U.S. Virgin Islands
U.S. Virgin Islands

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Top 10 Travel Destinations U.S. Virgin Islands
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    • Day 119

      Ram Head hike

      May 15 on the U.S. Virgin Islands ⋅ ☁️ 82 °F

      We got an early start (for us) and headed around the corner to hike out to the end of Ram Head. Beautiful day and beautiful hike. We thought we would snorkle Salt Pond Bay when we got back, but we were a little tired. We'll save it for another day. But that didn't stop us from jumping in to cool off. 😎Read more

    • Day 14

      Buck Island

      March 5, 2020 on the U.S. Virgin Islands ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      At 07:00 Explorer was passing through the West Gregerie channel into the Baye de Grigri on the southern side of St Thomas, one of the US Virgin Islands. This being our earliest port call, and the previous night’s party having been well attended the promenade was quiet on the morning coffee run, but soon the ship was waking up and we were rushing to the 08:00 meet up for our day’s excursion: snorkel and sail, hosted by Robert Piccardo. We sat in the theatre scoffing a breakfast of pears and vegetable wraps and reflecting that carrying on past 01:00 again might not have been the wisest.

      We headed out to quayside a few hundred meters from where Explorer was tied up, where a large catamaran with its sail furled arrived to take us on our trip. Soon 120 unshod trekkies, Robert Picardo, his family and our all girl crew were on the 40 minute or so boat trip to Buck island. Robert was very clear that we were to be careful as he only treats fictional patients (although technically that may mean he can help with a real injury as long as it belongs to a character you’re method acting?). Soon enough we were jumping in to Turtle Cove; there were some gorgeous turtles to be seen but sadly the reef seemed like it might have been adversely affected by environmental issues.

      We moved onto the adjacent Shipwreck (Mouillage) Cove, home to the wreck of the Cartanza Senora which can be clearly seen despite being 45feet down. The vessel was launched during WWII as a freighter, scuttled in suspicious circumstances (probably related to some disreputable dealings in Colombian agricultural products) during the 1970s, dragged out of the shipping lanes and then washed up to her present position by a Hurricane in 1989. When we arrived a group of SCUBA divers was on the wreck, sending up constellations of sparkling bubbles.

      Soon it was time to head to the main island of St Thomas so Robert could get to rehearsal for a play later on; we stood against the rail at the aft of boat (taffrail?) drying off in the bright Caribbean sun whilst rum punch was served. When we arrived back in harbour the wood of the wharf was warm enough that Alex ran to her shoes (which had been laid out on the shore for us to collect).
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    • Day 14

      Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas

      March 5, 2020 on the U.S. Virgin Islands ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      We ran into Kim on the quayside and made arrangements to meet up for the next show, but after swimming for the first time in years and on the back of a not entirely satisfying breakfast it was high time to return to Explorer to refuel in the Windjammer cafe. After food, we headed back to the state room for a shower and to watch some Voyager (which was showing round the clock on the TV). We headed back on shore for half an hour or so towards the end of the ship’s time in port; mostly the shops in the harbour sold diamonds, but there was a neat shop that sold textiles made from bamboo fibre and was playing No Doubt was on the stereo - much more Dan’s kind of place.

      Dan decided to head up on deck for sail away time, which was just ahead of William Shatner’s show (he had joined the ship in St Thomas); from deck 12 there was a great view of the bay, and Star Trek II was showing on the pool screen. Time to go to Shatner’s show rolled around with no sign of the ship moving off, Dan met back up with Alex and found seats on the upper level, Kim walked in on the lower level but we caught her attention with a wave and she joined us. William Shatner’s style is… unique, this particular show seemed to be almost entirely unstructured - the memorable moment (perhaps not for the best reasons) was when a member of the audience asked Mr. Shatner to have lunch with her mum (which he declined to do).

