ort wird auch "die Rose des Nordens" genannt. Etwa 200 buddhistische Tempel können in Chiang Mai entdeckt werden. Wir besuchten die beiden schönsten Tempelanlagen Wat Phra Singh und Wat Lokmolee.
      Abends waren wir auf dem Nachtmarkt. Dieser war überwältigend für uns, weil es so viel Zeug gab. Mit dem Tuk Tuk ging es zurück ins Hotel.

      Am nächsten Tag starteten wir mit einer schönen Fußmassage.
      Mittags erfolgt die Weiterfahrt zum Wahrzeichen der Stadt, dem Wat Doi Suthep. Diese Tempelanlage ist besonders bekannt durch seinen vergoldeten Chedi. Über eine lange, mit Schlangen verzierte Treppe, ist der einmalige Wat Doi Suthep zu erreichen.
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    • Dag 95–102

      Koh Chang

      8 maj, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      For the next few days, we did not get up to much. Our days consisted of sleeping in, going to the beach, getting fruit smoothies and cocktails, napping in the afternoon, and then going back out for dinner.

      We were staying in a little bungalow which was simple but had everything you'd need: a kettle, big fridge, fast internet, TV with Netflix and Prime, a little table and chairs, and a communal kitchen. Trying to keep it cheap, we bought granola, yogurt, and fresh fruit for breakfast and some snacks for the middle of the day when we got peckish.

      The walk to the beach was over a boardwalk and pontoon, which went over an estuary that filled up from the sea at high tide. The beach was beautiful, with trees overhanging it and relaxing beach bars and restaurants that allowed you to sit on their deck chairs as long as you ordered a drink. The water was SO warm, like bathwater, and fairly murky, sadly. The tides also made it SO shallow for ages, and there were quite a few sharp rocks. Good thing we brought our swim shoes! I did scratch my thigh on the first day trying to swim when it was still too shallow.

      Highlights of our stay included the authentic Italian pizza restaurant, run by an actual Italian owner, eating freshly caught fish on the grill two evenings, and binging Fallout on Prime.

      One evening we went to Lonely Beach, which was the party spot on the island. After a few pre-drinks, we caught an island taxi, which was just a converted pickup truck with seats in it. They just go back and forth along the only main road, and you hail it down and pay at the end. When we got there, it was DEAD. We passed a couple of huge clubs pumping loud dance tunes and strobe lights with no one in them. After a walk back and forth, we decided "fuck it" and went into one with the best music and got drinks. After 20 minutes of being there, two other groups of locals came in as well. We found a pool table and played two games. I won the first one; James won the second, and we had a great time. Lesson learned: sometimes you need to make your own fun.

      One of the other major highlights was a day trip of snorkeling we did. We booked it not expecting to see much, just a few fish, but it was actually so amazing. We went to three spots for snorkeling, the best being the first two. They were off some teeny tiny islands that had some rocks around them. We actually saw coral, fluorescent, purple, and yellow coral! And sea anemones with clownfish rubbing themselves on them and swimming away to hide. I can't express how amazing it was. It wasn't the Great Barrier Reef, but it was still so amazing. After the big buffet lunch they served, they dropped us off at an uninhabited island with a paradise beach. The water was crystal clear and the sand silky smooth. It was the best beach I've ever been to in my life, and I'm from Greece! The last spot we went to was a bit too murky to see much of the coral, but we had fun splashing about before heading back to our origin. Even though I wore suncream and reapplied, we both still burned our back legs and bum, but not too badly.

      One of the things I most enjoyed was all the unique wildlife I'd never seen before. In the morning, the cacophony of birds was like a recording you'd get on your wake-up alarm, and the beach was full of crabs scuttling about. Overall, it was pretty perfect and so nice we definitely struggled to leave.
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    • Dag 10

      Phuket to Chiang Mai

      19 maj, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Yesterday was an early morning! We woke up at 5am to catch our taxi to the airport for our 8am flight. We said goodbye to Jordan, or at least as much as we could without waking her up as he had a later flight. We grabbed our breakfast sandwiches that we cheekily made from the day before's breakfast buffet, grabbed our bags, and hopped in the cab to the airport.

      The airport experience was easy enough. Domestic flights within Thailand have been very easy for us so far. The only hitch we experienced was having to throw out our half finished 125mL bottle of Aloe Vera since the carry-on limit is 100mL. We waited to board, and once we did, something very unusual happened! We ended up taking off around 15 mins early! We both tried to sleep most of the 2 hour flight because of the early morning but didn't end up getting too much. Before we knew it, we were landing in Chiang Mai!

      Once landing and getting off the plane, we went down to the car rentals to pick up the vehicle we had booked. We definitely were skeptical about driving in Thailand, but it made more sense to rent a car for a day than pay magnitudes more for an excursion where we'd be rushing at every stop. Once we got the car, we pulled the route on Google Maps on got on our way. A nice little tip is that for Google Maps, as long as you have internet to start your route, it should track and be used just fine when there is no connection. So that's what we were going to rely on for our travels.

      We got to the Doi Suthep Temple without any problems and getting used to driving on the other side wasn't difficult. The only thing that needed getting used to was the blinker being on the other side. There were multiple times where the intent was to flick the blinker on, and all of a sudden, the windshield wipers are going! Anyway, to get to the temple we needed to climb up a set of 300-ish stairs (there was also an underground cable car, but why would we want to take that!?). We just took our time going up the stairs and got to the top no problem! We then bought our admission tickets and made our way in. We also bought some flowers, as you are supposed to give them as an offering at the temple. It was very cool seeing the design of the buildings and seeing the view from up there. Once we were done viewing the temple, we made our way back down the massive staircase, but thankfully going down is much easier than going up.

