  • Hari 26

    Day 26: Split, Croatia

    16 Julai 2017, Croatia ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

    Today we got up early to catch our bus to Krka, National Park. It takes an hour and a half bus and a thirty minute ferry ride. It was worth it as the Falls were really nice.

    We took the path around the park, checked out all the viewpoints, had some lunch, sat in the sun, swam at the falls and finished off with some chocolate crepes before heading back to the ferry. Our Airbnb host opened up a bad door by serving us chocolate crepes when we got here...

    After we arrived back in Split, we checked out Diocletian's Palace, walked around the city a bit and caught the bus back to Storbec. We then went to dinner. Oh dinner. Meals take forever in Europe and the time after you finish your meal, to getting your check and paying it, is the longest part of it all. But the food is usually really good so we can't complain too much. Apparently it's rude to bring the bill without asking for it because then it's assumed that you're being kicked out. When at dinner, we were also mistaken for Australians by a British guy. Never had that happen before.

    To end the night, we bought a bottle of wine and enjoyed it on our balcony overlooking the water. It was a nice end to Split as we head out to Hvar tomorrow.
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