Italia !!!

agosto - septiembre 2023
Hot gals take on Italy! Leer más
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  • Día 3


    24 de agosto de 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    The gals are back together!!!! This time taking on Italy 😎 early start to our first trains to Gatwick, a v easy flight and we landed in Milano. Sooooooo hot it’s insane - like 35 degrees at 10pm we are 2 sweat balls. Had a walk around the city but a nap was needed v quick with the heat and me being me. We were both very impressed w it though it’s prettier than I thought it would be! Went to a hostel bar and ended up standing outside the Duomo for a couple of hours feeling like 14 yr olds drinking in the park - but with a better view. Met some nice people and celebrated a 21st but felt v hungover the next day heading to Lake Como! Was a very intense experience trying to get on the bus to Bellagio (didn’t make it and got elbowed in the head a lot) and realised that Como is only designed for people who can pay for a water plane as transport ie not us - surprising I know but don’t worry we’ll be back when we’re rich!! Aimee got her swim (don’t know what would have happened if we didn’t) and it was very pretty. Another nap and more pasta pesto ofc then went to the hostel bar again! Hadn’t even poured our wine before we got bombarded by man after man coming over :// Some were nice but it was very overwhelming and I would happily not talk to another man for the rest of the trip. Didn’t pay for a single drink but tbh I’d have rather been able to speak more than 2 words to Aimee without being interrupted ://// finally met some lovely girls who tried to save us (thanks queens), went to another bar and both ended up crying in the street over how annoying men are - ofc one stopped stared and asked for a kiss as we were doing this 🙃🥰😘 thought Aimee was gonna deck him but made it home safe and now on the train to Cinque Terre!! Onto the next place where we plan to have 0 drinksLeer más

  • Día 4

    Gorgeous Cinque Terre

    25 de agosto de 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    After 3 hours sleep we got the train to Cinque Terre and wow what an amazing place!! We were shattered so managed 2/5 of the towns that eve before crashing but still did all the steps up to Corniglia and the beach place Monterosso for a lil pizza and ice cream. Then an amaaaaazing sleep in an air conditioned private room 😍😍😍 next day got up early to go to the shop to get stuff for breakfast and lunch (£4 for it all we are saver queens) then headed back to Monterosso to start our hike. It was sweaaaty and we struggled at first but the views of Vernazza made it definitely worth it!!! A swim was needed before eating our amazing focaccia sandwiches and hopping onto the train to Manarola. This place was again beautiful and we watched people jumping off rocks before we stopped for a coke to cool down (€5 not quite budget queen behaviour :/ ) also got told we couldn’t play cards because it’s illegal in Italy ??? We were baffed just let me play shithead 😭 onto the final town of Riomaggiore for a mooch and a smaller walk to play where’s wallie with the people and colourful umbrellas!! Decided we fancied another meal of bread and cheese (what can beat it) and a sunset swim followed by people watching!! Then it was time to say goodbye to Cinque Terre but we’ll both be back (again with more money- finding there’s a bit of a theme with Italy). Now at the train station where we keep getting told our overnight train is more and more delayed :( will see if we make it to Pompeii!Leer más

  • Día 7

    Pompeii, Sorrento and the Amalfi Coast!

    28 de agosto de 2023, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    After a long overnight train we arrived in our slightly strange accommodation for the next 2 days - a room filled with 27 bunk beds which must have been for kids bc they were tiny - it was cheap so we didn’t mind. Spent the eve in Sorrento which was lovely, had the most tasters ever at a limoncello shop and stumbled out slightly tipsy 😂 then Pompeii the next day which was crazy!!! We went into Naples for the evening and weren’t too impressed apart from the €1.50 aperol spritz and beer included in the McDonald’s meal (how cld we say no). Next day checked into a more normal hostel filled with so many Aussies. Went to Positano for the day to feel classy but it rained all day :( was still lovely though!! Went to an Irish bar called ‘the English Inn’ which (shock) was filled with Brits - now onto Florence!!Leer más

  • Día 9

    Florence and Pisa!

    30 de agosto de 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    Onto our last place :( but it was gorgeous! Florence was sooo cute and we were very cultured! Went for an eve walk and stared at the Duomo for a longgg time pretending to be 14th century farmers - it is very impressive. Did a walking tour with the coolest tour guide (Aimee already knew all the info - renaissance nerd) but it was v cool. Then went to the gallery and saw lots of cool paintings!! We went out for dinner next to David but agreed that our pesto pasta was way better than what we both ordered lol :/ saw a very loud American wedding which all the Italians hated (shock) tried cannoli for the first time and absolutely rinsed a chocolate shop that gave out loads of tasters - one of the workers recognised us by our third visit 😭😭 then a quick trip to Pisa in a hostel with passive aggressive signs and a final pasta pesto dinner!!!Leer más