  • Día 3

    Last Day in Singapore

    4 de septiembre de 2019, Singapur ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    This is a great city and you could easily stay a week - great food (cheap restaurants have fantastic food at a really good price) and people really are quite friendly and helpful. I’m not sure why but strangers seem comfortable in coming up for a chat. Had the usual couple of people come up and offer directions, but also some others being a bit more personal.

    One local guy stopped as we crossed paths and critiqued my face telling me it was a lucky face and that I would have 3 very good pieces of luck in my lifetime (I’m about 2/3 of the way through so I guess there will be a plethora of good luck shortly). The last time a random walked up to me like that was in Nimbin and he just tried to sell me drugs!! Next I had an elderly lady (in China town) offer to remove a couple of moles on my neck for $5 a piece....

    When it rains here it really is a tropical downpour - I was out for a walk this morning and out of the blue (almost literally) it felt like someone just decided to tip a bucketful water over me. At least it cooled things down.

    Anne has her little bit of luxury- a massage (I think she needed it after all the walking).

    Dinner tonight then and early to bed - we’ll have to be at the airport about 7am.

    See you in Paris tomorrow night (15 hours flying, so that should be fun).
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