Piazza del Duomo

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    • Day 7

      Failed to escape Milan 😞

      May 18 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      After lunch, I thought maybe take the green line that is included in my ticket.
      But ended up not doing that.

      Then I got a hotel in Varenna (station is varenna esino) ... Which is in the middle of the y-shaped lake Como.

      The general idea was to see some part of the lake then somehow got to tirano, take a famous scenic train ride through the Alps. It's called Bernina Express .. operated by a swiss train company .. trains have huge windows spanning the roof for great viewing. Looked amazing in the pics. Even Stefania (a local faculty in Turin) highly recommended it.

      So I need a train ticket to go to Varenna tonight. Maybe do dinner .. see the lake in the night and sleep in my hotel. Did all that planning in another restaurant while sipping beer. Met Shamim Bhai from Kumilla!

      But that didn't happen. Train was full so the ticket checker guy refused to let me (and many more) in and that was the last train (something I found out the hard way since I bought a ticket for the next train and realized later that it's 10 am nextday and not 10 pm today. Another rain ticket wasted (no refunds .. but these are like $10). The other people who got refused entry in the train seemed to have some choice words for the ticket checker. But those were in Italian. Duolingo failed me again! But they were punching the train - I think they expect better from Trenitalia ( or Italo or TrenOrd or ... Too many train companies here).

      Came out of the station and it's pouring ... No taxi .. can't bike in the rain. I mean I can .. I have a poncho and all that. But dont feel like. Feeling drained walking around all day.

      Finally snatched a taxi and went back to the same hotel as last night. It was easy last night - walked in and got a room. No such luck this time. No room there. Not even one in "The Best Hotel" next door. Biked around and found a room in another 1/2 star hotel. Hotel Eden. Owner seemed Chinese - he warned me that the rooms are more expensive than other hotels .. it's €120! Jumped at it .. since all other decent hotels for the night were 300-600 euros! I guess it's weekend traffic ...

      Finally came to room and crashed.

      Oh the hotel I booked earlier? Tried cancelling it on Nonrefundable booking but says cancelled. Don't know what that means .. will I get the money back? Too tired to worry about that now. Gnite.
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    • Day 76

      Domplatz und Umgebung

      April 24, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Die Gallerie des Vittorio Emanuele II. ist ein beeindruckendes Gebäude. Bunte Mosaikfußböden, eine riesige Glaskuppel und gläserne Kuppeldächer erhellen die Geschäfts,- und Restaurantstraßen.
      Das Denkmal von Giugno gefiel nicht nur uns, sondern auch vielen Tauben.
      Für das leibliche Wohl ist hier an jeder Ecke gesorgt. Wir lassen es uns gut gehen.
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    • Day 3

      Besichtigung Mailänder Dom

      January 1, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Für 13.30 Uhr haben wir Karten für den Mailänder Dom, Lift mit Dachterrassen und Archäologischem Museum. Mit den online gekauften Tickets und dem Audioguide läuft alles perfekt, nur die Schlange an dem Lift ist abartig, wir stehen ca 1 Stunde an, bis uns dann der Lift endlich nach oben fährt. Die Dachterrassen sind wirklich absolut beeindruckend, leider vermiest uns das schlechte Wetter mit dichten Wolken und Nieselregen den herrlichen Ausblick und das grandiose Erlebnis - sehr schade. Nach dem Abstieg von den Terrassen kommen wir direkt im inneren Bereich des Doms an. Ein gewaltiger Anblick mit seinen 52 Säulen und der Höhe von 42 m. Mit dem Audioguide laufen wir durch den Dom und bewundern die verschiedenen beschriebenen Stationen, am meisten beeindruckt bin ich von den tollen Glasfenster. Zum Abschluss gehen wir noch in den archäologischen Bereich, die Ausgrabungen befinden sie direkt wie von Fedra beschrieben unter dem Domplatz. Nach der Besichtigung und dem langen anstehen sind wir etwas erschöpft und hungrig. Leider ist die Bar die wir direkt hinter dem Dom finden etwa schmuddelig und total unorganisiert. Zwei Campari Spritz und zwei belegte Panini bringen unsere Kräfte wieder zurück. Nach einer kleinen Odyssee rund um den Mailänder Dom haben wir endlich die richtige Straßenbahn zum Stadtteil Navigli gefunden. Hier entdecken wir eine total andere Seite von Mailand, die Kanäle. die hier lebenden Künstler und die vielen jungen Menschen verbreiten eine total andere Atmosphäre und Stimmung. Ein wunderschöner Abend an den Kanälen, mit Pizza essen in einem kleinen Lokal, danach ein Absacker im Freien unter der Markisse mit Heizstrahlern von allen Seiten. Sehr gemütlich und romantisch. Zurück geht’s dann mit der Linie 10, direkt zum Friedensbogen, die Haltestelle ist ganz in der Nähe unseres Hotels.Read more