      As we left the show we walked along the outer deck to avoid the crowds; the Virgin Islands were still visible, but falling quickly astern and we paused to watch the seabirds fishing in the ship’s bow wave on the way to the dining room. For the first time we were seated near a port hole and the birds could still be seen outside as the sky darkened, but our attention was soon captured by the vegan creme brule on the menu and a conversation about the economies of Caribbean islands.
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    • Day 2

      Nochmal an den Beach

      October 28, 2018 on the U.S. Virgin Islands ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Ganz hält es uns dann doch nicht auf dem Schiff. Schließlich ist noch Zeit und wir sind vorher an 'Fred' vorbeigekommen. Ein schöner, ruhiger Strandabschnitt mit Liegestühlen und Schirmen. Hierhin machen wir uns auf, um die restliche Zeit auf St. Croix zu genießen.

      Der Inhaber Scott ist super nett und wir bekommen die Stühle umsonst. Dazu gibt es nochmal RumPunsch und Udo schwimmt eine Runde. Wunderschön.
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    • Day 2

      Guten Morgen auf St. Croix

      October 28, 2018 on the U.S. Virgin Islands ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Dank Zeitverschiebung waren wir um kurz vor 9 im Bett, haben tief und fest geschlafen, um um 4 Uhr das erste Mal kurz und dann um 6 Uhr wach zu sein. Schliesslich wäre es zu Hause jetzt schon 12 Uhr mittags. Hier geht gerade die Sonne auf. Wir dösen noch ein wenig weiter, beobachten dann das Anlegen und beschliessen um 7:30 Uhr aufzustehen.

      Da wir unseren Urlaub ganz ruhig beginnen wollen, starten wir zu Fuß auf Erkundungstour durch Frederiksted. Da viele Gäste in Richtung Christiansted unterwegs sind und die Einheimischen den Sonntag in der Kirche oder smooth beginnen, haben wir die Straßen fast für uns. Wir wandern durch den schönen Ort und lassen die verschiedenen Eindrücke auf uns wirken. Es ist wirklich sehr schön hier, auch wenn von Zeit zu Zeit die Schäden, die der Hurrikan vor nicht ganz einem Jahr angerichtet hat deutlich zu erkennen sind.
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    • Day 2

      St. Patricks Church

      October 28, 2018 on the U.S. Virgin Islands ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Mitten in Frederiksted treffen wir auf die St. Patricks Church. Eine katholische Kirche mit einem Friedhof außen herum, die durch Hurrikan Maria vor 10 Monaten schwer beschädigt wurde.

      Mittlerweile wird fleißig wieder aufgebaut. Eine wunderschöne Kirche.
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    • Day 56

      St Thomas, USVI

      December 12, 2016 on the U.S. Virgin Islands ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      Wind. Blustery breeze.

      Hunkering down under the aeroplanes in the flattest, most protected water available. Coincidently a very nice spot! We're playing it safe until with winds drop back down below 20kts, at least for now.

      We've picked up the princess, she's alive and buzzing at the warm weather and clear blue water. To top it off, our anchorage happened to be host to numerous families of turtles, who popped up all over the bay, and forced us into countless impulsive swims. We also got the windsurfer up and running over these two days. Believe it or not, everyone our boat can windsurf - how's that??!

      It was great to be waiting on the weather. In a nice location we just had time to burn. Everyone set their own clocks and did their activities as they pleased. Not that we were ever on a hectic schedule, but I'm sure you know what I mean.

      I'm going to take the liberty here to offer a little insight to the weather. Jump to the two paragraphs if you don't like weather. So I bet you're thinking we get sun all day and moon all night, right? Wrong. We're riddled with showers, all the time. Although the sun is shining for most of the day, it doesn't take good eyes to spot a darkening cloud on the horizon. Contrary to weather at home, these clouds arrive quickly and leave quickly, torrenting with rain. Squalls would be the best way to describe them, as the reliably bring wind, lot's of wind, and heavy downpours. Often, in less than a minute, they're gone. With five or six of these per day or per night, it's infuriating. Hatches open, washing out; hatches closed, washing in. And by washing I mean electronics. Close the hatches and the bot roasts. First world problems, I know.