      At the bottom, we grabbed a bite to eat at one of the many eateries. But then an issue was posed, getting WiFi to get the Google Maps to our accommodations for the night. We searched on our phones for any WiFi networks, but the issue with that is even if someplace had WiFi, we wouldn't know what English lettered Network Name coincided with what Thai lettered store. There was one store however, that had an English name as well as a WiFi network, now we just needed the password. Through the window of the store, we could see a piece of paper taped to a cabinet that said, "WiFi: 1111122222" (we have noticed WiFi passwords are not Thailand's strong-suit). We typed it in, and were connected no problem. We probably could have just asked for the password, but where's the fun in that!? We started our route and hopped in our car and drove off.

      We made it to our accommodation by 3:30pm and relaxed for a bit while we waited for them to finished some maintenance on the pool. Once that was done, we immediately went for a swim. Before we knew it, it was starting to get dark and be time for dinner. We hopped out of the pool, took a shower, and got changed. By the time we did all that and went to go back outside, it appeared a storm had passed over us. So after quite a while of waiting, we finally had to sprint through the rain to the on-site restaurant before it closed for the night. The meal was pretty good, and once we were done, we made our way back to our cabin and called it a night.
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    • Dag 141–146

      Bangkok - zweiter Besuch

      19 maj, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 34 °C

      Neues viertel, aber ein wenig wie zu hause. Die ersten wege sind bekannt, die öffis lassen sich nutzen. Mittlerweile traue ich mich auch die visa direkt für die metro zu nutzen.

      Ich hab ein hotel mit frühstück gebucht. Will entspannt in den tag starten und die tage nutzen um mich zu sortieren.
      Natürlich durften auch ein paar shoppingmalls und nachtmärkte nicht fehlen.

      Kaffee? Diesen gab es unter anderem in der arabica lounge, 55ter stockwerk. 5€ und pappbecher, aber für diese aussicht in ordnung. Haltestelle S3 (greenline). Ich bin von BL21 nach BL22 gefahren und dann umgestiegen. Von tür zu tür hat es 50min gedauert.

      Bald kommt schon das 3te quartal 2024.
      Heute, am pfingstmontag, geht es für mich auf wieder auf reise. 6,5std. flug, der A380 steht bereit, flug ek375. Ich warte gerade auf das boarding.

      Thailand es war schön, ich wäre gerne noch länger geblieben. Alle länder im asiatischen raum waren schön. Tolle Erlebnisse, viele nette menschen und atemberaubende Eindrücke.

      Bis bald!
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    • Dag 9

      Last Day in Phuket

      18 maj, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      Yesterday was a day that we were all looking forward to on this trip. It was the day we were going on an excursion to the Phuket Elephant Sanctuary! We had to leave at 8:15am, so we got up early, hit the breakfast buffet, and went to the lobby to catch our van. The drive to the sanctuary wasn't too long and once we got to their office and checked-in, we hopped in the back of a truck and drove down to the sanctuary.

      The sanctuary homes mature elephants that have visual and/or physical disablities due to them being used at logging camps or in shows. Once the logging camps and shows have no use for the elephants, they abandon them, and that is where the sanctuary comes into play. The sanctuary takes in the abandoned elephants and gives them a home that is free of neglect and abuse, and provides them with a large area to roam during the day.

      At the sanctuary we were given some rubber boots to change into for when we walk through the area. The sanctuary provided snacks for us while we waited for all the scheduled visitors to arrive for the day, which was nice! The first step of the sanctuary was being able to feed 2 of the elephants there with baskets of fruit and veggies. It was a cool experience as the elephants just grab the food from your hands with their trunks. After that, we went out into the large area where the elephants roam and got to see them up close and learn about their backstories and how they arrived at the sanctuary. After walking around and seeing the elephants for an hour or two, we walked back to where we started for our provided lunch, and then took the van back to the resort after that. It was a really awesome experience and something we all enjoyed and thought was a highlight of the trip so far. If you ever find yourself in Thailand, we highly recommend going to one of these sanctuaries, but make sure that it is an ethical one and not one that mistreats the animals.

      Once we arrived back at the resort, it was time to go for a swim and relax by the pool! It was such a nice afternoon cooling off after sweating our butts off at the sanctuary! Once again, we attended the swim-up bar where we enjoyed some cheap happy hour cocktails.

      Once the evening rolled around, we took a free shuttle into the city to grab a meal in Patong. The shuttle dropped us off at a mall where we were surprised to see a little slice of back home, a Tim Horton's! We kept adventuring and walked down the main strip of Patong, which was... an experience... since it was mainly tons of people shoving flyers in your face trying to get you to visit whatever restaurant or activity they were advertising.

      We got out of there and found a nice restaurant on a less busy street to eat dinner. Sarah was very happy to finally try the pineapple fried rice that she has been eyeing up at every place it's offered. It's presentation is very cool as it's served within the pineapple itself. After dinner, we grabbed some ice cream and took a walk on the beach until we got to a much less busy part of the city where it was less chaotic (and cheaper to get a cab back).

      When we got back to the resort, it was pretty much just packing and heading to bed as we had a 5:00 wakeup for our flight to Chiang Mai the next morning.
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