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Top 10 Travel Destinations Ukraine
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    • Day 16

      Once in a Lifetime Performance!

      August 12, 2019 in Ukraine ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Today is the day we get a truly once in a lifetime experience... dancing at the Lviv Opera house. You’ve already seen photos of the exterior which is stunning, but inside it is possibly even more beautiful. But I digress.

      We got up early (again trying to fabricate free time since in reality there hasn’t been any). We decided to skip the mediocre hotel breakfast and went to Lviv Croissants for breakfast - two Americanos and croissants with cheese/ham and egg/salami. It hit the spot and was very fast. Next we decided to see the more local market. They sell everything from food to sneakers and nylons with some souvenirs mixed in. Definitely a market more geared toward locals but it was cool to see. We even had time to pop over to the main market and do a bit of gift shopping. We were quite successful and were pleased with ourselves since we won’t have much time later.

      Back at the hotel, Kristen graciously braided my hair before the time to walk to the theatre for our tech rehearsal. The walk was just two blocks and we were already able to take all of our costumes to the changerooms.

      We had a few minutes to explore the stunning lobby of the theatre. The staircase reminded us of the ballroom in Beauty and the Beast.

      Tech rehearsal on stage was very efficient. It felt strange to set the positions so many hours before the show though. This stage is the first we’ve ever danced on that is on a slant, literally having a downstage and upstage. Very interesting to experience but I was extremely nervous for my solo. Tyler practiced his kozas and then were pretty perfect. Emma and I practiced our circle turns - we do them opposite each other so I needed to make sure that going upstage I would clear her before moving to the side. Spinning uphill is not easy... this made me extra nervous for the show!

      A must do for us in Lviv was to see the Lvivske brewery. We had just over an hour before the group lunch so power walked there through one of the markets. It’s not a brewery tour, more like a museum about the brewery and the history of beer making in Ukraine. The building was beautiful as well... I would have loved to spend a whole afternoon there! Maybe the next time we go to Lviv.

      We decided to Uber to Rynok Square where lunch would be. This was a really good decision as it was swelteringly hot outside and we needed to save our legs for dancing.

      The included lunch today was at the ‘Most Expensive Galician Restaurant.’ Their claim to fame is that they list their prices as thousands of dollars and then quote a ‘discount’ down to a normal price. Their restaurant bathroom was literally a toilet throne... I think we both didn’t find it very appealing though. We started with warm potato salad that had a poached egg on top. It was delicious and quite filling... it felt like a main course. Then came a chicken noodle soup with boiled quails eggs in it. We thought that was a full lunch and started getting ready to go but then a third course of chicken with pasta came out. We asked for it to go as we were full and wanted the time to spend at the market.

      Back in the market, everything was set up and the ladies were embroidering at their stalls. Unfortunately I was not in the biggest shopping mood during the time we had. I wanted another blouse for myself but just wasn’t decisive or sure what I wanted. I did get a simple but quite pretty blouse in the end. We also picked out an item that will be our contribution to the silent auction for Zabava in the fall.

      Before we knew it, we were again at the hotel prepping for a show for the third day in a row. Tyler ate some of our extra lunch and I did my makeup quite quickly. I’ve got those fake eyelashes pretty much down to a science!

      At 5:15 pm we walked as a group back to the theatre for the finale rehearsal. They basically just corralled us into columns on the stage and we learned we’d have to sing the Ukrainian anthem on stage at the end. Uh oh! We took spots further back as we are not that hardcore and can basically just mouth some of the words. The people who knew it fully were in the front.

      Back to the cramped change rooms to get dressed and final preparations for the show. Hopak was the fourth number in the first half and hutsul was in the second half. Another group’s hopak was at the end of the first half so it seemed the adjudicator didn’t like our hopak quite as much (he seemed a bit biased to us overall). However, our hopak felt very energetic and powerful and in our opinion (and I think in reality), we got a bigger cheer. The slanted stage was very difficult but nothing bad really happened, just felt a bit off kilter on our feet I think.

      The Junior Ensemble Lemko dance and Ensemble hutsul was on after intermission. I was finished dancing but of course Tyler still had to do hutsul. He was just soaked in sweat and I think found it hard to keep dry. His face kept getting covered with sweat. I brought my towel to the backstage area to try to help with that.

