United States
Yakutat City and Borough

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    • Day 205

      At Sea: En Route to Hubbard Glacier

      July 4, 2023 ⋅ ☁️ 54 °F

      Happy 4th of July to our US readers … on and off the ship.

      Today we get to see a glacier we’ve not seen before.

      But first, we are spending much of the day at sea to get there for our designated entry time. I understand there are 6 ships visiting the glacier today, and entries are timed to avoid “traffic congestion.”

      We had a busy morning … the highlights of which were the taking of the official RTW2023 photo on the pool deck, for which the sun cooperated beautifully (thanks Cella for a “preview copy), and lunch with OCA Cella, and fellow passengers David and Roger. That a hilarious lunch ensued goes without saying.
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    • Day 14

      At Sea- Hubbard Glacier

      June 7, 2022 ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      We started the day with coffee and pastries delivered to the room. How very civilized.

      After a very busy land tour, we were very happy to have a sea day, be able to sleep later, and have a chill day.

      About 3 pm we began to cruise along Hubbard Glacier. There just aren't words...

      In addition to the enormous glacier, we saw Sea lions basking on ice chunks, and an otter out for a swim.

      We had dinner at the French Bistro- Scallops, Goat Cheese croquettes, Fruits de Mer, and Poire Helène for me, Escargots, Fruits de Mer and Maron Clementine for Wayne, and Scallops Duck a L'Orange, and a Chocolate mousse log with a lovely Pinot Noir for Julianna. The waiter also brought us a Floating Island that was quite delicious.

      Julianna and I went to the "Rock You Tonight" show featuring music from the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Something for everyone. Then at 10:15 we went to watch sunset. It was the first sunset I'd seen while in Alaska, since the sun set at almost 2 am when we were in Fairbanks. This was a Very. Long l. Sunset- and then it still didn't get very dark for a long time.

      With memories of another spectacular day, we turned in.
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    • Day 11

      Naha, Okinawa

      November 19, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ -6 °C

      Okinawa is Japan's version of Hawaii and also the location of a decisive battle towards the end of WWII in the Pacific. Dominic chose to go on a tour of the battle sites while I opted to learn the traditional dyeing technique of Bingata. Bingata is a similar process to batik except wax was substituted by a starch mixture. My effort will be revealed in a couple of days once it has cured and I have washed out the starch.Read more

    • Day 11

      Two Sea Days

      November 19, 2023 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 -7 °C

      After a hectic week of visiting various ports it was very relaxing to have 2 days at sea. We were happy to laze around in our cabin reading in between toddling off for cocktails and meals. One thing we did manage to do on one of the sea days was a cooking class which we really enjoyed. The theme was the 5 tastes (sweet, sour etc) and applying it to your home cooking. And matching wines to enhance these tastes. More drinking and eating....Read more

    • Day 48

      Morgenstund hat……….

      September 24, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 4 °C

      Gegen 8:00 wurde ich wach, der Hubbard Gletscher sollte gegen 9:00 erreicht werden. Eisschollen auf dem Wasser zeigten, dass wir wohl früher am Ziel sein würden.
      Der Gletscher ist, wie alles in USA, das größte, schönste, Höchste……. in der Welt.
      Der Gletscher ist 122 km lang, durchschnittlich 4,9 kn breit und kommt aus dem Yukon Territories ( bekannt aus Dagobert Duck, Klondike)
      Und alles bei herrlicher Morgensonne .
      Und breakfast , not at Tiffany, aber mit herrlicher Aussicht
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    • Day 12

      Sailing into Disappointment Bay

      August 19, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 3 °C

      Disappointment Bay is where the Hubbard Glacier reaches the ocean. Small floating ice is all around us as we progress as close as we can. Over the 2 1/2 hours we are here, we get to within 1.5 nautical miles of the glacier face.Read more