    • Day 3


      August 18, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Heute sind wir nach Mailand gefahren 🏙️🇮🇹 Der Mailänder Dom im Zentrum der Stadt ist ein bemerkenswertes Gebäude und eignet sich sehr gut als Fotolocation ⛪📸 anschließend sind wir durch die Galleria Vittorio Emanuele gelaufen, die sich direkt daneben befindet 🛍️💰
      Das nächste Ziel war die Castello Sforzesco 🏰 leider konnten wir nicht durch den dahinter liegenden Parco Sempione gehen, da dieser durch Unwetter nicht begehbar war 🏞️⛲ somit erreichten wir nach einem etwas längeren Spaziergang unser letztes Ziel für heute: den Arco della Pace ⛩️
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    • Day 26


      September 23, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Since I was already in Milano, I had to explore the city. For the 3 hours I was there, I experienced a lot.
      Found a charging station. Got through the chaos of the traffic. Saw a FFF demonstration. :)
      Went to the epic Apple Store and did other sightseeing.
      Oh and there was the Fashion Week in Milano :D
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    • Day 166

      🇮🇹 MIL - Duomo de Milan

      September 13, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      🇧🇷 Uma tarde em Milão, com o pouco tempo que tinha e sem programação caminhei pela cidade cerca de 15km. passando pela famosa Catedral de Milão, Duomo de Milão, a Galleria Vittorio de Emanuele ll, o Castello Sforzesco e antes de finalizar o dia , o Arco della Pace.

      🇦🇷 Una tarde en Milán, con el poco tiempo que tenía y sin planear, caminé por la ciudad unos 15km. pasando por la famosa Catedral de Milán, Duomo de Milán, la Galleria Vittorio de Emanuele ll, el Castello Sforzesco y antes de terminar el día, el Arco della Pace.

      🇺🇸 One afternoon in Milan, with the little time I had and without planning, I walked around the city for about 15km. passing by the famous Cathedral of Milan, Duomo of Milan, the Galleria Vittorio de Emanuele ll, the Castello Sforzesco and before ending the day, the Arco della Pace.
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    • Day 42 - Milano

      August 20, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Today is our last full day in Italy, seeing we had a late night from the spa last night, it was a slow morning. Also most things don’t open until 10am so wasn’t in a rush.

      After breakfast at the apartment we caught the metro into town. We started the day off at the Duomo, we weren’t going in or up it but had a walk around it. We had to dodge the normal scammers, trying to give you/pay for bird seed for the pigeons (rats with wings) and the ones trying to help take pictures of you.
      We moved to the side of the Duomo to Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, a luxurious shopping centre with shops that we were only too happy to window shop from.
      We walked around the area of San Babila which again had shops that Katie opted to window shop from thankfully. We were hoping to find a certain store with the bag Katie has her eye on, unfortunately due to this time being the main time Italians take off, a lot of the smaller shops were shut.

      We ended up out in an area called Guastalla, again another store shut so we found some lunch. I found a pizzeria called Spontini, they do pizza by the slice and isn’t the average Italian pizza. Thick and crispy base, Katie had margarita and I had one that ended up having blue cheese & bacon on it. It was fantastic.
      We took the metro to the Brera area and walked around the narrow streets, by this time it was getting hot, Katie’s feet had gone back to their normal European ways, so we opted to head to central station to figure out the bus ride in the morning.
      With stuff all help about the morning bus we made one last stop before heading back to the apartment.