      At the end of the show, the curtain was closed and Nazar Slavko sang one pop song while we convened on stage for the finale. My feet were very sore so I kept shifting my weight but I was in the third row so I hope it wasn’t noticeable. After the anthem, we grabbed a quick group photo and a few individual shots and just really tried to soak in the experience of dancing in this amazing theatre. Although it’s been a busy few days, it was a really memorable way to end our dance tour.

      We quickly changed and schlepped our costumes back to the hotel. Marta was in the lobby to say goodbye. Marta had luckily been able to get a ticket to the concert. I think the tickets were mostly assigned to the festival organizers and tour groups so our tour guide wasn’t really able to get any extra but I think she came to the theatre and they did manage to get her two tickets - one for her and one for her friend Yolanda. By this point it was nearly 11 pm and we still had to go pack our costumes as a group. We spent a few minutes chatting and she seemed very happy to have seen the show. She wanted to take us to her house in the morning but we explained we were leaving for the airport pretty much first thing and so we said goodbye and hopefully next time.

      We convened ASAP with the other dancers on the fifth floor elevator lobby to pack the last few costumes. Unfortunately some of the lights were out on that floor and we really should have switched to another floor that had better lighting. We sprayed the costumes with a water/vodka solution and got them packed away. I think everyone was rushing a bit more than they should have, but hopefully everything will be ok with the costumes when they’re home. We’ll have a couple suitcases of wet costumes that will need to be hung up immediately at home.

      We got back to our room and started tidying a bit of our own stuff. On the group chat, people were looking for a room to gather in and our room was the perfect choice given its huge suite like size. From about 11:30-3 am people were coming and going to visit and say goodbye. Some people were leaving just after midnight, others at 4 am and us at 9 am. We were starving and needed to eat at midnight even though it was so late. Jesse and I walked a block to a street shawarma vendor and bought a bunch of wraps to go. They really hit the spot!

      By around 2 am I was napping on the floor while others were still chatting and eventually the others left. Tyler and I decided to pack for about 15 minutes before sleeping which took us to a bedtime of 3 am. About a four hour nap and then time to pack and start the near 24 hr journey home!

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    • Day 4

      Kiev, entre Occident et Orient

      January 13, 2020 in Ukraine ⋅ ☁️ 1 °C

      Kiev, capitale de la Grande Ukraine. Encore une fois qu'une journée pour voir ce que la ville a à offrir. La journée commence bien, il y a une bagagerie à la gare où nous pouvons laisser nos sacs ! Premier jour de liberté donc et nous partons, légers, vers la Laure des Grottes, gigantesque monastère orthodoxe inscrit au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO. Architecture orientale et églises obscures, le lieu est sacré et deux choses sont d'or : les coupoles et le silence. On croise plus de croyants que de touristes, ce qui participe à l'ambiance solennelle de ce grand complexe religieux. En sortant, on déambule entre les chars soviétiques et les vestiges des conflits passés.
      De retour au métro, on vise une station au hasard, espérant nous diriger vers le centre ville. Plutôt bien tombés, on se promène au milieu des vieux bâtiments historiques, pittoresques au premier étage et commerciaux au rez-de-chaussée, le contraste est frappant. On déambule jusqu'à un marché de Noël et une patinoire locale qui clôt parfaitement nos quelques heures ukrainiennes avant de reprendre le bus.

      PS : Le métro de Kiev est le plus profond du monde. Pourquoi ? Pour pouvoir servir d'abri en cas d'attaque ou d'accident nucléaire. Le souvenir de Tchernobyl pousse à la prudence.

      PSS : Une petite vidéo de patins à glace, soyez indulgents, ça faisait vraiment longtemps.
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    • Day 5

      По не самым радостным местам

      August 21, 2022 in Ukraine ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      Человек изобрел тысячу способов, чтобы убить, но ни одного, чтобы воскресить.

