traveled in 4 countries Read more
  • Day 21

    Whales and Irish Roots

    February 9, 2019 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    On way to Kaikura stopped at small town of Rotherham for tea and cake!! Met the owner Moira from Glasgow who recommended staying at Donegal Hotel outside Kaikura. The family home to the Boyd's from Donegal since 1860,s It was a farm now a hotel and campsite.typical white Irish cottage 6 acres of beautiful gardens and non stop Dubliners etc.Had a drink with the owners partner after signing in then off to discover Kaikoura. Not very interesting place touristy. Had been hit by an earthquake 2 years ago but didn't see any signs. Had dinner in local pub trying to find wi fi that worked. Returned to campsite and after having a large cider even though there was draught Guinness on tap and listened to non stop pogues decided to go to bed as early startRead more

  • Day 20

    Hanmer Springs

    February 8, 2019 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    Had a walk round Reefton before leaving for Hammer Springs campsite .....need a shower and to do washing!!! Reefton the first town in NZ to have electricity. it's part of the NZ Goldfields and the largest nugget ever found in NZ came from there. It ended up in England in a tea set for King George🤔the town centre itself looks like an old cow boy town from the film's.Wide street,boardwalk and verandas .The people are really welcoming and we had a good time in the hunting shop discussing gun laws and then in the art gallery. We then set off until we got to Lake Daniel for coffee and cake ( again!!).we met a lovely couple from East Anglia who bought a motorhome and now spend 6 months in UK and 6 months driving round NZ in mobile home ..what a way to lessen electricity bills!!eventually reached the top ten site in Hammer Springs.First job get the washing do e then a hot shower ..bliss😁😁😁the site is quite small and we probably let the side down hanging washing over fences and hedges to dry. To be fair it was so hot it dried in an hour . Had Dutch neighbours who we spent some time with and an English man travelling on his own since last November so he was good for I formation .Hammer Springs has lots of thermal baths etc seems like a trendy place and in the winter they ski there. We're off to Kaikura tomorrow to whale watch on Sunday. Still worried about the forest fires further north ,may have to change plansRead more

  • Day 18

    Foxs and Franz Josef glaciers

    February 6, 2019 in New Zealand ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    We set off heading g north up through My Aspiring National Park and the Haast Pass. Again the scenery is stunning and only small communities not big enough at times even to call them villages.The temperatures are remaining high trying to remember to drink and cover yourself in Deet for the sandflies is hard😭😭😭We are both eaten alive with them .We were warned about them They must be related to Scottish midges. Having left the trees of the national park we went along the coast road having seen our first view of the Tasman Sea. A very different type to the Pacific much bigger waves too rough to swim 🤔Bruce Bay was lovely .Eventually we reached Fox Glacier Chris had been there 20 years ago when she walked on it .Now you can get to 450 meters of it after a 1 1/2km walk.but you see. Hardly anything. I couldn't make the whole walk as it was too tough so went back for the and .y book! Very disappointed.when you see where it was in 1935 and 1750 you realize climate change is real. Onwards t m lo Franz Josef glacier. There is again a long uphill track which I can't do. But slightly more to see.From a track leading g to Gillespies beach we looked back and saw a far better view of Fox glacier and it looked like one.😃we headed on up the coast to Greymouth.after lunch at the beach, not the nicest one, we re used to, and carried on north to Pancake Rocks. Well worth the long drive.strange rock formations and weird caves caused by the sea..A well earned ice cream was eaten while watching the world go by. Onwards again,I feel like been on the road for days and made it to Redfin for the night. Our 4th freedom camp in a row.Roll on a Top Ten site for hot shower and so.e Washing😆😆
    Read more

  • Day 17

    Does Mt. Cook exist?

    February 5, 2019 in New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

    Off we tracked to Mt Cook through the centre of NZ. From grassland to mountains, forests to lakes the most incredible turquoise blue surely someone has put a huge pot of dye in them .As we headed we realised there was cloud.....not only cloud but Mt. Cook had gone!!! As we arrived....rain!!!! We sat around went to the Edmund Hilary I formation centre, which is fantastic . Eventually gave up and took the long road to Wannaka. We found a lovely campsite and settled down with the rest of the wine whilst the river flowed past the site.Read more

  • Day 16

    Queenstown and boats

    February 4, 2019 in New Zealand ⋅ 🌙 7 °C

    Travelled to Queenstown for some tourist time. Very busy beautiful setting. Met a nice Belfast lad who organised Shotover jet ski ride absolutely great fun but got soaked as sitting in outside!! Of course had to get photo, video etc at the end!!. Great Icecream here can recommend Patagonia on the harbour . Headed if as we're aiming for Mt Cook so got past Cromwell and found a camping stop. Just settled down for night when car and security arrived to check us. Didn't open doors but spike through blinds; he was satisfied we were ok as we have a self contained van so can park up anywhere .Forgot to mention sandflies😱😱😱😱😱😱worse than mossies you don't hear them!!!!only thing wrong with NZ😱😱😱Read more

