Islas Turcas y Caicos
Islas Turcas y Caicos

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Los 10 mejores destinos de viaje Islas Turcas y Caicos
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    • Día 3

      Club Med Dinner and Tribe croissant

      12 de mayo, Islas Turcas y Caicos ⋅ 🌙 81 °F

      I wanted to show the amazing food we have had here today so this is a total foodie post!
      I made it to the Tribe bakery and got the amazing croissants kelsee and I found the last time we were here. We ate them for breakfast and it was heavenly!
      Club Med went all out for mothers day! It's been really good and I've been impressed with some of the creative food they have given us at every meal! Kelsee and I both conclude, "we now know who gets all the islands fruit" when we were lookin for it last year! haha

      The beef wellington was amazing and so was all the sushi!! The employees also keep calling Kelsee a mom and I find it hilarious! ;) A manifestation?? I hope so!
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    • Día 2

      Malcoms Road Beach

      11 de mayo, Islas Turcas y Caicos ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      I wanted to adventure to this secluded west coast beach last time we were here and we finally made it! The drive was easy and so many tourists made it sound rough! I could have done it in a Fiat. 🤣
      On arrival, it was as gorgeous as I thought it would be. We had some fun snorkelling with the fishes in the coral reef balls and getting that first round of sun!
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    • Día 2

      Malcolm's Road Beach

      11 de mayo, Islas Turcas y Caicos ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      Today we went to Malcolm's Road Beach. We have not been to this beach yet. It was BEAUTIFUL! We relaxed, snorkeled, and saw some fishies!

      I didn't get a photo or video cuz it was so quick, but a group of about four Angel Fish swam under me and came up and almost hit me in the face! And they were HUGE!!! Biggest Angel Fishies i had ever seen. They were about the size of my hand!

      Then I had a very very tiny fish hit me in goggles twice, on purpose. And then there was another tiny tiny fish that tried going in my arm pit. It was weird.

      There are giant man made balls placed out there to help rebuild the reef. And in one of the balls was a lion fish, scared the crap out of me cuz they are poisoness. Safe to say I was done with the balls after that.

      I also had a couple fishies swim by my toes and hang out for a bit while I was sitting in the water. Super cute!
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    • Día 1

      Club Med Turkoise!

      10 de mayo, Islas Turcas y Caicos ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      Steveoh drove us to Club Med which is the All Inclusive resort in Grace Bay that we will be at for the next 4 nights. It was fun watching Steveoh drive on the left side and go left through round abouts. We were reminiscing the whole drive to Club Med. One thing different about Steveoh driving this time around is the steering wheel is on the left side this time. Last time the steering wheel was on the right side. He doesn't know how to feel about that yet.

      We had a short amount of time when we finally got to Club Med to settle in. We jumped straight into the ocean for about 30 minutes then came in and got ready for dinner. Tonight was wear white night during dinnertime so we dressed up in white! We watched the sunset on our way to dinner. Then we entered the chaos of all-inclusive dining, what a mad house. Just wild. But the food was delicious and the night weather was perfect for outside dining. Plus they had an Ariel show above the pool and live music!
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    • Día 1

      We are back in TCI at Club Med

      10 de mayo, Islas Turcas y Caicos ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      We just arrived in Turks and Caicos! Stopped into Sweet T's to get the amazing $5 fried chicken popsicles and fries I've missed . We then headed to Club Med to get checked in and what a fun all inclusive resort so far! After we got our stuff in our room, we instantly changed and ran to the beach and into the water.
      The resort had entertainment and dinner. The salads, lamb chops, scallops, crab legs and shrimp were all soooooo good! And the dessert.... So many options and yummy!

      Cannot wait for what the rest of the week has in store! ❤️
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    • Día 6

      Las Brisas restaurant

      15 de mayo, Islas Turcas y Caicos ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      We went back to one of my favorite restaurants on the island, Las Brisas! It is very french forward fusion cooking with a canadian american twist. Kelsee and I both had cocktails, one which was called a hurricane(mine) and the other called the "chalk sound" (kelsee) which is the name of the national park this restaurant is located in. We also got a parmesan, tomato crusted brushetta which was bomb! Kelsee and I both have to make that again back home if we can find a proper french baguette like they used.
      As this was my third time here, I had to get the monster Kraken burger this time! Double burger with onion rings, cheese, bacon, salad mix, and fried egg in-between two grilled cheese sandwiches! Omg, it was monsterous in size, super tasty ,and cooked perfectly. (You will see a pic). Kelsee got .....surprise! Chicken strips and fries 🤣🤣.
      This restaurant also has a pool and does chalk sound tours but we just took a dip in the water after the meal.
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    • Día 6