    • Day 5

      Day 5 - Hubbard Glacier

      September 20, 2023 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 5 °C

      Today was at sea and sailing to the Hubbard Glacier. The weather was awful, raining hard and miserable 🌧️ so I wondered how much we'd see in the murky greyness. Having never seen a glacier I didn't realise it's really white and you can't fail to see it whatever the weather 🤔. Hubbard is the largest in the North American continent and is still growing, in contrast to most glaciers which are shrinking - 11,000 feet above sea level and 76 miles long. It was stunning even in pouring rain - very white and blue. Googled why it looks blue but it's a very scientific explanation which I don't understand (physics wasn't my strong point much to my dad's dismay 😉).
      After taking all the pics, and getting soaked, we got changed and went to sit in one of the lovely quiet bars with a coffee and a gin and tonic to do some crosswords. Are we showing our age??
      Had a chilled afternoon and then I went to the spa for a 75 min massage and facial - was quite painful to be honest, particularly down the sides of my legs and my lower back, which the therapist said was due to the tightness because of my knees. I've booked Mark in for an acupuncture session to try and ease his back.
      We'd booked dinner in one of the speciality restaurants, which you have to pay extra for, and the whole experience would have been lovely except I was starting to feel ever so slightly seasick 🤢. The sea was really choppy and the restaurant was right at the back of the boat, our table (apparently one of the best) looked out over the water. Had it been really calm this may have been amazing but looking at waves bouncing up and down in the dark wasn't any good for me and I struggled to enjoy the food.
      We'd wanted to go to the Abba singalong and dance but sadly I just wanted to lie down and take a sickness pill 😦. It did the trick anyway and I went straight to sleep. Happy days 😋
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    • Day 38

      Hubbard Glacier

      August 28, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 7 °C

      Heute gibt es Alaska wie aus dem Bilderbuch - schneebedeckte Berge, Gletscher, Seelöwen und das bei strahlendem Sonnenschein. Was soll ich bei den Bildern noch sagen.
      Beim Lesen auf dem Balkon am späten Nachmittag muss ich aufpassen keinen Sonnenbrand zu bekommen.Read more

    • Day 3

      Hubbard Glacier

      June 12, 2023 ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      We sailed all night and all morning across the northeast corner of the open Pacific Ocean. The seas and winds were favorable, though not exactly calm. I was awakened several times over the night by that old, familiar motion of the seas aboard a ship. That ponderous movement, as she rides up to the crest of a swell, that sense of the deck moving away from you as she drops down the other side, that slight shudder as the weight of the ship encounters the next swell and her downward movement is arrested. All accompanied by the low omnipresent growl of the engines propelling you ever forward.

      I found the next morning that while the motion may be familiar, my sea-legs are 20 years out of practice. It took me until mid-morning before I stopped weaving back and forth down the passageways. By lunchtime we had come close to land and entered a narrow fjord, and soon we were face-to-face with a massive wall of ice. Hubbard Glacier. We stood at the bow as the glacier emerged from the mist, the cold air sharp in our nostrils. The water was calm, clouds hung low over the snow-kissed hills. Small icebergs littered the area between us and the glacier which stood across the water like a blue-white dam, giving proof of the dynamic process that calves these bergs from their mother.
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    • Day 11

      Alaska Day 11 Yakatat, AK

      July 17, 2019 ⋅ ⛅ 57 °F

      A very early start to the day. Ferry was supposed to dock at 5 AM however we had some rough seas last night and were about an hour behind schedule. Yakatat is a tiny, sleepy fishing village, population ~600 with it’s claim to fame of Fat Grandma’s Cafe for breakfast. So off we went to find Fat Grandma’s. A short walk in a forested area, so green and “clean” smelling. Had rained last night. Quite the eclectic store cafe - combination eatery, general store, curio shop and lending library. 😂. Alice and Diane drank coffee while I went for a walk. Found the post office and the Glassdoor Bar, and the Liquor Store, both in the same building for convenience. Short outing as we had arrived late and back on the sea by 8:30. Last stop until our final destination tomorrow AM, Whittier, AK
      Breakfast and back to the puzzle for the morning. Alice has a short attention span for the puzzle and decided to paint. Pic #1 below is one of her products.
      A real change in scenery today. The forested hills have become snow covered mountains as we travel North and get closer to our destination. More of Mother Nature’s best.
      Had to take the puzzle down about 2/3 finished. 😱. Dinner and prep for leaving at 6 AM tomorrow. I am ready to get off this ferry! 😂😂😂
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Yakutat City and Borough, Ville-arrondissement de Yakutat

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