Puerto Rico
Old San Juan

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    • Day 14

      Day 7 San Juan, Puerto Rico

      May 20 in Puerto Rico ⋅ ⛅ 81 °F

      Sunday night we had dinner with the officers. Not the Top Dog, but officer of IT and Officer of Security. Glenn ordered his favorite: lamb shanksl

      Monday we docked in San Juan. We were here 44 years ago on our honeymoon

      Today was city tour of San Juan, we stopped in the new city. Instead of using the public bathroom, Glenn and I wandered to the Vanderbilt Hotel. Yep the facilities were pretty sweet.

      Next stop - San Cristobal Fort
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    • Day 9

      23-11-15 San Juan

      November 15, 2023 in Puerto Rico ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      San Juan hat eine wundervolle Altstadt, die auch Weltkulturerbe ist! Viele bunte Häuser prägen das Stadtbild.
      Sie hat allerdings den gleichen Nachteil wie mein VfL: anständiges Auf und Ab!
      Man merkt auch, dass Weihnachten vor der Tür steht 😲
      Allerdings ist es bei deutlich über 30 Grad wieder drückend schwül und ich merke wie ich immer mehr auf dem Zahnfleisch laufe.
      Als ich beim zweiten Castillo San Christóbal ankomme und sehe wie hoch ich da muss, streike ich und klebe mich aus Protest auf der Straße fest - SCHERZ 😄😄
      Ich gehe noch bis zum "Walkway of the Presidents" unterhalb des Capitols. Hier stehen die Bronzefiguren aller amerikanischen Präsidenten die jemals Puerto Rico besucht haben. Der letzte war wohl Obama!
      Abschließend schleiche ich zurück zum Schiff, wo ich nach gut 8 km in reichlich 5 Stunden ankomme.
      Leider gibt es hier an Bord kein Sauerstoffzelt 🤭🤭
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    • Day 5

      Mehr von Puerto Rico

      March 3 in Puerto Rico ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Für unseren letzten Tag auf der Insel mieteten wir uns relativ spontan ein Auto, da wir in den Regenwald nach El Yunque zum Wandern fahren wollten. Dort verbrachten wir den ganzen Vormittag. Wir kletterten bis auf einen Berg hinauf wo wir eine wunderschöne Aussicht genießen konnten (siehe Bild). Von dort aus fuhren wir an der Küste entlang zurück in die Stadt, wo wir den letzten Coffe Stop unserer Reise einlegten. Heute Nacht geht es dann zurück in die Staaten, allerdings zunächst nach Tampa wo wir noch einen Tag eine Freundin besuchen bevor wir zurück nach Charlotte fliegen.Read more

    • Day 4

      Christo ha resucitado

      April 9, 2023 in Puerto Rico ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      Unfortunately, Emmit didn’t feel so great and had a quiet day in the hotel room. The rest of us good… so far.

      The day started with Easter Sunday Mass (in Spanish) at Catedral de San Juan Batista (built in 1511). Resucitado!

      It was a perfect day at the beach though we felt a little out of place. Too much clothing 👀 and not enough food. I must have looked like a stray dog eyeing up everyone’s food and drink options- grills with steak, burgers, ribs and nearly full bars- cerveza, vino, rum. There were plenty of palm trees to provide some shade for Noel (plus her sun hat) but her trademark eavesdropping wasn’t the same given the language barrier. Of course Millie quickly found a friend and they bounced around in the water for much of the afternoon. Josie and I ventured away from the main area to check out some tide pools. We ended up in an area where people did scuba and snorkel excursions. With a simple mask we did our best to blend in without obviously following.

      ✅ swimming with turtles!

      Some paella and chicken stuffed avocado highlighted dinner. Well, until a friendly cat joined our table- the girls named Pepe. Josie even looked into the process of being him home with us 🤦‍♂️ 😳 😜.
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    • Day 13

      Old San Juan

      March 4, 2020 in Puerto Rico ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Soon we were at the meeting point in the theatre at the forward end of deck 3. This time heading ashore was just a case of stepping out onto the wharf which projected out into the azure blue water of the San Juan bay. Although we had been among Caribbean islands for days, our passage and other ports had all faced the Atlantic; the water in this sheltered bay was somehow more Caribbean in character.

      Nana Visitor and her husband appeared among us; she was extremely sweet and immediately asked Alex if she was wearing sun screen, showing an earnest and heartwarming concern about Alex’s pale skin. San Juan is a large city covering several small islands, peninsulas and a substantial area of Peurto Rico’s mainland - we had landed on isla San Juan, the smallest of the islands and tour buses took us on a short hop to the opposite (northern) shore to begin our tour. We began at the Castillo San Felipe del Morro, a 16th century fort and UNESCO world heritage site; the local guide talked us through moments in it history from Sir Francis Drake’s attack in the 1500s through to pointing out the naval gun emplacements added to defend the harbour during the World Wars.