      We went to Shoah Memorial of Milan, this exhibit is the spot where many carts got loaded with Jews to get either sent to Asuchwitz or camps in Italy during the war. The carts were loaded at night under the main tracks, they were then shunted forward, moved to the elevator and the cart would rise to the main tracks then hooked up to a locomotive to move. This was so it was out of site of the normal business of the railway station through the day.
      They have carts on display, the elevator that was used, videos of survivors, a library for survivors stories and a classroom for students to come and learn.

      After this we headed back to the apartment, Katie had a nap and I had a beer and caught up on finding penguins.

      We headed out for dinner in the area we are staying in, we ended up at the bar NoLoSo, they offer a drink and an appetiser for 12euro each. I obviously had a spritz, the first appetiser board came out and we were kind of taken back, is that what we paid for?! Then the second came out and it was a great feed!

      We headed back to the apartment to pack ready for our flight in the morning.
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    • Day 8


      June 18, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Von Turin ging es über die Autobahn nach Milano. Da das Hotel gerade einmal 50 vom Domplatz liegt, war es etwas schwierig mit dem Auto 🚗 zufahren. Ohne Navi hätten man es fast nicht geschafft. Das Sheva boutique Hotel ist mehr ein b and b als ein Hotel. Frühstück gibt es hier nicht.Read more

    • Day 5

      Verona to Bellano on lake Como

      June 9, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      After loading up our rucksacks and making sure that Jacqueline didn’t have the lightest rucksack after day 1…we undertook the short 5 minute walk to Verona train station, where we had bought tickets for our trip to Bellano. But we were going to spend a few hours in Milano. We managed the trains easily and got the correct train to Milano. Andrew was moaning because he was under the impression that the Doumo was a shopping centre and a very expensive one at that. Meanwhile his travel companions were happy to let him think this!!

      On arrival at Milano Centrale (which was built in a tribute to Mussolini) we dumped our bags at the luggage centre paying a small fortune for the privilege….we hadn’t discovered nanny bags at this point…..we managed to find the underground system and bought tickets to the Doumo a few stops later with Andrew expecting a shopping centre- we came up the escalator to the wonderful sight of Milan cathedral and with an audible “wow!” From Andrew - everyone else had a wee laugh. One of those moments that will live with us forever. The cathedral itself was awesome even for the atheists among our group. With Team Disabled getting priority entry - it was a really pleasant morning.

      Lunch was at a ramen bar not too far away, and was excellent. Lots of tourists and perhaps a pickpocket paradise it was a bit intimidating at times. We got entry to the cathedral museum too, but the collection was vast and I think we had perhaps had a bit much religious symbolism at this point to fully appreciate the works of art on offer…and with a further train trip and a replacement bus to negotiate….thoughts turned to how we were going to get to Lake Como.

      We moved back to Milano Centrale and after waiting for an age on the most uncomfortable seating ever…..we boarded a very crowded train to Lecco (replacement bus would take us the rest of the way)….the train was stuffy and unbearable hot and with a Dutch lad setting with his legs wide open directly opposite Michelle it was great when left Milano some 35 mins late.
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    • Day 10

      Milan (Pt 2 - Duomo di Milano outside)

      July 19, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 34 °C

      The Duomo di Milano is the largest church in Italy and the largest gothic church in the world. It is decorated by 3,400 statues, 700 further marble figures (unsure what the difference is though), 135 spires, and 96 gargoyles. There's 52 pillars inside, a very accurate sundial, and the church claims to also possess one of the nails that held Jesus to the cross. Until the 60s, the cathedral was the tallest building in Milan thanks to the 4 metre high statue Madonnina on its highest spire.

      Construction began in 1386, the facade was completed in the 1810s after Napoleon was crowned King of Italy at the Duomo, and the cathedral was only officially finished in 1965 (although as you'll see from the pictures work continues today).

      It's a pretty incredible structure and work of art. Very fascinatingly, paying visitors like our good selves can also walk around on its roofs. All except the first and last photo are taken from the roof.
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    Piazza del Duomo

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