      Sunset at Sapodilla Bay

      15 de mayo, Islas Turcas y Caicos ⋅ 🌙 82 °F

      Another beautiful sunset! Have you noticed yet...kelsee and I might love sunsets. Haha .especially out here! It's always magical the way the light bounces off the white beach sand and turns the blue water almost silver for just a few minutes and then multiple shades of blue infinitely along the horizon. You have to see it at least once.
      We came here because Sapodilla beaches sunset is one we didn't get to see the last time we were here, so we are super happy to have it in the books now! We had a private trail from our airbnb directly to the beach which was sooo coool!
      It also has active beach bar vendors as it's a hot spot for day drinkers. Only one bar kept serving late into the evening and kelsee had two drinks (an drink called an Orgasm and a Rum Punch), from there while I drank mojito cuba libres.
      Ohhhh and I found a frog friend who surprised me in our pool umbrella!
      Also, I hate mosquitoes. That is all.
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    • Día 7

      Viewpoint to see Prince's Former House

      16 de mayo, Islas Turcas y Caicos ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      After visiting Turtle Tail Beach, we made a quick stop to see the purple driveway of Prince's old house. On the way there we passed a Love Buggy Tour. 😍 So fun!

      On the way back to our Airbnb, we got stuck behind a truck hauling big cannisters. And the pallets weren't even strapped in place! I made Steveoh pull over and let other cars get in front of us because we did not need a Final Destination moment in paradise.Leer más

    • Día 104

      In to the Blue

      13 de febrero, Islas Turcas y Caicos ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Ahoy there, fellow adventurers! Today's tale takes us from the mesmerizing blues and crystal-clear waters of Turks and Caicos to the quaint harbor of Cockburn in South Caicos. Picture this: we approached Cockburn Harbor, nestled among the islands, with its vast plateau where the water depth ranges from a mere 0 to 2 meters. It's like cruising on a giant lake smack dab in the middle of the North Atlantic!

      Now, here's where the fun begins. Our trusty sailboat, bless its heart, had a tad too much draft for these shallow waters. So, faced with the prospect of a 17-hour detour to Provo, the largest island in the chain, we opted for the ferry ride instead. And let me tell you, folks, that ferry was no leisurely cruise—it was a thrill ride at 30 knots through a sea of unreal turquoise hues.

      As we zipped along, we couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of locals loading up the ferry with everything from paint buckets to boxes of toast bread and children's toys. Ah, the everyday hustle and bustle of island life!

      Now, Provo might've been a bit too 'Americanized' for our taste, but Cockburn Harbor? That's where the real charm lies. I could've happily lingered there a while longer, soaking in the laid-back vibe and friendly faces. Alas, the winds of adventure beckon, and tomorrow promises a sweet window for sailing.

      So, onwards we go, with Jamaica as our next port of call! Stay tuned for more tales from the high seas as we chase the horizon and embrace the unknown. Until next time, fair winds and following seas, my friends! 🌊⛵️
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    • Día 24


      11 de febrero, Islas Turcas y Caicos ⋅ 🌬 26 °C

      Es sind wieder Leute mit sehr interessantem Hintergrund an Bord:
      Stefan (Kaufmann) ist begnadeter Segler und passionierter Koch. Er besitzt ein Segel und ein Satellitentelefon, aber kein Schiff. Beides nimmt er auf längere Törns mit.
      Barbara (Bankerin) hat heute Pferde und flüstert den Vierbeinern ein.
      Bernd (Textilfachmann) lebt in zweiter Ehe mit der italienischen
      „Winzerin“ Chiara im Piemont. Sie ist ein lebensfrohes Energiebündel und hält die Crew mit ihren Ideen und Sprüchen stets auf Trab.
      Bernd und Stephan kennen sich von Roundtable-Treffen (ähnlich Lions Club).
      Die beiden Paare sind Gourmets und frönen dem Wein.
      Dies widerspiegelt sich in der …

      … Einkaufsliste (falls euch was fehlt bitte melden).