      The top of the battlements had great views over the bay and isla San Jan; a large iguana was sunbathing on them (Dan quipped that he was there for the Star Trek cruise because he had guest starred in the episode lifeline). The tour then meandered through small streets which retain a strong Spanish influence, back towards the harbour, the Caribbean heat and humidity really hitting us for the first time the entire trip. There were a couple of minor culture shocks like a gentleman selling crumbs to feed the pigeons (a practice banned in London decades ago) and a police officer directing traffic whilst armed with a pistol.

      The tour, which had lasted a little under two hours broke up once we were in view of Explorer (plus another two large cruise ships). Nana was kind enough to pose for a selfie with us, before we headed to the ship.
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    • Day 112

      Das erste mal die Karibik erleben

      December 20, 2022 in Puerto Rico ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Endlich einen Ort gefunden den ich wirklich mag! Auch hier habe ich die 48h gebraucht um "anzukommen"

      Mittlerweile weiß ich, das ich ruhiger werden muss. Dem Moment Zeit geben muss, aber die letzten Tage waren wirklich schlimm, von Einsamkeit, Langeweile und ich verpasse so viel geprägt.
      Heute habe ich mich entschieden das es okay ist, denn ich hab noch sehr viel Zeit 🥲
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    • Day 3

      Traveling to San Juan

      April 6, 2023 in Puerto Rico ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

      We woke up at 2:00 am to catch our 5:00 am flight, which ended up being delayed. This resulted in us sprinting 20 minutes to our gate in Miami only to find that they had closed boarding with 15 minutes to go before the flight. We were lucky enough to get rebooked on one a few hours later. We got our rental car and drove to our Airbnb! We have a great place with views of both the ocean and the beautiful streets. It’s such a beautiful historic building in the heart of Old San Juan. We then had time to explore the old town. We got to see the old city wall and the cat sanctuary of course. We enjoyed piraguas and went to dinner at one of our favorite places with the best empanadas in the world. We had to finish our night with popsicles from Señor Paleta and enjoying the view of the port!Read more

    • Day 31

      Castillo San Cristobal

      February 17 in Puerto Rico ⋅ ⛅ 84 °F

      When we came here with Lyra, we didn't get a chance to tour the old Spanish forts in Viejo San Juan. This time we made sure we would. Castillo San Cristobal is the largest Spanish fort in the Americas and was built in 1634 to 1790. Amazing history surrounding this fort. Spain held off Britain here but lost to the USA.
      Tomorrow, we go see Castillo El Morro
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    • Day 5

      Chiringas 🪁

      April 10, 2023 in Puerto Rico ⋅ ☀️ 84 °F

      The weather was brilliant this morning. Thankfully, Emmit felt back to normal and so did the rest of us. We found a cafe close to the hotel for some breakfast sandwiches.

      Next, off to explore two ancient forts. Both were strategically built in the 1500s to protect the city located along the water. After a brief time at Castillo San Cristobal we headed north along the ocean front. At the Castillo San Felipe del Morro, we flew kites along the esplanade- the Spanish word for kites is cometas but in Puerto Rico they are call chiringas which in Spanish means fence. 🤦‍♂️ 🤷‍♂️ The consistent strong breeze off the ocean provided plenty of power. Some piragua hit the spot given the sweltering conditions- thank you to the kind lady that let Noel Venmo her given our lack of cash.

      We wandered our way back to the hotel past even more stray cats with plans to hit the beach- once again Escambron Beach. Some light showers weren’t going to slow us down. Emmit and Millie joined the fun swimming with the turtles. Josie is well on her way to being a guide. Emmit found a coconut and worked tirelessly to remove the husk (thanks MUHS freshmen fitness 💪🏼). No one was quite sure about trying it though.

      Millie was in charge of dinner plans- pizza at the pool. The kids picked off the plantains and didn’t care for malta india (Puerto Rican soda) but Noel and I enjoyed our medalla (Puerto Rican miller lite).

      Tomorrow it’s an early departure from Old San Juan to the island of Vieques.
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    • Day 32

      Castillo San Felipe dal Morro

      February 18 in Puerto Rico ⋅ 🌙 81 °F

      The next day, we went to the other fort in Old San Juan. It doesn't take up as much land space as the other, but there are six levels to explore. Afterwards, we stopped for some vegan appetizers and drinks at a small Mexican cafe.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Viejo San Juan, Old San Juan

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