      We're also sitting in the trades, so we reliably get easterly wind and swell. It makes for easy route planning. It also makes for easy guidebook writing, as authors need only provide guidance for one wind direction. And in the charting world, a western anchorage is a safe bet. With regard to the temperature. I've seen only 26 and 27 degrees since we got here. More consistency than Fraser's presence in class during his study in Otago (never).

      Yesterday we motored up to Great St James Island to get a better angle to attack St Croix in an Easterly breeze. During his evening anchor dive, Scott meandered over to a nearby rocky outcrop. With Felicity and I in tow, we stumbled across a massive crayfish in around 1m of water. The rest is history. Scott's appetite for hunting cray is enormous. No crack goes unsearched and no craycray goes unattacked (size pending of course). After wrestling this sucker out of it's (particularly small) hole, we realised that there was no other way back to the boat than swim. Furthermore, the shallow water was surging with the swell, and sea urchins littered the alcove. With both hands tied up with said fish, swimming was tough. Witnessing Scott get smashed on rocks, urchins and pricked by a fiesty crustacean was undoubtedly the highlight of my day. Felicity took her sweet time getting the dinghy as Scott's shallow injuries mounted. After an eternity she (the cray) was safe in the yacht and fed us four for dinner...with leftovers. A fantastic end to an otherwise uneventful day.

      As a little aside, who's reading my blog?? I literally have no idea who's reading this. A teacher, some time during my numerous years of education, told me I should tailor my words to my audience. Send us a like or a comment if you're reading and let me know what you want to read more about!!
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    • Day 6

      The Entertainment Continues

      January 16, 2018 on the U.S. Virgin Islands ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Over the last few days the entertainment has been nonstop. We had a top tier loyalty event in the Aqua Theater with the Captain, champagne and a private show.
      We frequently have enjoyed the Jazz Club with its quartet and singer.
      The 90 minute Grease performance was like a Broadway production (or even better).
      We were also entertained by a Las Vegas vocalist, Tony Tillman who was backed by the full Harmony orchestra. He was non stop energy covering all types of music while getting the crowd involved.
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    • Day 2

      A day in St. Thomas (Day 2)

      April 8, 2016 on the U.S. Virgin Islands ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      A peaceful evening and a smooth ride brings us to St. Thomas.

      We toured the best of St. Thomas with stops at the top of the island that provided beautiful views of Charlotte Amalie and Meagan's Bay.

      At Mountain Top (1547' elevation) a world famous banana daiquiri and no worries!

      A stop at the Great House and a Run Punch and the day keeps getting better.

      Next stop downtown for a little shopping then back to the ship.
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    • Day 8

      St. Thomas {Charlotte Amalie}

      December 14, 2018 on the U.S. Virgin Islands ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Die Anthem of the Seas legte in der Crown Bay an. Kleinere Schiffe können auch an einem anderen Kai anlegen, der etwas näher zur Innenstadt liegt.
      St. Thomas ist das einzige Gebiet der USA (Unincorporated and organized territory) wo Linksverkehr herrscht.