      Mit diesem Einkauf rückten sie in San Juan bereits am Samstagmittag auf dem Schiff an:

      - Eiswürfel 2x

      Frischabteilung Obst/Gemüse
      frische Kräuter
      - Petersilie
      - Schnittlauch
      - Koriander
      - Minze
      - Dille
      Frisches Gemüse
      - 15 Karotten
      - 2 Stangensellerie
      - 2 Lauch
      - 5 Zuchini
      - 10 Rote & gelbe Paprika
      - 20 Tomaten (klein und groß)
      - 4 Gurke
      - 4 Auberginen
      - 2 kg Kartoffeln
      - 4 Frühlingszwiebel
      - 10 Zwiebel
      - 2 Knoblauch
      - 1 Ingwer
      - 2 Rotkraut / Weisskraut
      - Wurzelgemüse (ggf)
      - 10 Zitronen
      - 10 Limetten
      - 10 Äpfel / Birnen
      - 5 Mango
      - 10 Nektarinen / Pfirsiche
      - 2 Trauben
      - 20 Bananen
      Salate (möglichst nicht geschnitten verpackte)

      Öle & more
      - 1 Sesamöl
      - 1 Soyaöl
      - 1 Trüffelöl
      - 1 tabasco oder Worchester Sauce
      - 1 Zitronat
      - 1 Aceto Balsamico (klein)
      - 1 irgendein normaler Essig (klein)
      - 2 Olivenöl (zum Braten (gross)
      - 1 Ölivenöl kaltgepresst (klein) für Salate)
      - 2 Maiskeim oder Sonnenblumenöl (für heißes Braten)
      - 2 Tomatenmark (Tube)
      - 1 Senf
      - 1 Mayonnaise

      Gewürze trocken
      - Salz
      - Pfeffer
      - Muskat
      - Zimt
      - Thymian
      - Oregano
      - Majoran
      - Estragon
      - Paprikapulver süss
      - chilli Pulver
      - Curry Pulver
      - Anis
      - Cucuma / Kreuzkümmel / Korianderpulver
      - Falls nicht frisch (trocken Petersilie, Schnittlauch)
      - Suppenwürfel (Huhn & Beef)

      Backen & More
      - 1 Kristall-Zucker
      - 1 Honig
      - 2 Marmelade (Marille & more)
      - 1 Weizenmehl
      - 1 Stärkemehl (Mais oder Kartoffel)
      - 1 Staubzucker
      - 2 Dörrpflaumen / Dörraprikosen
      - 2 Pinienkerne
      - 2 Müsli

      Frisch Milchprodukte
      - 4 Butter
      - 4 Frischkäse (chervaix, Philadelphia)
      - 2 Voll-Milch
      - 1 Mandel oder Hafermilch
      - 4 Sahne (Schlag oder Kaffeeobers) - haltbar noch besser
      - 1 Sauerrahm
      - 36 Eier (idealerweise nicht gekühlt)
      - 3-4 Yoghurt

      - Anchovis in Dose oder Glas (zum Kochen)
      - 4 Gehackte Tomaten in Dose (für Sugo)
      - 6 Thunfisch in Dose (in Öl)
      - 1 Kapern
      - 2 Essiggurken
      - 2 Oliven
      - Andere Fischkonserven nach Geschmack (nichts in Gemüse eingelegtes)
      - 2 Erbsen
      - 2 Babykarotten
      - 2 Mais
      - 4 Kokosmilch

      - 1 Risottoreis
      - 1 Basmati oder Yasminreis
      - 2 Nudeln / Penne normal
      - 1 Lasagne Blätter
      - 1 Couscous
      - 1 Linsen (optional)

      Wurstabteilung & More Convenience
      - Hartwürste divers
      - verpackte Roh und Koch Schinken
      - Schinkenspeck würfelig und lang geschnitten für Ham/Eggs und Kochen
      - Leber-Streichwurst / Pasteten
      - Hummus Varianten
      - Majo Salate (divers Huhn, Fisch, Scampi) falls vorhanden

      Fleisch & Fisch
      - Hühnerfilets (min 2kg)
      - Hackfleisch (min 2kg)
      - 1 kg Beef (Stücke für geschmortes, kein Steakfleisch)
      - Scampi, Fisch oder ähnliches (nur wenn nice)
      - Oder lokale Specials

      Snacks & Sweets
      - 10 Schokolade
      - 5-10 Kekse (divers)
      - 2 Salzige cracker
      - 4 Pistazien, andere Snack Nüsse
      - 4 Chips je nach Gusto

      - 2 Toastbrot (weiß)
      - 2 frisches Brot (habe backutensilien für Schwarzbrot mit)
      - 2 Verpacktes Schwarzbrot / Pumpernickel
      - 1 Trockenes (Knäckebrot, Zwieback, Finncrisp, etc)