  • Day 15

    Milford Sound

    February 3, 2019 in New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Off at 0800 with 15 others and Bruce the guide. Apparently it should have rained for last 2 weeks to get the best views of the sound and 500+ waterfalls.....oh well. Bruce very informative and made lots of photo stops.eventuslly arrived at the sound and boarded boat for the cruise. Beautiful scenery and lots of photos. Have got to say they won't do it justice.The sheer size is amazing. Only 2 big waterfalls Stirling and Lady Byron to be seen .apparently if you get wet from Stirling Falls you.ll look 10 years younger tomorrow😊 here,s hoping!!.Out to the Tasman sea and then back into the sound. The only wildlife we saw were fur whales or dolphins😧 We then went to the underwater observatory that has been built. You walk down 60 steps underwater to a glass o servatory. Not sure whose watching who or the fish etc😱.After we went back on the boat to the dock and then carried on back to Te Anau. On the way we stopped at a sheep farm to watch them shearing. They average about 300 sheep each a day. Back breaking work ...needless to say I went looking for the dogs who were very sorry looking....not like my spoilt boys. Back at Te Anau we stopped off for our pint of Isaacs cider before getting back to camp to get dinner ready. Let's see what tomorrow brings, as yet no plans but heading for QueenstownRead more

  • Day 14

    Te Anau and an Indian

    February 2, 2019 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    Off to Te Anau via Nightcaps and Mossburn. Stopped to admire house in Nightcaps and owner a masseuse invited us in It was the original courthouse, then a church and now private dwelling. All wood inside looked like a ship's hull .At Mossburn found The Dome cafe. Highly recommended for cakes and coffee. Honestly we don't do this all day but have to give credit😎😎 on to Te Anau to campsite. Got to give credit to Top 10 campsites. They are excellent, clean all facilities well laid out. We,ve booked in for 2 days . After freedom camping for three days need a shower, get the laundry done and top up water and electricity to charge everything .Free wi fi so can catch up with this and messages .beautiful site right opposite the lake..went for walk around town which is buzzing pint of cider in gastro pub ( note no food had here,) Back to book trip to Milford Sound tomorrow. After catching up with jobs got dressed up!! No shorts,!! Off for an Indian and an early night as early start tomorrowRead more

  • Day 13

    Heading south

    February 1, 2019 in New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Left in a rainstorm to head south but it had gone after about 20 mins..down through the Caitlin's. On one side the coast on the other rainforest and sheep 😍down to the beaches just can't believe how white and empty they are. Saw dol0hins swimming in Curio Bay . Carried on to Slope Point the southernmost part of mainland NZ The wind was in redible.Two you g men had been swept off the rocks 2 days ago and still searching Met Sheila White a lady from Treorchy Wales married to a Kiwi farmer. She invited us home for the and banana and chocolate chip cake ..who could resist😎😎Had a nice time , her Welsh accent came out the more she spoke to Chris!!her 18 yearold son came in having g sheared600 sheep's bums that morning .Off to Invercargill tonight.Not impressed with Invercargill Had a drink and eats in a bar whose name defeats me and headed out of town to campsite at Alex McKenzie Arboretum about an hour's drive away. Met a lovely American family in a VW camper, don't know how they all fitted in!! We re off to The Anua tomorrow do early nightRead more

  • Day 12

    Caitlins here we come

    January 31, 2019 in New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Left campsite in heatwave which carried in all to 33c at on stage. Stopped at Balclutha information office which is really good for local info. Headed off to Kaka Point for excellent coffee and views then on to Nugget Point to see seals ,cormarants and fantastic views. Got to say these beaches are fabulous, miles of white sand and empty .then headed to Pounawea an inlet very quiet for break from driving. The road is the main highway but we keep turning off. Not much traffic but very hilly. Scenery here is very green and lots of sheep one of which tried to hitch a ride while Chris driving😱😱😱on then to Papatowai to see the Lost Gypsy. He,s an artist who makes automatons from junk. Really laid back, arty man who has obviously abandoned the rat race.Next to him was the ice cream seller who is also a park ranger. We got the biggest most delicious ice creams we,be had from him, a long conversation about saving the area and directions to a free campsite right on Tautuku Bay. Again an unforgettable empty beach and still in the high 20,s .He did warn us about a storm due tonight so don't park under the trees. Also don't,t wander off the tracks in the's like a jungle. The sandflies have now appeared and luckily find Chrissy far tastier😁😁😁Rain started during the night!Read more

  • Day 11

    Albatross or Albatri??

    January 30, 2019 in New Zealand ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Up early to get in and sort out parking ticket. Just had to fill out proforma....if they want to chase me to Ireland for 40 dollars they,re welcome😁. Out to albatross sanctuary in Otago peninsula fabulous to see them for real apart from the climb up!! Have got to say everybody we have met so far Kiwis and rest have been really friendly. All travellers are in same boat so we all share info.Took the Southern scenic route out to Taiera Mouth to camp ,It had various reviews good and bad but some were ,5 years old. Quiet , clean , a bit tatty but had showers toilets water laundry and electricity.Also dogs and chickens. Pauline who owned out a real character, she bought it from the old lady who ran it and has been doing it up gradually. Feet from the most fantastic beaches. We had our first swim in the Pacific. Nice bottle of red with neighbouring campers had a long chat about NZ.Read more

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