  • Dag 6

    Corliss Shelter

    15. september 2016, Forente stater ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

    I ended up all by my lonesome at the Tilliston Shelter, except for the mice. Not very good company. One of then tried to eat the draw string on my hiking shorts. The next Shelter was only 8 miles away, but I wanted to get more miles done. The one after that was 15 miles. Given the terrain I've been hiking in, I didn't think I'd make that. The plan became to hike as far as I could, then setup my hammock wherever I landed. Turns out the terrain was much easier, so here I am at Corliss after a 15 miler. On the way I stopped at a fire tower on the top of Mt. Belvedere. Perfectly clear day, so I could see the whole world from the top. Got lots of pictures with my real camera. I forgot to take one with my phone, so I messed up yet again. Sorry, I'll try to do better. This shelter is first class accommodation.Les mer