      - Wasser still 1,5l / Person / Tag
      - 30 Flaschen Weißwein / 10 Rotwein
      - Gin (2 Fl)
      - Tonic (min 4-5 Flaschen)
      - 10l Fruchtsäfte (Grapefruit, Apfel, Orange, Mango) und was man sonst gern hat
      - 150 Bier
      - 5l Cola

      Tee & Kaffee
      - 1 Nescafé für Reserve (Espresso Nescaffee)
      - 2x gemahlener Espressokaffee für Espressokocher
      - 2 Tee (Schwarztee, Früchtetee)
      - 50 Tabs für Nespressomaschine

      Reinigung / Sanitär
      - Wettex
      - Scheuer
      - 8 Küchenrolle
      - 4 Baby Feuchttücher (Toilette)
      - Toilettepapier
      - mistsäcke (klein für Bad, gross für Küche)
      - 3 handwaschmittel (für die Bäder und Küche),
      - 1 Spühlmittel
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    También podrías conocer este lugar por los siguientes nombres:

    Turks and Caicos Islands, Turks- und Caicosinseln, Turks en Caicos Eilande, Turks ne Caicos Islands, የቱርኮችና የካኢኮስ ደሴቶች, جزر الترك وجايكوس, Türk və Kaykos Adaları, Тэркс і Кайкас астравы, Острови Туркс и Кайкос, Turiki Gun ni Kayiki, তুর্কস ও কাইকোস দ্বীপপুঞ্জ, Inizi Turks ha Caicos, Turks i Kajkos Ostrva, Turks i Caicos, Ostrovy Turks a Caicos, Ynysoedd Turks a Caicos, Turks- og Caicosøerne, Tɛks kple Kaikos ƒudomekpowo nutome, Νήσοι Τερκς και Κάικος, Islas Turcas y Caicos, Turks ja Caicos, Turk eta Caicos uharteak, جزایر ترک و کایکوس, Duuɗe Turke e Keikoos, Turks- ja Caicossaaret, Turks- og Caicosoyggjarnar, Îles Turques-et-Caïques, Oileáin Turks agus Caicos, Illas Turks e Caicos, ટર્ક્સ એન્ડ કૈકોસ આઇલેન્ડ્સ, Turkis Da Tsibiran Kaikwas, איי טורקס וקאיקוס, तुर्क् और् कैकोज़ द्वीप, Turkski i Kaikos Otoci, Turks- és Caicos-szigetek, Insulas Turcos e Caicos, Kepulauan Turks dan Caicos, Turks- og Caicoseyjar, Isole Turks e Caicos, タークス諸島・カイコス諸島, Visiwa vya Turki na Kaiko, ಟರ್ಕ್ಸ್ ಮತ್ತು ಕೈಕೋಸ್ ದ್ವೀಪಗಳು, 터크스 케이커스 제도, Bizinga by'eTaaka ne Kayikosi, Bisanga bya Turki mpé Kaiko, Turkso ir Caicoso salos, Lutanda lua Tuluki ne Kaiko, Tērksas un Kaikosas salas, Nosy Turks sy Caïques, Турк и Каикос Острови, ടര്‍ക്ക്സും കൈക്കോ ദ്വീപുകളും, टर्क्स आणि कैकोस बेटे, Turks- og Caicosøyene, तुर्क र काइकोस टापु, Turks- en Caicoseilanden, Turks- og Caicosøyane, ତୁର୍କସ୍ ଏବଂ ସାଇକସ୍ ଦ୍ବୀପପୁଞ୍ଜ, Ilhas Turks e Caicos, Inslas Turks e Caicos, Amazinga ya Turkisi na Cayikosi, Insulele Turks și Caicos, Острова Тёркс и Кайкос, Turks ja Caicos-sullot, Âzûâ Turku na Kaîki, ටර්ක්ස් සහ කයිකොස් දූපත්, Turks a Caicos, Otočji Turks in Caicos, Zvitsuwa zveTurk neCaico, Туркс и Кајкос Острва, Turks- och Caicosöarna, டர்க்ஸ் மற்றும் கைகோஸ் தீவுகள், తుర్క్ మరియు కాలికోస్ దీవులు, หมู่เกาะเติกส์และหมู่เกาะเคคอส, ʻOtumotu Teki mo Keikosi, Turks ve Caicos Adaları, Теркс і Кайкос, ترکس اور کیکاؤس جزائر, Quần Đảo Turk và Caicos, Orílẹ́ède Tọọki ati Etikun Kakọsi, 特克斯和凯科斯群岛, i-Turks and Caicos Islands

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