  • Päivä 16

    Day 5

    8. elokuuta 2016, Irlanti ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

    Today's walk was long (14+ miles), but mostly easy. We walked over a small hill, during which it poured rain. We were soaked through. About the time we were mostly dried out, we hit a looooong stretch on small roads. After the roads, thankfully we did a long stretch of beach walking followed by beach cliff walking. Sadly, we finished the day with a stretch on a fairly busy road. By the time we hit the first long road stretch the sun had appeared and I am now sporting a very red face and neck. I guess spf 50 is no match for Irish sunshine. Hee.

    Along the way we also stopped by a lovely pottery store, and found a very pretty teapot to add to my collection. They also had restrooms so no peeing on the side of the trail today!

    All in all it was a good day, though my feet and ankles hurt quite a lot this evening. I'm guessing that's partly due to the road walking and partly all the harder stretches catching up with me.

    Our bnb tonight is in the middle of nowhere but has a restaurant and bar downstairs so is surprisingly busy. Mom, Bill and I are taking a rest day tomorrow, while Dennis and Jerry tackle Mount Brandon. I think my feet will appreciate the rest.
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