  • Giorno 35

    Intermediate intermezzo

    21 gennaio 2020, Sud Africa ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Toyota's D-4D 3.0 L diesel engine (173 hp) seems to be in good condition. We can professionally start it with a screwdriver and I am proud of my Polish roots :-D
    They did compression and injector tests, the fuel system and tank were examined, etc. They complained about the yellowish German diesel in my tank and thought that it must have been 5-7 years old :p Next step would be unmounting the injectors and running them in a testbed but that would take another few valuable days and we don't see a reason. I keep the guys busy until my spares arrive: they will install a secondary fuel filter. Saw horrific filters after dudes were passing the Kalahari.

    Meanwhile we got another Polo Vivo for 2 days and are heading to West Coast National Park for bird watching with Wurstdaniel's special equipment. He brought a truckload of lenses, tripods, books and flux compensators. Ooh these ecologists ...
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