  • Dag 35

    Leaving Cadiz

    28. februar 2019, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    It's been a beautiful day here, 20c with a slight breeze, and at home it's 11c, cloudy with overnight rain. Hohum! Tomorrow we get a taxi from here to Jerez airport for the flight home, and if everything works ok we should be home late afternoon. It's Andulcia day here today, a public holiday, and the bars and plazas are full of people, families, and kids having a good day in the sun, and this weekend is the start of carnival, the biggest carnival in Spain and the city is full, people come in from Jerez and further for festivities and the hotels and rooms are all full - apparently the trains to Jerez first thing in the morning are packed with partying people going home from all-nighters. This morning we walked out along the causeway to one of the forts, and then to through one of the parks along the shore. This evening I think a last tapas bar crawl!Les mer