      Ansonsten eine überschaubare Insel. Online einen Scooter gebucht. Mit dem Sammeltaxi nach Havenspoint gefahren. Online Buchung hat nicht funktioniert. Ärger kommt auf. Der junge Mann leiht uns seinen eigenen Roller.
      Während Assi von hinten immer fahr links rief, habe ich versucht den Schlaglöchern auszuweichen.
      In Magens Bay gebadet. Der Strand soll zu den 10 schönsten der Welt gehören. Das Wasser war angenehm warm, wie Mallorca im Sommer. Es geht immer etwas Wind, was die hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit erträglich macht. 2 x haben uns kurze tropische Schauer überrascht.
      Rechtzeitig an Bord, tolle Dusche, tolles Essen, tolle Unterhaltung, u.a. bei Love and Marriage!!!
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Virgin Islands of the United States, Amerikanische Jungferninseln, U.S. Virgin Islands, V.S. Maagde-eilande, Amɛrika Virgin Islands, የአሜሪካ ቨርጂን ደሴቶች, جزر فرجين الأمريكية, ABŞ Virqin Adaları, Віргінскія астравы, ЗША, САЩ, Вирджински острови, Ameriki ka Sungurunnin Gun, মার্কিন ভার্জিন দ্বীপপুঞ্জ, Inizi Gwercʼh ar Stadoù-Unanet, S.A.D. Devičanska Ostrva, Illes Verges nord-americanes, Americké Panenské ostrovy, Ynysoedd Americanaidd y Wyryf, De amerikanske jomfruøer, U.S. Vɛrgin ƒudomekpowo nutome, Αμερικανικές Παρθένοι Νήσοι, Usonaj Virgulininsuloj, Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos, USA Neitsisaared, Birjina uharte amerikarrak, جزایر ویرجین ایالات متحده, Duuɗe Kecce Amerik, Yhdysvaltain Neitsytsaaret, Sambandsríki Amerikas Jómfrúoyggjarnar, Îles Vierges des États-Unis, Oileáin na Maighdean S.A.M., Illas Virxes Estadounidenses, યુ.એસ વર્જિન આઇલેન્ડ, Tsibiran Birjin Ta Amurka, איי הבתולה האמריקניים, अमेरिकी वर्जिन टापू, Američki Djevičanski Otoci, Amerikai Virgin-szigetek, Kepulauan U.S. Virgin, Bandarísku jómfrúaeyjar, Isole Vergini Americane, 米領ヴァージン諸島, Visiwa vya Virgin vya Marekani, ಯು.ಎಸ್. ವರ್ಜಿನ್ ದ್ವೀಪಗಳು, 미국령 버진 아일랜드, Bizinga bya Virigini eby'Amerika, Bisanga bya Vierzi ya Ameriki, ຢູເອສເວີຈິນໄອແລນ, Mergelių salos (JAV), Lutanda lua Vierzi wa Ameriki, ASV Virdžīnas, Nosy Virijiny Etazonia, Девствени Острови на САД, യു.എസ്. വെര്‍ജിന്‍ ദ്വീപുകള്‍, यू.एस. व्हर्जिन बेटे, ယူအက်စ် ဗာဂျင်း ကျွန်းစု, De amerikanske jomfruøyene, संयुक्त राज्य भर्जिन टापु, Amerikaanse Maagdeneilanden, Dei amerikanske jomfruøyane, ୟୁଏସ୍ ଭର୍ଜିନ୍ ଦ୍ବୀପପୁଞ୍ଜ, Wyspy Dziewicze Stanów Zjednoczonych, Ilhas Virgens dos EUA, Inslas Verginas Americanas, Amazinga y'Isugi y'Abanyamerika, Insulele Virgine S.U.A., Виргинские о-ва (США), Âzûâ Virîgo tî Amerîka, ඇමරිකානු වර්ජින් දූපත්, Panenské ostrovy - USA, Ameriški Deviški otoki, Zvitsuwa zveAmerika, С.А.Д. Девичанска Острва, Amerikanska Jungfruöarna, யூ.எஸ் கன்னித் தீவுகள், యు.ఎస్. వర్జిన్ దీవులు, หมู่เกาะยูเอสเวอร์จิน, ʻOtumotu Vilikini fakaʻamelika, ABD Virgin Adaları, Віргінські острови США, امریکی ورجن آئلینڈز, Quần đảo Virgin, Mỹ, Orílẹ́ède Etikun Fagini ti Amẹrika, 美属维京群岛, i-U.S. Virgin Islands

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