      Израненная и кровоточащая Украина,... немного проехались по нашей округе,... там, где были активные бои, чтобы захватить власть в Киеве за первые три дня вторжения.
      Больно смотреть на все разрушения, но радостно, что отстояли эту часть Украины.
      На сегодняшний день на территории области полностью разрушены 4835 частных домов и 13 292 частично повреждены. В жилье нуждаются 11 319 семей.
      В Киевской области люди с деньгами, поэтому помощи от государства не все ждут и восстановление происходят довольно быстро.

      Ничем оправдать войну нельзя.
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    • Day 6

      Что не так???🫤

      August 22, 2022 in Ukraine ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Как так? Сделать пандус до входа в аптеку, но не сделать в аптеке,... Ну вот как можно так недоделать???,... Я в недоумении...
      В Германии практически нигде нет проблем с перемещением. Я чувствую себя там вполне самостоятельной, если нужно куда-то идти и ехать с Богданом. В Украине это чувство отсутствует напрочь, как и в Польше, кстати, тоже(((
      И да, я с порога кричала, есть ли лекарство и только потом спустилась, чтобы купить🥴, хорошо, что никто в это время не зашёл в аптеку 🙈
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    • Day 128

      Deux pas en Ukraine / Україна : Medyka

      July 12 in Ukraine ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Après avoir quitté Przeworsk, je me retrouve à la gare de Medyka, à quelques mètres de là frontière polo-ukrainienne... 🇵🇱🇺🇦

      Objectif ?
      Voir de mes propres yeux la frontière, le pays et l'un des poste-frontière les plus importantes de la crise des réfugiés ukrainiens en février-mars 2022

      En effet, la Pologne est le premier pays d'accueil en nombre de réfugiés ukrainiens avec 1,2 million de réfugiés aujourd'hui. Mais au 16 mars 2022 (en 3 semaines à peine), la Pologne en comptait près de 1,9 million !

      Medyka étant le plus grand poste-frontière polo-ukrainien (seulement 80km de Lviv et 14km de Przemyśl), ce lieu à connu l'un des plus importants afflux de réfugiés en Europe depuis 1945 !

      Aujourd'hui l'afflux s'est considérablement calmé. J'eus l'occasion de passer du côté ukrainien quelques minutes seulement avant de revenir côté polonais. Des deux côtés de la frontières sont toujours établies des camps de bases pour les réfugiés, ainsi que des "camps de base" offrant différents services pour les voyageurs : nourriture, logement de fortune, taxis et bus, abonnement téléphonique pour joindre l'Ukraine depuis la Pologne, ...
      Une micro-économie est installée ici, fille de cette crise migratoire.

      Un exemple marquant : rien que pour la compagnie FlixBus, le poste-frontière est ajd desservi 13 fois par jour (tout les jours) en direction d'autres villes polonaises, allemandes, lituaniennes ou tchèques !! 🚌
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    • Auf dem Weg durch die Ukraine

      September 4, 2019 in Ukraine ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Nach einem schönen Frühstück in der Sonne sind wir nun auf dem Weg nach Lwiw gestartet. Unterwegs haben wir einige eindrucksvolle Kirchen mit goldenen und silbernen Kuppeln gesehen und Marktstände am Straßenrand.
      Wir genossen ein ausgiebiges Picknick an einem Fluss und beendeten den Tag bei Sternenhimmel und einer wunderbaren Nacht im Dachzelt auf einem Feld nicht weit von Lwiw.
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    • Weiter gehts nach Kiew

      September 6, 2019 in Ukraine ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Der Tag startete wieder mit einem herrlichen Frühstück in der Sonne.
      Bei unserer Rast in der Nähe von Kiew haben wir landestypische Spezialitäten genossen, wie Wareniki, Schaschlik und andere Leckereien.
      Der Verkehr in den Städten ist sehr verstopft. Man kommt nur sehr langsam voran. Das war sehr anstregend.
      Abends haben wir wieder neben einem Maisfeld campiert und konnten einem Segelflieger beobachten. Für uns hat er eine extra Runde gedreht und uns gewinkt :-) Später fuhr ein Kleinbus an uns vorbei. Der Mann fragte freundlich, ob wir Hilfe brauchen. Er kommt selbst aus Kasachstan und wünscht uns eine gute Fahrt.
      Am nächsten Morgen hörten wir den Segler wieder. Später fuhr der er an uns vorbei und fragte freundlich, ob er uns geweckt hat :-)
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    • Day 5

      Im Wald da liegt ein Ofenrohr

      October 15, 2019 in Ukraine ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      ... stellt euch mal die Hitze vor.

