  • Day 23

    Oxford to Paris via London

    September 14, 2015 in France ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Another full day of travel, all their way from Pxford , through London and I to the heart of Paris.
    We woke bright and early to finish packing and get to our car for our early train to London. Dropping the car off went without a hitch and out train was on time but slow to get I to London. We transfered through Paddington to Kings Cross and St Pancras international train station. Had all of my baggage inspected as a had a small hunting knife that I bought in Greece.. what a hassle! But got there in the end and through passport control with no worries.
    The Eurostar zoomed through the British countryside, the channel tunnel and up into France with ease. It was misty and raining in France but by the time we got into Paris it had cleared up. A quick commute through the Paris underground and we emerged next to Notre Dame for our quick walk to the Isle de Saint-Louis on the Seine river; we traipsed up a few spiral staircases and into our pokey little French flat.
    After a quick sorting out of rooms we went to find some late lunch and do a little shopping.
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