      Optimistisch motiviert und gestärkt starteten wir in den Wandertag.
      Ziel Syvenir See.
      Karte gekauft und los marschiert.
      Nach einem steilen Aufstieg von ca. 2 Stunden stellten wir fest, wir kommen keinen Meter voran.
      Und stellten den Maßstab der Karte in Frage. Zu Recht.
      In der Sonne, auf dem ersten Gipfel kochte das Wasser besonders schnell, danach brachen wir die Strecke ab.
      Es gibt hier einfach keine Wanderwege und verlässliche Karten.
      Gibt es eine Karte oder ein Wegweiser, auch dann sollte man sich vergewissern, dass man genug Proviant, Gas, Feuerzeug parat hat.

      Hier in den ukrainischen Karpaten, gibt es zahlreiche Souvenirstände und Picknickplätze, doch nur an zentralen Tourizielen. Sonst gibt es kein ausgebautes Wandernetz. Ach was, es gibt gar keins. Es sei denn man hat genug Zeit, Nerven und Essen für ne Tour von paar Tagen.

      Mit dem Auto fuhren wir zum See. Und siehe da, geschafft hätten wir es nie und ausgeschilderte 1200m liefen sich wie 5km.
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    • Day 6

      Triebweg To Go

      October 16, 2019 in Ukraine ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Wenn es schon kein Wanderwegenetz gibt, dann nehmen wir halt den Triebweg.
      Auf der sicheren Seite, dass uns keine Hunde überrennen, sondern nur Kühe, laufen wir durchs Dorf. Gefühlte 10km, immerhin ist die Karte verlässlich.
      Links abbiegen und rauf auf den Berg.
      Herrlich, Sommerzeit, gelb, Karpaten....

      Fazit des Tages: Jeder sollte ne Kuh im Garten haben.
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    • Day 4

      Первая совместный визит в церковь

      August 20, 2022 in Ukraine ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Людей в церкви мало, кто где..., Но с некоторыми встретились и даже получили подарок от английской церкви ☺️
      Бодя побывал первый раз в детском классе, на первой детской истории... В общем, впечатлений хватило 😉
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Ukraine, Oekraine, Ukren, ዩክሬን, Ucraína, Ucrægna, اوكرانيا, ܐܘܟܪܢܝܐ, Ucrania, Ukraina, Украіна, Украйна, Ukɛrɛni, ইউক্রেন, ཡུ་ཀྲན།, Ukrajina, Ucraïna, ᏳᎬᎳᎢᏅ, Ѹкраина, Украина, Wcráin, Ukraine nutome, Ουκρανία, Ukrajno, اوکراین, Ukereen, Ukreina, Ucrayena, Oekraïne, An Úcráin, યૂક્રેન, Yukaran, אוקראינה, उक्रेन, Ukrajna, Ուկրաինա, Ukrania, Ukrainia, Úkraína, Ucraina, ウクライナ共和国, უკრაინა, Ukraini, អ៊ុយក្រែន, ಉಕ್ರೈನ್, 우크라이나, ئۆکرانیا, Ukrayn, Yukurayine, Ikrɛni, ຢູເຄຼນ, Ukreni, Okraina, ഉക്രൈന്‍, यूक्रेन, ယူကရိန်း, Yukreini, युक्रेन, Ukraîne, Ucràina, Ukrainu, ୟୁକ୍ରାଇନ୍, اوکراين, Ucrânia, Ukranya, Ikerene, Ukrêni, යුක්රේනය, Ukrainë, Украјина, உக்ரைன், యుక్రెన్, ยูเครน, ʻIukuleini, Ukrayna, ئۇكرائىنا, Україна, یوکرائن, U-crai-na (Ukraine), Lukrayän, Oucrinne, אוקריינע, Orílẹ́ède Ukarini, 乌克兰, i-Ukraine

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